20 months in prison for a Facebook post is insane. The UK has fallen. pic.twitter.com/duT8y8oVQn
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) August 9, 2024
England Police say they will extradite and imprison Americans over social media posts pic.twitter.com/VB6sIyWWnE
— Paul A. Szypula ?? (@Bubblebathgirl) August 9, 2024
Reminder ? pic.twitter.com/NjchZ1kGyu
— Home Office (@ukhomeoffice) August 9, 2024
“You’re sheltering shitposters under your floorboards, are you not?” pic.twitter.com/7TpMLybbtY
— Sir Doge of the Coin ?? (@dogeofficialceo) August 9, 2024
I started writing this article last Thursday.
I scrapped the draft though after the events of the last week with Kamala Harris picking Tim Walz as her VP and with the riots and crackdown on British patriots in the UK.
In this series, I have generally focused on the relationship between activists, normies and politicians, and the thrust of my argument is that we need to develop a greater degree of self-awareness. As activists, we need to accept the fact that normies do not give a shit about our principles. Politicians are also not activists and have to navigate the sensibilities of their coalition and the general electorate.
I have already covered some of the pitfalls of being an activist based on my own experience: activist brain, the “worse is better” strategy, the tendency of activists treat their vote like a sacrament, navigating political winds and the misguided belief that losing is better than winning. I’m not chastising anyone. At various times, I have subscribed to this way of thinking as an activist. In election seasons, I have always oscillated between being positive and pragmatic and being negative and doctrinaire.
Losing sight of the fact that the Left is the enemy is another pitfall for activists. The definition of the enemy is someone who wants to seriously harm you. The enemy is not someone who is misguided or naive or retarded or incompetent or cringe or corrupt. The enemy is motivated by malice. The enemy is not someone in this scene who you have a major beef with. Those are private enemies and the sort of people who Christ was referring to when we are called to love our enemies and forgive them.
The enemy does things like this:

The Enemy Is Motivated By Hatred
Looking back on the Trump era, I think activists got frustrated and angry with Trump and conservatives whose politics are more moderate. By 2020, the mood had shifted to alienation and various attempts to appeal to the Left whether it was my “Alt-Center” phase where I could imagine a Populist Right / Populist Left alliance or the Third Positionism or “One Struggle” route that other activists traveled. Overall, there was a tendency among activists to write off the Right and strike out in some other direction.
In my case, I started reversing course very early in the Biden era. There was the fallout from January 6 which showed the damage that an empowered Left was capable of doing to civil liberties. There was Joe Biden blowing up the border in his first week in office. The single most important reason why I stopped and reversed course though was the mounting evidence in the polls that the events of 2020 – COVID, the Summer of Floyd, Trump losing the 2020 election – was having a radicalizing effect among conservatives. The evidence that the Right was on the move again continued to mount in 2022 and 2023. The gap between activists and conservatives has shrunk again over the last four years.
As for Trump, the ordeal he has been through with censorship, lawfare and physical violence with the assassination attempt has been clarifying. It has been WORSE than what happened to activists after Charlottesville. Trump was indicted on over 90 felony charges. The same people who tried to take us out in 2017/2018 have used the same methods to take Trump out. Donald Trump is an incompetent, corrupt narcissist, but he is not the enemy. In fact, he has at times taken arrows for activists like when he refused to condemn Nick Fuentes after the Mar-a-Lago dinner or after Charlottesville when Trump tried to “both sides” what had happened at Unite the Right. In contrast, “Dark Brandon” has unequivocally condemned activists as a domestic enemy since he announced his presidential campaign.
The main players in Charlottesville – Gov. Terry McAuliffe, hostile local officials, Antifa, the Kaplan and Dunn legal team with ties to Hillary Clinton – were ALL on the Left. The people who rioted and tore down our monuments during the Summer of Floyd were ALL on the Left. The people who incarcerated thousands of activists over January 6 were ALL on the Left. Finally, while the Right was in power for 14 years and ushered in a tidal wave of brown and black immigrants in the UK and deserved its defeat by Labour, the Left is now in the saddle and throwing thousands of activists in prison without even show trials.
Here in the United States, we have the First Amendment and Second Amendment. Virtually everyone else in the Western world would happily trade places with Americans. It is worth remembering that we still have these freedoms because Donald Trump won a fluke election in 2016. It was a near miss. It was as close as the bullet which tore through Trump’s ear. Where would we be today if Hillary Clinton had replaced Scalia, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court with anti-White DEI appointments like Ketanji Brown Jackson? Would we be like Jacinda Ardern’s New Zealand?
The events of the last week in the UK has brightly underlined the fact that normies often have better political instincts than college-educated activists. Normies revere the Constitution and will say things like they are motivated to vote for Trump to protect their freedoms which is actually a damn good reason to participate. The activist, however, will take for granted the freedoms he enjoys, disparage normies for not reading 100 history books and embracing every aspect of his ideology and downplay the threat posed by his enemies. The activist can be a danger both to himself and to everyone he misleads.
I don’t have to like Trump or believe Trump is the “God Emperor” or that he is going to Make America Great Again to recognize the fact that my interests are best served, especially as a political commentator, by keeping malicious shitlibs who want to crush free speech away from the courts.
As usual, the point of this article is to explain my own thinking because otherwise you would not understand the shifts in my position. I am not telling you to vote for Donald Trump. You are capable of making your own decisions. This is my attempt to flesh out my own inner monologue.
1. The Right finally moves on from Trump in 2028
2. The Alt-Right has terrible political instincts
3. Joe Biden has been a sedative as president
4. Activist brain blinds us and creates prejudice against conservative normies
5. Trump is the leader because he is the best of the Republicans
6. “Worse is better” is a cope and was tried in 2020 and maintains the status quo
7. Voting is not a sacrament. Few know this
8. Voting is not going to change anything about Zionism in the next four years
9. Activists have the chance to ride the Trump wave without making the same mistakes
10. Activists are running out of material because the Overton Window has shifted so much
11. Donald Trump is a hunted dog who has been backed into a corner
12. Donald Trump is a divider, not a uniter and his legacy will ultimately be useful for us
13. Winning is still better than losing at baseline
14. The Left is still the enemy and wants to take away our freedoms

Finally an article I have been waiting for, this for those who have read over the years my comments and thoughts on Occidental Dissent, has always been one of my fundamental points: the left is the enemy, whether black or white.
I have explained several times the reasons why the evil are these radical chicks who have held the U.S. and Europe hostage for the last 20 years with their woke policies and poor democracy. They want to impose their ideology and they hate us. Brad said something I have always said here: they are not acting out of naiveté but out of sheer malice against us.
P. S. The other week I was seeing posts on Instagram about the death of Teddy Von Nukem (activist in Charlottesville who committed suicide a year ago). Well below these posts you can see the joyful comments of those on the left wishing him hell and happy for his death. Among them is black antifa Daryl Lamont Jenkins.
DLJ celebrated the death of my father-in-law and is now in poor health himself.
And these are just a few of the many examples we could give that show how the left is anything but peaceful and loving. Even activists like Daryl Davis, who show themselves to be loving and friendly actually do so to convert (Davis himself used this term) their opponents.
They are no-good bastards.
” they are not acting out of naiveté but out of sheer malice against us.”
So very true .
I’ve seen it, over and over again, the sheer malicious delight they take in the suffering of good people.
And Joe Biden based his entire reason for running for president on Charlottesville and insists on praising all these Leftist lunatic radicals. Biden is/was beyond senile and had some of that same irrational hatred himself along with McAuliffe, Haley, Bellamy, Signer, Dixon, Squire, etc, etc and of course the Black police chief, Al Thomas, who conveniently resigned and has never been held accountable and brought to justice for causing all the chaos, mayhem by having the police stand down:
According to the [Heaphy] report, as brawling broke out between rally attendees and counterprotesters, Thomas said, “Let them fight, it will make it easier to declare an unlawful assembly.”
Thomas did not recall making that statement, which was cited in accounts by two other police employees, though he confirmed he waited to “see how things played out” before declaring an unlawful assembly, the report said.
“Chief Thomas’ slow-footed response to violence put the safety of all at risk and created indelible images of this chaotic event,” the report said.
The report also said Thomas initially tried to limit Heaphy’s team’s access to certain information by directing subordinates not to answer certain questions and made officers fearful of retaliation for speaking with investigators. And it said Thomas had deleted text messages relevant to the investigation and used a personal email account to conduct some police business, then denied having done so in response to an open records request.
Kevin Martingayle, an attorney for Thomas, has said the chief disputes that he deleted text messages, as well as other parts of the report.
Martingayle said Monday night that Thomas was not accepting interview requests. He declined to offer further comment on his behalf, except for saying that while Thomas was retiring “for now,” he has not ruled out other law enforcement opportunities in the future.
— NBC Newa, “Charlottesville Police Chief Al Thomas retires after criticism over rally”, 12/19/2017.
The sad thing is that all these pompous bought out politicians on the Right just keep silent about the travesty of justice, not punishing the ones who really caused all the violence that was allowed at Charlottesville. Most of the entire Right themselves are standing down just as the first Black police chief of Charlottesville, Al Thomas, did…
“England Police say they will extradite and imprison Americans over social media posts”
Americans should flood the Brits with based posting.
Don’t be surprised if the US does it. England and the US are both slave colonies of International Jewry. Look at what the US did turning over Ernst Zundel to the shitbag Canadians who then shipped him off to ZOG in Germany.
I would be extremely surprised.
Canada doesn’t have a Bill of Rights and Zundel was not a native of Canada. Canada and the USA are polar opposites in Rights of Freedom.
“2. The Alt-Right has terrible political instincts”
Normies have terrible reality instincts.
Actually liberal whites are root cause of all our problems. Without liberal whites, the Jews would have been thrown out from Europe centuries ago. Or never let in in the first place.
And liberal madness is genetical so we can not live together under illusion that they will change. Some sort of global Great Divorce is unavoidable.
“Without liberal whites, the Jews would have been thrown out from Europe centuries ago. Or never let in in the first place.”
Hmmm, I don’t know about that.
Christian theology gave the Jews a stack of privilege cards that they have used to the limit.
It does no such thing. Christianity as practiced for about 1850 years regarded them as the “Synagogue of Satan”. Only with the rise of perverted “enlightenment” notions about equality did jews manage to gain access to the level where they could overthrow entire societies. They were used by degenerate monarchs as tax collectors and money lenders but sometimes the monarchs turned on them and put them to the sword or expelled them. The whole dispute between Christ and the Pharisees (which all modern Judaism derives from) is over the writings that would become the Talmud some 500 years after Christ’s ascension. Judaism’s main holy book is the Talmud, not the “Old Testament”. The notion of Islam, Judaism and Christianity being all the same religion is a Jesuit and Masonic lie propagated in a big way starting in the 18th century.
Yes OK, very good, well said. The Talmud is the Religious Js holy book not the Old Testament… in my opinion many parts of the J ethno centric Old Testament Bible are horrible – Exodus and Esther. Are we supposed to pain a sign on our roofs that J people live under here so the genocidal J tribal Gid Jehovah doesn’t come to kill our firstborn male children ?
How about that fairy tale of this same J tribal Gid Jehovah parting the Red Sea?that s about as factual as the 6 Million gassed Js Holohoax.
And supposed non religious Js like anti racist speaker Tim Wise hate us as much as Talmudic religious Js. How about the likes of Harvey Weinstein or porn actor Ron Jeremy. What religious books are they reading from?
It s pretty much the same.
Js are an ethnic group. Race is too strong a word as they made with all around them, especially go for pretty Nordic a white women like Christy Brinkley and Dorothy Stratton and so sadly my beautiful , now departed step daughter.
Jes are an ethnic group like Italians, Irish or really surprisingly Arabs. Check out some political Arab and J matches like George Soros’s evil money changing Son with Hillary s former chief of Staff Abdella .
Js are mating close to all the thrones in still majority White nations. The horrible Labor party, anti White UK Prime Minister is apparently married to a Jewess.
We live in interesting times.
See my posting on the lavish treatment of Jews by the medieval church.
Christianity is what prevents the actual prescription from being applied.
Again AIPAC, you either have an animus against Christianity, or are woefully ignorant of what True, Historic Christianity (whether Prot or RC, Eastern or Western) have said about the CHRIST-Killers, for 2000 years.
I can’t help it there are heretics who ‘say they are Christians but are not’ (paraphrase of Rev. 3:9) but I would be the first to enact a heresy trial law, should Biblical Law make a comeback. THOSE JUDAIZERS (as they are called in Scripture) we have today, seek to be their own righteousness using MARXIST ideas and terminology- from antinomian Baptists, to Novus Ordo RC’s – with their Social Justice, Equality, Diversity, Worshiping the Nigger as Idol, ALL OF THESE are variations of the older JUDAIZING heresy, read through the lens of Marx, Frankfurt School, and a Talmudic worldview- which brings me back to the God-damned Jews, every single time. If I sound like a broken record, it’s because IT IS the JEWS, stupid!
And the ‘Christian Theology’ that is the WORST of these, is the ‘MUH IZZZ-RUH-HELL’ types who preach Rapture, Armageddon, and lawlessness.
THEY ARE NOT CHRISTIANS. They probably never were. I John 2:19 These are merely ‘useful idiots’ for the antichrist Jews.
And nothing more.
“Again AIPAC, you either have an animus against Christianity, or are woefully ignorant”
No Animus, some Christians are good folks and deeply sincere.
I see Christianity as a deeply flawed doctrine and chaotically ambiguous.
I know that Christianity has done many historic wrongs, of extreme stupidity and cruelty to the good.
In the 1200s, Jews fled the mongol invasion of Anatolia (Mongols despised Jews and Muslims) and were warmly welcomed into Spain, Italy and France, with the Catholic church giving them lavish land, tax and civil concessions.
{Rome is no true Church). This is the witness of Orthodoxy, All Protestant reformers, and most people alive during the reign of Ratzinger/Bergoglio. Even RC’s are fed up with the idiocies of Rome.
But that neither gives you the right (or me, even though I have ‘skin in the game’) to say Christianity is a ‘deeply flawed doctrine,’ etc. Reminds me of the old joke:
“Man says,’The Church is full of hypocrites’. Pastor says, ‘Well, why not join us? There’s always room for one more.'”
“THEY ARE NOT CHRISTIANS. They probably never were.”
Each Christian sect says that about other Christian sects.
So true. Different races are hurting us in different ways.
The Indians take our jobs and put downward pressure on wages.
The Chinese buy our farms and real estate and put upward pressure on values. They’ve also scooped up much of our manufacturing sector.
The nogs harm us with their street crime and drag on the welfare system.
The Muslims with their terrorism.
The Jews with their influence, wealth and infiltration into all our major institutions, enabling them to determine policy.
But the biggest enemy is ourselves, or more to the point, the white leftists. They are the enemy within that we can’t blame on anyone else. Without these internal traitors assisting, the external enemies would stand no chance of coming in.
Watch any leftist station; NBC, ABC,BBC, anything ending in “BC” and the barrage against us is endless. These outfits are also taxpayer funded.
“guilty of incitement, stirring up racial hatred”
How about, incitement , stirring up nation hatred, by providing money, weapons and mercenaries to fight against Russia?
Isn’t that “nation hatred”?
In the above court sentencing of the brit poster, why aren’t these folks using proxies or VPNs to evade this oppressive tyranny ?
> Normies revere the Constitution and will say things like they are motivated to vote for Trump to protect their freedoms which is actually a damn good reason to participate. The activist, however, will take for granted the freedoms he enjoys
The “activists,” to whom you refer disparagingly, are the ones that don’t take for granted whatever liberties we have left, as they are the only ones *exercising* them. Freedom is a hollow word on the tongues of the amerikwan masses. The “activists” are the ones who reveal the limits of our supposed right to free expression and the thanks they get from ignorant and cowardly “normies” is hatred and accusations of being agents of the Left (whatever the hell that means). In this the “activist” is much like the Mcmichael brothers and the “normies” are their neighbors who testified against them.
Perfidious Albion….you have earned this.
I believe what you (and many others) call “the left” (“Gov. Terry McAuliffe, hostile local officials, Antifa, the Kaplan and Dunn legal team with ties to Hillary Clinton – were ALL on the Left” etc.) is not The Left (Socialism) as such; and unlike the Right’s (and fake left’s) Class system, the real enemy that takes away freedom from the vast majority, Socialism provides the maximum of liberty for the vast majority. Instead of class division and endless war waged to protect private business monopoly, socialism promotes fraternity (brotherly love) among all the people of a nation, and among all nations. If the left as such is what you identify as being “the left,” then I would not be left either. But it isn’t. Populism and anarcho-libertarianism are not the answer. Without socialism there is no true nationalism. No republic without the peasants.
I no longer want to dignify these clowns by referring to them as the “left”. They are really just Church of Woke fanatics – a thousand times worse than Musloids at their most warlike. Aside from the Talmudic Satanists, who most here are well aware of, the most destructive element of this group are fellow whites who have drunk the Flavor-Aid. These are the rank and file apparachiks who are carrying out orders from appointed clown-princes like Two-Kier Tier.
Thank you (diolch) for understanding my position. I refuse to surrender the good name (“Left”) to the false ones. Michael Hudson, a semi-socialist economist, also understands, when says “we need a new (old) political vocabulary”: https://michael-hudson.com/2024/07/the-need-for-a-new-political-vocabulary/ He exaggerates only a little when he says:
“There are no ‘left-wing’ parties in the traditional meaning of the political left. The former left parties have joined the centrists, becoming pro-U.S. neoliberals. There is no counterpart to the old left in the new nationalist parties (…) The ‘left’ no longer exists in the way that it did when I was growing up in the 1950s. Today’s Social Democratic and Labor parties are neither socialist nor pro-labor, but pro-austerity. The British Labour Party and German Social Democrats are no longer even anti-war, but support the wars against Russia and Palestinians, and have put their faith in neoliberal Thatcherite/Blairite Reaganomics and an economic break from Russia and China. The social democratic parties that were on the left a century ago are imposing austerity and cutbacks in social spending….”
I agree. There are no left parties (as traditionally defined) any longer. The same is true of the right. The left has been replaced by neo-liberalism, the right by neo-conservatism which are really the same thing.
The perfect icon for the woke brit:
Adam Britton, BBC and National Geographic presenter, sentenced to 10 yrs in prison for raping and torturing to death over 40 dogs and puppies.
Adam Britton should be used a chum in an Amazonian River filled with piranhas.
Local farmers are better. Just a trip to a nearby Happy-Hollow Hog-Farm, where Porky and his homies will enjoy a quick meal. After which atoms disperse – as the atheist crowd likes to say. Most will be in the form of pig-shit which is somehow appropriate.
“chum in an Amazonian River filled with piranhas”
If that’s the punishment for dog mutilation, what’s the punishment for invaders raping and murdering WHITES ?
Something along the lines of what drug cartels do to rivals.
The punishment has to be so terrible that it has a deterrent effect.
Jimmy Saville, the King of Perverts, was a household name in the UK for many years, hugely popular and thoroughly evil. He was a superstar on the BBC whose leaders knew all about his crimes against women and children and covered up for him. Jimmy Saville diddled children, assaulted women and had a fetish about death, even committing necrophilia. He also raised huge sums for various charities giving him access to children and hospital patients while buying silence and influence from important people who could have stopped his crimes instead of enabling them. The BBC was and still is filled with scumbags, perverts, government toadies and assorted low-lifes.
“O’Hagan summed it up by saying: “Whatever else it has been in the past, paedophilia was always an institutional disorder, in the sense that it has thrived in covert worlds with powerful elites. Boarding schools and hospitals, yes, churches certainly, but also in our premier entertainment labyrinth.”
Jimmy Saville was just the most successful and egregious of a certain type found in premiere British institutions. Most of these horrible cretins have good manners and don’t make such a spectacle of themselves while indulging their perversions and crimes. They learn all about it in their boarding schools. Jimmy Saville played the clown because he wasn’t upper class and had no education after 14 YO.
Glad to see you wake up and smell the coffee. Sitting out the 2020 election had dire consequences.
The identity politics based “center left” obviously hates you. The class based left believes you’re diverting antagonisms that should go against the rich to other races.
Meredith Mynyddog writes:
“But it isn’t. Populism and anarcho-libertarianism are not the answer. Without socialism there is no true nationalism. No republic without the peasants.”
I respond:
True. But we , you still have to “sell” these programs, any programs that work at all to regular people and names, languages, branding are important.
Just as most of the US South – Black, White and other come from some nominal “Christian” heritage, it’s not going to work to offer, try to sell any system that is openly Anti Christian.
There are some historical reasons why most Americans speak English as our first language, not French (some Cajuns, Whites in Quebec, remaining Whites in France) , not German, not Mandarin Chinese, not Urdu or Arabic or Hebrew or Yiddish (Some Yiddish words and phrases are funny, I like em and use em), we’re not going to get anywhere in the USA, UK trying to get everyone to stop speaking English – don’ts matter what you call it “Populism, Free something, Paleos Conservatism – WHO CAME UP WITH THAT TERRIBLE NAME? IT SOUNDS LIKE A DYNASAUR THAT WENT EXTINCT LIKE WE”RE GOING TO GO EXTINCT. WAS THE WOKE, BIT* BUT LITE BRANDMANGER WHO DECIDED TO INSULT THE BUD LITE FRATERNITY BROTHERS BASE AND PITCH A TRANNY SPOKESPERSON, DID SHE COME UP WITH THAT TERM PALEO CONSERVATISM?”
That’s why I highly recommend folks here and related places study some instructional “how to” from men in America who knew how to do effective activism:
“Rules for Radicals” by Saul Alinsky – Alinsky knew not to push Abortion everything, atheism to working class Catholic Christian Americans. He knew not to serve ham and bacon to religious Jews he was trying to organize.
Yes, read, study start to implement Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” do activism that has a chance of working, not embracing losing ALWAYS LOSING OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN.
Another Man in America to study is our Late Great Chicago Mayor Daley Sr. Mayor Daley Sr won pretty much every single election local, state and even favorite son Presidential election he contested, similar to Huey Long.
The book to study is:
“Don’t Make No Waves Don’t Back No Losers”
And if anyone is interested in my advice on the next 3 months presidential election: ( I think I have ~ 2 loyal readers, fans – bot are from Latin American, Hispanic backgrounds, not SEC football addicts)
Please keep a low profile. Don’t talk to the media, press including the supposedly “Conservative” media – Fox News, National Review etc.
Instead just see who, what where is happening in your local area.
Be on the look out for local talent in candidates, campaign managers, fund raisers etc.
I hear some retired fake WWF wrestlers has won office in East Tennessee – that could be another Jessie Ventura.
Keep the faith, it looks like Merry Old England has fallen, same as Paris France.
Sadly, I don’t think that there is any doctrine or system that can jar people awake. It will take natural crisis and social disorder to change their outlook. That’s what we must prepare for, the time to present a workable system when the opportunity presents itself.
We need to form associations of people who are like minded to us.
Support WHITE media !
That is what Striker has been saying for years.
Europeans/Whites need an independent media, and its own version of Netflix.
Facts are:
The average person ‘normie’ is too self-centered and mentally indolent to see the wider and future consequences race destruction.
Is striker still doing podcasts ?
I haven’t followed him since the NJP breakup.
Yes. He and Warren Balogh do a long duration podcast every Thursday on Odysee called WarStrike.
> As for Trump, the ordeal he has been through with censorship, lawfare and physical violence with the assassination attempt has been clarifying.
How so? If anything the warning shot (which is what it had to be as the pros would never have missed a 400-foot shot) has resulted in more of the same BS we saw in 2020 (Obviously he got the message): So much pandering to Queen Chlamydia’s base – like inviting the gay-rapper Lil’ Pump to a rally. Besides the endless jewfellation (which is just a given with any Repuke now) we have also endless pandering to blacks, LGBTP, invading foreigners (as long as they be here legally), etc. As I responded to someone on another thread, voting for who gets into your statehouse and (maybe) congress is more important.
While one would hope that a Trump Justice Dept. would refuse extradition requests from City of London quacks running the Cuck Island squatter-regime, you really think lifetime swamp-creatures such as Bill Barr would refuse Two-Tier Kier? Hell even the fake-and-gay Jethro Bodine he picked for VP (the Hillbilly Bonesman) might even hand us over to that evil regime. Still as utterly worthless as he is apart from his amazing talent at grifting – surely the equal of Charles Ponzi – the only reason anyone would vote for his is that the other one (Heels Up and Tampon Timmy) are even worse than he is.
I will be voting against Trump, against the nigger the Reds nominated for Senate in my State, and against my incumbent Red Congressman who rose 58 times last month to applaud Satan in the Congress.
State and local will vote for Reds, though local in Virginia is officially non partisan. Everyone knows who is who.
In my eyes there is no case for Trump. Satan light is just not good enough
There can be a synthesis between progressive nationalists and leftists, but not rightists and leftists. As soon as nationalism becomes anti other races the synthesis breaks apart, due to disagreements on who to blame. People who think such a synthesis is possible confuse anti-zionism with antisemitism – the left wants no part of antisemitism.
In Trumps defence, he’s been out through a lot of rigmarole and drama to get to where he is. Then once in power, will have to walk on tightropes, eggshells and through hoops just to get anything done. The issue is the system, not the individuals who want to, but can’t effect change. Trump irritates the right people and groups. That alone should attract some admiration.
The truth is, no politician can be as right or leftwing as the public wants them to be. The system pulls them into the centre left once in power, and their hands are tied.
Who’s really in power; the public face that is the president, or the Jews behind the scenes? We all know the answer.
Solid and well-grounded article. I will also vote Trump 2024 as that us obviously better for us than Harris.
Your leftist too and motivated by hatred.
“The activist, however, will take for granted the freedoms he enjoys, disparage normies for not reading 100 history books…”
If normies read books on world and American history, they would be from a list they received from Prager U, and Oprah Winfrey’s Book Club selections.
. . . while getting their “news” from FOX TV.
“If normies read books on world and American history, they would be from a list they received from Prager U,…”
Another big deficit on our side, are any comprehensive websites teaching all the great achievements of WHITES in a systematic order, with detailed expansions.
WHITES, especially American WHITES, have a real antipathy for any substantial wide ranging eduction. The only time they give it even slight interest is if it has immediate vocational application.
We don’t have anything substantial refuting all of the zog media inversions of facts.
A global Fundamental Transformation in the simulation.
Red Diaper Baby (Barry/Kamal) Wonder Twin powers activate, the shape of Zimbabwe West South Africa for the world.
Blue Screen 404 not found Derelicts Ever Incompetent.
Imperium Simalacrum as manboons plays garbage in garbage out with the Alien Invasion.
Be of good cheer, comrade kommissar Kier the Queer will have a big stupid look on his face as the crocodiles don’t eat him last.
Excellent article, HW
The only reasonable case to be made here is that it is a complete waste of time to care about who wins any election. In the end the jews are in total control over all politics, until the the jewish problem has been dealt with all other things are angels on a pin type of debates.
“In the end the jews are in total control ”
No, not total.
They are very powerful, but not in total control.
If they were in total control, you and I wouldn’t exist.
Firstly, as a few others have already pointed out, Kamala is in no way, shape or form the left i.e. a communist or socialist.
She’s a shitlib.
Secondly, both shitlibs, AND neocons are my enemy, and that’s what Trump is, a neocon in all but a bit of rhetoric, just like W, HW and Reagan before him.
And what is a neocon?
A neocon is first and foremost a Jewish supremacist.
They want extreme nationalism (to the point of ethnic cleansing and genociding the Muslims AND Christians of Palestine) for Israel, and extreme globalism (open borders) for everyone else.
Besides being a Jewish supremacist, a neocon is also necessarily at least to some extent an Islamophobe.
That is because Islam is the most hostile force today against Jewery, it is no longer Christianity, long ago Christianity was pacified by liberalism and Judaism, that is why neocons and their shitlib counterparts spent over two decades bombing the shit out of anyone who didn’t bend the knee to Israel in the middle east.
Now secondly, neoconservatism is crony capitalism, which’s borrowing trillions of dollars we don’t have to spend, not on things we need like infrastructure, affordable housing, hospitals and schools, but on things we don’t need like protecting Israel while extorting and dominating every other nation state on planet earth, on subsidizing big business and bailing them out whenever they bite off more than they can chew in one of their Ponzi schemes.
It’s tax loopholes for the rich.
Thirdly, neoconservatism is organized crime, it’s the likes of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, two agents of Mossad, it’s drug and human trafficking.
The war on drug and human trafficking is largely a sham, the government helps the Jewish mafia ship children and drugs to North America, which’re then sold to millions of degenerates on the black market for power (blackmail) and profit.
Lastly, neoconservatives are lukewarm social conservatives at best, they are just to the right of wherever shitlibs happen to be on a handful of culture war issues like abortion and now trans, but at their core, they are centrists, not conservatives/traditionalists, nor progressives/libertines, but somewhere in between.
And they don’t give a damn about the constitution, including free speech, the right to bear arms, the right not to be detained without being charged first and having an opportunity to defend yourself in court, the right not to be surveiled, searched and have your things seized without a warrant and the right to bodily autonomy, they’ve proven this time and time again.
So, in light of all that, are you saying neocons are not your enemy?
‘Crony capitalism is tax loopholes for the rich’.
Oh, and regulatory loopholes, forgot to add that in there.
Neo-klowns are always the enemy. They are part of the Church of Woke but pretend to be against some of the excesses in order to gain support from morons. See AGB here for a fine example of the flim-flam in action. Smedley Butler was correct: All wars are banker wars. You’ll note that a defining feature of neo-klowns like Mim Adelson are that they’re fine with all the illegal cheap labor for their damned casinos but want YT to join the woke marines to go and kill ‘sand-niggers’ so Mim’s relatives in ‘muh Izrahell’ won’t have to lift a pinkie. They’re beyond disgusting.
For a splending goyische example of it, go no further than the draft-dodgers like Jorge W. Busheron (safely flew planes in TX for the NG), John Bolton (college deferment), Trump (heel spurs supposedly), his longtime pal Bill Clinton (same as Bolton). None of the clowns went to fight in the banker-war for Vietnam launched by the Banksteins’ puppet LBJ, but they were happy to order dupes to go an fight in Iraq and to guard the poppyfields of Pashtoonistan for the Sacklers.
I don’t think neocons and the shitliberal elite care about who wins the culture war, it’s just something to keep the masses busy with.
The point is not for one side to ultimately win, but to keep the war going indefinitely, divide and rule.
Keep them fighting over a few hot button issues; gender, race, religion.
What really motivates them is money, power and Jewery.
As long the core pillars of Jewery, corporatism, imperialism, organized crime and the security/surveillance state go unchallenged, they’re content.
Aaaand at this time, trump is busily claiming that his fake gay “election campaign” has been or is being “hacked” by the evil Iranians who are pure evil because they arguably kind of oppose jewish power
Every time you think this rat trump has reached rock bottom of being a shabbos goy traitor servant of the jews, or, that he’s “turned a new leaf” for the better or that he’s surely for real seriously this time (no, seriously!) going to do anything but serve jews & the other enemies of whites while lulling whites en masse asleep & apathetic style “black pilled,” you experience a savage kick to your teeth
trump is somehow gayer than he was in 2020. He’s out there taking his israel worship to the next level. He’s whining about how israel needs a chance “to finish the job,” & he recently met w/netanyahu. So much for that theory that netanyahu’s back stab of trump in 2020 by having recognized & congratulated biden would “finally” cause trump to wise up & stop being a total scumbag.
The unfortunate truth is trump ***always*** doubles down on being an anti white jew servant.
Hunter, are you going to cover Nick Fuentes’s recent declaration of Groyper War 3 against Trump? Here is the Arktos article covering it:
No, I remember when Richard Spencer used to play the role of useful idiot for the media. It is motivated by the same sort of narcissism and attention seeking.
motivated by the same sort of narcissism and attention seeking.
Nailed it.
Aryan uprising
AUGUST 11, 2024 AT 8:55 AM
The only reasonable case to be made here is that it is a complete waste of time to care about who wins any election. In the end the jews are in total control over all politics, until the the jewish problem has been dealt with all other things are angels on a pin type of debates.“
I respond :
What is needed is to contest and secure local political and cultural control. David Duke made Metairie LA – a White flight, working class suburb of New Orleans his base of operations for very successful political campaigns in the late 1980s and early 1990s.
Yes, he made mistakes, he didn t build a viable organization like Huey Long or the late great mAyor Daley Sr here in Chicago.
We lost a very winnable Chicago mayoral race to a worst ever Black racist mayor Brandon Johnson, DA Kim Foxx, she got the boot. And now pretty much all American major s
Cities are going BLM, Anti White Lib Leftist, homo and J, open borders .
&(($*#&# Libertairans, pro life 1 issue White voters weren ‘t playing to win.
Are you b.s.-ing me Jaye? The repuke “opponent” to BLM-Brandon was a rapid pro-lifer who made that the centerpiece of his campaign in Chicago? In Illinois where abortion mills are one of Schlomo’s mainstay industries?? If so, that’s feckin’ beyond retarded.
I have great respect for David Duke, one of the very few politicians to speak out against the jews and for whites. However this is a totalitarian system, there is not a single aspect of life that jews do not dictate now, any political organization will not escape their gaze.
The only realistic path forward is for the complete destruction of America, if you are pro white you need to make the choice, America or the white race (globally). Trying to save or reform America is past the point of no return now.
The London banking system needs reformed, both left Ang Right need to work on this together, everything aside is a distraction,
My Friends!
Win by the sword ??
Left/Right is a false paradigm in our society there isn’t a dimes worth of difference between the two sides. @Brad Griffin if you don’t know that then you are ignorant, and haven’t learned enough in all the years in the “movement”.
This mindset is why I have become so disenchanted with the “movement” and its activists.
There is a meaningful difference between people who want to engage in physical violence against us and other people who are just cringe or who are slower to come to the same conclusions as activists.
Your cringe. Defending the stayus quo that openly hates you, brilliant. Your ******* lame. This is all fake bullshit. Keep being a promo for the cokes and lay scorn on those that aren’t Machiavellian psycho’s that need to “win” a faggot “culture” war that was lost long ago.
As I have explained, activists often 1.) lose touch with political reality and 2.) become extremely angry with people who have not become as enamored with their pet obsession. The final act is 3.) losing the ability to relate to and build relationships with others followed by 4.) burnout.
It must be nice to have the final word.
You censored my initial response. Your lame. No bubble burst, your very predictable actually.
I would say the left is the enemy if you’re talking about open borders lunatics, or homo ‘rights’, or nigger lovers, the left is not the enemy if you’re talking about social programs to help poor people. the tax cut buttholes always want to cut anything that helps an American, usually to start another war.
I would see it more in terms of class, the Democratic Party always was the party for the little guy, now they’re the party of cheapskate billionaires who just can’t pay a living wage to an American, so every wetback in the world is given a job and a handout. The billionaire class wants all of these people here, why aren’t they staying at their place? Instead they get to fob it off on the taxpayer.