In this episode of Theology Applied, CJay Engel (@contramordor) and Andrew Isker (@BonifaceOption) join the show to explain why they’re leaving their blue states of California and Minnesota. pic.twitter.com/jFPHGJPgTK
— Joel Webbon (@rightresponsem) August 12, 2024
Donald Trump gave a big interview to Elon Musk in ?
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) August 13, 2024
??"Putin is a good negotiator. I plan to get along with him again if I become president."
?? Biden has a "low IQ." Trump believes the war started because of "stupid actions" by the current president, such as saying Ukraine… pic.twitter.com/MydE0Q7f1K
In the 2016 election, I was swept up in the Alt-Right wave and drank a lot of the same kool-aid about Donald Trump that was ingested by other activists. In the 2020 election, I was extremely blackpilled, ready for the exhausting Trump era to be over and sat out the election.
In 2024, it has been seven years since the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville. The Alt-Right collapsed a long time ago. Passions have cooled. I have become much more focused on work and family during the Biden presidency. I have become less influenced by activists. I look back on those years much more critically in light of where a lot of people who I was involved with ended up. They made a lot of decisions which have aged poorly. It has caused me to wonder how we could have played our hand differently. Perhaps I was too influenced by these people and their hot takes who are now discredited?
In particular, one of the things that stands out as having influenced my view of Donald Trump is my more positive assessment of Alabama Republicans. I’m actually grateful that Alabama Republicans are in power here and control every state office and branch of government. As I was telling a friend this morning, I don’t have to worry about the Alabama AG trying to destroy my life like VDARE. I don’t have to worry about things like the Minnesota transgender child kidnapping law. I don’t have to worry about high taxes or having to pay $5 a gallon for gas like people in California. I don’t have to worry about Alabama Republicans destroying our Confederate monuments or trampling on our free speech rights.
As a proud Southerner and Christian father of two, I am grateful that it is still possible to live a relatively normal, quiet, middle class life here in Alabama, and the things that I most dislike about this state are largely due to the influence and schemes of outsiders who control the federal government. Alabama Republicans have tried to tackle immigration. They have banned abortion. They banned the transgender nonsense. They have gone out of their way to encourage the growth of the aerospace and automobile industries. The UAW which recently endorsed Kamala Harris was defeated in its attempt to organize workers at the Mercedes plant near Tuscaloosa. In my adult lifetime, I have watched the automobile industry grow from nothing to Alabama becoming the top exporter of automobiles.
At various times, I have found myself thinking it was good that we had Gov. Kay Ivey in power during COVID and the Summer of Floyd who protected us from the madness that was on display in other states which had extreme lockdowns and devastating riots. Gov. Meemaw has done things like build roads instead of launching absurd social experiments like drug legalization. After Charlottesville and the destruction of Monument Avenue in Richmond, I endorsed Glenn Youngkin when he ran for governor in Virginia. I was persuaded that it was better for Virginia to become more like Alabama than Maryland. Even if Youngkin did absolutely nothing but suck oxygen for four years, he would at least be a major obstacle to the evil schemes that we witnessed first hand at Charlottesville where a “worse is better” government destroyed the Alt-Right and set the organized movement back a decade.
Eventually, I started thinking of Donald Trump in the same way. He is not the “God Emperor” or any of the fantasies that activists projected on him in 2016. By occupying the presidency, he is an obstacle though to the evil schemes of our ruling class like the war in Ukraine which he was impeached over when he was president and which Joe Biden swiftly brought about. These people undoubtedly have big plans which they hope to achieve with Kamala Harris and Trump winning the election kills their agenda.
In 2024, this is good enough for me. Half a million dead in Ukraine and 10 million illegal aliens in four years is enough for me to choose the lesser this time.
As usual, the point of this article is to explain my own thinking because otherwise you would not understand the shifts in my position. I am not telling you to vote for Donald Trump. You are capable of making your own decisions. This is my attempt to flesh out my own inner monologue.
1. The Right finally moves on from Trump in 2028
2. The Alt-Right has terrible political instincts
3. Joe Biden has been a sedative as president
4. Activist brain blinds us and creates prejudice against conservative normies
5. Trump is the leader because he is the best of the Republicans
6. “Worse is better” is a cope and was tried in 2020 and maintains the status quo
7. Voting is not a sacrament. Few know this
8. Voting is not going to change anything about Zionism in the next four years
9. Activists have the chance to ride the Trump wave without making the same mistakes
10. Activists are running out of material because the Overton Window has shifted so much
11. Donald Trump is a hunted dog who has been backed into a corner
12. Donald Trump is a divider, not a uniter and his legacy will ultimately be useful for us
13. Winning is still better than losing at baseline
14. The Left is still the enemy and wants to take away our freedoms
15. The cause of anti-Zionism depends on internet free speech
16. Donald Trump is reviled by our elites because he is an obstacle to their agenda
“Last remaining Denny’s in San Francisco closes over plague of dine-and-dashers”. Nypost
dine-and-dash….. Who in the world can that be ?
Just another arrow pointing to Americas destiny.
Kiss the high trust, safe, advanced, efficient society goodbye.
Exhibit A: Boeing cannot rescue the two astronauts previously launched to the ISS. Boeing tried and failed, now the astronauts are stuck in space until at least Feb. 2025.
Exhibit B: The door flying off a 737 after taking off from Portland, Ore. fortunately not at a 35,000 foot altitude.
Exhibit C: decrepit, unreliable public infrastructure: bridges, roads, cities, airports and utilities that get patched (at best) but never fixed because that is no longer possible.
The skills and attitudes necessary to maintain a decent country, never mind build something new, reside overwhelmingly in the White population, everyone knows this. As DEI infected Boeing, Boeing failed. The same pattern repeats everywhere which is the purpose of DEI, collapse everything and build the revolutionary paradise on top of the rubble.
Of course, without Whites, South Africa beckons as our future, something that pleases the Left. It will be a shock to the “liberal”, White, suburban types however when the electricity doesn’t work and housing projects for angry, violent, colored people are built 100 yards down the road. They will also be shocked to learn that TV was lying to them when the strong, vibrant, smart, competent, peaceful, colored people on TV don’t exist in real life and are now their angry, violent neighbors, protected and favored by the scumbag politicians they voted for.
They want us dead, six feet under.
I know that, you know that. Most here know that – even our lying resident hasbara knows it. The problem is that most whites, though they might sense something is terribly wrong, as so completely gaslighted by decades of jewish programming that they literally refuse to believe their lying eyes. We talk of the overton window shift. Yes there has been some shift but it’s so small that it barely registers in any meaningful way. This is doubly true of younger whites and white females, who are more susceptible to the endless stream of lies and other propaganda.
Here’s an example imperial blasphemy laws being enforced in the UK okrug of the Empire of Lies. You can shout anything you like – no matter how vile and false – about Christianity (which has very few believers left) – but say something less than flattering about the religion of the empire’s colonizers and you’ll end up spending a year and half in prison on the “liberal democracy” of the UK. Being the first to stop applauding when some pedo-jew speaks and you might end up there for life.
It’s here in Murika too. Burn a rainbow flag and you go to jail for “hate crimes”. Burn the flag of the old republic (which the empire falsely claims) and it’s “free speech”. Fly the Gadsden flag and you’re a “terr-r-r-r-ist” (the actual purpose of the 9-11 false-flag). We have two-tier policing from the badge-niggas here as well. As in the UK okrug, both fake-parties in Murika work hand-in-glove to achieve the objectives of their owners. HW’s latest argument is one of his best yet. The 64-trillion dollar question is whether enough whites actually wake up enough to start building for a redoubt once the Cheetohead clownshow is finally over – or if they’ll continue to party like it’s 1999 as they did in his first term.
“younger whites and white females, who are more susceptible to the endless stream of lies and other propaganda”
Eloi, in the making.
Mr. Cyclops, you are correct about most Whites, young ones in particular. America has never had a sense of true history, only a sugar coated version worthy of Disneyland where they all lived happily ever after. Bad news quickly goes down the memory hole, simply forgotten. This leaves people especially vulnerable to GloboHomo propaganda, they never learned (or cared to learn) any true history or were taught to be skeptical of official narratives.
TV, including streaming has been retconning negroes into historical periods when they were irrelevant as one example of gaslighting. Suddenly colored people are helping William Shakespeare, advising a doubtful George Washington, Abraham Lincoln turns to his trusted negro secretary for assistance with the Gettysburg Address, colored pilots sank Japanese carriers at Midway etc. The bogus “Hidden Figures” and “Redtails” movies were flat out lies that reinforced the diversity agenda.
Real life introduces Whites to typical colored failure and crime but most Whites choose to believe the propaganda they have been imbibing for years rather than their lying eyes. Financial ruin is the only thing that will finally get Whites to admit that water is wet and the sky is blue no matter what GloboHomo has been telling them, and ruin is coming, sooner or later. As you have written many times: ” . . . see this shit, it’s really gold. See this gold, it’s really shit”, is the lie necessary for der Volk to believe for GloboHomo to keep going.
GloboHomo’s problem, no tree grows to the sky, not even the dollar and its ugly stepchild, the stock market.
Yeah…….. seeing negroes in Bravehart had me scratching my head. Never let the facts get in the way of propaganda.
Yep, race mixing always leads to a retrograde civilization.
The jwz know this, with certainty.
” The UAW which recently endorsed Kamala Harris ”
UAW, Teamsters and many other big unions have been traitors to American workers for decades. Many are heavily infiltrated by woke surrogates for jwish mafia. Their pension funds being used to bankroll the jwsh takeover of Vegas and other gambling venues.
The automobile industry is booming in Alabama and a big reason it is happening is because those people are not part of the equation. This idea that they represent the “working class” is nonsense. I wouldn’t trade places with Michigan which has the UAW and Big Gretch and which has been losing ground to the Sun Belt for decades
The people of Australia can tell you all about unions. They made our labour forces so expensive to employ that we barely have a manufacturing sector left. We now rely on China for everything from EV’s to paint brushes…….a nation we share no common ground with.
It’s recently come to the attention of law enforcement that many unions are in cahoots with organised crime.
Imagine my surprise…
“It’s recently come to the attention of law enforcement that many unions are in cahoots with organised crime.”
HAHAHAHA. is that ever true.
I don’t know about oz, but it has been true in USZOG for over 120 years, to ever increasing levels.
The jwz formed garment unions in NYC to strike and drive gentile manufactures out of business, thus taking over the garment industry. When independent unions formed to gain higher wages the jwsh union thugs would move in and bust heads to keep wages down so jwz could make bigger profits.
Then any gentile businesses tough enough to endure those troubles suffered mysterious fires.
have you seen that docu “Mr sin: the abe saffron story”?
How he organized crime and took over the politicians in NSW.
Very Jeffrey Epstein in methods.
I’ll check that out. Cheers.
As they say……..every single time!
Let’s do a bit of outside the box thinking here. Why are labor unions de-facto monopolies? While this might come as a shock for the libertardians who think that there is no valid purpose for them as all employers are saints, there are valid reasons for unions. Trouble is, workers don’t get to select a union – mainly because there’s no selection to be had. To take a case from my own family: A member just out of the marine corps (this is before the woke marines of today) wanted to teach history in a rural, mostly white public school in order to help young white men to grow up and be better men.
He soon discovered the corruption and criminality of school boards and how every opportunity was taken to screw over the teachers, while gold-plated aministrators got unending perks – kind of based on a wall street model of doing things. He soon realized that the teacher’s union was the only one there to fight the administration. While there was a ‘Christian’ quasi-union in his state, they were toothless. He therefore had no choice but to join the NEA (a totally jew-run racket which supports all manner of evil crap – ranging from tranny library hour to worse). Fortunately for him he was able to refuse a portion of his dues thanks to all of the political activities which had nothing whatever to do with improving teacher conditions.
In Murika, you have black police unions and other black-only unions but white unions are not permitted. In fact no unions are allowed which do not bow to the correct (Church of Woke) dogma. It seems to me that a way to win over a lot of working class whites would be to offer alternative unions whose main purpose was to win their members better working conditions. Just one of those random thoughts. White folks used to be not so damned lazy. Of course public schools are basically a lost cause so perhaps other areas like police unions would be better. Vox Day’s battle cry from a quarter-century ago stands even more true today than then: Homeschool or die.
“Eventually, I started thinking of Donald Trump in the same way. He is not the “God Emperor” or any of the fantasies that activists projected on him in 2016. By occupying the presidency, he is an obstacle though to the evil schemes of our ruling class like the war in Ukraine which he was impeached over when he was president and which Joe Biden swiftly brought about. These people undoubtedly have big plans which they hope to achieve with Kamala Harris and Trump winning the election kills their agenda.
In 2024, this is good enough for me. Half a million dead in Ukraine and 10 million illegal aliens in four years is enough for me to choose the lesser this time.”
I hope and pray your faith HW, in “wailing wall” Trump will not be misplaced
I don’t have any faith in Trump.
My argument is that Trump occupying the White House prevents the people who own Kamala Harris from doing what they want to do, which Ukraine shows is horrendous, and that is a strong argument in his favor.
Trump’s goofy tweets about “Kambala” and all of his various failures, especially on Israel, is preferable to what we have now which is a devastating war with Russia, 10 million illegal aliens crossing the border in our years and the genocide in Gaza.
“I don’t have any faith in Trump.”
Amen to that !
I’ve written about 16 articles in this series. I have largely tuned out his campaign promises.
I expect very little from Trump. The first article that I wrote was about how if he wins in 2024 he will finally be gone in 2028 because he would be term limited by the Constitution.
That’s the most important reason why I hope he wins. It is hardly a ringing endorsement.
I disagree. Trump has created the “MAGA “ grift for himself and his family when he’s gone. Look for Eric or Jr to pick up the mantle and continue to bleed the base like pop is doing today. All the donations and money raised since the shooting where has it gone? Why isn’t Trump campaigning against the evil left instead of churning viral golf videos? What is sad is that he might just loose to Jezzabel. Then what? You think he’s just gonna go away? He will still hang around making piss poor decisions like endorsing Rhinos rather than Freedom Caucus conservatives at the state level like he has been doing. If that continues you can kiss your utopia in Alabama goodbye. His meddling with state and local elections can put and will put democrats with an R next to their name in office. I just think that MAGA Inc. isn’t going anywhere.
No one should ever vote for a ‘girl boss,’ especially, one married to a jew, and whose father was a marxist.
Exactly! I hope everyone understands Hunter’s contention here at this point for supporting Trump. IF Trump wins it will give you all 4 years to organize, mobilize, and activate. If, our widlest dreams come true and he actually stops immigration and pushes out the illegals and their anchor babies keeping us from imminent Demographic death, your organizing will prepare for the next fight over who controls the GOP, some third party, and/or the MAGA movement and President Trump’s heir to a third term.
However, if he loses, there is no more time to organize and prepare. Kamela Harris is a verifable Communist. Her mother’s Indian family were all communists, and Kamela and her siblings were raised around them. Kamela absolutely destroyed California’s state law enforcement which now lays in shambles as much as LA Police, LA Sheriff, and all other police departments. She will do the same to the US.
If you Nazi or Apocalyptic larpers out there think that will be a good thing think again. California is under the control of criminal non white gangs and cartels, and foreign powers. The same will befall America. There sull be no second chance to organize amongst the ruins just as there is no chance chance for Whites to organized amongst the ruins of California. Rather, what feeble remnants of institutional law enforcement remains will be used hunting you all down.
Trump is your last chance to use the next four years to organize one last desperate attempt to make the movement into something that can win a final battle. As Hunter said, Trump is the shield you need to fend off the threats of the next four years and make your positions ready to receive the enemy.
@Jack Aubrey:
Where have all the campaign donations gone? To paying his legal bills. The lawfare against him and his poor cronies has been incredible in its illegality, but he still has to pay lawyers to defend against these actions.
Moreover, it is unnecessary to spend that much campaigning against HARRISON and Walz. It’s gotten to the point where everyone has an opinion about Trump and it’s so set in stone, it’s highly unlikely anyone will change their minds.
The wild card is probably the people who won’t start tuning into the elections until after the Labor Day Holiday. Thus, there is always an “October Surprise” in an election year.
HW, activism should always be done with the goal of creating a solid racial voting bloc. Indeed, if White activists could deliver a huge bloc of voters to any politician on demand, we wouldn’t have the country hijacked by AIPAC or turned into BRA (Black Run Amerikwa).
That kind of activism is not only legal, it’s so effective that we have BRA less than two hundred years after Blacks received manumission from Lincoln and less than fifty years after the Civil Rights Act was enacted.
Racial voting blocs are why the minorities are running the country and Whites are being dispossessed. That’s why papering neighborhoods with flyers about Jewish antics and UTR-type demonstrations are counterproductive.
“…My argument is that Trump occupying the White House prevents the people who own Kamala Harris from doing what they want to do…”
An interesting question is if Trump is owned by the same people that own Kamela? Could it be we are being herded into Trump and then Trump will betray us? Now I’ve thought about this a lot, as a possibility, because the incompetence of what we have now is so stark. It’s hard to believe anyone could be so incompetent. But it occurred to me there’s also the possibility that the deep State is so screwed up that they can not recruit anyone of any talent at all. They’ve been in power a long time. At least since the Kennedy assassination, and now Biden and Kamela are the best they can do. And that while Trump plays along with them to some extent, he’s not “owned” like them, in the classic sense. It appears they have no serious blackmail as leverage. This would free Trump to really crack down on them.
Let’s hope he doesn’t make the same mistakes in picking staff that he did last time. BTW his VP is not a right move in the direction needed but it could have been worse.
To be clear, there is no other pick but Trump that could win, and we have to hope he’s enough to get us through a few more years.
It’s not that Trump is owned by the same people who own Biden-Kamala, it’s that Trump IS the same people who own Biden-kamala.
He’s part of the top tier of the ruling class.
He largely shares their sociopolitical-economic interests and worldview, (virtually) all billionaires do, especially in the Anglosphere.
The differences between billionaires like Musk and Zuckerberg or the Koch brothers and Soros are largely superficial and GREATLY exaggerated.
The ruling class is largely united while the ruled classes are divided, by design.
That’s the whole idea, we’re given an illusion of choices, controlled oppositions.
And I’ll add that virtually all ultra high net worth individuals are, class supremacists.
They don’t honestly believe we deserve equal rights, or any rights at all.
Only they have rights, we have a shrinking list of privileges.
None of them believe we’re fit to have any say whatsoever in how we are governed, not even a bit, because we’re poor, stupid and ignorant.
Democracy and your republic too is largely a myth.
And the vast, vast majority of our ruling class don’t give a damn about race, one way or another, they’re not anti-white or pro-white, it’s a game they’re playing.
They just care about cheap labor and mixing up our population so we can’t organize, that’s the real reason the borders are left wide open, they don’t give a damn about white supremacy one way or the other, again they’re class supremacists.
The only exception to this may be Israel-Jews, because many Jewish elites appear to care about their people as a people to some extent, whereas ours no longer do, they sold us out long ago.
Don’t get me wrong, what I meant to say was, yes, our elite don’t like white supremacy, separatism or nationalism, largely because they like cheap labor (hence free trade, mass and especially illegal immigration), and believe heterogeneous populations are easier to control, especially if they’re fighting over their differences.
But, they don’t view white supremacy as some sort of existential threat on the right, they know Donald Trump, his allies and most of his supporters aren’t white supremacists.
Falsely accusing Trump, his allies and millions of Americans of white supremacy is just a tactic they use to create more division, scare people away from any sort of nationalism, and give people the illusion there is something at stake in the election, of course there isn’t, both sides are nearly identical.
However, of course millions of libtards who drink the cool aid believe white supremacy is a threat, and that scares them into voting for democrats who want to maintain power for money and power’s sake (not because they believe they have serious ideological differences with republicans), just as republicans scare conservatards into thinking democrats are commies or sincerely anti-white.
The liberal elite are not anti-white, they are largely white, they just care about money and power, same as conservative INC.
From Alabama to Poland to Japan to Ukraine, because they are all regions under ZOG rule they will eventually be assimilated and become the same identical blob, in what scenario can they ever escape jewish rule? The correct decision is to reject all politics, shields won’t work, something closer to the Turner Diaries nukes are what is needed.
I suggest you watch this video in its entirety; we may not HAVE 4 more yrs., no matter who has the reins of power !!
California was getting ruined by immigration long before Trump came on the scene. Even before the disastrous 1965 immigration “reform” law there were millions of wogs from south of the border, illegally present providing cheap labor for farmers, ranchers, construction, every type of unskilled labor. Life was so dire in places like Mexico that lousy wages picking fruit and vegetables throughout the southwest were attractive.
White businessmen didn’t care about the future, they wanted the money now and the price of labor was their single biggest expense. Hiring illegals dropped the price of labor tremendously allowing businesses that would never have existed otherwise to thrive, enriching their owners and ruining the state. That was the magnet that attracted an endless supply of wogs, the reserve army of labor as Karl Marx called them.
In the Spirit of Our Democracy these organized business interests bribed congress to flood the country with ever more of the Third World. A defective Constitution and legal system granted these “New Americans” citizenship so they could vote to destroy White America. The Republican Party i.e. the political voice of business wanted more amnesty for illegals like Reagan granted in 1986 to keep wages low.
Perhaps Trump will do something about fortifying the border and deporting wogs, perhaps not but you are correct Hunter, at least Trump will buy us time by dropping a chain in the gears of GloboHomo. His foreign policy is an abomination, Our Greatest Ally first, last and always but there isn’t a millionth of an inch of daylight between Trump and the Democrats, he is just louder about it. Still, the guy just sucks and is completely untrustworthy.
> White businessmen didn’t care about the future, they wanted the money now and the price of labor was their single biggest expense. Hiring illegals dropped the price of labor tremendously allowing businesses that would never have existed otherwise to thrive, enriching their owners and ruining the state. That was the magnet that attracted an endless supply of wogs, the reserve army of labor as Karl Marx called them.
You nailed that one. About the only person protesting this importation of cheap labor in the era (this in the 1960s during Reagan’s governorship) was the (actual) leftist labor organizer Cesar Chavez. The old Sierra Club was against it as well – until they were bought out by (((Wall Street)) at which point Mexican cartels setting up Meth labs (highly toxic) in National Parks was an acceptable cost for the massive value of diversity (and for their new owners). No I’m not that old, but there was a decent account of the era at V-dare about 15 years ago.
@Exalted Cyclops,
“You nailed that one. About the only person protesting this importation of cheap labor in the era (this in the 1960s during Reagan’s governorship) was the (actual) leftist labor organizer Cesar Chavez.”
This is 100% true. Ceasars Chavez single handedly reduced the impact of illegal alien labor racketeering across the country to negligible levels outside of its core origin in the border regions of the Southwest. Only his old age and the isolationsim caused by his oligarch controlled handlers took the pressure off illegal alien racketeering. I am certain his handlers were run by the FBI which means their aiding and abetting treason and corruption goes way way back.
“The old Sierra Club was against it as well – until they were bought out by (((Wall Street))…”
Again also 100% true. As a former member and supporter of the Sierra Club, I can categorically state it formerly was opposed to large scale immigration. In fact, when it decided sometime in the late 1990s and early 2000s to way into the debate, is when true espionage v counter espionage took place over control of the organization between Patriots and Globalists. Due to seriously sordid chicanery, intimidation, suspicious deaths, and even murder, it was successfully bought out by a crumby little Jew working for the globalists. He purged the organization of the Patriots and immigrarion restrictionists. Today, the Sierra Club fully supports our farms, wetlands, and National Foresrs being turned into dumping grounds and cheap developments for legal and illegal aliens.
“…at which point Mexican cartels setting up Meth labs (highly toxic) in National Parks was an acceptable cost for the massive value of diversity (and for their new owners). No I’m not that old, but there was a decent account of the era at V-dare about 15 years ago.”
I am old enough to remember. In fact I wrote articles and background reports to VDare, The Blessed, May It Rest in Peace, website. Indeed, I was on strike teams that went into the national forests to hunt down the Cartel’s illegal factories and farms which provided us a wealth of first hand experience to provide to VDare.
In contrast, the rest of the media deliberately and with malice aforethought never mentioned the scale of the Cartels in the forests and the incredulous American people whom I told about it called me racist. But for those task forces of Fed, State and local Law Enforcement and National Guard, particularly from the investigations launched by the vaunted California Bureau of Investigation and the Bureau of Narcotics, the State would’ve collapsed into anarchy during the early 2000s, despite the national security lockdowns which occurred then.
Note, the Collie Whore B who destroyed the CBI and CBN and its Department of Justice overseer was none other than the Attorney General, she of multi armed Kali of destruction, Kamela Harris. If she wins she will do the same thing to the Federal and as much as she can other states. You will see the total transformation of America into Third World Banananism if she wins.
Vote Trump like your life depends on it. Cuz it does. If Trump loses, the subsequent destruction will lead us being one of the few Patriots in a world full of monsters. Game over man.
WTF.. Scott Ritter’s house raided by jwsh run FBI/DOJ ?
All his electronics seized.
Tulsi Gabbard and her husband placed on the terror watch list. Kamala beginning her reign of terror, getting revenge on Tulsi for destroying her in that debate?
Trump is ZOG.
“I don’t have to worry about high taxes or having to pay $5 a gallon for gas like people in California.”
If you have any Alabama Republicans to spare, please send them up here for elimination of the beverage tax.
Donald Trump is wisely attempting to align himself with black America as a strategic measure. There’s just no point in alienating a segment of the population you have no hope of getting rid of. Instead, best to focus on closing the borders, removing foreign criminals and those in the nation illegally.
Ending all wars and ending offshoring would also go down well with voters. It’s about doing things that benefit the country, that are actually achievable. Many of you don’t like blacks, I get that……….but they’re not recent immigrants. We all know their history. Best to just encourage them to behave and conform, and punish them severely when they don’t. Their percentage of the population is not increasing.
That pretty much sums up what any president with a pair of balls should be aiming for.
It’s about being logical, but realistic.
Black Murika represents at most 10% of the voters. They vote as they are told by their (((masters))) – one of the most obedient herds owned by Mastah Schlomo. It’s a stupid strategy. LBJ’s brutalist remark upon his signature of the “civil rights” (racial privilege) laws in the 1960s was dead on the mark:
> “We’ll have those n@$$ers voting for us [D-jerseys] for the next hundred years”
What’s the term for the black man at a conservative convention? The Keynote Speaker
Retard doesn’t even do it justice.
Yes, all the major media “if Ronald Reagan doesn’t court and get the black vote he has no chance at the presidency”.
……. He won by a landslide and got zilch of the black vote.
The great Republican hope every election season: this time we win the black vote, this time it’s different. To their credit, blacks should vote Democrat because the Democrats deliver the gibs. The idiot Republicans will also deliver the gibs, Trump’s bragging about funding HBCUs and his idiotic ‘Platinum Plan’ as examples, but the blacks will never vote Republican. The same applies to the hispanic vote.
If Trump is lucky his percentage of the black vote will rise from 8% to 12% and the hispanic vote will increase from 16% to 21%. That may be enough for victory normally in a close election but the Deep State is already arranging to put the fix in. For Trump to win he must get a big margin because cheating is effective in close elections.
A close victory for Trump on election night will turn into a defeat after the usual “late” ballots, recounts, ballot harvesting, Monkeypox etc. If Trump is smart (not usually) he will have forced the Republican Party to lawyer up already against corrupt state officials in contested states. None of those scumbags want to go to jail for cheating the way BHO’s pals in ACORN who cheated for him 2008 went to jail.
What may save Trump is another war in the Near East that collapses the economy thus panicking White, suburban women into voting for him instead of Cackling Calico Kamala. The term ‘grossly incompetent’ doesn’t begin to describe her. Voting for Cackling Kamala is a Luxury Belief like diversity, All Men are created Equal, “Civil Rights” (sic) LGBTQXYZ, Global Warming etc. Luxury beliefs will go the way of all flesh once GloboHomo’s money goes bad.
“…Best to just encourage them to behave and conform, and punish them severely when they don’t.”
Indulging Blacks’ lowest form of Urban N@ggerism is a horrible way to gain their votes and encourage them to behave to societal norms.
His outreach to Blacks is entirely driven by his stupid daughter and her husband, the creature called Javanka. This is being conducted thru them via the Jew run N@gger Rap Music industry and the Slutholes of Hollywood like the Kardashians. Its entirely a grift run operation that might move the needle from 12% to perhaps an unimaginable 15%. In other words its a 20% increase of an 11% voter pool, or 2% of the traditional electorate. In places like Georgia, Pennsylvania or Michigan this might make a difference. But, its questionable.
The reason is the White vote. Its for larger overall nationally, and is decisive in all those states. These White voters in those and other battle ground states will determine the election not a bunch of N@ggers.
Trump only gets around 58% of the White vote. George W Bush did just as well. Mostly because he acted all country and talked about putting boot to ass in the Middle East. None of which Trump can do. But, Trump can get the Rust Belt White voters with his economic populism platform. He can get the Southerners with a vociferous defense of Southern heritage including the Confederate Battle Flag.
There is no reason, an economic populist, White Nationalist, Heritage defender running on a mostly moderate platform can’t get upwards of 67% of the vote. In fact of Trump just got another 2% of the White vote in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Arizona, and maintained everywhere else he would win the election.
This insanity of using N@gger Rappers and indulging in their worst demands to get Black voters or likewise with Hispanics, turns off a considerable number of White voters. He can’t afford to lose any. Since his political consultants and handlers can’t get this thru their heads (for craven and corrupt reasons) then we need to get rid of him. Thats why I’ve released Nick and the groypers from their cage to go after them.
Timmeh the Blue Falcon and historic good feelz czarina Kamalalala Red Diaper Baby Wonder Twin for Venezuela right now and hundreds of millions replacements.
The hated on every two minutes by drooling dullard useless idiot dupes Emmanuel Trumpstein for buying some more time before the fourth world turd demographic clock explodes.
And this is assuming that there will even be a (s)election or that it will be honest.
Listening to G Hood/PK Hersey Red Dawn Pod! (H/T)
Are you aware that Pastor Rick Wiles of TruNews is running against USZOG and IOF veteran Brian Mast for a US congressional seat in Florida?
Just thought you’d be interested.
I hope Wiles wins. AIPAC must be spending a synagogue of satan size pile of shekels to defeat Wiles and keep one of their most repulsive shabbos goys in Mast.
My unpopular view is that Congress is the center of Jewish power. All the recent presidents have disliked Netanyahu. Activists focus on the presidency. AIPAC on Congress
There is a lesson to be learnt there. Look at what just happened to Cori Bush’s very safe seat in St. Louis. They replaced one dindu with another one who appears to be on the down-low. The district is as dark as Africa. AIPAC no doubt spent considerable ‘walkin’ around money’ to instruct the negroid preachers (who usually have harems of women) to rail against the Muslim-friendly Cori – one of the “squad”. The district will never vote for the Gay Old Pedos, but an independent NOI-populist candidate could create problems for AIPAC’s swishing housenigga. Better a wild-card in the seat than another AIPAC stooge.
‘walkin’ around money’
Lots of bottles of gin are given out on election day.
Rah , rah, get out the vote.
“negroid preachers (who usually have harems of women) ”
A blk was commenting about his preacher father,
how he was banging women in the congregation and their daughters and eventually granddaughters.
Church for blks, as much a place to find a screw partner as anything else.
AIPAC polices congress.
Neocons police the president.
The ADL polices the populace.
You’ve done a good job explaining why Alabama and similar states will vote for Trump, but that won’t be enough for him to win the election.
He will also need to win the Midwestern swing states. To win those states, he will need to stop putting Israel first, and start being America First.
If he merely promised to stop giving Israel American taxpayer dollars, that would be enough to enable him to win the Midwest and the presidency. The “Uncommitted” voters who “Abandoned Biden” because they hate “Genocide Joe” are Trump’s only viable path to the presidency.
I’ve seen no reason to believe that Midwestern swing voters have the same views as activists
On all issues? No.
On Israel? Yes.
If Trump stops putting Israel First, and instead puts America First, he will drive a wedge between establishment Democrats and Uncommitted voters.
With minimal resources, Uncommitted won a respectable % of the Democratic primary vote in all of the heartland swing states:
Minnesota 18.8%
Michigan 13.2%
Wisconsin 8.4% (including 100% of voters under age 30, according to exit polls)
Pennsylvania 5.3%
3/4ths of Trump voters are pro-Israel and some of them are insanely so. He cannot blow up his base to appeal to activists. Obviously, I dislike the situation, but it is what it is.
Trump didn’t get people out to vote for him in 2016 by raging about Israel’s enemies. Quite the opposite. He pretended to be independent because he “didn’t need their money.” Support for Israel is a mile wide and an inch deep. Like many issues in the USA where there is an official public position taken by the state and the alternative is not recognized as a legitimate point of view.
“3/4ths of Trump voters are pro-Israel ”
Do you think that is true outside the South, Bible belt ?
I don’t think Trump would lose a single Evangelical Christian voter if he adopted an America First foreign policy. Some may be pro-Israel, but they simply will not vote for the Democrats, the party of transgenderism, abortion, gay rights, porn, feminism, secularism, radical anti-White racism, etc.
He would lose ultra-Zionist Jews in Florida, Jared Kushner, and Miriam Adelson’s $100,000,000. But he does not need them to win.
He does, however, need the Heartland swings states. He needs the Quaker seed of Albion.
Trump is not doing very well it seems. Guess Kushner et al are running the campaign again. To make matters worse, his pick of the Hillbilly Bonesman is turning out to be worse than originally thought (though there were obviously even worse choices still). The Jethro Bodine from the hollers of New Haven ‘n Yale is apparently driving even more of the mean girls into the warm embrace of Heels-Up and Tampon Timmy.
I think you’re wrong. Most of the voters you are referring to are brainwashed Zio-tards. There are half and half US/Israel flags in a few places around here, ffs.
You are correct about the brainwashing, the combo U.S./Israeli flag pins are a disgrace, especially on the lapels of the scumbags in Congress. Christian Zionism and support for Our Greatest Ally in general is a luxury belief like Global Warming, Ukraine, Diversity, so-called “Civil Rights” (sic), LGBTQXYZ, equality etc. So far there has been zero cost to the average Christian Zionist/Scofield Bible type for their beliefs while the Rotund “Rev.” Hagee types have profited immensely.
Our Greatest Ally is in a bind, they have a two front war dragging on and their military is overextended. Another big war, especially with Iran will have them demanding and getting U.S. troops to do the fighting. There aren’t enough guys in the U.S. military now and another war will require conscription. At that point Christian Zionism is no longer cost free, it has become personal and a matter of life and death. At that point the vast majority of public support for Our Greatest Ally evaporates like the morning dew.
Support for Our Greatest Ally is a mile wide and a millionth of an inch deep once it stops being a luxury belief and becomes personal. That point is coming. The scumbag politicians are a different case entirely, they have been purchased and threatened with Epstein type blackmail so they can’t change their position.
Guess what, I live in the midwest and there is zero interest in your anti Israelism hobbyhorse amongst the general population outside leftist college students and some hyper sensitive minorities, all of which already vote democrat. If you think focusing on Gaza is anywhere near relevant to this election I’ve got the Brooklyn Bridge to sell you. People care about things like that Taco Salad I used to by at a fast casual restaurant used to be $7.69 a few years back and is now $11.19 when I stopped by last Friday. The “Let’s make this election about anti-zionism” belongs in that old Saturday Night Live skit “Bad Idea Jeans.”
If the U.S. gets directly involved in a new war in the Near East i.e. casualties, troop deployments, ground fighting against Hezbollah etc. the focus will immediately shift from economics to foreign policy. If such a war takes place and Iran closes the Strait of Hormuz, only about 30 miles wide, which is how Pentagon war games are structured, oil will jump to + $300/barrel (42 U.S. gallons/35 Imperial gallons) and gasoline + $10/U.S. gallon. No one will be buying taco salads and small businesses will collapse. Poverty will be our faithful companion for a long time.
With the money we gave to Israel this year alone, we could buy a taco salad for every voter in Wisconsin.
In my opinion voting for Trump is the act of a desperate man grabbing at straws. Voting will not change the current Anti-White dispensation.
No, but I might keep the car from rolling off the cliff.
My friend, the car already rolled off the cliff.
I am a donor to V Dare but in hindsight I have to ask why in God’s name did they put V Dare in a blue state?. This would not have happened in a red state. On a related note have you studied Switzerland’s immigration policy? Unlike the United States they cannot just dump immigrants in whatever canton (their word for states) they want without that canton’s approval. Compare that with Biden sending tens of thousands of Haitians to Ohio and there is not a damn thing Ohio can do about it! Same with Texas,same with Florida! Who really has a truly democratic system? America or Switzerland?
The only argument I can see for Trump is the Ukraine and that’s if you take him at face value. I’ve learned not to.
Just a heartbeat away from having a KILLBILLY, ya the “K” was deliberate, KILLBILLY BONESMAN in the oval office, J.D. is taking care of business and putting in some work for DON JOHN, allowing president TRUMP, time to work on his statesmanship, Trump is working on a new budget, a better energy policy, bring more of our outsourced industry back home, foreign head’s of state, are no longer talking to the current administration, they are talking to president TRUMP only, they don’t the current administration seriously …
Throughout high school Vance considered himself a queer. Viewing his tranny photos from Yale/skull and bones days, his feeling that he was a queer continued into the Yale years. He never knew who his real father was. His mother was a slut, and Bowman was obviously not his real father. A very confused creature. Then they forced him to marry his CIA handler, and, he is a Made Company Man, who was fanatically open borders and pro LGTGQ, till the Company told him he had to change, which he did. You know the drill: they lie, they cheat, they steal, they blackmail, they murder.
So much for the VP candidate.
The King of Israel, as he calls himself, and the father of the vaccine, some people still believe what he says. The guy was a close friend of Epstein for nearly twenty years. Every room in Epstein’s various houses had the very best Israeli audio and video recording equipment built into the walls. Mossad has enough film content of Trump to fill an entire film festival. That is the guy you are trusting in.
The beard grown by the Hillbilly Bonesman isn’t his real one. The real one works far away in San Franshitsco. I wonder if Kang Cyrus picking the bogus Jethro was done in response to the warning he was given in Pennsylvania. Mister Bodine definitely has a glow about him.
So what are you going to do when Camela rigs the election and federally enforces abortions? Didn’t the Southern elite love and start that shit anyway? So I imagine not much. Abortion being a platform is sick. Getting out of pointless war rackets a more fruitful platform.
Rangewolf, point made, it’s always the lesser of two evils, I am wise to all of them, thank you for your response ….
Black Label ” When wench rig’s the election and federally enforce’s abortions ? The 2020 election was rigged, as far as that goes, nothing they do, will surprise me, as far as abortion goes, nothing i can do except, continue believing it is murderous SIN …
Neither Anti Abortionism nor Anti Zionism will be winning issues for Trump. Listen to Slick Willy and Carville from thirty years back, “It’s the economy stupid.” And now more than ever. Focus on ads simply showing prices at the grocery store, McDonald’s, gas stations, electric bills, etc from the 2019 compared to today. Stuff has seriously gone up about 40-50% People have literally become poorer, and that is what motivates people to vote. And that female dingbat with no political foundation at all who comprise the so called independent swing voters? Well, she HAS to work, and not as a power bitch girl boss like on TV but changing diapers in the Alzheimer’s Ward or stocking shelves at the Dollar Store. Well to her an unplanned pregnancy is the Sword of Damocles hanging over her head, and now with Roe gone she’s got the feeling someone’s going to cutting the thread. A complete economic disaster for most women except the privileged tenth living on their wealthy husband’s stipend as “stay at home moms” in rich coastal suburbs…and THESE women tend to be liberals as well with such cushy lives they have little more to worry about other than “global warming.” Furthermore, to the aspiring college educated downwardly mobile working females. That unplanned pregnancy furnishes them with a BASTARD CHILD,,,the VERY DEFINITION of being a trashy, low status white they imagine themselves with their worthless French Poetry Degree to not be. Anti Abortion only plays well in an Evangelical Megachurch bubble that exists in deep red states. These dopes in the GOP wasted ALL of their political capital accomplishing nothing strategic. It was like when Garak told Sisco that it meant “calling in ALL of my favors” on Deep Space Nine. Well, the GOP called in all of their favors and might have permanently cemented a blue electorate 5-10 more years ahead of schedule. You have to run a campaign for NV, PA, MI, WI, AZ, NH etc. Not further cement a supermajority in South Carolina and Alabama.
Nightowl, excellent commentary …..
Overall pretty good but one example you cite is more evidence of total gaslighting by the (((media))) than reality, to wit:
> Well, she HAS to work, and not as a power bitch girl boss like on TV but changing diapers in the Alzheimer’s Ward or stocking shelves at the Dollar Store. Well to her an unplanned pregnancy is the Sword of Damocles hanging over her head, and now with Roe gone she’s got the feeling someone’s going to cutting the thread. A complete economic disaster for most women except the privileged tenth living on their wealthy husband’s stipend as “stay at home moms” in rich coastal suburbs…and THESE women tend to be liberals as well with such cushy lives they have little more to worry about other than “global warming.”
Getting rid of Roe was still the right thing to do. It was another outrageous example of the Supreme Court elevating itself to an unelected body of black-robed philosphah-kangz. The abortion issue is properly left to the states. If some low-IQ white female, already drunk on (((gaslight media))) Flavor-Aid, thinks that the decision outlaws abortion it’s just evidence of the truth of Dorothy Parker’s notorious truism: “You can lead a whore to culture, but you can’t make her think”. Unencumbered by the thought process, when the reality is that even if she lives in a state where the retarded Gay Old Pedoburo outlawed all abortions without exception, she can make a short weekend trip to a nearby blue state where Uncle Mordekai’s Body-Parts mill is open 24 x 7 x 365, staffed by the finest negro doktors that fake-money can buy (totally exempt from malpractice suits naturally) and get in line with the many negresses and fine Catholic Latrinas to enter the chop-shop.
> > Furthermore, to the aspiring college educated downwardly mobile working females. That unplanned pregnancy furnishes them with a BASTARD CHILD,,,the VERY DEFINITION of being a trashy, low status white they imagine themselves with their worthless French Poetry Degree to not be. Anti Abortion only plays well in an Evangelical Megachurch bubble that exists in deep red states. These dopes in the GOP wasted ALL of their political capital accomplishing nothing strategic. It was like when Garak told Sisco that it meant “calling in ALL of my favors” on Deep Space Nine. Well, the GOP called in all of their favors and might have permanently cemented a blue electorate 5-10 more years ahead of schedule. You have to run a campaign for NV, PA, MI, WI, AZ, NH etc. Not further cement a supermajority in South Carolina and Alabama.
This is a perfectly apt criticism of the Gay Old Pedos. As I asked at the time about this ‘miraculous’ decision: Why now? (It was just in time for the 2022 mid-terms, which resulted in no red-wave against Joey Shitpants). Thinking strategically, the GOP rocket-science team decided in the wake of this important constitutional victory to double-down on the anti-abortion shouting and advanced the most radical positions possible – acting as if they had no idea of the answer to the question I asked above. Keep in mind also that the per-capita abortion rate was down to pre-Roe levels when this decision was made. The GOP genius-bar radicalized forces in some red states so that even reasonable restrictions on the practice were removed and gave the D-jereseys an issue they could campaign on to the most gaslighted demographic in the country – which is working to raise support for Queen Chlamydia and Tampon Timmy even now. The GOP – absolute kangz of the ‘own-goal’. Don’t let them tell you it was an accident, for it is all part of their overall campaign to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, just as Rev. Dabney described back in 1870.
Ann Coulter’s case for Trump:
> If Trump loses again this year, it will be the fourth election in a row he’s sabotaged for the GOP — five, if we count the Georgia runoffs in 2020, which I do. To paraphrase the great Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, five generations of imbecilic losses are enough.
> Any other Republican could have beaten the Democrats’ pro-criminal, pro-illegal, pro-Hamas, anti-civilization Dream Team this year. But despite being denied the pleasure of watching Gov. Ron DeSantis debate Joe Biden’s Border Czar, we’re voting for Trump anyway. We’d vote for Zippy the Chimp over Mao and Fidel.
> But this is the last @#$%^&* time. In exchange for the votes of those of us who noticed that Trump didn’t build a wall, deport “Dreamers,” jettison the carried interest loophole or end the anchor baby scam (etc.), leaving us with nothing but Trump’s charming personality, you’re agreeing to never run him for president again.
Doesn’t seem that much different from HW’s – though one could argue she’s more enthusiastic.
@Exhalted Cyclops,
Ann Coulter is a center-right windsock. She enjoys rubbing elbows with both Gentile and jewish anti-White and liberal celebrities.
At the end of kushner’s disastrous first term, Coulter tweeted, “Just go away, and shut the fuck up.” By then, Zion Don had already blocked and unfollowed Coulter due to her legitimate criticisms of his and Jared’s administration.
During the recent RNC, I browsed Coulter’s X/Twitter posts, and she was booking a ticket on the Trump train. When Ivanka and Jared showed upon the last night, sat in the VIP section, and joined the former reality star on stage, she tweeted, “Almost had me.”
From what you posted, she is unsurprisingly did book passage on the Zion Don-AIPAC-Palantir Express, but attempted to qualify her decision with a worthless caveat.
Coulter is a childless multimillionaire who is an infamous coal-burner.
Ann was always an immigration hawk, which in my opinion was her best aspect.
Nightowl, excellent commentary …..
Trump is not an evil
He is an insufficient good