I have regrets about 2020.
My biggest regret is being so disillusioned and angry with Donald Trump and influenced by retarded activists that I downplayed the damage that Joe Biden could do as president. He had failed to build the wall. He had failed to withdraw troops from Syria and Afghanistan. He had failed to stop internet censorship. He had failed to stop the George Floyd riots, and so on.
There were plenty of legitimate reasons to be angry and disillusioned with Trump in 2020, but I think I was focused on that at the expense of looking ahead to the future. Joe Biden won the 2020 election and we got the worst inflation in a generation, a tsunami of 10 million illegal aliens crossing the border, a genocide in Gaza, wars erupting in the Middle East, a war with Russia in Ukraine, thousands of people sent to the gulag over January 6, even worse censorship, a weaponized justice system, etc. Were it not for Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema sacrificing their careers to preserve the filibuster, we would have gotten a mass amnesty for illegal aliens, a Weimar Republic level of inflation, the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and all sorts of other evil bills that passed the House under Pelosi and died a quiet death in the Senate.
In particular, the three things that still bother me the most are 1.) the 10 million illegal aliens let into the country by Biden, 2.) the horrific death toll in Ukraine and 3.) ordinary people losing around 20% of their purchasing power. I can’t say with confidence that this would have also happened under Trump. I do not think Trump and a Republican Senate in 2021 would have hit the gas pedal on spending and done the American Rescue Plan. I do not think our foreign relations with Russia under Trump would have been aggravated to the point that Putin would have invaded Ukraine. I also do not believe that Trump would have intentionally blown up the border in January and February 2021 like Biden.
I’m voting for Trump in 2024 because I am not going to have this on my conscience:

My vote doesn’t matter.
I could easily sit this one out in Alabama and preserve my principles.
In light of what Joe Biden has already done and what Kamala Harris will undoubtedly do, I think it is importantly to publicly say one of these terms is not like the other. I am going to side with the immigration restrictionists this time because I am fully aware of the consequences of not doing so.
On June 28th, I was still debating in my head how to proceed in the fall when this happened:

I was driving my wife’s car and running some errands when an illegal alien from Venezuela with a fake name and no insurance slammed into me at a red light. He got out of the car and shoved his smartphone in my face. He was using some kind of translation app. The cop let him go with a ticket.
Fortunately, I had savings, insurance and gap insurance and we were able to scramble and get my wife a new car in mid-July, but it still cost me thousands of dollars. I could sue this person who is one of the millions of people who Joe Biden has let into this country, but it would be a complete waste of my time. These people blow in from town and town and he is probably long gone now.
It could have been a lot worse. I focused on the things that I was grateful for … I wasn’t killed or injured, I was able to get a new car, my wife, son and baby were not in the car, the illegal alien wasn’t hurt, etc. The incident was a reminder though that the “worse is better” approach to politics has far worse consequences for other people. It is much “worse” for all the people who are raped, killed, robbed, fail to get jobs, have their wages depressed, their towns overrun and destroyed by illegal aliens. Those people are harmed a lot worse than me by foolish decisions which have disastrous downstream consequences.
I think allowing 10 million people into the country over the past four years was a preventable evil that could have been avoided by voting for Trump in 2020. The same is true of the next 10 to 20 million that Kamala Harris will usher across the border. I do not buy into the nonsense coming from activists that Trump’s immigration record would have been as bad as Joe Biden’s record. I do not believe that Trump and Kamala Harris will have the same immigration policy or that their supporters are equivalent.

Every dumb statement that Trump makes on immigration can be weighed against the overwhelming pressure coming from his base to restrict immigration and the incentives on the Republican side in Congress. The sane activist groups out there like NumbersUSA will criticize Trump and pressure him to appoint personnel to federal agencies who will restrict legal and illegal immigration.
I haven’t even bothered to look into what Trump has vowed to do on immigration. He has promised to do all sorts of things this time around like carry out the largest deportation program in history. He talks about ending birthright citizenship. None of this in my view really matters and his agenda will inevitably run into the same obstacles in the federal courts and Congress. What matters is the enormous gap between what Trump intends to do and what his base wants and what the Democratic side wants to do which is to destroy immigration enforcement and flood the country with a brown tidal wave.
In his first term, the Trump administration intended to restrict immigration and policy after policy was swamped in a legal quagmire by NGOs suing in federal court. They finally came up with the Remain in Mexico policy and succeeding in bringing both legal and illegal immigration levels down in 2020. In stark contrast, the Biden administration intended from Day One to dismantle immigration enforcement, which he got started on within hours of being sworn in on his first day as president. It was also not simply COVID which brought down immigration which is a lie that is repeated by activists. Immigration levels exploded under Biden during the worst stretch of COVID in 2021 and 2022. Border crossings have finally come down since Biden issued that executive order because of his disastrous poll numbers.
The bottom line is that I would rather put up with Trump’s failures on immigration and Boomer posting on X and Truth Social than find out what Kamala Harris intends to do on immigration. I can say definitively that Trump’s immigration policy will not be anywhere close to as awful as Kamala Harris’s immigration policy given the distance between activists and public opinion on the two sides. Most importantly, I am unwilling to inflict even more harm on communities that are already suffering from Joe Biden’s immigration policy because “worse is better” and other activist nonsense.
As usual, the point of this article is to explain my own thinking because otherwise you would not understand the shifts in my position. I am not telling you to vote for Donald Trump. You are capable of making your own decisions. This is my attempt to flesh out my own inner monologue.
1. The Right finally moves on from Trump in 2028
2. The Alt-Right has terrible political instincts
3. Joe Biden has been a sedative as president
4. Activist brain blinds us and creates prejudice against conservative normies
5. Trump is the leader because he is the best of the Republicans
6. “Worse is better” is a cope and was tried in 2020 and maintains the status quo
7. Voting is not a sacrament. Few know this
8. Voting is not going to change anything about Zionism in the next four years
9. Activists have the chance to ride the Trump wave without making the same mistakes
10. Activists are running out of material because the Overton Window has shifted so much
11. Donald Trump is a hunted dog who has been backed into a corner
12. Donald Trump is a divider, not a uniter and his legacy will ultimately be useful for us
13. Winning is still better than losing at baseline
14. The Left is still the enemy and wants to take away our freedoms
15. The cause of anti-Zionism depends on internet free speech
16. Donald Trump is reviled by our elites because he is an obstacle to their agenda
17. Donald Trump’s Supreme Court appointments have been improving his legacy
18. The war in Ukraine showed that Biden is worse on foreign policy than Trump
19. Joe Biden’s economic policy and foreign policy unleashed a tsunami of inflation
20. Political pornography is warping the minds of activists and leaving them disabled
21. Trump is under tremendous political pressure from his base to restrict immigration. Kamala Harris is not and will flood the country with Third World immigrants
> I could sue this person who is one of the millions of people who Joe Biden has let into this country, but it would be a complete waste of my time. These people blow in from town and town and he is probably long gone now.
It would be a waste of time. That’s because – assuming you could find some lawyer who wasn’t a woke POS shyster – one cannot get blood from a turnip. The ones to sue would be the NGO’s including one or more affiliated with your own LCMS church, who receive millions and billions of government funded (e.g. your tax dollars) to import criminals like the one who hit your car. These are the ones who should be sued. If there were ‘conservative’ lawyers who weren’t just more grifters like Sydney Powell and the clown who looted Kyle Rittenhouse for defending himself, they could even gather together similar cases as your own and file a massive class-action suit against all of the NGOs (“charities”) involved. That’s actually fighting the enemy, which is something conservatives (was old Rev. Dabney ever spot on about them) never want to do because of “principles” and being “nice”.
Here’s Barnhardt’s classic description (2010) of what the result of “nice” is. I’m surprised it’s still up on YouTube, despite it’s period politeness (ironically, Barnhardt is being ‘nice’ herself with the oxymoronic term ‘Judeo-Christian’ since Judaism has even less in common with Christianity than Islam, which she also goes on to condemn in the video). I think her views on Talmudic Satanism have somewhat improved since then, as she today praises King Louis IX of France who is cursed daily by the Synagogue of Satan (see the final section of that post about the king’s prescription fro dealing with the snakes). In any case, this ‘niceness’ is one of the big reasons we lose continually.
@Exalted Cyclops,
“The ones to sue would be the NGO’s including one or more affiliated with your own LCMS church, who receive millions and billions of government funded (e.g. your tax dollars) to import criminals like the one who hit your car. These are the ones who should be sued. If there were ‘conservative’ lawyers who weren’t just more grifters like Sydney Powell and the clown who looted Kyle Rittenhouse for defending himself, they could even gather together similar cases as your own and file a massive class-action suit against all of the NGOs (“charities”) involved. That’s actually fighting the enemy, which is something conservatives (was old Rev. Dabney ever spot on about them) never want to do because of “principles” and being “nice”.”
This is 100% correct. I’ve been in car accidents caused by illegal aliens. I’ve had ftiend and comrades whose lives were torn apart after their loved ones were killed by illegal aliens. We all got nothing. The people he sounded been sued were the NGO’s and government authorities who allowed them in, enabled them to stay, and supported their settlement. Everything Exalted Cyclops says here is spot on. Its too bad a similar program initiated long ago in association with VDare fell thru. Its even worse there are so few attorneys willing to pick up the $1,000 bill laying on the street which represents this idea.
… and here is a perfect example. Another damned illegal Venezuelan parasite and he’s driving for Amazon – an even bigger parasite. Given Bezos’ very deep pockets, one would think this would be a golden opportunity for the ambulance-chasers but they seem strangely uninterested in something like a multi-billion dollar class-action lawsuit against not only Amazon, but all of those NGO’s who are also on the government teat. Betcha they’re all exempt thanks to some line of bullshit legislation buried in the replacement for NAFTA, etc. Keep in mind that since 1871 (Treaty of Washington), treaties over-ride the constitution and all state laws.
“worse is better” and other activist nonsense.
Amen to that !
Glib nonsense.
Trump doesn’t care what the base thinks. He is promising a mass invasion of his own. Obama was far better than Trump on immigration. ‘Biden’ has been marginally worse. Your best work was turning against that Manhattan Jew from 2017 to 2020.
There also is this. ‘Biden’ didn’t do this alone. As you know, the Republican leadership in both Houses supports the invasion 100% and always has. The Reds could stop it any time they want, but they don’t want. Neither does that Manhattan Jew that you now support.
1.) Sure he does.
It is politically impossible for Trump to *raise* legal immigration over the opposition of 90% of his base, virtually all activists on the Republican side, Congress and even public opinion at large which is against it.
2.) Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have been far worse than Trump. Letting 10 million people into the country in four years is unprecedented.
3.) Biden has not been “marginally worse” than Trump. He deliberately dismantled immigration enforcement and started doing it on his first day in office. Kamala Harris will let another 10 to 20 million illegal aliens into the country.
3.) The Republican House passed all sorts of immigration bills which died in the Democratic Senate. Lack of immigration enforcement under Biden is an executive branch problem.
4.) Trump isn’t a dictator and what he can do or what anyone could do about the issue depends on things like public opinion, the courts and the cooperation of Congress
One last thing … the NatSoc “worse is better” plan saddled us with 10 million illegal aliens without 1.) doing anything for them politically as the NJP collapsed due to infighting and 2.) without even getting rid of Trump who is running again.
The same will be true if Kamala Harris wins. It will be another 10 million to 20 million with “National Socialism” going nowhere and the exact same people calling for more defeats in the vain hope that their little cause will benefit from it
So utterly evil, pathetic, and contemptible that a white man would enable the entry of millions of racial aliens for the purpose of giving a political party the guarantee of future rule…when he himself is close to death. May Joe Bidet’s name be cursed for as long as White people exist.
Brad you are an idiot supporting Trump, and it is clear that you are not a true Southern Nationalist.
Here in the South, over half of Southern Republicans support a National Divorce. Most of them also support Trump. Thus, I don’t see the two as being really opposed, and I look at Trump’s leadership more positively. He has moved the needle over the past ten years. When he is gone in a few years, it will be good for us
You said that I wasn’t a true Southern nationalist because I was supporting Trump.
I responded by pointing out that a majority of Southern Republicans and Independents support a National Divorce, but those people are supporting Trump. That is where the people we need to reach are at now. I do not think it makes any sense to attack and antagonize them. It is better to let MAGA run its course.
I take it you do not support Southern Nationalism. You believe a National Divorce will not change anything. We strongly disagree.
@Hunter Wallace and Papist Crusader,
Hunter: “Here in the South, over half of Southern Republicans support a National Divorce. Most of them also support Trump. Thus, I don’t see the two as being really opposed, and I look at Trump’s leadership more positively.”
Papist Crusader: “What’s your point? A National Divorce is not going to change anything. The same people, same flawed political system, same oligarchs, same problems will persist just on a smaller scale. Unless you have a complete revolution with a National Divorce it won’t matter. The sad thing is you think you’re pretty smart when reality you are lacking in that area.”
Hunter, it is true that secession and Trump support are not mutually exclusive. My point is that Papist Crusader knows this, as do all Papists. What you are missing is their agenda. What the Papists want is to divide Southernerns (British American Protestants) in their support with Trump. They want to seize the next rung to take control of the commanding heights of power in the South like they mostly did in the North East. They will do this by elbowing in and taking over both Southern Nationalist and Southern Trumpster movements, but especially the later, thereby becoming the dominant ethno-sectarian group in those movements. These Papists will only stab you in the back if you work with them.
As to you Papist Crusader, you make a point about the feasibility of National divorce. The South today, like most of the rest of the country, is more economically integrated to the larger Union than ever before. Only Texas retains an independent energy sector. Consider all of the corporate entities that run the South’s economy, most are located up North. Also, consider the large number of Northerners that own huge amounts of property. Where Hunter lives, the region is a Yankee summerland of horse riding fox hunters, all who took control of the grand plantations during the Gilded Age. They undoubtedly inflience local elections. Secession would require a division of so many entangled webs its hard to contemplate how it would take place.
But let’s consider the political support. Although, most Southerner support secession, its a thin level of flippant intellectual support. The details of creating secession thru untangling the socio-economic level mentioned above, would give most Southerners pause after Secession was actually floated. Huge numbers of Republicans in the South from the lowest to highest office level, owe their monetary and political support to out of South interests. Those interests out of the South, will also resist any secession talk from those office holders. This is especially true of the military which will not tolerate a break up of the Union, period. This latter is the most important to consider. Secession will not be Czechia and Slovakia from Czechoslovakia.
Furthermore, as Papist Crusader mentioned, the South culturally is empirically different than it was in the 1960s. Most of the local provincial elites have been swept away or integrated into the larger nation. Colleges and Universities are mostly occupied by Yankees, Papists, and Jews. Even the Southern accent is dissolving away under non stop media domination of the damnably ugly Midwestern American accent. Many Southerners are little different than the Jane and Dick Bimbos of the West Coast between 1960-2000, who held more allegiance to consumerism than their ethno-sectarian identity.
For all these reasons and more, when the LoS got started, I was part of the faction that supported a program more focused on cultural and socio-economic campaigns at uniting Southerners around their British American Protestants ethno-sectarian identity. That groups wanted to organize local small and mid Town and small city Main Street businesses. They wanted to work on Agrarian reforms of the South’s Agricultural sector. They wanted to establish art, craft, and entertainment districts controlled by local elite, therrby creating a kind of gentrification we saw up North and in the West Coast. Of course, the program included events and programs for celebrating and educating the South’s ethno-sectarian history in civic celebrations and school curriculum. Unfortunately, the Secessionist larpers agitated by obvious provocateurs pushed these programs out the door, in favor of political secessionist agitation, thereby leading to the first split in the LoS.
Overall, if Hunter’s and his secessionists wish to secede, they need to restart around these programs listed above in the new LoS. They need to repair the splits not just with the Apocolyptic preppers, but with the first splitists that date back kong before Hunter’s time. It needs to base its program on the Lega Nord in Italy, which the original LoS was supposed to emulate. The cool thing about this, it will also be more fun that non stop military training in the woods or security training at academies, or speaking on political topics at book club after book club. It will include fun things like art, food, and entertainment events and organizing what remains of the local elite and small business owners. It will be building businesses, restaurants, musicians, co-ops, around these issues, thereby building a real grass roots movement for taking it to the political level. Until that happens, secession is a very unlikely event.
@Papist Crusader,
“Brad you are an idiot supporting Trump, and it is clear that you are not a true Southern Nationalist.”
Some things you comment on I agree with. But, in general, as it pertains to the South, as a Papist, you don’t have any ethical right to comment on the people and who or what is a Southern Nationalist. All Papists are at their core hostile to Southerners, because Papists have a long time historical enmity to the British Protestants, which Southerners are by identity.
This historical enmity is long and deep. Its A historical enmity that even predates the competition and even war between Yankee and Dixie. The Southernees fought for almost two hundred years of conflict EXCLUSIVELY with Papists and their Indian Mulatto armies. But for the British between 1775-1781 and 1812-1815, the South again fought mostly against Papist and their Indian, Negro, and Mulatto proxies between 1781-1848. Thats all before the Civil War.
Overall, for these historic reasons, the cultural ethno-sectarian differences, and the mofern socio-economic differences, Hunter and other Southerners are wasting their times and even hurting their movement working with Papists. You and other Papists should back out of messing with Southern politics. We got your number and if you keep pushing your nose in it will get bloodied.
You may be correct that a Trump administration, versus a Democrat administration, might be less likely to allow the flood to continue at full speed. I agree that unlimited immigration is extremely harmful to workers, besides being unnatural, contrary to our ethnocentric human nature. The “invasion” or flood of migrants would never happen in a proper NATION, and it would stop immediately if you could establish a real Southern people’s republic, which will not come by voting.
Heroin isn’t better than Fentanyl, it’s just less bad, but in the long run both will take you to the same destination; the hospital, jail or morgue.
In the same way, supporting republicans or democrats are doomed political strategies, it’s just one may doom you faster.
Do you want the fast or slow lane on the highway to hell?
It’s time to break the addiction/cycle, we need to make a U-turn, don’t support a failed system, either don’t vote, or vote 3rd party/independent, put all your surplus energy into other things whether it’s activism and/or family/personal life.
Plus Trump’s immigration policy, spending and so on probably would’ve been just as if not nearly as bad anyway.
It’s an oligarchy, what puppet you put in there has little-no bearing on the overall outcome long term.
With Trump you still get mass immigration, but maybe, maybe less illegal immigration, I mean it’s debatable, I mean Trump’s immigration policy was worse than Obama’s and lead to more illegals entering the country.
With Trump you still get a ton of unnecessary spending on the military and crony capitalism/corporatism propping up corporations at the expense fo the poor.
With Trump children are still getting fatter and fatter and more autistic.
WIth Trump you may be getting a little less Russophobia but more Islamophobia, Sinophobia and Zionism.
Biden is more woke for blacks but Trump is more woke for Jews.
America has declined under both republicans and democrats and we can split hairs over which one’s worse on and on, it’s time to get rid of them both.
“Islamophobia” is a leftist term to silence and demonize right-thinking people who wish to defend their own societies. Tolerance can not survive if it invites intolerant things in. Fear of Islam is completely legitimate, unless you crave mental and physical subjugation. Best thing is to just leave them be where they are, and keep them the hell out of our former nations.
Well here I’ve appropriated their term but am using it differently than them.
Wanting to preserve your race, its culture and society from being overrun by outgroups is legitimate and so not Islamophobia and Sinophobia, irrational fear, but believing Iran and China contemporaneously constitute a threat to the west’s survival, or that we need to have all these preemptive and regime change wars in the middle east to protect ourselves, Israel and make the world ‘safe for democracy’ *laughs*, that’s illegitimate and so Islamophobia and Sinophobia, irrational fear.
So you see I’m taking their term and using it against them, against the neocons on the right like Lady G and Trump, and the neocons on the left like Victoria Nuland and Tony Blinken; who is America’s actual president/commander-in-chief by the way, a hardcore imperialist, Jewish supremacist, Zionist and Islamophobe.
Down here in Australia, our “conservative” governments under Howard and Abbott boasted about stopping the boats of illegal immigrants, yet likely increased LEGAL immigration at the same time……the part they don’t tell the public.
They know the voters don’t want non white immigration, so keep the migration folly largely hidden from them.
Our “democracy” means we get turd world immigration regardless of whoever is in charge.
Exactly, Dump says he wants to increase legal immigration, and after Brexit I heard many more illegals than usual were allowed to pour into the UK under Boris Johnson and subsequent prime ministers.
We don’t have a democracy, our governments are illegitimate, it’s time to reject, and eject them.
What that looks like in practice I’ll leave to the imagination of each individual and community.
Saw a wonderful meme recently that asked:
“When a billionaire dies, what happens to his senators?”
The riposte:
“I don’t know, but they ought to be buried with him as they did with servants of the Pharaoh.”
Now that’s fine way of enforcing term limits.
That sounds about right to me.
Anybody who thinks one billionaire or billionaire controlled candidate/party is significantly better than another billionaire or billionaire controlled candidate/party is politically illiterate.
That’s a hell of a lot of recent H1B applications recently.
Four times as many as when Trump was President. I had no idea.
Trump recently said he wants MORE legal immigration.
So if he wins, those applications get approved, just as if Kamala wins. So the brown horde still swamps us, just legally.
Forget it, I’m not voting this year.
Changing the legal immigration system has to go through Congress where virtually all legislation and especially immigration legislation goes to die. H-1B visas are capped
I will vote for neither and have NONE of this on my conscience. I am still robbed to pay for it, however.
Oh well, political expedientcy. I hate the immigration and the local crime report is a farce. I’m on your side, lesser of the two evils it is.
In your series “The Case for Trump,” have you become aware of this frightening phenomenon? Considering the brainwashing beginning in the cradle, it is not shocking though.
Synopsis: Gen Z females are the most far-left in US history, while Gen Z males are becoming more “conservative.” That do not bode well for family forming or the domestic tranquility.
It is terrible and I saw it on X, but seems like an issue that deserves its own post as not part of the series
Trump is just copium at this point in Amerika.
It is already Fundamentally Transformed into a steaming Weimarbabwe turd.
Courtesy of the CPUSA (D) & Grand Old Politburo (R) wings of the UNI-Soviet.
Just reading about the glorious peoples (property is theft) republic of kalifornia giving newcomer CPUSA (D) lifetime dependents huge (20%) mortgage breaks.
Better get my teevee on and the wheel up buffet cart, football is here!
Johhny Sportsball is so sporty like… I wear his jersey like my HS girlfriend.
Burn this MOFO DOWN.
My legacy will be that of bringing America down to a level of the rest of the world.
The immaculate Chicago messiah (THE ONE!)
> The immaculate Chicago messiah (THE ONE!)
Slight correction, as we all be talkin’ ebonics now. Da ‘maculate Chicaguh messiah (D’won). To be a platinum-murikan yo gotta talkin’ like one.
Trump isn’t even trying this time around. And neither is the government coordinated “dissident Right.” They’ve basically gone into RINO mode, they have no alternative, since they’re afraid / not allowed to use hard rhetoric anymore. When the “dissident Right” parrots the establishment media, it means they aren’t trying anymore. The stakes in the election are actually low, with the greatest likelihood of harm coming from a Trump win. He will be “forced” by Congress to take a hard line on Russia. He will be “forced” by Congress to have an administration twice as bad as last time. He won’t be forced to play along with whatever insane COVID VAX type scheme the globalists have cooked up next.
The Right will pay for all of Trump’s FUCKUPS in spades.
I’ve never been interested in the NS / fascism stuff and I don’t rank Israel as the most important issue because it is a foreign country and none of us live there. We live in this country.
every day trump accentuates and reconfirms that there is no case for Trump.
I think he has been given marching orders to kill the golem called MAGA
Simply by occupying the White House, Trump blocks the Democratic agenda. So there is that!
I posted many times here in the comments in 2020 decrying the then-popular “worse is better” idea and saying that not voting for Trump was an insane reaction. I remember the countless “punished blumpf” or “potato blumpf” graphics that accompanied almost every post. The arguments against voting for Trump amounted to self-serving nonsense such as, “We [i.e., WN entities and pro-Southern entities] received more donations when Obama was in power!” I couldn’t believe the suicidal selfishness of this.
There is no bottom. There is no limit to how bad things can get. Worse is always simply worse, often much worse, and accelerationism only ever means acceleration toward the condition of South Africa.
One should always attempt to push the GOP as far right as possible. But anytime it comes down to choosing one or the other, the Dem or the GOP, the choice HAS to be made to support the less-Leftist of the two. Even cuckservatism is better than totalitarian gay race communism, which is what we have, and anyone with sense would have known in 2020 that that was coming.
I don’t always agree with commentators, but I am persuadable.
> Even cuckservatism is better than totalitarian gay race communism, which is what we have, and anyone with sense would have known in 2020 that that was coming.
You’re dead wrong. Cuckservatism invariably results in gay race communism (a very nonsenical terms for Church of Woke dogma, btw) because (as Rev. Dabney noted in 1870) that is what it is designed to do. Yes the extreme examples you cite before the quoted line are true up to a point, but the click-bait clowns are not interested in saving the people either.
The overarching problem is white people in general. Nearly half of the whites in the west are arrayed against preserving their own race. Cuckservatism is merely a scam run by the enemy. So are elements of WN, by the way. Lenin’s “worse is better” aphorism refers primarily to economic conditions. This is because the normie goes along on normalcy bias despite what his ‘lying eyes’ tell him from time to time. That’s been the game of the Gay Old Pedoburo for decades running. When normies come to realize that there is no peaceful way out of their slaughter-pen is the moment there will be an actual change (revolution).
“One should always attempt to push the GOP as far right as possible. But anytime it comes down to choosing one or the other, the Dem or the GOP, the choice HAS to be made to support the less-Leftist of the two”:
Yes, you might as well help push the U.S. further toward the right, because it will certainly never be LEFT! I hope you enjoy what the Right gives you: the austerity of increased privatisation, loss of Social Security, Medicare and all other public services, and further militarisation, imperialism, and greater rigidity of class structure – because that’s what THE RIGHT is.
Oh shoot. Seeing that car really drives it home for me. I live in southern California. I went to college in Los Aneles back in the early nineties. There was actually a racket where sleazy lawyers were recruiting illegals to slam on their brakes on the freeway in hopes of getting rear ended. There was a network of doctors and chiropractors who were getting in on the action. I don’t know how the authorities caught on but they did and busted a whole bunch of professionals. Having insurance rates go up because of illegals has been an issue out here since as long as I can remember. I’ve known people who have been hit. There are hit and runs. I mean it really is an issue. To see this happen to you, someone in rural Alabama, just proves that we are all but overrun. It’s demoralizing to see things that you’ve fought against your whole life spread everywhere else. Sorry it happened, my friend.
— I don’t know how the authorities caught on
It wasn’t the authorities, it was insurance investigators.
Millions of undesirables are swarming across our southern border and none of us have done a thing to stop it. Not even pro-White activist groups like Patriot Front will go down to Calexico or El Paso to protest. We deserve what we tolerate.
I have been wondering where you have been, Spahn.
I’ve been slumming on Gab, HW!
—— Not even pro-White activist groups
David Duke was down on the border with his people helping border surveillance and apprehensions in the 1970s.
American people just wouldn’t get behind him.
He was doing more than his part.
@Michael Kochel,
“I went to college in Los Aneles back in the early nineties. There was actually a racket where sleazy lawyers were recruiting illegals to slam on their brakes on the freeway in hopes of getting rear ended. There was a network of doctors and chiropractors who were getting in on the action. I don’t know how the authorities caught on but they did and busted a whole bunch of professionals.”
I can second this fact. It was a real scam. Thing was, it was only one of hundreds. It continued of and through other parts of the state and included other border states. While the LA operation was broken up in the 90s, as far as I know it later rebuilt. It definitely was mimicked in other states and probably continues today but on an even more vast scale.
When you 35,000,000 plus illegal aliens, 37,500,000 legal immigrants, and another 22,500,000 legal aliens inside the US, plus all the Cartels, Mafias, and street crimes, there is simply no way an underground economy, racketeering economy, and crime economy, is being suppressed. Instead its probably now just baked into the socio-economy. Soon, thibgs like this will be endemic in the Midwest and South.
??Jewish EU ‘founding father’ Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi in ‘Praktischer Idealismus’ 1925“ We [Jews] intend to turn Europe into a mixed race of Asians and Negros ruled over by the Jews”
Not a jew. Full name = Richard Nikolaus Eijiro, Count of Coudenhove-Kalergi. Half Austrian aristocracy (Flemish and Cretan Greek descent), half Japanese. Advocated genocide of all races except jews though and was heavily involved in Freemason BS. Freemasons above a certain level as ‘rebuilding Solomon’s temple’ allegedly, they’re really rebuilding the Tower of Babel. This holds true for all kinds of Satanists, including Kosher Nosetra, Jesuits and others.
@Exalted Cyclops and Charlie,
“Not a jew. Full name = Richard Nikolaus Eijiro, Count of Coudenhove-Kalergi. Half Austrian aristocracy (Flemish and Cretan Greek descent), half Japanese.”
Correct. His family was a historic Euro-Aryan family of Roman antecedents. In fact, his Kalergi ancestry was of Byzantine origin and traces to the Photos family who were in turn of Thraco-Roman, and Greco-Roman origin. His Coudenhove ancestry traces back to the Franco-Roman origins in Flanders. Therefore they were considered a high ranking neo-Roman Papist imperial family whicb represented the epitome of Euro-Aryan nobility.
It is noteworthy, that this family despite its ancient pedigree and accumulated wealth retained its martial traditions from Greece to Rome and Germans to Celts, and even the Aryans. This was no degenerate or corrupt family. Which is all the more surprising that his father ended up marrying out of their Euro-Aryan origins and married into a Japanese martial clan. Many of his Euro-Aryan relatives were not happy.
So, Richard Nikolaus Eijiro was a literal Globalist entity in himself. He spoke several languages and become a consumate diplomat like his father. He also become friendly with Jews like his father. While, the elder Count was originally a confirmed Anti-Semite, unlike the A.S.Spergers here, he actually looked in depth to the question. He found that the conflict between Jews, Moslems, and Christians originated with the ethno-religious fanaticism of the Jews. It was the Greco-Roman Christians who incorporated the Jewish elements of fanaticism into early Christianity and become transformed Greco-Roman pagan tolerance into a more intolerant form. Islam likewise incorporated Semitic intolerance into their religion. To the elder count, ameliorating these conflicts was the purpose of Christian humanity. Not an ignoble purpose.
“Advocated genocide of all races except jews though and was heavily involved in Freemason BS. Freemasons above a certain level as ‘rebuilding Solomon’s temple’ allegedly, they’re really rebuilding the Tower of Babel. This holds true for all kinds of Satanists, including Kosher Nosetra, Jesuits and others.”
The younger Count followed in his father’s diplpmatic footsteps. He went so far as to marry a part Jewish actress which not only angered the European extended family, but his Japanese extended family. The later like their European aristocratic counterparts considered the theater a place for vagabonds and prostitutes. Most of the lies spread against him stem from this marriage, including statements falsely attributed to him that he wanted to obliterate all races except for Jews.
In reality the younger Count stated that the historical developments of global industrial capitalism would eventually lead to the mongrelization of Europe by Asiatics and Negroes. To mitigate, if not oppose this development, he promoted the ideas of a United States of Europe that would unite the various nationalities and states of Europe into a force capable of standing up to America, the Global South and Asia.
In this he allowed for the slow evolution intermingling of the nations of Europe into a single European people. In turn, it would be led by the old Euro-Aryan nobility but modernized. He saw his ideal Euro-Aryan leader as a gentleman who must respect and protect ladies, a person adhering to honesty, fair play, courtesy, and rational discourse, and trained in the military arts.
In this vision he was vociferously opposed by your favorite uncle, who saw in this a recreated adaption of the old European imperialism. As a confirmed Nordicist and Socialist, Adolf saw this neo-Holy Roman vision as resulting in the submersion of his Nordic Germany and the continuation of the nobility of which he was a competitor too.
As to his supposed Freemasonic Satanism, this is more Nazi propoganda. Freemason in general believe in the brotherhood of nations, similar to the Count’s hoped for United States of Europe. It is opposed to religious fanaticism in the same manner as the elder Count father opposed the religious fanaticism started by Jews, promoted by Greco-Roman Christianity, and continued by Islam. But, the younger Count was not not a member of Anglo-American Freemasonry. He was a member of Cobtinental and Grand Orient Freemasonry. This is a key difference.
The Nazis liked to promote the Jesuit Papists disinformation against Anglo-American Freemasonry. Namel, that they do the same things as the Continental Freemasons. In turn, you guys have gulped the lies and now compare George Washington to Gerald Ford to false or twisted comparisons to Continental Grand Orient. In reality, unlike the Contintal Grand Orient lodges, Anglo-American Freemasonry demands a belief in God, and has in some rites overt demands for being Christian. It also opposes the subordination of nations to imperialism and the fanaticism of both Jews, Moslems and Catholics.
To prove the historical animosity and hypocritical hatred of the Papists toward British Protestant Anglo-Americans, they allowed Papists like the Count to become members of the Grand Orient. This despite the fact that the later doesn’t require a belief in God. But, while the Anglo-Americans required a belief in God and actually requires in some degrees to be promoters of Christianity, the Palacy excommunicated them if they joined Anglo-American Freemasonry. Nonetheless, its clear that the Count viewed himself as a kind of Christian humanist and a member of a type of Freemasonry that advocated both nationalism and federalism.
With this background its hard to say the Count was a Satanist and certainly it is false to attribute Anglo-American Freemasonry to any Satanism that Hitler claimed the Count had because he was a member of a Lodge Anglo-Americans dont recognize. This is how poisonous disinformation can lead you down into lies and darkness. Leave it and join the light by which noble Christian men work.
“??Jewish EU ‘founding father’ Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi in ‘Praktischer Idealismus’ 1925“ We [Jews] intend to turn Europe into a mixed race of Asians and Negros ruled over by the Jews”
First, he wasn’t Jewish. Second, that statement attributed to him is false.
“UK Muslims Tooling Up, RIOTS EXPLODE Over Immigration Tensions”
(soon to be coming here)
Look at their materials, they’re obviously being aided in something clandestine
@Brad if you think secession will magically fix the deep seated problems in this country then you must be mentally ill. All of the same problems will still be present minus the Federal government. Unless you have a complete REVOLUTION, and change everything including the type of government, who’s in control of everything behind the scenes, education, media, central banking, Jews, and have a focus on united church and state then it’s all futile. If you have a different opinion that is cool but probably haven’t the knowledge or expertise to understand this.
IMO, Whites in other parts of the United States have a very different culture and preferences and have never been like us, and separating from them would unquestionably lead to very different national governments. This is why I am a Southern Nationalist.
Strongly disagree.
Compare West Virginia to Vermont which are two of the whitest states in the country. Both are Appalachian and in the eastern United States with similar climates. Those two states couldn’t be more unlike.
You completely miss my points. That isn’t even the problem. The problem is even if Alabama seceded it is not the same Alabama as it was in the 60’s for one. So it won’t be Jim Crow it’ll be a civic nationalist state with the same democratic oligarchy just on a smaller scale. Crime in the larger cities are the worst than anywhere in the country. Blacks are not going anywhere just because you secede. There will still be Zionists and globalists in charge with a central banking system, integration, universal enfranchisement. These are just some of the problems there are more.
I have lived in Alabama for pretty much my entire life and the problem here is not blacks. It is White liberals in other parts of the country. Get rid of our ties with those people and every single problem that we have with blacks becomes solvable because then it would be just us and them here. The reason nothing can be done about any problem is due to federal intervention, federal laws and federal courts all of which is backed up by the opinions of White libtards. The same is true of cultural issues as every sickness that we have here like gay marriage and now transgenderism was imported and imposed on us by federal courts.
“IMO, Whites in other parts of the United States have a very different culture”
Is that ever true !
It’s almost to the point of being different species.
Southerners have centuries of dealing with and adapting to blks , whereas other areas are completely oblivious to racial facts. A lack of generational awareness.
Yes, the cultural difference is much more than just racial attitudes, but that’s the salient point for me.
I live in rural Alabama in the Black Belt in one of the blackest parts of the United States. I interact with black people every single day. I’m not really bothered by them.
Why do blacks control Selma, Anniston, Montgomery, Birmingham or any number of cities here? How did that happen? Oh right … it is because White libtards in other parts of the country came up with the 14th and 15th Amendments and passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act. The very same people who rioted over George Floyd and burned down Minneapolis and create CHAZ in Seattle
Black people are not the problem. White libtards are the problem. Without them constantly intervening in our affairs, everything would be fine here. You can add opening the borders and flooding the country with 10 million illegal aliens to the list of things that White libtards are responsible for and why we would be so much better off without them
I have a dream that Union ceases to exist. That’s the one thing that I would do with power. End that relationship and every other door is unlocked
Ok so if Alabama seceded do you believe that segregation would return, inter-racial marriage be made illegal, and the vote would only be for whites? Do you think that an independent Alabama would still be a democracy or something else? Do you think that all of the Liberals would be forcibly removed? What do you envision an independent Alabama will look like?