In the 2016 election, I was a Trump voter who was swept up in the Alt-Right wave and drank the kool aid like other activists. I was voting for Trump, not against Hillary Clinton.
In the 2020 election, I was blackpilled over the collapse of the Alt-Right after Charlottesville. I was exhausted with Trump and was ready to move on. I sat out the federal election.
In the 2024 election, I have largely spent the last four years working and focusing on my family. Passions have cooled. I look back on the Alt-Right era more critically. I have become much more skeptical of activists as so many of the people who I used to be involved with have clowned themselves. Donald Trump’s record looks better in hindsight after four years of Joe Biden. I’m now in the anti-Harris camp.
So far, I have written 21 articles in this series without dwelling much on the fact that Donald Trump’s opponent is Kamala Harris. Having covered the Trump era and the Biden era, I would much rather put up with Trump’s failures and dumb shit for four years than live under this woman. If he loses the 2024 election, the fact that Trump will run in 2028 against “Kambala” and that we will be stuck in this doom loop until 2032 when my son Jackson will be 9-years-old is something I would like to avoid. The novelty of President “Kambala” will wear off very, very fast and will suck the life out of politics.
“Kambala” is nothing more than another puppet of the Democratic elites who have been using Joe Biden as their meat sack to run the country for the last four years. Unlike Trump, she has no cult of personality or independent base of support and owes her current ascent entirely to these people. Therefore, it is instructive to look at how they have governed the country and what they have tried to do over the last four years because that is what we can expect. They will certainly use power to push their agenda.
What can we expect from President Kamala Harris?
1. First, “Kambala” will continue the current Biden policy of fueling the war in Ukraine for “as long as it takes” in order to kill as many people as possible over there because this is seen by American military planners as “weakening Russia” and as a win for the United States.
2. Second, there will be no change in Israel and Iran policy under “Kambala.” The genocide in Gaza will continue because Democratic donors support Israel. The same Democratic donors who fund AIPAC recently took out Cori Bush and Jamaal Bowman in their primaries to purge critics of our Israel policy. They persuaded New York City Mayor Eric Adams to crush the pro-Palestinian campus protests. Thousands of people were arrested in a crackdown worse than anything seen under Trump. They also pushed the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act and the TikTok ban through Congress. They will rightly celebrate a win by “Kambala” as proof of their wisdom in dumping Biden, prosecuting Trump, rigging primaries, incarcerating January 6 protesters, etc. America will continue to “Stand With Israel” in anything that happens with Iran like during the most recent provocative assassinations in Beirut and Tehran.
3. Third, the Biden administration has been the most anti-White administration in history, and has prioritized explicit anti-White discrimination in every department of the executive branch to achieve “equity” since his first days in office. We can expect more of the same under “Kambala.”
4. “Kambala” will no doubt accelerate White demographic displacement by keeping the Third World flood across the border going. Just like after 2020, we can expect at least another 10 million illegal aliens to arrive although their numbers will likely climb much higher since Trump’s defeat in the 2024 election will be seen as a bat signal to come here by millions of people all over the world. Democratic elites have no reason to change course and will keep the borders open to own the chuds.
5. “Kambala” intends to turn the American economy into Venezuela. The cost of living will continue to soar as it has in Democratic states where Democrats have absolute power. Severe economic mismanagement will make it harder for everyone to pay their bills. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema will no longer be in the Senate in 2025 to save the filibuster. We can expect Democrats to spend trillions of dollars on government programs to employ college graduates to “help” the middle class and working class.
6. “Kambala” will appoint hundreds of federal judges in the mold of Ketanji Brown Jackson. She might replace Clarence Thomas or Samuel Alito on the Supreme Court. These judges can be relied upon to weaken First Amendment and Second Amendment rights.
7. “Kambala” will try to do all the things which Biden tried to do and failed because he was blocked in the Senate by Manchin and Sinema – comprehensive immigration reform, the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, all the gay and trans shit, etc. Without the filibuster, it will pass the Senate if it clears the House and she will sign it into law. Fetterman has already vowed to get rid of the filibuster.
8. “Kambala” will use all the agencies of the federal government to go after Elon Musk and others to stamp out as much free speech on the internet as possible.
Finally, the “worse is better” bros will be disappointed. There will not be a civil war or a revolution. America will not collapse. Americans will not turn to “National Socialism.” Instead, Trump will run for president again in 2028 – perhaps from federal prison – and most people will adjust to the new status quo, as they have adjusted their lives over the last four years to accommodate explicit anti-White discrimination, weaponizing the judicial system, transgenderism, over 10 million new illegal aliens, war with Russia and a 20% decline in their standard of living. The only saving grace is that it will radicalize more people who will be more angry and that will show up in polls, but it will not amount to squat when Trump or Ron DeSantis harnesses the inevitable backlash. Life will just be much worse for ordinary people.
For all these reasons and more, which I do not have the time to articulate, it is important to push Blumpf over the finish line, as having him flail around and exit politics is much better than this scenario. This is the last article which I intend to write about my thoughts on Trump and the 2024 election. I’ve now fully explained where I am at and why on this issue.
As usual, the point of this article is to explain my own thinking because otherwise you would not understand the shifts in my position. I am not telling you to vote for Donald Trump. You are capable of making your own decisions. This is my attempt to flesh out my own inner monologue.
1. The Right finally moves on from Trump in 2028
2. The Alt-Right has terrible political instincts
3. Joe Biden has been a sedative as president
4. Activist brain blinds us and creates prejudice against conservative normies
5. Trump is the leader because he is the best of the Republicans
6. “Worse is better” is a cope and was tried in 2020 and maintains the status quo
7. Voting is not a sacrament. Few know this
8. Voting is not going to change anything about Zionism in the next four years
9. Activists have the chance to ride the Trump wave without making the same mistakes
10. Activists are running out of material because the Overton Window has shifted so much
11. Donald Trump is a hunted dog who has been backed into a corner
12. Donald Trump is a divider, not a uniter and his legacy will ultimately be useful for us
13. Winning is still better than losing at baseline
14. The Left is still the enemy and wants to take away our freedoms
15. The cause of anti-Zionism depends on internet free speech
16. Donald Trump is reviled by our elites because he is an obstacle to their agenda
17. Donald Trump’s Supreme Court appointments have been improving his legacy
18. The war in Ukraine showed that Biden is worse on foreign policy than Trump
19. Joe Biden’s economic policy and foreign policy unleashed a tsunami of inflation
20. Political pornography is warping the minds of activists and leaving them disabled
22. “President Kambala” is a fork in the road that it would be wise to avoid
Guys I want to remember all of you that in a few days it will be the anniversary of the death of Aaron Jay Danielson, who in 29 August 2020 was killed by an antifa….. this is another reason to vote against our enemies.
A bad, but tolerable federal government, DE-incentivizes and DE-legitimizes the secessionist movement.
A terrible and IN-tolerable federal government however, incentivizes and legitimizes the secessionist movement.
So you are actively undermining your stated primary objective by maintaining the status quo.
Instead you should be saying; if we can’t have a white/Christian nationalist federal government, than we shouldn’t have any federal government whatsoever.
If we can’t have a reasonable immigration policy and end mass migration both illegal, and legal (particularly from nonwhite/NonChristian countries), if we can’t have a sound economy where we don’t spend well beyond our means and what we do spend we spend on the health, safety and security of our people rather than on corporations, if we can’t have an America-1st isolationist foreign policy instead of an imperial Zionist one, if we can’t stand up for the constitution and explicitly Christian values rather than this generic, sanitized, lukewarm, amorphous social conservatism even a Hindu who believes in as many Gods as the left does genders can see themselves in, than we shouldn’t have a federal government at all.
This sort of ‘not good but less bad’ federal government undermines the very cause you claim to champion.
Donald Trump’s immigration policy may (or may not be, I mean the jury’s still out on that one as far as I’m concerned, as Trump’s was worse than Obama’s and Trump says he wants even more legal immigration (I mean how insane is that when millions come annually already, just from an economic standpoint let alone color and creed, clearly he doesn’t actually care about jobs or overburdening housing, infrastructure and social services) be less bad than Kamala’s, but it’s still bad, and even if we were to adopt it instead of hers for decades to come, it will still lead to the end of the possibility of the south ever seceding, because the south will still inevitably be transformed beyond recognition by a tidal wave of nonwhites/nonChristians.
And as for foreign policy, Trump is clearly not better at all, he’s going to lead us into WW3 just as Kamala/Blinken will over Zionism and imperialism with Russia, Iran and China.
You can secede from the US federal government if it crumbles, but you can’t secede from the world if it crumbles.
There’s only one world, and both Kamala and Trump are hell bent on destroying it in a war to maintain Judeo-American hegemony.
There is no long term solution in either faction of the uniparty and the federal government, you are just kicking the can down the road to nowhere/over a precipice, they must be jettisoned, the sooner the better, now while there’s still a South worth saving.
> A bad, but tolerable federal government, DE-incentivizes and DE-legitimizes the secessionist movement. A terrible and IN-tolerable federal government however, incentivizes and legitimizes the secessionist movement. So you are actively undermining your stated primary objective by maintaining the status quo.
This is certainly true, but I think you’re overlooking an important factor. Perception is more important than reality in many ways. Especially important for the national divorce is the perception of our enemies, the majority of whom are whites. I’m referring here to the well-heeled, NPR-listening shitlibs – typically women – who received their indoctrination degrees from universities. It is these folks who need to perceive the government as the “terrible and IN-tolerable federal government”. In other words the secession movement needs to originate in the Northeast, West Coast and Upper midwest – all major Church of Woke strongholds, not in the south, texas or lower midwest. With Trump in office, they will be allowed to secede with no federal armies sent to end their attempt.
If the latter group attempted this, Trump would send in the military – actually attacking the natives with F-16s as Joey Shitpants threatened to. Most of us here know what Trump is already. A grifter who will money-grub for his paymasters and say anything to get votes. The thing is, the deep-state et al have actually been too successful with their Mighty Wurlitzer when it comes to the Harris voters described above. They are so detached from reality that they see Trump as an existential threat (which he is anything but).
(Mis)perception does mean a lot, and this applies to republicans just as much as democrats.
We know there’s little difference between dems and reps in practice, but the former has been conditioned by libtard media to misperceive the latter as fascists/Nazis, while the latter has been conditioned by conservatard media to misperceive the former as commies, when we know both sides are neoliberal imperialists and Zionists who differ very little in practice.
If dems win nearly 100% of federal elections from here on, reps will be more likely to secede than they are now because ‘the commies’ have conquered America, likewise if reps win nearly 100% of federal elections from here on, dems will be more likely to secede than they are now because ‘the fascist Nazis’ have conquered America.
It’s one side never getting what they want, that’s good for secession, whereas both sides getting what they want approximately 50% of the time is what’s bad for secession, because both sides can pacify themselves, tell themselves: ‘while things aren’t good, they could be a lot worse’.
So I recommend those who can see through the ruse, see the uniparty for what it is, give up on it, don’t vote for one compartment of the uniparty because you think it’s a bit less evil, instead opt out, and if millions from your compartment do as you do, the other compartment will always win, further black-pilling those form your compartment, pushing them deeper into the secessionist camp.
This process may take a while, because you may have to lose many times in a row, losing once or twice may not be enough.
Now that’s change, that’s anti-establishment, keeping this farce spectacle shit show going means for all intents and purposes, you’re a neoliberal imperialist, a neocon, friend of the establishment, not a revolutionary at all, a reactionary.
And I guess that’s what this blog is really all about, reaction as it says, counterrevolution.
Put whatever surplus energy you have for politics some place else, not in the system, or at least not in the uniparty, whatever that may be for whoever’s reading, that’s the only way we’ll ever get real change.
The system’s terrified of that, it spends billions annually attempting to convince both compartments the sky will fall if we don’t surrender to one of the two compartmentalized compartments of the uniparty/oligarchy, desperate to keep everyone invested perpetually bickering over minutia.
So yes, either don’t vote at all, or vote 3rd party/independent (for the Constitution Party, or the Libertarian Party, or the American Solidary Party, whatever), or do vote republican, but only locally, don’t vote republican federally, either one of these three strategies works.
I recommend democrats who’re fed up with the status quo do likewise, don’t vote, or vote for Jill Stein, or do vote democrat but only locally.
Put all your energy elsewhere, that’s what the system really fears.
A “national divorce” is a non-starter. Jew York and Soviet Kalifornistan aren’t going anywhere. They suck in drinking water, food, power, fuel, and tax money from the entire continent. They can’t let us go.
But let’s pretend that someone waved a magic wand and fixed that problem. Let’s say the West Coast megalopolis no longer has to suck up every spare watt and every unclaimed slice of bread, every drop of drinkable water or usable gasoline west of the Mississippi, and no longer needs a trillion-dollar blank check underwritten by you, the taxpayer, for a hundred million imported IQ-55 Free Shit Army members on El Guelfare and the weekly bailout of the bank/movie studio/insurance conglomerate/multinational hedge fund that’s “too big to fail.” Comrade Gav declares himself El Lider Maximo de la Revolucion Calizuelana. All US military bases in California close and he starts printing up his own paper money and postage stamps, and stands up a force of border guards, an Olympic luge team, all that independent sovereign state stuff. Right? How long will it be before there are Chinese bombers with live nukes on board lined up on the tarmac at Edwards and Vandenberg, to “maintain stability and public safety?” Hours. It’ll be hours. It’ll be the duration of a one-way trip with aerial refueling once the Chicoms realize they can do it without consequences. And two weeks after that a quarter of a million Chinese marines will be climbing out of container ships in the Ports of Los Angeles and San Francisco. And Ol’ Gav, and London Breed, and Eric Garcetti, will be burning up the phone lines begging Daddy Xi to nuke those know-nothing hicks in Idaho and Arizona and Modoc County.
They can’t let us go, we can’t let them go, their ideology won’t let them leave us alone, and they won’t negotiate in good faith anyway because they view us as subhuman. Plan accordingly. Harden your heart.
Kamala means horrible or terrible in Finnish language. Google Finnish English translate
kamala, hirvittävä, hirveä
kauhea, hirvittävä, hirveä, kamala
kamala, aavemainen, kauhea, kalmankalpea, hirvittävä
“means horrible or terrible in Finnish”:
That reminds me that Finland itself is horrible now, fully neoliberal. The last remains of the Finnish revolution of 1917 have been completely undone.
Did you know? “Kambala” is a popular sport in far southern, darkest Dravidian India, in which two pairs of water buffalo are horse whipped to make them run at full speed through a muddy rice paddy, to see which pair can run fastest.
Mrs. Emhoff’s “Harris” maiden surname is Irish, derived from her Irish slave ancestry. Yes, there were Irish slaves in British Jamaica.
“Kambala intends to turn the American economy into Venezuela”:
That is backwards. The system (or the elites) do not intend to turn the American economy into Venezuela. Rather, it intends to re-impose the American economy on Venezuela, overthrowing Maduro and un-doing the Bolivarian revolution and making Venezuela fully part of the “American economy” once again. Furthermore Mrs. Emhoff (Kamala) doesn’t really have any “intentions”; she only follows directions as she receives them.
“There will not be a civil war or a revolution. America will not collapse. Americans will not turn to ‘National Socialism.’ Instead, Trump will run for president again in 2028”:
I agree that the U.S. class and usury system is resilient, and stabilises itself after each recurrent depression or recession. Absent a powerful outside force attacking it, the U.sury S.ystem could last a thousand years. The U.S. “homeland” is the last place on earth where a people’s socialist revolution is likely to occur. The atomised, thoroughly multi-ethnic and multicultural population would need to rise together in a mass general strike, which seems nearly impossible.
My brother did text me the other day that he is already seeing problems as competent boomers retire and are replaced by all these unstable fatherless bastards who can’t go three days without having a meltdown. Even my rich DC dwelling sister who hates Trump and is a huge brainwashed democrat, yep she has such a cushy life she actually said the most important issue this election is “climate change”??? Seriously??? Well she also went on about how the country is becoming too “bottom heavy” so even she must be noticing the decay where she lives. She only likes the east coast because “people are just so much smarter and more educated here, I could never live anywhere else” and hates LA because it has “lowlifes smoking pot everywhere” Even our families favorite locally owned restaurant just closed after the owner died and his heirs sold out the property of…get this slap in the face…a “cannabis” outlet. So instead of getting a pork cutlet with gravy, soup and salad, and mixed vegetables the building will peddling stuff that makes you into a loser and low quality citizen.
As usual you have put forth a very well-reasoned argument, HW. But Zion Don will be 82 years old in 2028, so this will most likely be his last attempt to retake the White House. And unless I am mistaken the Deep State/Regime Media industrial complex will stop at nothing to prevent him from winning. Kabbalah Harris will simply be installed as our next president no matter what. Unfortunately there won’t be any “boogaloo” to save us. But maybe Baron Trump is being secretly groomed to become the first Imperatores Americani?
Look at Joe Biden.
Once politicians get addicted to power, they rarely let go. If Trump loses, his personality cult will only grow more attached to him. They will give him the nomination again in 2028. Then we will have an 82-year-old Trump running against Kambala on Revenge Tour 2.
The boiling frog scenario goes on for us.
Nothing sudden will occur overnight. It’s gradual, slow and barely perceptible. But the end result will be the same.
—- It’s gradual, slow and barely perceptible
Just as the Torah directs.
“Not suddenly, but slowly I will give you conquest”
Here’s what you can expect. Better hang, on white people… gonna be a bumpy ride:
Barry’s Fourth Term will be the end of what is left of the former republic.
The CPUSA (D) wants CW II that’s why the immaculate Chicago messiah (THE ONE!) purchased all of those guns and ammo during the Year Zero reign.
It could be sporky-o-rama in just over two months.
I’m afraid a lot of “low information voters” think it merely Senile Old Joe and a fresh face will result in difference policies. As if the problem isn’t the Democrats themselves.
Pretty obvious something is going wrong when virtually ALL the Kentucky Fried Chickens over half my state suddenly shut down. At $17 for a one person dinner the entire restaurant industry is contracting big time, not to mention staffing issues. Hardees are shutting down around me too, Red Lobster is vanishing. Seems the future is going to be those gas station/truck stop serving food hybrids where you have another prospering business to share the overhead. Pretty expensive to pay the rent on a building and pay staff to be around for 8 hours when you only do a profitable business between 4 and 7pm.
Subway is also dying
I Corinthians 11:22: Apostle Paul asks “What? Have ye not houses (homes) to eat in?”
Dining out (including prepared meals with home delivery) is said to be the single most common cause of credit card debt in the U.S. The women don’t want to cook, they want to be served.
California is the root of all evil to everyone outside of California I suppose lol. Again as I said before, camela is unelected and she was too retarded for California. If she’s elected it will prove election rigging. The will dead will rise again to vote pepsi and noone gives a ****, Americans deserve this fate with their spoiled apathy.