Articles by Hunter Wallace

Obama, Oil, Iran
More on the Iran controversy: Calling the price of oil one of the world’s most “dangerous weapons,” Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama (Ill.) on […]

KunstlerCast #22: Handicap Access
(Listen Here) James Howard Kunstler explores the consequences of handicap access regulations and how these codes have unintentionally promoted suburban sprawl throughout much of America. […]

Drivers Cut Gas Use to Five-Year Low
The recent slackening off in crude prices is probably being driven by demand destruction. Americans are using a 2003 level of gasoline in 2008. They […]

A Work Force Betrayed
A good article from Paul Craig Roberts in VDARE. McCain’s top economic advisor, Phil Gramm, has this to say about the American economy: The Times […]

Dreher on Black Crime
A surprising near embrace of race realism (read: common sense) by Rod Dreher.

Hitler on the War Between the States
Clyde Wilson and Thomas DiLorenzo are claiming that Hitler admired Lincoln. Actually, I recall him praising the Confederacy. He saw the loss of the Confederacy […]

Kunstler Cast #21: Convenience
(Listen Here) In preparation for the Fourth of July, Jim and Duncan celebrate the God-given right of every American to convenience, Cheez Doodles and happy […]

$4 gas helping revitalize small towns
It costs around $24 dollars now to travel round trip from Comer to Montgomery; $16 from Eufaula to Dothan or Columbus. A year ago, the price was […]

Obama and White Nationalists
At Hatewatch, Mark Potok and Heidi Beirich further discuss the reaction of White Nationalists to Obama’s presidential campaign. I don’t think an Obama victory in […]

Definition of Conservatism
At TakiMag, commentator Leon Haller presents an unorthodox definition of conservatism that is indistinguishable from hard communitarianism: Conservatism may be defined (OK, roughly) as “the disposition […]

Alabama Drought
Via Watercrunch. Speaking of water, the miserable drought we have been enduring in Alabama has eased somewhat.

Kunstler Interview
At Alternet, an interview with James Howard Kunstler regarding his new book World Made By Hand. “I’m describing changes that we face, but I’m hardly […]

T. Boone Pickens’ New Ad Campaign
T. Boone Pickens: “This is one emergency we can’t drill our way out of.” His new website. A longer explanation of his plan.

American Energy Policy, Asleep at the Spigot
A long piece in the New York Times about American energy policy. The speed at which gas prices are climbing is forcing a seismic change […]

Where We’re At
Kunstler’s latest blog entry: Every time I saw a car towing a motorboat this holiday weekend, I wondered what was going through the head of […]

Is global shipping slowing drastically?
Via Ambrose Evans-Pritchard. International trade is slowing down as fuel prices raise shipping costs. More here on a general slowdown of transportation in the UK.

Wal-Mart Going Local
Higher transportation costs are forcing Wal-Mart into the locally grown food business. LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — Wal-Mart stores in Arizona now stock Grand Canyon […]

Reconstruction in South Carolina
An excerpt from Stephen Budiansky’s The Bloody Shirt concerning South Carolina during Reconstruction. As in Alabama, there were bloody insurrections against negro/carpetbagger rule in the […]

Most say Founding Fathers wouldn’t be impressed
A majority of Americans believe the Founding Fathers would be disappointed with the present version of the United States. This isn’t really surprising. Neither George Washington […]

Jared Taylor on Takimag
Jared Taylor has responded to Paul Gottfried and John Zmirak at Takimag. The long comment thread seems to have been deleted.

Domain Renewed
Occidental Dissent was down yesterday because I forgot to renew the domain. I thought it was on auto-renew with the hosting account. Apparently not. In […]

White Man’s State
An excerpt about the Bourbon Restoration in Alabama following Reconstruction: Following a campaign for ratification, the people voted. The Democrats gave formal recognition to the […]

What is Racism?
A post of mine from the SPLC’s Hatewatch blog: Mark, In your view, is it “racist” to believe in the existence of racial differences (as […]

The ’60s Begin to Fade as Liberal Professors Retire
I predicted this would happen earlier this year. “Self-described liberals are most common within the ranks of those professors aged 50-64, who were teenagers or […]

Employers Cut Workers for a Sixth Month
62,000 jobs were lost last month. Inflation is at 4.1%. The softening job market has prompted millions of families to reduce their spending, further hurting […]

More Zmirak
This is amusing: My point is that it’s counterproductive to use such arguments– that it has socially toxic side effects, and WILL NOT WORK. Instead, […]

Friendship in a Post Carbon World
At Nature Bats Last, a discussion of friendship and the ramifications of Peak Oil. I also drifted out of contact with long time friends due to […]

White Nationalism and Patriotism in American History
At Taki Mag, Chris Roach attempts to bridge the gulf between White Nationalism and paleoconservatism with Catholic charity. He makes some remarks here that grabbed my attention: […]