Should Arizona Secede?
Arizona H/T Kosher Republic Yes. Today. Arizona can either secede or become California. Take your choice: revolution, serfdom, or secession. “How much does one state […]
Arizona H/T Kosher Republic Yes. Today. Arizona can either secede or become California. Take your choice: revolution, serfdom, or secession. “How much does one state […]
Arizona Why not go all the way? “If Jack Biltis has way, Arizonans may soon get to pick and choose which U.S. laws they don’t […]
Arizona Here’s an unusually clear eyed article from Andrew McCarthy at National Review on the Arizona decision: “Justice Antonin Scalia, in a characteristically electrifying dissent, […]
Arizona I was genuinely surprised to see a pretty compelling case for disunion at National Review of all places: “You’re an American citizen living in […]
Arizona I think we may be witnessing a historic moment: a total collapse in the legitimacy of the two-party system, the federal government, “mainstream” conservatism, […]
Arizona He was reportedly on the scene in Arizona this morning: “Today’s decision underscores the need for a president who will lead on this critical […]
District of Corruption A few months ago, a group of states filed amicus curiae briefs with the Supreme Court in support of the Obama administration’s […]
District of Corruption The Supreme Court gutted SB 1070 this morning. In a 5-3 decision (Kennedy, Roberts, Breyer, Ginsberg, Sotomayor), it struck down everything but […]
Arizona What kind of sick person could beat an 82-year-old woman like Nancy Newton to death in her own home? A youth between the ages […]
Arizona J.T. Ready, who is known affectionately at OD and VDARE as the Brown Herring, has become the latest Neo-Nazi vanguardist (think Yankee Jim, Curt […]
District of Corruption NY Times is reporting that SCOTUS sounds sympathetic to Arizona’s position.
Arizona I’ve never heard of “Nipsey Hussle” before, but I can imagine why one of his shows would end in violence. In his music video […]
Arizona I’ve been watching the exchange between Brooks D. Simpson and the “Southern Heritage Preservation Group” with some considerable amusement. It strikes me as having […]
Arizona Brooks D. Simpson, a professional Ulysses S. Grant apologist and Kevin Levin doppelganger, is predictably horrified that White Southerners don’t want to be Yankees. […]
Arizona The news broke this evening: the U.S. Supreme Court is taking Arizona’s appeal over SB 1070. Elena Kagan will recuse herself from the case. […]
Arizona Which American state will strike the first blow for freedom from BRA’s Union? It was South Carolina last time around. The spirit of Charleston […]
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