Amurrica Series: Wisdom of the World
New York “For it is written: “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate. Where is the wise […]
New York “For it is written: “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate. Where is the wise […]
Florida Rachel Jeantel told Piers Morgan that Trayvon Martin was creeped out by Piers Morgan because he thought George Zimmerman might be a homosexual rapist: […]
California In California, Persian Jews push back against American Jews on gay marriage: “To officiate a union that is expressly not for the same godly […]
Missouri Linder gets this one right: “Johnson’s engaged in “blame whitey” by another means, which is particularly ironic in light of his ‘right-wing con job.’ […]
Counter-Currents Editor’s Note: I had originally deleted this article, but several of you saw it while it was up and requested that I restore it, […]
Russia Vladimir Putin’s approach to gay marriage is more interesting than Greg Johnson’s approach at Counter-Currents: “President Vladimir Putin has signed into law a measure […]
District of Corruption This is worthy of the Amurrica Series: “WASHINGTON (CBSDC/AP) — The National Cathedral is pealing its church bells, along with some other […]
District of Corruption As I have been saying, the existence of the Union means that … well, among other things, it means that the U.S. […]
France I don’t understand why they are waving the tricolor to protest gay marriage. That’s even worse than the Star Spangled Banner.
District of Corruption There has never been any doubt that the Jew Power has been undermining Christianity in the United States: Note: Mel Gibson, Tim […]
Alabama Did the hate fomented by the SPLC inspire Floyd Corkins’ domestic terrorist attack on the Family Research Council in 2012?
District of Corruption The American system can already be declared a failure when nine judges in Washington are deliberating the definition of marriage: Note: Personally, […]
BRA “The Christian socialists are beautifully and energetically collaborating with the infidel socialists and abolitionists to bring about this millennium. They also are divided into […]
District of Corruption I can’t say that I disagree … Obama is a sectional president like Lincoln. He is pushing a radical anti-Southern social and […]
Dixie This landed in my inbox not even thirty seconds after publishing the previous blog entry on the response to gun control in the South […]
The Blaze He says the “connecting dot” is BRA’s Constitution: Note: This is why it is a waste of your time to get involved with […]
New York This is worthy of the Amurrica Series. Go USA! “The wedding rumor came several weeks after Cooper, 45, spoke publicly about his sexuality […]
National Review Here’s the latest from the Valuable Intellectual Properties (VIPs) at National Review who through the GOP are alone capable of “Taking Back America” […]
BRA Unless you vote for Mitt Romney in November, we have no chance of “Taking America Back”: “A spokesperson for Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney […]
BRA Remember, the Republican Party alone is capable of “preserving our culture.” “When Democrats announced that their 2012 platform would include a historic first —gay […]
BRA “Those are not things that are a part of my campaign” … yeah, kind of like Obama dismantling the Border Patrol, refusing to answer […]
Arizona He apologizes to Rachel for being such a jerk: Note: Maybe he can appear on Tosh.0 with the creator of Kony 2012 for a […]
BRA Antifa would never engage in violence or intolerance … Update: Adam Smith now claims that Stormfront got him fired from Vante.
Georgia BRA’s lesbian Kim Severson is right: the Chick-fil-A protests are reminiscent of massive resistance during the Civil Rights Movement. Homophobia is the new “racism.” […]
Arizona Why did we ever join the Union to live among these people?
Alabama The Council of Conservative Citizens has long wondered what it would take to shake White Christian conservatives out of their complacency and start a […]
Iowa Will the SPLC label Chick-fil-A a hate group? “NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)—Customers across the nation who turned out for Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day were […]
New York Here’s the future of the Southern Baptists and the Presbyterians: July 8, 2012|10:00 am A day after a legislative body of the Episcopal […]
Massachusetts It is a strange land full of strange people who have little in common with us: Note: Secession threads flaring up at Kosher Republic […]
Germany Guess he wasn’t invincible: Note: Anyone who has read Bret Easton Ellis’s American Psycho and seen the movie remembers the scenes that inspired “1 […]
Canada It seems that Luka Magnotta, the Canadian gay porn cannibal on the run in Paris, was mentioned on Stormfront Russia and was reportedly a […]
DC Comics Last summer, the controversy was over why wasn’t The Green Lantern black in the year 2011. Now it turns out The Green Lantern […]
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