Remembering Constantinople
“Its light still shines because the West still lives.”
“Its light still shines because the West still lives.”
Muslim immigrants in the Detroit area of Michigan have committed female genital mutilation on 100 girls. Approximately 200 million women have undergone the barbaric practice […]
Thanks to the United States’ immigration policy of open borders to the Third World small Southern towns, once all but religiously homogeneous (and ethnically divided […]
Kenya In Kenya, a group of Muslims affiliated with the Somalian terrorist group al-Shabaab have slaughtered 68 non-Muslims in a Nairobi shopping mall. Men, women, […]
Tennessee We are said to represent “the worst of the South”: “In October a group of totally misguided people plan to march through Bedford County. […]
Tennessee H/T “Loon Watch” Here’s the CNN documentary on Murfreesboro: Note: The CNN documentary “Unwelcome: The Muslims Next Door” can be summed up as follows: […]
Tennessee Welcome To Shelbyville is a 2011 PBS Independent Lens documentary which first popped up on my radar screen when Jack Ryan started writing about […]
Norway I submit this as proof of my theory that Anders Breivik was a Vorenus-style cultural conservative who had a “Son of Hades” moment on […]
Norway I will just reproduce this from the New York Times. As I said yesterday, John Brown has been reincarnated as a Norwegian. This is […]
The reputed death of Osama bin Laden has gripped America and the world. An interesting cast of characters, imbeciles, and governments have united in praising […]
Before the election, Freedom Party and anti-Islamist campaigner Geert Wilders was brought up on charges of inciting racial hatred. It was not enough for the […]
Stone Mountain, 2003 Even if I disagree with his conclusions, it is always a pleasure to read a Lee Harris book. I never fail to […]
The Ground Zero Mosque is without a doubt the most outrageous surrender to political correctness and multiculturalism that I have ever seen in my lifetime. […]
Laying around my hotel room, I finally got around to reading Mark Steyn’s America Alone, a book which my friend Gregory Hood has been urging […]
Much controversy was recently sparked due to the first ever annual “Draw Muhammad Day”, taking place earlier this week on the 20th. The organisers of […]
Recently the proprietor of this blog wrote… Traditionally, the United States has always had good relations with the Islamic world. In fact this isn’t true […]
A few days ago, I wrote a blog entry about this subject, but never got around to posting it. I’ve made a conscious effort this […]
In the United States, Canada, Britain, France, and Switzerland, the Jews respond to friedrich braun’s proposed alliance:
Here’s a news item worth sharing with the local philo-Semites: JERUSALEM (JTA) — A vote in Switzerland banning the construction of minarets on new mosques […]
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