Southern History Series: The Religious Origins of Virginia
The Commonwealth of Virginia was inspired by the Bible
The Commonwealth of Virginia was inspired by the Bible
A book review of Eric Hinderaker and Peter C. Mancell’s At the Edge of Empire: The Backcountry in British North America
PBS documentary explores the life of Huey Long
The Blundering Generation thesis was correct
In 1856, George Fitzhugh predicted that liberal capitalism would undermine and eventually destroy itself
Free society is a state “of dissolution and thaw” and “demoralization and transition”
The end of liberalism will come when it dissolves itself
The principles of the Declaration of Independence are at war with all governance
Those who do not believe or respect the government of God will not believe in, respect or obey the government of man
Stable governments are not based on abstract liberal ideals
What is the “successor ideology” to liberalism on the Right?
In the late antebellum era, a group of Southern intellectuals created a new vision for the South
Huey Long debated Norman Thomas in 1934
Andrew Jackson, the Democratic Party and illiberal democracy
Andrew Jackson was a Southerner with a large following in Appalachia and the Old Southwest
A book review of Rich Lowry’s The Case for Nationalism
Their political vision presumed a social order based on inequality
Why did the American South revolt against the British Empire?
The legacy of freedom is killing African-Americans
The Tidewater gentry ruled Old Virginia
The Golden Circle perspective has gone fully mainstream
There are aspects of our culture which are older than liberal democracy
The American South was shaped by the last Ice Age
America’s first experiment with integration was struck down by the Supreme Court
The Fifteenth Amendment was the coup de grace to the White Republic
The Fourteenth Amendment is effectively a Second Constitution
The Civil Rights Act of 1866 established birthright citizenship
The traditional limits of classical liberalism were demolished during the Reconstruction era
The American Empire was founded during Reconstruction
Transplants have changed the culture of the South
The South has paid a heavy price for making the world safe for liberal democracy and free-market capitalism
A brief account of the settlement of the American South and how the Southern people are the unique byproduct of their blood, culture and natural environment
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