This is the work of white Christian nationalism. It is the work of incipient fascism. It is the work of those who seek to enshrine the narrow superstitions of a small minority in laws and rulings that will in fact replace religious freedom with religious obligations.
— David Rothkopf (@djrothkopf) July 30, 2022
“we need to prove to people we are the party of Christian Nationalism.” Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene
— Adam Kinzinger?????? (@AdamKinzinger) July 29, 2022
“We are the party of Islamic nationalism…” Taliban.
I oppose the American Taliban. @GOPLeader ?
More politicians on the right are publicly embracing a kind of muscular — and mainly white — Christianity that's defined by its politics: Christian nationalism.
— AYMAN (@AymanMSNBC) July 30, 2022
The question is, @Ayman asks: Where is this movement headed? pic.twitter.com/KwNgRW1827
The rise of Christian nationalism has angered the anti-Christian White Nationalists.
They are screaming things like “it’s an op” or “it’s a competing movement.” We’re told that Christianity is a Jewish religion, Christians are stupid and Christianity is holding back the White race. These are all very common beliefs in what I think of as the cul-de-sac of White Nationalism. I also think it says a lot more about their own sense of identity than it does about the beliefs of Christians.
Twenty years ago, I agreed with this line of thinking. Back in 2000s, I thought of myself as an atheist, a White Nationalist, a supporter of eugenics and a fan of Nietzsche. It doesn’t bother me that there are people who think this way. I used to be one of them. Intellectually curious people go through phases in life and have the right to express their opinions, toy around with ideas and think through issues.
For the record, I still share so many views, values and beliefs in common with White Nationalists that I will always be lumped in with them. I don’t mind being labeled a “White Nationalist extremist” by the SPLC. Anyone who wants to know what I really believe can always read this website. I believe that race exists. I believe that race matters. I have always thought of myself as pro-White. I have always rejected antiracism. I’m proud of my ancestors. I don’t have a shred of racial guilt. I genuinely wish all White people saw the world the way that I do, but I recognize that this is not the case and never really has been true. There is nothing at all wrong with White people who prefer to live around other White people and a preference for racial and cultural homogeneity over the Star Wars bar scene. That’s a natural sentiment.
Basically, I was born and raised in the Deep South and retain an appreciation for the old Southern honor culture which has shaped my view of the subject. The Old South was an honor based culture, not a guilt based culture. The idea of groveling and apologizing to others or hating myself for being White is utterly foreign to me. This dislike and total rejection of antiracism, a positive sense of White identity and a loathing of those people who I perceived as insulting and trying to degrade my people is why I got involved in White Nationalism in the first place. At the time, it was the only game in town. It was the only refuge from the hegemonic cult of antiracism. The only people who rejected this were White Nationalists.
I strongly dislike the 20th century and especially the post-World War II era. I believe that millions of White people lost their religion, racial, ethnic and cultural identity in the 20th century. I believe that millions of White people completely rejected Christianity and traditional morality. This opened up a void in the culture and what Christians understood to be sin and the classical virtues and vices was filled by the creation of new made up -isms and -phobias which were hatched in academia and spread through the media. I don’t believe that “racism” or “sexism” or “transphobia,” for example, have anything to do with morality.
I believe that identity is complex. I obviously value my White Southern Christian identity. I think there is merit to small-r states’ rights republicanism. I don’t want to live under a dictatorship or a consolidated government. I don’t ideologically agree with liberalism, but I have a liberal temperament. I enjoy listening to what people with different perspectives have to say. I’m openminded and occasionally conclude that I was wrong and that someone else who I was arguing on some subject or another had a good point. I think it is important to keep an open mind. In the eyes of liberals, these beliefs are sufficiently rightwing to classify me as a “far right white supremacist Neo-Nazi illiberal fascist extremist.”
I’ve learned through bitter experience to be suspicious of movements and branding myself with labels. It is easy to get sucked in and jump on bandwagons that you later come to regret. I can’t control what other people do. I can only control my own actions. That’s why I now identify as just a guy who lives in Alabama and runs a blog which is probably classified as “domestic extremism” or some other such nonsense.
Anyway, the cul-de-sac of White Nationalism is where lots of White people end up who have lost their religion, but who have taken the relatively unusual path of latching on to their racial identity. It is a place where disgruntled atheists collect and rage against Christianity like their far more numerous peers on Reddit, but from a Far Right perspective instead of a Far Left one. They are two sides of the same extreme coin. Some of these people become militant, violent leftwing activists who join Antifa. Some of these people go down the road of Neo-Nazism. They have same views on Christcucks though.
It is a cul-de-sac because the people who come down this pipeline really have nowhere else to go. They can’t relate to the Right, which is overwhelmingly Christian, or the Left, which is overwhelmingly anti-White. In fact, they can’t even relate to the overwhelming majority of White people in their country who share most of their racial, cultural and political views. They lash out at those people and anti-Christianity kind of seals off the cul-de-sac into its own little world where it stagnates. There is no political path forward to anywhere these people want to go that runs through atheism. The spread of atheism only shifts our politics in an anti-White progressive direction. Occasionally, they will break into the news cycle when one of them has one of their perennial meltdowns and commits a mass shooting.
Christian nationalism isn’t a surprising development to anyone who keeps a close eye on the American political landscape. 8 out 10 Republican voters are White Christians.
87% of Trump voters believe that Christianity is an essential part of American greatness.
89% of Trump voters believe Christianity is under attack in America.
80% of Trump voters reject white privilege
87% of Trump voters are worried about anti-White discrimination.
There is a nearly perfect correlation between Trump voters who believe Christianity is essential to American greatness and concern about the growth of anti-White discrimination. These views are anathema in the cul-de-sac of White Nationalism, but typical in the Republican base.

63% of Trump voters believe their religion is extremely or very important to their sense of identity. 79% of Trump voters believe it is important.
40% of Trump voters believe their race / ethnicity is extremely or very important to their sense of identity. 64% of Trump voters believe their race / ethnicity is important to their identity.
Once again, the typical Trump voter believes their religion and their race / ethnicity is important to their sense of personal identity. This is also anathema in the cul-de-sac of White Nationalism where it is well known that White identity and Christianity are incompatible.

70% of White evangelical Protestants and 50% of Catholics believe anti-Christian discrimination is as big a problem as discrimination against other groups. Hence, the potency and appeal of Christian nationalism, as opposed to atheist and pagan anti-Christian White Nationalism.

I don’t have all day.
I could go through issue after issue and lay this out.
Generally speaking, White atheists flock to the progressive Left and the most anti-White and culturally degenerate wing of the Democratic Party. They are the Left Flank of the Democratic Party. These people have more extreme views on all issues than Jews and non-White voters. This is also anathema in the cul-de-sac of White Nationalism where it is well established that Jews are the vanguard of every movement that is destroying the White race. Jews as a whole are more moderate than these people think and identify and cluster more as Center Left liberals than on the progressive Left.
Let’s take a look at gay marriage.
This is the basic pattern that we see across a wide spectrum of issues. White evangelical Protestants are the most rightwing group. Jews fall into between White evangelical Protestants and atheists.

It is the same story on immigration:

There is even a thing called the Racism Index or Racism Meter. White evangelical Protestants score the highest on it. White atheists the lowest.

As we saw the other day, 28% of evangelicals oppose codifying interracial marriage into federal law. The opposition to interracial marriage is highest among White evangelical Protestants and lowest among White atheists. The same is true of gay marriage.
We see the same pattern over and over again …. while only 30% of Americans agree that “God intended America to be a new promised land where European Christians could create a society that could be an example to the rest of the world,” that number rises to dangerous levels among groups comprising the conservative base in U.S. politics, including majorities of Republicans (53%) and white evangelical Protestants (52%).” Half of Republicans and White evangelical Protestants believe that America was intended to be a White Christian society.

What about the Great Replacement?
Half of White evangelical Protestants believe in the Great Replacement. 39% of Jews and 38% of Catholics believe it is happening. 17% of the religiously unaffiliated believe it is happening.

There have been multiple polls on this.
There is no doubt that the Great Replacement is understood as the belief that “native-born white people are being replaced by immigrants.”
“More than 40 percent said having a ‘strong leader’ was more important than democracy and that ‘native-born white people are being replaced by immigrants’ — a racist belief known as the ‘great replacement theory’.
Researchers also uncovered a growing inclination to settle political rows with violence. …
Four items explored beliefs on race and “great replacement” thinking (Table 3). While 39.0% of respondents agreed strongly or very strongly that “white people benefit from advantages in society that Black people do not have,” 27.1% agreed strongly or very strongly that “discrimination against whites is as big a problem as discrimination against Blacks and other minorities.”
Nearly 1 in 5 (18.6%) disagreed with the statement that “having more Black Americans, Latinos, and Asian Americans is good for the country,” and 41.2% agreed—16.2% agreed strongly or very strongly—with the proposition that “in America, native-born white people are being replaced by immigrants.”
Once again, you can pick any given issue. The result is always the same. 84% of White evangelical Protestants believe gender is determined at birth. 71% of atheists believe gender can change.

94% of atheists believe homosexuality should be accepted.

87% of atheists support legal abortion.

71% of atheists believe that America hasn’t gone far enough on transgenderism. 68% of White evangelical Protestants think society has gone too far.

I’m wasting my time here.
This will never break through in the cul-de-sac of White Nationalism: White evangelical Protestants who are pro-life have the strongest sense of White identity and the hardest racial views whereas White atheists are on the opposite end of the spectrum.

It is no surprise that Christian nationalism resonates with White evangelical Protestants:

If you are walled off from society inside the cul-de-sac of White Nationalism where the delusion prevails that Christcucks are the antiracists and atheism or paganism is the only way out, you would never know that the trends among White atheists have gotten worse over the past decade. They have gotten far worse on race.

This should be obvious to anyone who remembers Charlottesville.
The White leftist atheist who joined Antifa who doxxed you, got you fired from your job or hit you with bike lock in the face in Berkeley is rapidly moving in the opposite direction. These people are far more hostile to you than ANYONE ELSE in the entire country. This includes non-Whites who aren’t even as far gone as these people.
Look at Portland. It is an overwhelmingly White city that was plunged into years of chaos by legions of violent and militant urban White leftist atheists. Nothing remotely like that happened in White evangelical Protestant states like Alabama or Mississippi because it was an uprising among those people. It was something we watched on television.
I don’t know what else to say. If you believe that race is the only thing that matters, you have a massive blindspot. You can’t even see who values their race, who is concerned about the decline of their race and who is hostile to their own race. Your hostility to Christianity blinds you to the fact that the overwhelming majority of White people who do value their race and oppose changing racial demographics and negative cultural trends are Christians. You are traveling down a road to nowhere and pursuing a “strategy” that is utterly self defeating. You are creating an internet ghetto that is a safe space for the 2% to 3% of Far Right atheists who are receptive to your views. Instead of doing that, you should knock it off with the anti-Christian Reddit posting, exit the cul-de-sac and work with the Christians who as whole have far better politics than your fellow infidels.
The only way that we are ever going to go anywhere is to persuade White Christian Republicans to come around and drop their antiracism and conservative liberalism. We’re finally having some success in this. The message is finally breaking through after falling on deaf ears for decades.
Note: One last thing before I go … White evangelical Protestants and MAGA voters are already Republicans. They are already going to vote for Republicans. No op is needed to persuade them do so. The question is whether MAGA can take another step forward like the Tea Party evolved into MAGA.

My gripe with Christians are that they support Jews and Israel and shit on us for pointing out that Jews despise them completely. If the Christians were to become like Torba though then I would say that Christian Nationalism might not be so bad.
None of these stats mention pagans.
It shouldn’t be White Nationalism and it shouldn’t be Christian Nationalism. It should be White Christian Nationalism. In order to be part of the nation, you should have to be both White AND Christian. Congolese Christians may achieve salvation, but they can do so as Congolese rather than as Americans or Frenchmen or Italians. As for the sons of the devil (John 8:44), no one should be excluded more vehemently than they.
White is a social construct and doesn’t describe culture or ethnicity. Orthodox Christian Nationalism is the only label.
White is a construct, only when you disagree with whites. When you want the advantage, race is everything, such as with a diversity hire.
“White is a social construct” how very jewish
Funny how many of those orthodox priests look like rabbis.
If race is a social construct cuck, why do they separate the races in jail? If we are all one race the human race as you claim, than there should be no reason for jails to separate the races. Can you explain that?
There is nothing nationalist about Orthodox Christianity, it is a universalist faith.
Hasbaradox Slumlord is a priest in the Church of Woke. Pay no attention. Just schlomo playing the usual games. If he really thinks race is a ‘social construct’ – an argument made by shitlib atheists with regularity – he should be telling the dindus he claims to socialize with as negroids are the most racially conscious group in Murika save (((one particular race))). Mossad, ADL, FBI, CIA et al actually pay various losers to spend time leaving steaming piles on sites like this so nobody can have a halfway decent conversation or debate.
If you ever need a bone marrow transplant, remember that it is medically counter-indicated to get a bone marrow transplant from someone of a different social construct.
“need a bone marrow transplant, remember that it is medically counter-indicated to get a bone marrow transplant ”
Same for large blood transfusions, must be race matched.
Same for treatment of hypertension, blacks get another class of drugs than WHITES. There’s a lot of science they are keeping from us.
The drug called Bidil is intended ONLY for blacks. Several anti-hypertensive are less effective in blacks than Whites.
Some renal labs are different parameters for “African Americans”, too. Also gestation times are different. Blacks have a shorter gestation time and once born, reach puberty earlier.
Here’s your response per organ transplants and bone marrow transplants.
Why do people who need organ and bone marrow transplants tend to match more with people of the same ethnic or racial background? Does the higher success rate of intra-racial versus inter-racial transplantation suggest that race has some biological reality?
Pilar Ossorio
In the organ transplant world, I know there’s a big focus on trying to recruit more African Americans to donate organs, under the assumption that race-matched organs are going to have a better chance of success. It’s true that people who are closely genetically related are more likely to have a good genetic match on organs. For example, siblings can often donate organs to each other or will be well matched for each other. It doesn’t always happen, but it’s more likely to happen. So if you’re studying a group of people who are actually related because they all live in the same city and their ancestors all came to the U.S. from the same village or community, then it would make some sense that within that group they would be more likely to have matched organs.
On the other hand, it’s false to assume that people of the same race are going to be more closely genetically related. To the extent that races are these very huge four or five groupings of human beings, they encompass people who are very distantly related to each other. As distantly related as people of two different races. Intuitively people think that those of the same race are more closely related, but the genetic data show that this assumption is false.
Jonathan Marks
To build on what Pilar just said, I think there is a crude assumption out there that race is a metaphor for family. That the family is a small related group and a race is a big related group. People take that metaphor too literally, when in fact there isn’t necessarily any biological truth to it. This question takes as a presupposition this false assumption.
Alan Goodman
I think Jon and Pilar have really hit the major crux of it. I just want to add that even when you accept the assumption built into this question, it may not be true for the reasons you think it is. If the assumption were true, is it because of race? The answer is no, it’s not because of race, it’s because of geographic closeness and genetic similarity. We tend to be more genetically similar to people whose ancestry we share, but that isn’t the same thing as race. You have to look at where the assumption breaks down – individuals from South Africa and North Africa, for example, are very genetically different, and not coincidentally, those two places are also very geographically far away.
Why do people who need organ and bone marrow transplants tend to match more with people of the same ethnic or racial background? Does the higher success rate of intra-racial versus inter-racial transplantation suggest that race has some biological reality?
Pilar Ossorio
In the organ transplant world, I know there’s a big focus on trying to recruit more African Americans to donate organs, under the assumption that race-matched organs are going to have a better chance of success. It’s true that people who are closely genetically related are more likely to have a good genetic match on organs. For example, siblings can often donate organs to each other or will be well matched for each other. It doesn’t always happen, but it’s more likely to happen. So if you’re studying a group of people who are actually related because they all live in the same city and their ancestors all came to the U.S. from the same village or community, then it would make some sense that within that group they would be more likely to have matched organs.
On the other hand, it’s false to assume that people of the same race are going to be more closely genetically related. To the extent that races are these very huge four or five groupings of human beings, they encompass people who are very distantly related to each other. As distantly related as people of two different races. Intuitively people think that those of the same race are more closely related, but the genetic data show that this assumption is false.
Jonathan Marks
To build on what Pilar just said, I think there is a crude assumption out there that race is a metaphor for family. That the family is a small related group and a race is a big related group. People take that metaphor too literally, when in fact there isn’t necessarily any biological truth to it. This question takes as a presupposition this false assumption.
Alan Goodman
I think Jon and Pilar have really hit the major crux of it. I just want to add that even when you accept the assumption built into this question, it may not be true for the reasons you think it is. If the assumption were true, is it because of race? The answer is no, it’s not because of race, it’s because of geographic closeness and genetic similarity. We tend to be more genetically similar to people whose ancestry we share, but that isn’t the same thing as race. You have to look at where the assumption breaks down – individuals from South Africa and North Africa, for example, are very genetically different, and not coincidentally, those two places are also very geographically far away.
Both you and Dreher are “Orthodox” anti-White Cucks.
Why Christian? Christianity is inherently against nationalism because it’s all about bringing different races together to be one in Christ, which is why “Christian nationalism” is an oxymoron. You don’t need Christianity to tell you what’s right and wrong, or what is moral and what is not. All I see is a bunch of cucks who hate White Nationalists,, LOVE niggers, and worship their arch enemy, the jews, that aside from all their super natural, and really whacko, hocus pocus — a bunch of fucking hypocrites!
@DICARLO I keep saying this too. They go overseas and help nonwhites. They help them get into our nation, and give them more and more money. They will never point a finger at who is behind their own destruction.
I think “Christian Nationalism” is being promoted, because some people are not willing to say, “White Nationalism”, and while I understand that, it’s disingenuous.
Well, yes, I agree. And this is the cowardly White normies we suffer, of course. White Nationalist Christians who stand up for White values are no less valuable to our cause than White Nationalists who don’t believe.
But their allegiance is to the God of Israel.
Wax Crest Wane
Atheist, Agnostic, Syncretic, Christian, Buddhist, Pagan, New Age, Hitlerian… my pro-White tent is big enough to welcome all that prioritise the White race. White Muslims and Jews excluded for not being directly related to our own traditions however.
For those within us that would seek conflict between the various groups I say, so be it, but better after we’ve recovered our position back in the world, not before. A White Atheist and a White Christian can still combine to make White babies (and even Christian ones at that), a Black Christian and a White Christian cannot.
Race is the only thing that matters. It kept white civilization going for thousands of years. Whites did not let other groups infiltrate their nations.
It does NOT matter if the majority of Christians are white. The majority of Latinos in the US are Christian.
If you make religion the first thing, you will have a nation full of nonwhites–and we do. “Everyone is God’s children” in Christianity means everyone and they will not exclude anyone.
If you want to be pro-Christian, you will have to accept anyone and everyone, and you cannot say, “White Christian”, you will only say, “Christian”, because your God demands that.
Look at Portland.
Is race the only thing that matters there? Does those people value the White race the same way you do?
Portland, Seattle and San Francisco show what we all know. You can be White and your values and beliefs can be trash. You can be White and someone who sees yourself as an enemy of other White people and everything that is good and decent.
The problem with white people in Portland and Seattle is that they are not National Socialists. The problem with white ‘people’ in San Francisco is that they are queers who must be cleansed with fire.
I will take this as a yes.
We agree that “race is the only thing that matters” is untrue. It is possible to be White and to be a worthless cultural degenerate like Hunter Biden, a sworn enemy of non-self hating White people like the brats who join Antifa, a criminal who belongs in prison, etc. There are other things that matter too in this world like values and beliefs.
This is my position. Race is meaningful. It is important, but it is not everything. It is one of many things that matter.
I would argue it is ethnicity that is important mixed with values and culture not “race”. Before Europeans came to America they represented their respected groups such as Irish, English, Scottish, Italian, German, polish, etc…. But when they came to America they became “White” a social construct, and they lost their identities over time. Once you realize the truth you will drop race, and Whiteness because they are ideas of the mind, not biologically realities. Who is “White” has changed over time because their was a time when Italians, Germans, and Slavs weren’t “White” but oneday their earned their “White cards”. If race was biological then Whiteness can’t change, and clearly it has. Race is all about power structure and control not about genetics. The “race” in power at the time gets to decide who’s in and who’s out. It’s always worked that way. You need to get your head out of the clouds, and face reality. Things have allot to do with class more so than race, and the White elites knew this which is why they created Jim Crow to begin with so that White and Black working classes wouldn’t rise up to challenge their power structure and take over. So they created a system that would separate the population by “race” which in turn kept them in power by dividing “races”. It’s all about power and control always has been. This is the truth.
@Orthodox Slumlord Italians, Germans, and Slavs were always white. Romans, Aryans, and Eastern Europeans.
It’s not just about power. Many whites do not want to live with or near nonwhites. They do not want their children going to school with nonwhites, or having to socialize with them. It’s well known how the quality of an area, and security, goes down with diversity.
Some of us are utterly repelled by nonwhites.
So, put it this way. Sure, race is not the only thing, but it’s is the most important thing far above whether one is a Christian or not.
and, I don’t care about these so-called “polls”. No one polled me, or anyone I know. They could all be fabricated, too.
I think the whole “anti-white-Christian” thing is just another way to attack WHITES. They don’t care if you worship Hindu.
No it’s not because neither I nor anybody I know or come in contact with care at all about “Whiteness” or about being separate from everybody that’s not “White”.
>The blinkered worldview of secular White Nationalists blinds them to the world around them
There is nothing ‘cul-de-sac-ish’ or ‘blinkered’ about ‘secular White Nationalism’ — it has a very basic, visceral justification: tribalism — from an evolutionary perspective, the demographic conquest of America, under the pretense that the US is a ‘proposition nation’, will be the most spectacular tribal collapse in human history — effete, traitorous scum like Kinzinger et al who believe we as a species are somehow ‘beyond all that’ are dishonest and deluded: hostility toward Whites is open and absolutely undisguised — and as I said before, there is a complete absence of good will for Whites expressed by non-whites.
I don’t need to be a Christian Nationalist, which as I suggested is now de facto equivalent to being a White Nationalist, to know that it is a very bad idea for Whites to allow themselves to become minorities in their own homelands — this is why I often warn that the ominous physical elimination phase of diversity has already begun.
If you believe that White people are improved or will have better politics by becoming atheists, I don’t know what to tell you. 95 out of 100 times that isn’t the case. Instead, these people become self absorbed degenerate Reddit libtards.
The surest way to have a more anti-White culture is to increase the prevalence of atheism. The most pro-White group are White evangelical Protestants. Naturally, that’s who are attacked as “Christcucks” – the people who have the best politics.
It is self marginalizing, but that is what makes sense in their ghetto
There are 2 main problems with Christians:
1) Either you believe exactly what they believe, or you are a doomed apostate, and they self righteously badger one about it adnauseum.
2) Christianity was invented by the people who want to destroy the White race, and most Christians refuse to face it.
Just because someone does not buy into a particular religion does not make one an atheist.
>… White people are improved or will have better politics by becoming atheists …
I don’t understand; I suggested no such thing — I simply said that tribalism is a prima facie justification for White Nationalism.
Let me try again: I am a racialist — a race realist — I believe average differences between races are significant, rooted in genetics, and hence irremediable — in fact, looking at how modern Western society is organized, in some cases these differences are so great that different races should not inhabit the same polity — the archetypical example is Blacks and Whites — Blacks have an average IQ more than one SD lower than the average white IQ, resulting in a large discrepancy in average SES — this always has been, and always will be, seen as a kind of social pathology, demanding scapegoats (racist Whites of course) and government remedies: wealth redistribution via the tax system, affirmative action, etc — in addition to tribal friction, multiracial polities with such divergent outcomes will always tend toward anarcho-tyranny, which is incompatible with living in a free society — that is what you see happening in the US today.
Whereas you appear to largely ignore the racial aspect — in particular, you seem to ignore the palpable hostility toward Whites that permeates a great deal of public discourse today, and now marks even the judicial system: see e.g. George Zimmerman (the ‘white Hispanic’), Charlottesville, Derek Chauvin, Kyle Rittenhouse, Ernest Martin Stevens (link), the Arbery verdicts, etc.
I agree with race realism.
You don’t have to convince me. We’re not living in an ideal world. We don’t get to choose history though. We’ve been saddled by our ancestors with chronic racial tension.
As I have explained, I live in the Alabama Black Belt. I live one of the blackest parts of the country. The racial tension that exists here between blacks and Whites is dwarfed by the cultural hostility between Southern Whites and coastal White libtards.
If I was forced to choose between the greater and lesser evil, there’s no doubt which one of those is the greater problem. It is the one that could potentially get violent
Invest the time and watch the following video:
Henna Maria — The Ten Stages of Genocide
And then tell me you don’t see some of these same signs in the rhetoric about Whites in the US today.
Gregory H Stanton — The Ten Stages of Genocide
I’m waiting for the jews to compare CN to Nazism. They compare everything else right of the GOP to Nazism why not CN?
They are already doing it
Most “White Nationalists” are not smart enough to hand out copies of the New Testament.
@Orange — as though White Christians would understand that, their “God”, Jesus Christ, spent his whole life railing against the jews. All Christians know is what the jews tell them.
DICARLO—- and we are still waiting for you to tell us why you killed Christ, when is that going to happen Christ killer?
You are damned until the ends of time for what you did to the innocent and are you are too Goddamned blind to see it. Your only hope is to find someone, some group, to fill in, to substitute, to stand in, in your place,
the Irish are even more vile, more inbred, and obnoxious that you.
@BROWNSHIT: Shutup thumper! Hypocrite is surely on word I think of when I see you spouting off your nonsense.I don’t know why you bother posting. All of your previous posts identify you as the moronic troll you are only with slightly less brains than a can of tuna.
@DICARLO—–Moshiach loves you. And he is especially fond of that jumbo over sized rear end of yours. Don’t fight that loving feeling.
As correct as you are, this will still fall on deaf ears for some people (on both sides of the aisle) who don’t want to admit they’re wrong about this. The numbers speak for themselves.
On a side note, seeing that 52.5% of Orthodox Christians are “ethno-phyletists” is hilarious.
The White Nationalist Movement exists to ghettoize pro-white sentiment into a fringe and repulsive subculture.
The people who speak of ‘White Nationalism’ as an ideology are just garden variety Utopians – it is an abstraction to them, and notice they tend to hold actual white people in contempt (‘normies.’)
We can all work together to end immigration and anti-whiteness without converting to some fake made up religion or adopting some fringe abstract ideology.
After having read all the comments you are getting on these articles, I have ceased to believe that they are representatives of us or our beliefs. They are paid actors here to sow discontent. You are wasting time replying to them. Hail NJP, Hail Victory, Christ is King. ?
I’ve always erred on the side of debate. I read the comments and enjoy the back and forth. I am sure there are lots of trolls here though. I spend a lot of time trolling the “journalists” who are reading this site
@Joe Pat That shows another aspect, of why Christians are the dumb goy that are taken for a ride. You think anyone who disagrees with you is an actor.
There are a lot of Whites who do not want a religion that COMMANDS them to be one with every other group on earth. They do not want a “savior” who is a Jew.
” I’m wasting my time here”, no you are not…..thank you, for another great article and thank you , for all your good work here………
As a White Nat symathizer, I’d advise you not to worry about what they think, because they aren’t relevant politically. I was reading Renegade Tribune one time, and they were bragging how they made it to top 77,000 websites on the Internet. But when I looked at the numbers of people watching their Bitchute videos that were posted on the front page of their website, there was only 100 watching, and there was a lot of trolling in opposition to them in the comments.
For me religion has nothing to do with supporting banning divorce, abortion, and contraception. It has nothing to do with putting Christianity in the government and schools. It has nothing to do with with me supporting censoring shitlibs from all media. For me its about making their life unbearable. Its the mirror image of what they have been doing to us with their anti-whiteness, censorship, and public degeneracy. They did it to us, so we should do it to them.
Atheism is a rather negative identity to end up anywhere. You need something else, a religion, etc. this is the same problem I think with much atheist Jewishness too. People really need something hopeful and good to appeal to. Race by itself, isn’t enough. Atheism has no hope.
The overwhelming majority of people who cease to believe in God don’t believe in the White race. They choose to believe in themselves. The Self is what fills the vacuum
“. They choose to believe in themselves”
Not realizing that they are members of civilization and if civilization declines they will be pulled down with it.
Everyone’s secret plan in the back of their mind, “if things get really bad, I’ll move to a WHITE area”.
@Shadowbass Do you believe you are an animal here on earth? Hope? Life is about survival for every single species on earth. From the smallest insect, to the largest whales. It’s survival. Struggle to make it to adulthood, so they can reproduce. For most, then it’s all over.
The “hope” thing is so emotional. You’re here, you treat others how you’d like to be treated, and sometimes, go the extra mile. You develop yourself, and make yourself the best you can be.
Believing in the God of the people who want you to keep enslaving you, and maybe having you gone, is just really more hopeless.
We now know there are trillions of galaxies. Try to wrap your head around that.
There’s no reason to care about this if God doesn’t exist and if the material is all that is, was, or ever will be. Jews enslaving me doesn’t matter when I’ll be dead within 70 years anyway.
The only possible way for the moral terms you use to have any meaning or “scary” effect is for there to be something supernatural and teleological behind our existence and everything we do. Otherwise, you’re left with what Nietzsche and Schopenhauer concluded: Man invents his own meaning in a nihilistic world.
If that be the case, then Jews long ago became the Master Race at inventing meaning. Whites so thoroughly got their asses kicked then attempting to get in the game now doesnt even qualify as futile.
Atheism, in addition to all its other awful traits, is a waste of time. I doubt you’ve even thought through these implications.
You know what is interesting? Pastor Steven Anderson the homo hating Baptist preacher is the only person ever to be banned by Ireland. 14,000 Irish homos signed a change.org petition to have the guy banned and Irish Minister for Justice Charlie Flanagan signed an exclusion order.
Mexico try to banned the preacher just like Ireland. The petition got 94 supporters.
Most pastors aren’t like that tho, it’s scary for them to see such cases, or the conservative pastors in Canada recently getting arrested.
This is a pothole up ahead for ‘Christian Nationalism’, i.e., Where are the church pastors in this wave? For the last decade, many church leaders have been keeping their head down about traditional Bible morality, with even ‘Evangelical’ pastors getting soft on things like gay marriage partnerships.
With Christian culture effectively demonised by most mass media, Christian pastors have often bent with the wind … many pastors remain timid about sticking their heads up to be denounced as ‘racists’ and ‘bigots’, and so continue to speak cautiously.
Significantly, Christ-Nat has congregants more than preachers in the lead, it’s not like the old USA ‘Moral Majority’ days.
Christ-Nat might hit a wall in the lukewarm response of church leaders, whilst church-goers will continue to struggle with the paradoxes of a Christianity that is often ‘traditional’ mostly on the internet and between friends, but not inside the actual church … Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch hearing his ‘lesbian Episcopal priest’ giving him woke-liberal sermons on Sundays.
Pastors are timid because, despite the poll numbers, the subculture of the RIght is not anchored strongly enough, given threats from the two related monopolies of media and the lawyer-court-government system, with both regularly failing in basic protection of conservative liberties. Pastors sense the weakness – seeing pastors arrested, banned, denounced – and they’re scared.
“2% to 3% of Far Right atheists who are receptive to your views”
These were a large part of the group of people who decided the 2020 election, while “Christian nationalists” were out voting for Dump and every other Republican. Or getting arrested for rioting in the Capitol because they are useful idiot dupes who easily fall for stupid ops like “Christian nationalism” or “stop the steal.”
“The only way that we are ever going to go anywhere is to persuade White Christian Republicans to come around and drop their antiracism and conservative liberalism”
How does promoting Judeo-Christian civic nationalism and American empire patriotardism from the 1980s accomplish that? Secessionism does. Southern nationalism does. “Christian nationalism” that believes the 20th-21st century American empire is “the greatest country in the world” does not.
“They are already going to vote for Republican. No op is needed to persuade them do so”
Many of them wouldn’t after 2020. They believed Republicans were traitors and wanted to hang Mike Pence, remember? They need liberal servings of red meat to bring them back to the fold, thus old Bircher and moral majority stuff is dusted off and rebranded. Several of the liberal scaremongering articles about “Christian nationalism” have mentioned the Council for National Policy hand in this op.
How is it possible for 2% to 3% of White atheists to create a White ethnostate? What’s the plan? I’m all ears
Destroying America, economically, culturally, and politically, then after it is thoroughly weakened and dethroned as ruler of the world, creating a White exclusive area or seceding with assistance from America’s enemies like Russia, China, Iran, etc. Most White Americans are simply not going to make it. These White evangelicals will have mixed race Latinx/mulatto grandchildren, if they don’t already. Those who will make it are those who want to be White and follow a minority strategy, not those who want to be American patriotards following a blasphemous fake version of Christianity created by Republican think tanks that turns Reaganism, neoliberalism, and Zionism into a religion.
How do 2% to 3% of White atheists destroy America?
America is already declining naturally. Admittedly, this is not because of any 2-3% of right wing atheists, but promoting things that could hinder that, like civic nationalism, wouldn’t do us any favors. And it isn’t just the 2-3% of right wing White atheists who would want America’s destruction. It’s also White Christians, the ones who aren’t retarded dupes having fake seizures on the ground “in the spirit” with the African child trafficking victims they call their children. It’s also the anti-American left . It’s also Russia. It’s also China. It’s also a subset of the peoples of Europe. It’s everyone else in Latin America, Asia, MENA, and Africa who are tired of American patriotards propping up America’s military and financial destruction of their peoples and their cultures.
And an argument citing small percentage numbers as a reason a group cannot accomplish much shouldn’t hold weight on a site where it’s common knowledge that Jews making up 2-3% of the population have held enormous power or outright control over many areas of the western world for decades. A dedicated minority can wield outsized influence, as long as they aren’t dupes falling for outside influence themselves, as chrisnats are.
Honestly, some of this discussion is reminding me of 2012 when some of the WN boomers were telling us we needed to campaign for Mitt Romney because it was popular with White normies or whatever. Now we should promote Mestizo nationalism and theological Reaganism created by Republican influence groups because a lot of other Whites who might agree with us on other incidental issues do?
Who said anything about voting?
Voting is something that people do every few years. They might take a few minutes out of their day to do it. It doesn’t define who they are as people.
The important thing is shaping what people believe 24/7 and 365 days a year. The vast majority of decisions in life have nothing to do with voting. We’re not really interested in campaigns
“Who said anything about voting?”
I don’t know. I didn’t. I said that we shouldn’t promote mestizo nationalism, American patriotardism, and theological Reaganism (what the label “Christian nationalism” describes). Those are “what people believe 24/7 and 365 days a year,” and those beliefs are all harmful. None of those serve any purpose except for attempting to prop up the fake American civic identity a while longer, so that it can be exploited by anti-White interest groups. It is in the interests of Whites to further fragment the decaying 20th century American civic identity, not to create a fake religion centered on it as the charismatic-evangelical-pentacostal fake churches have.
What is your source for this figure? I would imagine, from things I have seen, that a lot of people have woken up, to how Christianity has enslaved whites.
White Christians have NO plan. They do not want to isolate off and live in a white state. They love all of the other races, because their God created them.
Extrapolating from what I am seeing in polls of atheists on social issues. There are definitely pro-White atheists, but they are a miniscule fragment of that swath of the White population. The relative size here isn’t even close
How is atheism worse than Christianity promoting Diversity as God’s children, etc.?
You can’t be a Christian and reject nonwhites. It’s not consistent with the message.
You’ve not answered this, and you have no plan to get around this, because you’d have to rewrite the bible.
Any Christian who tells me that they don’t have care about the other races, etc., isn’t really following their religion.
BTW, I have read the entire bible in my lifetime. I know what it says.
Pilot, ” White Christian’s have no plan” FALSE, if your dislike for southern evangelical culture, wasn’t so rabid and hateful, you might have more than just a nominal understanding of the Christian faith, here is the plan, man and the world are fallen, thus we have DEATH, jesus conquered death, he offers a way out and he don’t ask for much, thus the plan is, survive this world, till we die or the lord comes back, then we have eternal life , with our creator for ever and if you, mister pilot sir, don’t change your mind, you will personally have eternal hell, forever………..
@Terry Smith (sorry, but I had to capitalize the S) You wrote: “if your dislike for southern evangelical culture, wasn’t so rabid and hateful, you might have more than just a nominal understanding of the Christian faith, ”
I have never said I disliked Southern culture. The whole “Evangelical thing” is up north, Midwest, and out West, and even in California. So don’t put words in my mouth, it’s not honorable.
I’ve clearly stated the problems with Christianity, and why we have no power now.
>How is it possible for 2% to 3% of White atheists to create a White ethnostate?
How would Christian Nationalists who are not racial nationalists, or worse ‘one race, the human race’ types, i.e. anti-racists, be willing or able to form an ethnostate?
Would Christian Nationalists who are also white racial nationalists be willing to join together with White Nationalists who are agnostic or atheists to form a white ethnostate?
Do you imagine White Nationalists who are atheists or agnostic would reject living in a Christian Nationalist ethnostate? — how many Whites who grew up in America weren’t exposed to, or influenced by, Christianity? — many basic tenets of Christian morality are commonly accepted and practiced by atheists and agnostics — nor is atheism necessarily incompatible with recognizing the harmfulness and undesirability of things like homosexual marriage, transgenderism, etc — so I think many atheistic and agnostic White Nationalists would accept living in a Christian Nationalist ethnostate in order to escape living among non-whites as a minority.
Will most aspects of separation of church and state still apply in a Christian Nationalist state? — do Christian Nationalists plan to rewrite or re-interpret parts of the Constitution?
I find both your take and questions a bit strange — perhaps you confuse atheism with libertarianism.
Move to the Northwest. https://news.northwestfront.info for the rest of the explanation.
Did you read anything I said?
I identify as a White Southern Christian. My race and religion are important to me. This is the norm in this country. It has always been the norm. What is odd is being an atheist and identifying with your race
Sure, there are some people who do this. They are extreme outliers
>They are extreme outliers
Maybe (?) — but more relevantly, they are racial rationalists — they have rationally evaluated the reality of race and its consequences for society — the fact they may not be Christian is incidental.
Hunter, I think you should reconsider aligning with these people. These Evangelicals would force a white women who was raped by a black man to carry that child to term. You can’t be Pro-White and support such an insane position.
Who should I align with?
Should I align with atheists who have the worst views on all issues of anyone in American politics?
What about the people who spend all their time attacking Christians and whose political strategy is to alienate and antagonize the vast majority of people who oppose the Great Replacement?
What about the people who go out and commit mass shootings because they believe “race is everything” and thus criminality and immoral behavior are acceptable?
To be crystal clear, I am not aligning with anyone here. I’m not aligning with Christian nationalism or White Nationalism. I have less than zero interest in anti-Christian White Nationalism.
Just align with pro-white. Forget the religion. This isn’t a religious issue, anyways. There’s one group trying to destroy our people, and it’s not because they are Christians!
I am pro-White.
Most people who are pro-White are Christians. That’s the way it has always been and still is today.
Obviously, there are people who are pro-White who are non-Christians, but most of us do not fall into that category
Wrong. Most pro-Whites are not Christians or practicing Christians. It would be an oxymoron. You can’t be a real true practicing Christian, and be pro-White.
Christianity says all men are your brothers, and you will be in heaven with all of them some day. It also says Christ died for all men. So…you can’t discriminate. You can’t get rid of Diversity. You’re supposed to give all that you have to the poor and help the Doctors Without Borders in Africa.
You can’t go to the buffet of ideologies and pick what works for you, in Christianity. You can’t claim you’re ONLY associating with whites, because of Christianity. There’s a LOT of nonwhite Christians.
>Should I align with atheists who have the worst views on all issues of anyone in American politics?
No need to “align” with either liberal atheists or “Christian Zionists.” Both sides ironically benefit from you believing you need to choose one poison or the other.
>What about the people who spend all their time attacking Christians and whose political strategy is to alienate and antagonize the vast majority of people who oppose the Great Replacement?
Most secular white nationalists aren’t “anti-Christian.” They are simply not Christian and aren’t going to apologize for it, which in the mind of the fundie is the same thing as being anti-Christian. I personally like the Jared Taylor strategy of saying “religion is a private matter,” which he has said many times to those who try to introduce the divide-and-conquer strategy into Amren. But if you’re going to bring up religion and demand us explain why we’re atheists, I’m going to respond by saying I’m not going to take on faith the hearsay testimony of a bunch of ancient Jews who saw Rabbi Jesus performing miracles.
I personally suspect that it all originated because Mary slept with Moise and needed to explain away her pregnancy to her fiance. So she made up the “son of God” story and the cuckolded sucker Joseph believed her.
I agree.
If you want to stop the Great Replacement, making anti-Christianity a litmus test issue is self defeating. Most people who oppose it are Christians.
You are creating a false dichotomy. White Nationalism welcomes Christians, Pagans, Deists, Agnostics, Atheists and anything else. You don’t have to be an atheist to be in our ranks. However, race must come first, to be on Team White, you have to put aside religious disputes for the good of the race.
These people aren’t even really “Christian” nationalists. They will side with an Evangelical Haitian over and Italian or Irish Catholic. These Evangelical Nationalists put their specific denomination before Christianity, And they put their Evangelicalism before their race, and are therefore enemies of the White Race.
As I have explained, I don’t have any interest in anti-Christian White Nationalism. My neighbors aren’t enemies of the White race. That’s nonsense
Also, as a Christian, do you support a White woman aborting the baby if she is raped by a black man? And if you do, how long do you think you would be welcome in one of these Evangelical churches?
I support exceptions for rape, incest and life of the mother.
What about you? What are your thoughts on the 30 million or so White abortions? Do you believe that was worth it because blacks get abortions too?
I’m pro-White, but not pro-death.
All I want is for both Christian Nationalists and White Nationalists to make it clear to everyone that Christian Nationalism and White Nationalism are different movements. Christian Nationalism is civic nationalist. You are now a civic nationalist in the vein of Dinesh D’souza and Charlie Kirk. Quit trying to pretend otherwise. Being anti-anti-whiteness does not necessarily make one a White Nationalist. I would be willing to bet that the primary gripe White Evangelicals have with mestizos and negroes is that they vote Democrat and not Republican. It’s not really about race.
There are two reasons why the media is trying to conflate Christian Nationalism and White Nationalism. One is to make Christian Nationalism less appealing to non-White Christians. The second is to make White Nationalism less appealing to liberal White atheists, the group the System REALLY does not want to lose. Please don’t play into their strategy.
I present … the view from the ghetto.
The idea that race is the only thing that matters leads to strange places. It leads to the bizarre conclusion that a nation doesn’t need a common culture. A White ethnostate can be forged on the basis of atheism with people who are sworn enemies with opposite beliefs and values. Biology is ALL that matters as affinity and shared sympathies are irrelevant. The “nation” here doesn’t have to like each other or have a will to exist.
This is like trying to run a car engine without oil. It is not even nationalism in any sense of the word. Nationalists sort the world into separate cultures and believe people with different cultures shouldn’t live under the same government.
You’re right that I don’t believe in what you believe. That’s because it is dumb. It reduces identity to race and then it refuses to hear what people in the real world even think about race. It fails to distinguish between people who have a positive sense of racial identity and a negative one.
If Christian White Nationalism was the ONLY way a White racial state could be established, I suppose I would be okay with that even if it’s not my ideal society. The new country could be based explicitly on Christianity with us pro-White atheists being dhimmis that are banned from participating in government, teaching, voting, etc. But that’s not even what you’re arguing for. That’s not what any Christian Nationalists are arguing for. You’re arguing for Christian Civic Nationalism. I suppose I understand why. Based on what you just wrote, you must see Southern secession as the only hope for Christian Nationalism. The problem is that you have a massive negro population in the South that you don’t know what to do with. You don’t want to leave, and you don’t think it’s possible to remove them.
Many nationalist movements have included both secularists and religious believers, Zionism, German national socialism, Kemalist Turkish nationalism, Albanian nationalism, Japanese nationalism, etc. It’s true nationalism is oriented around separate cultures, it’s you who lacks the depth to see that culture is not the same thing as religion.
>… culture is not the same thing as religion.
Yes, wider/common culture and the tribal ties of race can both be seen as stronger uniting forces than religion, especially the latter from an evolutionary perspective — elsewhere I asked if he confuses atheism with libertarianism.
>Many nationalist movements have included both secularists and religious believers, …
Fundamentally, racial nationalism is the preservation and protection of the tribe, here Whites as a coherent, self-governing ethno-political group — I see no reason why the instinct for tribal survival cannot result in white religious nationalists, e.g. Christian Nationalists, cooperating with atheists and agnostics (‘secularists’) — once Whites become a minority, as a bloc they will not be able to decide or politically control their future, or the future course of their/Western society:
‘We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.’
When thinking about AR/DR you came up with 6 core truths: immigration, race, identity, gender, elites, jq.
This seemed balanced and tied into Sam Francis’ pov:
“The formation of a white racial consciousness does not mean that whites should think of themselves only as whites, to the exclusion of ethnic, national, religious, regional, class, or other identities, nor that individuality should yield to the collective category of race.
Nor does the formation of white racial consciousness mean that we should conceive of ourselves only as biological beings to the exclusion of religious or metaphysical identities. Racial consciousness means that we add recognition of biological and racial factors to our traditional concepts of human nature and modify both our biological and non-biological conceptions of what man is, as evidence and reason dictate.”
Francis in his final Amren speech in 2004 expands on this in the Q&A @ 54:30:
Francis ended his speech with: “What we do need to do is to explore more fully what it is that lies at the root of the mental block that prevents today’s whites from confronting those realities, to discover why it is there at all and how it got there, and to find out how that block can be dissolved before the realities it hides destroy us.”
The AR was at it’s best going after the “mental block” & taboos w/ arguments, jokes, satire, mockery, transgression & trolling. Cultural & metapolitical. Almost an countercultural art/comedy scene which went beyond “facts & logic” to get inside the public mind. Not so much Apollo, Arbeiterpartei or even Amnat – people can take different positions on these.
Also, the zeitgeist did seem to change in 2014 w/ BLM & the Great Awokening & the term Alt-Right taking off, so another couple of truths (which you have written about):
7. The 20th Century (1914-2014) was an era of -isms & -phobias, anti-fascist mythos, and the modernist unconstrained expressive Self. Which has led to:
8. The crisis of identity & cultural disintegration. Need to look for root (or ‘radix’) causes & an alternative which is right for the 21st century.
This gives 3 hallmarks, 8 truths, 24 talking points. A framework to metapolitically educate the public via the frame of ‘Realism Identity Iconoclasm’. Change minds to change politics.
Also, Kevin MacDonald wrote: “The culture of critique has become the explicit culture of the West, endlessly repeated in media messages but packaged differently for people of different levels of intelligence and education, and for people with different interests and from different subcultures.”
A counter-CofC of content/activism could be targeted for different subcultures. What might work for say Protestant Christians may not work for other groups. Francis comments on Christianity & guilt @ 24:00.
So race is something that all whites – Christian & non-Christian – should think about. But alongside other truths/talking points and with content directed to subculture/interests.
The problem I personally have with Abrahamic religion is the conflict it has with racial groups. Christianity was designed to include every human being regardless of who they are.
Also nowhere in the Bible does it say for races to be separate from each other and the closest thing to racial separatism is the hierarchy of people who are mote worthy or pious to God making them acceptable leaders in the world. This is where the idea of White Supremacy comes from & this idea is what brought down the White Race in the name of equality.
But if White People instead focused on the fact that they are anatomically different from every other nonwhite human; something which is proven here
Also White Guilt comes from a false notionof morality which is explained here.
So I do t think Christianity is compatible with race.
Christianity was designed to include every human being regardless of who they are. That is true and it’s even there in the gospels as part of the ‘great commission’. You’re conflating two things however. While there’s no question that the great commission requires Christians preach salvation to every nation on the planet, it no where calls for the erasure of nations – or a rebuilding of the Tower of Babel in Jeezus’s name. A simple perusal of Christ’s own reaction to a gentile woman who touched his garment – pointing out he was sent to the Hebrews – would make him a racist monster in the eyes of Woke doctrine. She even groveled and debased herself to compare her reaching out for a miracle to dogs eating crumbs dripped beneath the children’s table. Those who seek to rebuild the Tower of Babel are in fact building a temple to Satan – turning the entire planet into a giant open-air gulag for those who survive, lorded over by Jews and others who serve evil.
The point which is seems lost on most atheist WNs who make statements here is that the culture of the European nations which started in Greece reached its zenith and was most resistant to Jewish subversion when the populace was overwhelmingly Christian. Name a single viable European culture after 1000 AD or thereabouts. There isn’t one. It was thanks to the Christians of Byzantium and those in western monasteries that something of the Greco-Roman heritage was transmitted. The notion that it came from the Judeo-Muslim paradise of ‘Al-Adalus’ is another Jewish lie, as is the “dark ages”. Christianity itself seriously went off the rails starting in the 18th century, though problems openly surface with the schism of 1054. What we see now is the result of following the errors of the “enlightenment”. As HW noted above, culture and its child identity are made up of more than race. Ethnicity is part of it, so is religion, as are the traditions and customs of different ethnic groups. Christianity was one of the binding element which made the great European culture possible. That’s why those who want to destroy the culture and the race in which it took root have explicitly targeted both Christianity and European nations for extermination.
I’m a secular agnostic. That being said I have no attraction or loyalties to atheism or Christianity. I have more respect for Christians than atheists because at least Christians have moral boundaries. Atheists worship science and adopt ultra-liberal views which are toxic.
I don’t see myself as a Christian nationalist or a White nationalist, just as a concerned citizen who doesn’t like the communist culture that has been bestowed upon us and as someone who doesn’t like unrelenting immigration and open borders.
As far as I see it, America is too far down the pipe to be salvaged as a whole. Wokism as detestable as it is, is remarkably resilient and has shown us it is here to stay. Christian nationalism isn’t going to save this country, it is best to be with like minded people, own some property while you still can, and prepare for the high crime that comes with unrelenting immigration and its resulting baby boom.
Never put your faith in other people, because people will let you down every single time. Always put faith in yourself and what you can do to better yourself and your family. That may sound very un-Christian-like but it’s the truth, everyone is looking out for themselves, putting your trust and faith in others to achieve anything is guaranteed to end in failure and disappointment.
People are more than welcome to prove me wrong, but until then, I’m a secular skeptic.
Christians are supporting the group that has it in for us. Without Christian support, they would be nowhere here, or in Europe.
You’re only looking at the philosophies and constructs, you’re not looking at what they really do.
Do you think they control France and Britain and unleashed Bolshevism because of Christian support? They have had immense influence on English-speaking Protestantism, the kind that came from the Puritans and merged with the Royal Society and Freemasonry. With the the ascendancy of Great Britain and the United States they started to impose themselves on Catholic clergy. Christians who understand the Jews and what they believe are not supporters of the Jews. You’re right that most are still hopeless cases when it comes to the Jews. However, they are rumblings of discontent with what is going in the USA. And the Jews are flipping out about it.
Why would they flip out? They have the power over law and everything else here.
Your first sentence makes no sense. They get in power because they do things you and I wouldn’t do. They control the banks and currency. They own our currency for pete’s sake. But they use Christianity to keep whites in place.
France doesn’t need “Christian Zionists” to explain away its support of Israel. That there are actually people in the US who still pretend it’s Christian Republican voters responsible for US support for Israel is sad. Of course Leftist excuses for why they serve the Jews are always fairly pathetic and weak. Christian Zionism is an American disease, but so is the notion that “Christian Zionists” make any real political decisions or are the basis of Jewish security. Christian Zionists manage to subvert Christianity but this subversion is something that didn’t start with the Scofield Bible, it goes back to the Puritans. Today’s so-called “anglo-elite” tend to have a lot of Puritan forbears, albeit with the religious mask discarded. For the proles though they have “Christian Zionism” for the Catholics they have the post-Vatican II religion which is effectively a planned demolition of the Church.
Well, yeah, the bottom line for supporting Israel is power and money, not religion. Religion is the mask.
Tonight I happen to be watching, on Hulu, an ABC episode of “Truth and Lies: WACO”. I’m not sure when this was produced, but the message of that infamous incident couldn’t be clearer…
The United States government cannot and will not allow real, genuine, religious activity, the kind that puts obedience to God before obedience to the government. Christianity, when practiced by people who are willing to die for their beliefs, particularly white people, is the biggest threat.
Now, in reality, the Branch Davidians were a cult of personality and not a legitimate religious group. But that’s neither here nor there. If David Koresh was a criminal, and I have no doubt he was a pervert who deserved to be convicted of pedophilia, then they had ample opportunity to arrest him and try him. But that isn’t what happened.
Our government was not going to allow these people exist in peace, because their existence, and the growing antigovernment sentiment that was brewing in the 90s among Christians, was a threat to federal power.
The constitution was twisted and warped a loooong time ago to water down any and all genuine religious activity in this country.
When watching this documentary, you hear in the words of the ATF agents that they were there to disrupt “religious extremism” (aka genuine religious activity that puts faith before submission to government power).
WACO, just like Ruby Ridge only a few years prior, was a shot across the bow of the people living in rural, “red state” areas that the hedonism of the city was going to be pushed on them in the coming decades, and they had no choice but to accept that fate.
There was a lot of craziness going on in Waco, and Koresh had created a cult. But it wasn’t the behavior of Koresh that led the ATF to Waco on that day. It was the stockpiling of arms and the antigovernment sentiment of the Branch Davidians that brought them there. Full stop.
Christian Nationalism is not an “op”. Religious identity is a far greater threat to this government than racial identity. I’m not someone who stands against any form of nationalism, and that includes white nationalism. I think there are valuable things to be said across the board. But this BS about it being an “op” is absurd.
It’s not that the government won’t allow religious activity. They do.
You contradicted yourself, because you blamed it on religion, then turned around and said the government went after Waco, because they stockpiled arms and were anti-government. Of course you heard them say it was “religious extremism”. Like you should even believe everything you hear.
The government isn’t afraid of Christianity. They are afraid of White “supremacism” or Whites getting out from under the control of the ruling elite.
I didn’t blame anything on religion. I didn’t contradict myself. I blamed it on a cult of personality. I have no problem with religion.
The Branch Davidians were perfectly fine believing what they believed and practicing the religion they chose to practice. They existed BEFORE David Koresh. David Koresh took it over and it became a cult of personality. There’s a difference.
But again, even THAT wasn’t enough to cause problems. It was when the Davidians chose to actually act on their beliefs by arming themselves that the government moved in. If they had behaved like 95% of churches and left on Sunday and went home to their vices, nobody would have cared.
How can anyone accept as true any production that concerns any historical event that is offered by jewish controlled media or TV? All historical documentaries are produced by jews. They distort everything they can to promote confusion about what really happened in those events. Who originally reported all information about Waco and the Davidians? The jewsmedia. Therefore, we only know what the jews told us.
@DICARLO Agree. So who knows if they had weapons, or even how many if they did. It’s just like all of these “shootings” with “a gunman” in the media constantly. So much seems very orchestrated. The lengths they go through to go after white people, versus how they just slap the wrist of nonwhites who commit heinous crimes.
You stated: “The United States government cannot and will not allow real, genuine, religious activity, the kind that puts obedience to God before obedience to the government. Christianity, when practiced by people who are willing to die for their beliefs, particularly white people, is the biggest threat.”
Then you stated: “Our government was not going to allow these people exist in peace, because their existence, and the growing antigovernment sentiment that was brewing in the 90s among Christians, was a threat to federal power.” and “It was the stockpiling of arms and the antigovernment sentiment of the Branch Davidians that brought them there. Full stop.”
It wasn’t about religion. Your second statement was correct. It wasn’t “religious extremism”. It was the weapons.
Lest we forget, the jewsmedia and academia, for that matter, are so mired in their own lies that they need to compile lies on top of lies in order to justify previous lies. (((Journalists))) lie about everything. So called historians, jews or not, lie about everything. Jew documentarians, lie about everything. ITZ the same people who censor us and condemn what they call disinformation, misinformation and malinformation who parrot false propaganda 24/7. Only a blind man does not understand the fact that this single, extremely antiwhite, ethnocentric group, controls all of the mainstream media and in fact, every scrap of information Whites receive.
The problem with White Nationalists is that they spend no time advocating White interests, and the preponderance their time attacking Jews and Christians, negative advocacy that only leads to neurotic and autistic fixations. Not unlike the unhealthy behaviors they so despise in Jews who have the same tendency to obsess about White Christians.
Their central shibboleth, the JQ, is the most toxic article of faith I’ve ever seen a fringe group adopt, as its the fastest way to totally marginalize yourself. They never take the 14 words to heart, their central creed, and never set about actually accomplishing the goal.
Is Christianity the perfect framework for a cohesive race and a prosperous society? No. But its a damn sight better than anything they’ve bothered to formulate.
Is organized White Nationalism a gay op? Who knows, but it certainly divides White people more than it seems to do anything else and, “You will know them by their fruit”. Their fruit is division and counterproductive autism.
I have no end of criticisms of organized Christianity. No misconception that evangelicalism as currently formulated is overtly zionist.
The majority of these atheist White Nationalists are urban and suburban college educated SWPLs. What they see on a daily basis isn’t what those of us from rural areas see. So we talk past eachother without a common understanding. Here inlies the real problem with this whole argument over Christian Nationalism. We don’t actually disagree on much. But we reached racial awareness from different starting points and so haven’t reached the same conclusions as to the why and how we are where we are.
Is it worth it to try and reconcile the difference? Probably not. In general urbanites aren’t worth a shit when you get down to brass tacks but that is a pretty deep seated bias I have as the child of hill people from Eastern Kentucky and I could be wrong.
Even during the heyday of the Altright it was apparent there was a chasm between the urban vanguardist larpers and the working class rural people. The Trad Workers Party being a prime example of this and how it was roundly derided by the SWPLs.
I find myself not caring. They want their self imposed ghetto, let them have it. There really aren’t that many of them anyway and they are carrying too much baggage.
Say the so-called hick from the sticks peckerwood that cheered the assassination by US ZOG forces of Iranian General Solemani under orders from Israel.
Yeah, you and your ass clown gay take on the JQ speak for themself.
You seem to think atheists want to make their basis for unity atheism rather than Christianity. If that were true, it would indeed be retarded.
All we are saying is that Christianity is not the widest basis for unity. But only if you believe history could you come to a conclusion like that.
If you want to call the palpable imposture of Mormonism “Christian” go ahead. That’s just the tip of the iceberg of the conflicts you are opening up by pretending there is unity in anything “christian”
It is axiomatic that you can only reduce the size of a class by adding required elements. When the only elements necessary are (1) pro-white, you by definition must be the smaller tent when you add to (1) pro-white the requirement of (2) belief in Christianity.
This Christian Nationalism thing is purely American. You’re forgetting that there is a whole world of nominal Christians out there probably larger than the white world of Christians now. Are they more welcome? If they’re more welcome than me, I don’t know what you believe, HW.
You think right wing atheists really care about your beliefs one way or another, but the truth is we are willing to tolerate your accomplishing your symbolic goals for Christianity if it would, even for one frickin’ second, actually help to move the needle on race a millimeter. If ya’ll can accomplish something on race, then I hope you do. I don’t have hope for that, when the most conservative Lutheran synod in America caved to the Jews decades ago, as I demonstrated earlier, and to which no one has responded.
Also, most devout Evangelicals are strongly anti-Catholic and anti-Orthodox. I know we as non-believers have no place in this Civic Nationalist Evangelical movement, but how long until these people are kicked out as well?
It’s all a curve ball to distract. Religion isn’t the issue. What’s being done to whites, is. Whites are losing more and more power and freedom in their own nation. As long as people are committed to a religion extension of Judaism, they will remain enslaved.
“They are extreme outliers” maybe in rural Alabama but outside some sections of the South, Christianity is irrelevant in the West. Chirstianity has zero appeal in European Far Right circles, it’s just not even on the radar. I also find Evangelicas unappealing with their unpleasant OT god and love of Israel. I’d say the Orthodoxy, traditional Catholics, or conservative Lutherans are a better people than Evangelicals who are a step removed from Pentecostal insanity.
If Christianity were really irrelevant you wouldn’t have to talk about how “irrelevant” it is. Christianity is being socially and culturally suppressed by 1968 people who were raised by Communists, and by the clergy themselves such as Francis (who was installed while the Pope was still alive in order to make the Revolution happen) This is called WNs thinking they are somehow “relevant” by cursing their ancestral religion. Christianity is always on the minds of Leftists and Jews, and motivates everything they do. I’ll tell you once, I mentioned to BAP all the young women with babies at a local trad church, and he said in the future there would be “No more church.” That guy is a filthy kike. And your disavowal does not change what they think you are. These Jews didn’t burn down Notre Dame because they thought it was irrelevant. They burned it down, the shitlibs are screeching like hyenas about “Christian nationalism” because they intend to use force to impose their totalitarian agenda. Force on Christians who object. And the pseudo-intellectual degenerates like Richard Spencer will cheer them on.
“Chirstianity has zero appeal in European Far Right circles, it’s just not even on the radar.”
Simply not true. Many of the most promising representatives of rising European nativist forces are quite friendly indeed towards conservative forms of Christianity. Take Laszlo Toroczkai for example, the Hungarian hero mayor of the 2015 immigrant invasion – his Mi Hazank party is right now perhaps the biggest unapologetically “based” political organization in Europe:
“Toroczkai called for all the Christian locals to support a “holy war on Muslims and multiculturalism”.[7]”
See also:
European nationalists, too, have largely moved on from the Alain de Benoist-style, abstractly intellectual neopaganism.
Christianity, Christians and their political views are a totally separate issue from the media op to re-repackage standard raceblind GOP faggotry as “Christian nationalism.”
The willingness to believe this media fiction comes from the same place as your southern nationalism. It just replaces resentment of “yankees,” as if this a category that is even meaningful in 2022, with resentment of atheists, neither of which are your actual enemies.
If there was a Christian movement in America that was actually interested in challenging Jewish power, I would be 100% on board with it, but that’s obviously not what this is.
I have never heard of any time at all, of german people considered not white……….
Problem is , out of ignorance, or your personal devotion too self delusion, you can, with a straight face, try to run that narrative too, white men, you should come too detroit, spend a little time here, get to know the native’s, then tell me, there are no racial differences, also you can observe the degraded, conquered white man up close….your like the rest of your arrogant generation, think you know it all, but at the end of the day, your narrative is found too be ” Quite wanting “…….
When y’all Christian Nationalist shills see what and where that “movement” goes, I hope you all enjoy the taste of crow.
You’re making an error: you’re assuming that the people’s beliefs and opinions on certain topics correlates with platforms and then policies put out by the GOP. I guess if wars for Israel, lower taxes, and school vouchers are your top 3 issues, you have a point.
But that’s not the case for all these people being polled. The GOP will never be a pro-Christian Party, it’ll pay lip service to Christ. The GOP will never stop non-white mass immigration, they’ll pretend to build a wall. Et cetera, et cetera. That’s why it’s an op. It’s all about funneling people down into the Christian Nationalism cul-de-sac where energy is sucked up by the party and converted into Zionism, Corporate tax cuts, and Lady MAGA.
I’ll be charitable and assume that Trump actually believed in what he said during the ’16 campaign: he was neutered by the GOP establishment. Now let’s assume that Trump didn’t believe anything he said in his ’16 campaign; he duped millions of the same Christian evangelicals into voting for him. I guess you could say Trump got abortion banned. Oh, and the Abraham Accords for Israel! And black rappers were pardoned! I can’t handle all the winning! Maybe Christian Evangelicals are happy about all those things. I don’t know.
But that’s all okay. Whether WN capitalizes on this radicalization is up to WN groups (it should, and not alienate Christians – which seems to be your major bone of contention and that’s fair). But to pretend this is going to bring about some great radical change inside the GOP is silly. The GOP doesn’t listen to it base.
Anyways, I don’t doubt the sincerity of Christian evangelicals. I just don’t think they can scale any of the Seven Mountains. They will stay contained safely out of power in the little Christian Nationalism cul-de-sac provided to them by the GOP.
Thus current shitlib panic about “Christian Nationalism” is not entirely artificial, nor is it entirely just an American phenomenon. Liberal intellectuals know that even in a mixed-race country like Brazil, zealous Christians can be dangerous unless they are strictly controlled by the secular state (the Hobbesian Leviathan).
Brazilian Evangelicals are the most devoted supporters of Jair Bolsonaro – but also commit even stronger actions than just voting for Far Right strongmen:
“Religious intolerance is a problem in many parts of the world. But in Brazil, it’s become a big issue in recent years for some Brazilians, and in particular, for people who practice different forms of the country’s Afro Brazilian religions — Umbanda and Candomblé.
They have been facing prejudice, discrimination, attacks on their places of worship. And, researchers say, it’s only getting worse.
“In Rio de Janeiro, there’s been a growing relationship between some radical neo-Pentacostal sectors and criminally armed paramilitary groups,” Casseres said. “And this has pushed the violence against religious temples to absurd levels.”
In 2019, those groups made a violent push to shut down 15 Afro Brazilian places of worship in one neighborhood. Last year, there were 1,564 cases of religious intolerance just in the state of Rio de Janeiro alone. That’s according to the Public Security Institute, a Brazilian nongovernmental organization. It shows an increase of more than 10% compared with the previous year.”
I’ve been a Southern Nationalist since 1979. That’s when I realised that the North had little to do with the America that was founded in Virginia and the Carolinas. The were hostile, in fact, towards it, and towards the republican form of government. Up until I was nine, I thought that George Washington was from Vermont, and that the Delaware River was in New England. Then my mom gave me a book about George Washington, and I learned that he was Southern. I also learned that Virginia and North Texas are strongly connected.
I also figured out that the North was the source of all of the Leftists/Liberals that my Parents, other adults, and even my teachers at school, were contemptuous and disdainful of.
I came to the conclusion, at a young age, that America was the South, and the West, not the North. The North was and is a different, hostile country. I also figured out that not all White people are our allies, because they are White.
My one central position is removing the North from the Southern political equation, and from that of the Western States, as well. With them out of the way, we can persuit liberty and civilisation. Ours, not theirs.
End Reconstruction. End the War.
8 out 10 Republican voters are White Christians.
Retardicans are losers and gatekeepers of the cure for liberalism.
87% of Trump voters believe that Christianity is an essential part of American greatness.
“American greatness.” When was that?
The largest repository (~250K) of “far-right” Christian Trump voters (Mostly former Zion Don supporters) can be found on the Telegram channel Ghost Ezra. I invite you to read the posts, comments, and polls on that channel. The majority have embraced a Third Position closer to National Socialism than Jeffersonian Republicanism. See for yourselves.
In response to Pilot (above) who stated: “You can’t be a real true practicing Christian and be pro-White” – With due respect, that is simply not true. One’s view of race or their pro-White advocacy does not nullify their commitment to Christ. The New Testament nowhere teaches or even suggests that Christians are required to abandon their unique racial and cultural identity upon converting to the Faith.
Paul, for example, did not require gentile Christians to give up their racial, ethnic, or cultural customs when they embraced Christ in faith other than in those areas that conflicted with essential Christian teachings (such as idolatry, foods sacrificed to idols, etc.). Neither did Paul urge Jews who became believers to abandon their Jewish ethnic identity, customs, and traditions (except in those areas that conflicted with the Gospel).
The New Testament recognizes racial differences, but at the same time it does not make a big deal about it in the way some people might think. In heaven there will be a multitude of genuinely saved people of different racial groups (Rev. 5:9; 7;9). The Gospel message is to be proclaimed to the entire world (Matt. 28:19-20), but there is nothing within the pages of the New Testament that, once converted, they must jettison all racial and cultural identities and mix with other groups into some sort of national and racial melting pot. Multiculturalism in the way liberals understand it is nowhere espoused in the Scriptures.
Thus, Whites are not commanded to give up their unique White racial identity and share their countries with the entirety of the third-world as some have lamely argued. Christians in the past, I might add, never understood Christianity as requiring them to stop being nationalistic and supportive of their own people.
For more on this, see my article in The Occidental Observer, ‘Is Christianity Compatible with White Racialism?’ (March 22, 2022).
When Christianity first appeared among Germanic peoples (although in a heretical Arian form), it did not lead to any weakening of their martial ardour – it was actually Arian Visigoths, Vandals and Ostrogoths that sacked and conquered Rome, not any pagan tribe:
@RockaBoatus That’s “Cafeteria Christianism”, where you pick and chose what you want to follow. You really ought to read everything in the bible that Jesus said. Really. You cannot exclude whites.
The only favored group in the bible, continually, is the Hebrews/Jews.
Jesus said to “Love one another”. He did not say “only whites”.
“Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will never fail, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Luke 12:33-34
There’s so much more.
You see, in order to KNOW if the bible is true, you really DO have to read it.
If you really believe in a God, and know when you die, you’ll see God, are you going to tell him that you only wanted to be with Whites in heaven?
Christians here do not appear to understand their own religion’s origin. It was a fringe cult with few followers that was suppressed by the Pagan Roman Empire. After four centuries, Constantine had a hallucination and declared Christianity the official religion of his empire.
National Socialists and WNs are outliers and on the fringes of the Judeo-American aka GAZE. They too are suppressed by the power of the empire. Whereas National Socialism and Hitler perished 77 years ago, its adherents too are finding more and more ideological comrades by the day. With polarization and Balkanization increasing because of racial and cultural diversity inside the GAZE, Nation Socialists and White Nationalist will not have to wait 400 years to achieve a pan White Ethnic nation carved out of the late USA.
This is a great comment. Your statement that NS is being more and more appreciated currently is so true. While the media, and some of the WN folk, insist it’s just larping and dress-up, they probably never really read about NS or understand why it’s so timeless.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
? Margaret Mead
I meant to add this quote to my last post above.
Excellent post, Hunter. I appreciate your mature, settled convictions, and your evident habit of intellectual curiosity, always seeking or being open to new facts and to honest debate, which is proven by not making your blog the echo chamber for a single viewpoint.
My view is that ethnocentrism and socialism (and hence, ethno-nationalism or ethno-national socialism) are the NATURAL human conditions of our temporal existence, whereas capitalist atomised consumerism and other inegalitarian (class) systems are unnatural, or based on the corrupted, evil side of sin-corrupted human nature.
I also believe, more importantly, that the Gospel is true: that Christ died (and rose) for all, and eternal salvation or damnation is real. The Truth, “the Light that lighteth EVERY man” (John 1:9) is universal, not limited to one tribe, nation or race. The sufferings of the poor and the sick are not to be ignored, although they are temporal.
Unfortunately, “Christian nationalism” is tied at the hip to capitalist atomized consumerism, due to its roots in Republican organizations like the Council for National Policy and the John Birch Society. One only needs to look at statements from Marjorie Taylor Greene, the most prominent self-described “Christian nationalist,” for evidence of this.
For example, she recently called for deregulating everything to “rip the noose off American businesses” and “reward people who work,” (lol) by which she presumably means “job creators,” usurious creditors, rent seekers, etc. In Republican parlance, “people who work” invariably means “people who make money without working by speculating and collecting rents, dividends, and interest,” whereas “lazy people who don’t want to work” means actual wage laborers who are forced to supplement their low income with public welfare in order to feed their kids (which allegedly pro-family Greene has voted against, btw). She promotes this as a cold war 2 strategy to defeat Russia and China, here:
They want social conservatism, but also want completely deregulated ultracapitalism, the most socially revolutionary force in history. They want families, but also want low wages and no worker protections at all. They want to “own the libs” but also want to give the libs even more power by shovelling money to the people who finance all of the lib agenda. In the end, the social conservatism gets thrown in the ditch and all you’re left with is the even more powerful plutocrat class.
Here’s how christian protestants understood national and racial solidarity, theologically, in the 17th to 18th centuries, aka degrees of benevolence or loyalty. https://anglicanrose.blog/2018/03/13/degrees-of-benevolence/
@old cultured warrior,
you are missing that these coaches make millions off of black athletic talent. They are just protecting their own pocketbook.
“The Old South was an honor based culture, not a guilt based culture.”
Brad Griffin
One of many interesting statements in this article.
As to this statement : if you know cultures, then this statement clues you into rules this country.
Because while Gentile mothers historically would threaten, and or spank, their children into obedience, not so with Jewish mothers.
No, a Jewish mother cajoles, and, if necessary, she guilts her offspring into submission.
For better or worse this is how the two cultures, Gentiles & Jewish, operate, and, by whose differential approach to problem-solving is most prevalent you can clearly see who is running the show.
“Basically, I was born and raised in the Deep South and retain an appreciation for the old Southern honor culture which has shaped my view of the subject. The Old South was an honor based culture, not a guilt based culture.”
Brad Griffin
Yes, how very true.
I was just talking with an older Georgian friend about this, and how our allowing the Jew England Yankee World to constantly interfere in our affairs since WWII, our culture has been nearly obliterated – starting with this most important of things.
The world I was born into was a world of honour – not just personal honour, but of familial reputation.
If you were contemplating being naughty, you not only contemplated the consequences to your good name, you contemplated the damage that might be done to your family’s reputation.
To me this honour culture is the marrow of human existence, and that it has been largely lost to The South is a matter for deep grieving.
When we contemplate political change, we see how secession, come what may, could very quickly bring about real change.
Humpty-Dumpty Dixie has fallen off the wall and putting him back together will be an impossible thing, if not downright impossible.
At some deep psychological level, this is what motivates me. I viscerally dislike the people who are trying to degrade our people, tear down our culture, dishonor our ancestors and really rub our faces in the dirt. I actually do hate those people. It is why I oppose them day after day, year after year and why I will never stop and go to my grave resisting them
So you only hate the traitor whites who aid the tribe. But you don’t hate the tribe, because you can’t, if you’re a Christian. Christ is a Jew, and Christianity says you must “love everyone.”
I don’t know how you internally wrestle with that conflict.
You can’t have two feet in two different camps.
I respect your right to think as you do, but, for whatever it is worth, I do not see God as a Jew, but only someone who manifested briefly to Jewry to give them one last chance to collectively redeem themselves.
When they did not, God curset them, saw to it that their main city was sackt, their temple was burned, and then scatter them to the wind.
As to ‘loving everyone’ – yes, we are required to be that, however love, unlike the Judeo-Bolshevik/Hippy version you take for what is Christian, you can love someone and still war against them, if they are attacking your people, community, or family.
‘Love’ has many many faces.
Your idea of Christianity is accurately in line with a lot of current Modern American decadent Christian practice, not what is currently Christian practice around the world, nor what ever has been for the last 2,000 years.
You are just taking a very small slice of the Christian pie, the absolute worst slice, and judging the entire faith, and it’s history, as well, on that.
Thus, you are willfully skewing our faith for something it is not.
In any case, be well…
Dude, read your bible from cover to cover. Really.
If you believe in a God who made all of the races, how are you going to explain to him someday, that you didn’t want to help them?
@Brad Griffin….
Thank you, Sir, for your reply.
Like you, I cannot reconcile myself to this situation, other than to resist to my last breath and to ceaselessly encourage others to do so.
To accept such an unacceptable situation would be a disgrace.
Our children, grandchildren to be, our communities, and our ancestors deserve better than our current ignomy.
Hunter Wallace,”…I don’t know what else to say. If you believe that race is the only thing that matters, you have a massive blindspot…”
Pilot,”…If you make religion the first thing, you will have a nation full of nonwhites–and we do. “Everyone is God’s children” in Christianity means everyone and they will not exclude anyone.
If you want to be pro-Christian, you will have to accept anyone and everyone, and you cannot say, “White Christian”, you will only say, “Christian”, because your God demands that…”
Hunter Wallace,”… Is race the only thing that matters there? Does those people value the White race the same way you do?…”
Pilot is right. You have to save the White people first. You can, as you did, change their minds about Christ but they have to be there in the first place in order to do so. If you do not discriminate for Whites first we will be overrun.
Pilot is wrong on this.
There is no better example than the fanatics who commit mass shootings like the guy in Buffalo out of the misguided belief that “race is everything” and thus other people count for nothing.
It repulses normies. It associates White Nationalism with murderers. The average White person ISN’T going to put their race before their morals. They will choose their morals. Forcing them to make that choice is self defeating and self marsociopath. It ends in political failure.
It is a road to nowhere for the simple reason that it is a view that licenses sociopaths. Most people will always recoil from sociopathy.
There is no better example than the fanatics who commit mass shootings
There’s always exceptions to every rule and certainly the jews who control all information, will make it fit their agenda, whether it does or not.
It repulses normies
Oh no! It repulses the most stupid and cowardly of Whites who don’t even know we’re in a fight for our very existence. BAD EXAMPLE: normies.
We’re never going to get anywhere as long as people believe that we are the bad guys. The overwhelming majority of White people will always put their morals first and their race a distant second. That’s if they even value their race at all.
Greg Johnson isn’t a Christian. Even Greg understands this. Saying that we should put our race above our morals is a recipe for political failure
@Hunter Wallace You know who made us the bad guys, right? I agree that most whites do not value their race. Like DICARLO said in the above post, it’s all orchestrated, to get people to give up their rights to own arms. Surely you see through all of that, and surely, you see the plot behind all of it. It’s the same reason they paste “White Supremacist” all over everything.
There is no better example than the fanatics who commit mass shootings like the guy in Buffalo out of the misguided belief that “race is everything” and thus other people count for nothing.
Oh fucking hell man — you sound like any whiny little bitch who noddingly goes along with the Jewish narrative that white racial consciousness inevitably leads to nutjobs shooting up black grannies in the supermarket — I already answered this comprehensively in another comment (link), which you apparently either did not bother to read, or didn’t understand.
Just like there is now essentially no difference between you and Spencer in that both of you have abandoned racial nationalism, there is also essentially no difference between this kind of rhetoric and the decades of anti-racist propaganda that has served to psychologically demoralize Whites so they can be subjugated and demographically conquered — it’s a rule or be ruled world dude — do you want Whites to rule or be ruled?
Some of your takes are wretchedly bad; it’s unbelievable really — but maybe after COVID I should not be too surprised.
It looks like I struck a nerve.
I never said that White racial consciousness “inevitably” leads to sociopaths who shoot random people in churches and grocery stores. I said that the people who do that and who commit crimes like that do so because they believe “race is everything.”
How many times have I been told over the past few days that NOTHING but race matters? How many times have people come here and attacked Christianity? How many times have I specifically been told that my religious and moral beliefs should be set aside and take a back seat to race?
Has it ever occurred to you that when people convince themselves that Christian morality is Jewish or that morality doesn’t really matter because race is ALL that matters that they do shit like that? Why do you think they do it? They do it because it licenses sociopathic behavior
Once again, I disagree with the foolish position that “race is everything.” It is not everything. It is meaningful and important, but not everything. I’m a pro-White Christian. You are never going to wake up to the news that someone like me has murdered a bunch of random strangers because I am not going to set aside my morals out of sheer racial tribalism.
In that sense, “White Christian Nationalist” is an improvement because it attracts normal people and repulses the people who are so obsessed with race they have no interest in morality
“never going to wake up to the news that someone like me has murdered a bunch of random strangers ”
Those are young men who lash out on impulse.
A major reason jwz work to destroy all WHITE organizations. If those young men had association with older , experienced heads, their emotions could be tempered and directed into productive actions, not random petty violence.
You act like Christians dont go around killing people too. Of course race isnt everything but its definitely no1. What made the west? Christianity?? No many non white Christian nations that are third world shit holes. White people made the west. Maybe Christianity helped but it was a supporting factor not the main point.
Historically speaking I think Christians where based. Hell it was Christians who expelled the Jews. It was Christians who did the crusades that saved Europe. However Christianity was subverted by jews and is now judeo-christianity. Christians have been Brainwashed to worship the people that hate them and want them destroyed.
I oppose judeo-christianity because its setting white people up for extinction. It makes them pacificed and they just trust that everything is gods plan. No reason to do anything, its in God’s hands.
White people will be trusting “God’s plan” all the way to their extinction. This is my problem and historically speaking this is not how Christians thought so I actually dont inherently hate Christianity, just modern Christianity.
@Sam J. Thank you. I used to think and hope that Christianity would be the hill to die on. I thought it was the last refuge for Whites to assemble and gather. But sadily, most have show their true colors with MAGA and their support for the enemy.. They are no different than the Religious Right that backed up Bush and his pro Jewish administration.
I understand some people have a definite emotional bond with Christianity. They grew up with it. They have fond memories of Christmas and Easter. They don’t have to stop any of that, but they need to acknowledge who hates them. It’s too bad we can’t get them to read the Talmud.
“…As far as I see it, America is too far down the pipe to be salvaged as a whole. Wokism as detestable as it is, is remarkably resilient and has shown us it is here to stay….”
I don’t believe that. People get older. They have kids or just grow up and realize that anti-fa “think” is not going to pay the bills or provide for any sort of ordered or pleasant world for them or their kids. They change.
We are slowly lifting the veil on the truth from the big blaring media Jew blow horn. When I was a kid there was nothing, nothing at all but Jew media. Not true any more for those that look around and since what we are told doesn’t fit what is actually happening then subsequently more and more people will look around.
If you think the only people who support antifa are people without a job youd be dead wrong. Every major institution supports antifa.
Plus wokism makes a lot of people feel good because they can virtue signal which makes them feel morally superior.
With that said yes there are more options than jew media and that’s a good sign but they’re trying to censor these other options and in many cases doing a good job. There’s some good signs happening right now but things are still pretty bad
What is this supposed to mean? Are you saying that Jesus is the same kind of human an being as a modern-day Jew?
There is a massive contradiction there that anti-Christian trolls ignore.
Yes, Christianity was invented in the 1st century to destroy the White race and 1900 hundred years later: the white race is still here.
They wanted to destroy Rome, and they did. So Europe was essentially beholden to the Jewish God, who doesn’t see goyim as its chosen people. No matter how hard they try, they cannot sever Christianity from Judaism. It IS Judaism.
As for the Roman Empire, good riddance to bad rubbish. Rome was just a gloried extortion racket which collapsed when it ran out of clients to shakedown.
I think you for the data but you kinda missed the JQ point. Jews push on a society different views than what they may personally believe in. NO Nationalism for western people but Isreal gets their nationalism for example.
Also why so white atheists have the views they do? From the constant subversion by jews in the media, Hollywood and universities
I don’t have a problem with Christianity from the past that expelled many jews. I have a problem with modern judeo -christianity. It has been subverted by Jews and Christians now worship the people trying to kill them.
Thing is Christianity isnt that hard to subvert a lot passages in there that the subverters can use. Also I do question if modern Christians are strong enough to not only defend white people but also their own religion. They dont have any fight in them and believe everything us just god’s plan no reason to even fight