The #paris2024olympics should be praised for revealing the ultimate meaning of the Last Super: Jesus is Bacchus, offering his blood-wine to his devotees. “Love one another,” the New Covenant, is a sublimated form of the origia. No Christian should be offended. pic.twitter.com/LlouyKByxL
— Richard Spencer (@RichardBSpencer) July 27, 2024
— Gaddius (@GaddiusMaximus) July 27, 2024
(Roughly 3.25 hours, for the record) pic.twitter.com/rg5N6TkpRz
In the 2016 election, I went along with the Alt-Right frenzy and supported Donald Trump, although I was much more reserved in the reasons that I gave for supporting him. I never bought into the “God Emperor Trump” nonsense. I never fell in love with a meme or my own idea of Trump.
In the 2020 election, I was extremely blackpilled in the wake of the collapse of the Alt-Right after Charlottesville. I did not vote for Donald Trump in the 2020 election. I was exhausted with the chaos of the Trump presidency and was ready for it to be over. I wanted to move on. As in 2016, I was influenced by the climate of negativity and cynicism of the activists in my internet silo who seemed to have swung from euphoria to depression on the Trump Question in the span of four years.
In the 2024 election, I have become more detached from politics. I have a larger family and work a lot more than I used to. I have less time to pay attention to activists. Over the past four years, I have also seen all sorts of things that have led me to believe that the collapse of the Alt-Right was inevitable and that activists played our hand poorly in the 2016 election. In light of where so many of these people ended up, I am much more skeptical of the thinking and judgment of activists than I used to be.
2024: The Do Over Election
2024 is the do over election.
Donald Trump is running for president. Trump is running for a second chance and a second term. The Revenge Tour is also a second chance for activists to avoid the mistakes that we now regret and handle ourselves the way we should have the first time around.
A big mistake that I now regret was giving interviews to “journalists.” I personally never said anything to a “journalist” which I would not publicly say on my own website. In retrospect, I now see that “journalists” were fishing for comments from activists which could be used to damage Trump and the movement. I only gave very moderate comments to the press, but other activists went on the record to say all sorts of absurd, damaging things and gave unbelievable levels of access to hostile actors.
Here are some examples of what they have to show for it:

Never again.
Attention is like crack for activists.
In the 2016 election, they gave interview after interview to the press, spammed Twitter with swastikas and gas chamber memes and paraded with tiki torches into the national spotlight in Charlottesville and in doing this went on the record to identify themselves to the world as Trump’s Top Guys. In retrospect, they were painting a gigantic bullseye on their foreheads.
Still to this day, some of these of people do not see the relationship between the national attention and scrutiny that they courted and the social media bans, criminal charges and endless lawfare they were hit with. In particular, the Roberta Kaplan lawsuit over Unite the Right was funded by Reid Hoffman and was a strike from the top levels of the Democratic Party. It was payback from people close to Hillary Clinton: Karen Dunn, Roberta Kaplan and Gov. Terry McAuliffe who controlled the Virginia State Police. The clearest example of this is the DOJ indictment of Douglass Mackey aka Ricky Vaughn who Luke O’Brien described as a “field commander in the assault on Our Democracy.”
Rather than seeing this coordinated campaign as Hillary Clinton’s Revenge Tour, which is what it was given the people and the money involved, the retarded narrative took root among activists on X that it was Trump who had “betrayed” the Alt-Right. In reality, it was activists who had decided that the best use of our time was to parade through Charlottesville at Jason Kessler’s rally chanting Nazi slogans and to emulate MILO’s Dangerous Faggot tour for media attention and to get into pointless street battles with Antifa in the most liberal parts of the country like Portland, OR and Berkeley, CA.
Hail Trump was one debacle.
Chris Cantwell earning the sobriquet the “Crying Nazi” was another.
Eli Mosley’s stolen valor story in the New York Times was yet another.
“Journalists” are not your friends and denying them access could have saved us a lot of trouble. The Richard Spencer college tour was driven by narcissism and could have been avoided. The pointless street fights with Antifa could have been avoided. The “free speech” rallies in liberal strongholds could have been avoided. The bipolar reaction to Trump winning the presidency could have been avoided. Throwing ourselves in front of MAGA to absorb the backlash to Trump was another.
In 2024, as a more seasoned and experienced activist, I refuse to do interviews with journalists. I am a tepid supporter of Trump. I am voting less for Trump than against Kamala Harris. I not going to stupid rallies in the most liberal cities in the country with total strangers. I am not going to pointless college tours. I am going to stay at home and watch how this plays out and leave the street battles to MAGA. I am not a True Believer anyway and it is not my job to fight Trump’s enemies and absorb the costs of doing so.
Riding Waves
American politics is extremely polarized.
Neither party is popular enough to command a majority large enough to push through its agenda. As a result, we have these predictable swings from one party to another: Obama in 2008, the Tea Party in 2010, Trump in 2016, Democrats in 2018, Joe Biden in 2020, likely Trump in 2024.
In 2016, the Alt-Right caught the Trump wave and got drunk on their own kool aid and it ended badly and the movement got wiped out. 2016 was a very rare occasion when activists gelled with a mainstream Republican candidate. The Trump wave in 2016 brought in an enormous new audience to the movement and activists succeeded in channeling new people into reading their web zines, watching their YouTube channels and listening to their edgy podcasts. The same has been true of previous waves like the Pat Buchanan campaigns and the Ron Paul campaigns. The movement has always been rejuvenated by this dynamic with mainstream politics. The waves come and go and always recede.
As activists, I think we have to get better at riding these waves and making the most of these opportunities to reach a larger audience. Donald Trump has never been more popular than he is today. The Right has never been more united behind him. Personally, I do not believe that Trump is going to Make America Great Again (I didn’t in the 2016 election either), but it is not in my interest to antagonize those who do. I’m on the side of people like Corey Comperatore. I basically agree with them that Kamala Harris would be a terrible president. It is not my interest to “well, actually” or mock these people or sneer at them like the other activists on the beach, but rather to connect with some of them and try to educate them and lead them in a better direction after Trump has departed national politics. These waves come and go and my cynical view is that we should make the most of them to find new allies.
I’m going along with this out of solidarity with my peers although I do not really believe in either the man or the message. Trump will not succeed in Making America Great Again. If he wins the 2024 election, this is his last chance and MAGA will be forced at least to move on from this delusion. If I am wrong and it is sunshine and rainbows in 2028, then I will happily own my mistake.
Instead of being a lemon, I think the practical thing to do in this election cycle is to make some lemonade. You do not have to be a True Believer to publicly support Trump. The majority of influencers who are doing it on the Right are adjusting their sails to take advantage of the favorable winds. They are correct in their assessment that it is pointless and damaging to spit in the wind. They are navigating political reality with an eye toward protecting themselves and gaining something from this election cycle, not making some autistic points about THE TRUTH which only activists are going to care about.
As usual, the point of this article is to explain my own thinking because otherwise you would not understand the shifts in my position. I am not telling you to vote for Donald Trump. You are capable of making your own decisions. This is my attempt to flesh out my own inner monologue.
1. The Right finally moves on from Trump in 2028
2. The Alt-Right has terrible political instincts
3. Joe Biden has been a sedative as president
4. Activist brain blinds us and creates prejudice against conservative normies
5. Trump is the leader because he is the best of the Republicans
6. “Worse is better” is a cope and was tried in 2020 and maintains the status quo
7. Voting is not a sacrament. Few know this
8. Voting is not going to change anything about Zionism in the next four years
9. Activists have the chance to ride the Trump wave without making the same mistakes
In a sane world, Richard Spencer would be burned at the stake.
I vote for sanity, and would hold the first firebrand. The olden days had far more effective ways to silence antichristian behavior. Let’s Make Medievalism Great again!
“The Richard Spencer college tour was driven by narcissism and could have been avoided. ”
RC Laywoman Ann Barnhardt has done a yeoman’s task in outlining the various sorts of ‘DIABOLICAL NARCISSISTS’ that afflict Christendom (White Lands) today.
Spencer is nothing but a narcissist whore. Anathema.
Finally, there’s a place where Dickey Spencer would feel at home: Bottoms Up for Harris The Chlamydia Queen has created a ‘space’ for ‘white dudes’ to continually assume the position, after role models like Pete Buttplug. Maybe Fuentes should consider signing up. Beats ‘Dicks out for Harambe’, no?
> I basically agree with them that Kamala Harris would be a terrible president. It is not my interest to antagonize these people or mock them or sneer at them like the other activists on the beach, but rather to connect with some of them and try to educate them and lead them in a better direction after Trump has departed national politics. These waves come and go and my cynical view is that we should make the most of them to find new allies.
This is how you build organizations for the long-term. Trump is old and so are his most ardent followers. They’re living in the past which exists only in their memories. That’s to be expected. I’d far prefer to live among Trump’s loyal folks than march with evil clown-faggots like Richard Spencer into trap. You’ve been making some very good points lately.
Pride is a sin for a good reason.
The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games……….pure garbage…….these people with their ideology are really everywhere.
These people openly flaunt their allegiance to satan and people still watch it when it should be ignored. It’s all political now. They’ve been doing this for long time now. No little satanic pact fag show mocking islam or judaism of course.
Not going to lie, it is better that they put on such acts of degeneracy. It strengthens out verdict that the modern West has far exceeded Weimar Berlin (same tribe behind both cultural viruses).
Now the objective is to move the Overton Window to where a tipping point of GD normies are onboard with Weimar solutions.
No argument from me just don’t execute me for being a resident of California.
Just don’t do what the French would.
Whether Trump gets elected or not is of no consequence.
Kamala and him are basically the same.
Trump will be slightly better on trad values and immigration, and Kamala slightly better on economics, if you’re blue collar.
They are both pro-imperialism and pro-Zionism/genocide, Russophobic, Islamophobic and Sinophobic.
I’m not saying I like Muslims and Chinese, I prefer my own kind, but nor do I fear them, think they’re plotting to destroy us and that we need to overthrow their governments before they get us.
They are both pro-mass immigration and neither will seriously tackle illegal immigration, drug and human trafficking.
Obama deported more immigrants than Trump.
Trump barely built any new wall, just replaced old, dilapidated wall Bush W built.
And Trump was responsible for his own immigration crisis, google it.
Culturally they’re both vanilla milquetoast, Kamala a bit left of center and Trump a bit right of center.
Trump parties with gays, sleeps with porn stars and pardons black thugs, he can’t seem to pander to Jews and blacks enough.
And Kamala was tough on crime, a lot of lefties hate her because they know she’s a cop who often prosecuted black criminals to the fullest extent of the law.
They’re both neoliberal crony capitalists.
On the one hand, Trump supported bailing out wall street during the financial crisis of 08, with main street’s money, on the other hand he supports cutting taxes for the wealthy.
He’s not a capitalist, nor a socialist, he’s a corporatist, and wall street will continue to monopolize the economy under a Trump presidency at main street’s expense.
I mean he’s a billionaire for Pete’s sake, obviously doesn’t give a shit about small businesses and working people.
They both don’t give a shit about the constitution, only follow it when politically convenient.
Look how Trump banned bump stocks, and supported the patriot act, which was used to unconstitutionally detain Jan 6 trespassers, which Trump didn’t pardon.
+ Trump was responsible for warp speed.
Things are getting worse for America, but this is due to incremental de-dollarization, decline and eventual/inevitable collapse of the American empire.
America can simply no longer outcompete the rest of the world, which’s been rapidly growing and catching up with the west since shortly after WW2, it will no longer be top dog, doesn’t matter what clown puppet they put in there.
The bottom line is life will continue to get worse under the left and right side of the uniparty at about the same pace, the only solution is for millions of Americans to abandon both parties or politics altogether.
Trump cut funding to several Latin American countries causing illegal immigration to the US to double during his presidency.
So this was either a blunder of his, or he did it on purpose, I’m guessing the latter, in any case it’s one more indication he’s not fit to lead.
With a black woman democrat married to a jew against a straight White Gentile male republican (married to a European trophy*) and another White Gentile male republican (married to an ivy league Asian woman*) this is on the basic points of identity THE biggest standoff between rightwing straight White Gentile American males and everyone who ISN’T that there has ever been.
*I believe White America women, will give it to the dems, they don’t like the sight of Trump and Vance with their wives (who are not like them). It’s worse in their eyes than Pat Buchanan being unmarried.
What’re you smoking?
Trump’s daughter married a Jew.
She converted to Judaism upon marrying him.
Trump’s administration was swarming with Jews.
He was practically taking orders from his son-in-law Kushner and will be subservient to AIPAC, the Israel lobby and Bibi; nearly all democrats and republicans are with perhaps a few exceptions like Thomas Massie.
Hell in Trump’s America it will be a crime to even criticize Israel and Jews as a race, that’s how much your boy cares about the constitution.
Trump may as well be a Jew himself.
And yea, Vance is married to a south Asian woman, so this is two mixed raced, racially compromised families/administrations going up against each other in post-modern globalist America.
Buchanan was married. Unfortunately, he and his wife were unable to have children.
Elle Reeves is 42. Has she given birth yet? They’re just like us.
‘American politics is extremely polarized. Neither party is popular enough to command a majority large enough to push through its agenda”:
Both are the same uni-party and they have the same agenda, only inconsequential differences of style, like two sports teams playing the same game, for the distraction of the proles and profit of the elites.
“it is pointless and damaging to spit in the wind. They are navigating political reality with an eye toward protecting themselves and gaining something from this election cycle, not making some autistic points about THE TRUTH which only activists care about”:
You are certainly no revolutionary. The only real revolutionary who was involved with your bourgeois, American so-called “revolution” (and deeply involved in the French Revolution) was Thomas Paine who said “These are the times that (test) men’s souls (…) Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph (…) ’tis the business of little minds to shrink; but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death,” and “We have it in our power to begin the world over again.” Thomas Paine was an activist for the truth.
“Attention is like crack for activists.”
Because it IS. He may be a jew, but see the work of Sam Vaknin for a ready explanation of this.
Evil Clown faggots, have to understand, you cannot really lead a class of people, while you are a prisoner to another class of people ……
Trump Prophet Now Predicts MILLIONS Dead from Plague
The Trump assassination was telegraphed for months by glowfaggots like Mike Baker. He is basically a spokesperson for the CIA. No crystal ball. No magic. Just pay attention.
This Nostradamus faggot glows too.
> This Nostradamus faggot glows too.
Nostradamus is a rather strange name for a guy. It’s Our Lady in Latin. The name is more appropriate for a Catholic nunnery or a church.
@Exalted Cyclops
“Nostradamus is a rather strange name for a guy. It’s Our Lady in Latin. The name is more appropriate for a Catholic nunnery or a church.”
Good point Exalted Cyclops. Nastradamus is more a title than an actual name. Typical of his French origins, his full name is rather long but shortened is “Michel de Nostredame.” Essentially meaning, he is Michel from the Abbey of Our Lady where he was born in Saint Remy de Provence.
The area where he was born is pockmarked with references to our Lady, Saint Mary, etc. More interesting, its mostly not Saint Mary, other of Jesus, but Saint Mary Magdalena. The legends of the area say she and other members of Jesus’ family made their way there after He died and settled. So the area has all sorts of relics and locations referring to St Mary Magdalena and her entourage.
This makes sense that they moved there because it was in Roman and ibto Middle Ages heavily Jewish. The Hebrews had followed the International trade routes, linked in with the Greeks, who in turn had earlier colonized Southern Gaul (modern Provence). The Greeksnhad got there to gain control of the ancient Celtic international trade routes from Northern Europe and the Baltic down thru the rivers and seas to modetn Marseilles. The trade routes dates to before the time of the Sea Peoples, aka Philippines of the Bible. This is why you will find Celto-German material from the Broze age as far as the Holy Land.
The area in Southern Gaul, modern France, was heavily Latino-Roman, Greco-Roman, and Gaulo-Roman. It was incredibly wealthy and was the first organized “Province” of the Romans, from which the area got its name. The Jews were the latest immigrants to the area, and became a substantial portion of the area much as in the rest of the Roman Empire. This is why today, Mediterranean Papists are upwards of 25%+ of ancient Jewish ancestry as the overwhelming number of Hebrews converted to Christianity.
Back to Nostradamus, in his day, the area still had a lot of Hebrews. In fact, Nostradamus came from a converso family. His grandparents were Hebrews who converted and wishing to prove their Catholicism took up the name of one of these abbeys which is near where Saint Mary Magdalene is buried thereby showing their affiliation with her.
Its quite possible they were descended of one of St Mary Magdalene’s entourage. They might even had been one of the Judeo-Christian sects that were essentially Hebrew in ethno-culture but were Christians. These existed throughout the Roman world until roughly the times of the Moslem invasions. The Papists didn’t like such sects existing as it threatened their imperial control and strove to forcibly assimilate them. At any rate, by Nostradamus’ time they were obviously Catholic.
Back to the present, around the late 1970s or early 1980s there was a flurry of reports, documentaries, and fictions based on Nostradamus. One featured Orson Wells, with an unknown narrator which caused quite a stir amongst us when it aired. Its essentially unfindable today. The last time I found the show was maybe 2003. But the section I was trying to get and copy was no longer available even in that one.
The relevant section dealt with a great man from the east wearing a blue or green turban. He would make an attack on the great power of the North with an Eagle as its standard. The attack would topple the twin towers of its power and begin a conflict which would see the armies of the East and South march into the great nations of the North. Only when the Great Power of the North with an Eagle as its standard united with another great power who sat on a Meridian line now roughly located with Britain, and together they allied with the Great Power of the North with a Bear as its standard would the Christian Northern powers be saved.
The most important part were the references to the towers. Orson Wells, a prominent occultism in his own right made the interpretations of the quatrains suggesting everything referenced the UK and the US united and then allied with Russia. He couldn’t understand the tower symbolism but suggested perhaps it referenced the Twin Towers of NYC, then still fairly new. He couldn’t understand what could bring them down, but if they actually fell it would be devastating.
This whole thing has now been memory holed from the public. It was a rather important production in its time, what with the Cold War still raging, but it soon faded. I still remember it quite well. But now its gone. One last thing, my French side comes from the same area as Nostradamus and is named for the very place thing that Mary Magdalena was buried in….
I highly doubt that Mary Magdalene mentioned in the New Testament was buried in France, or ever came to France, or Gaul.
You seem to suggest that you might descend in part from Jewish conversos in that area, where the “saint” is supposedly buried. Is that a reason why you seem to desperately want WNs to support or ally with Jews and Israel?
Incidentally, my theory of the origin of the large population of Sephardic Jews and conversos in the western Mediterranean is that they descend mostly from a mass conversion of the population of the former Carthaginian empire, in Spain, southern Gaul and North Africa. Suddenly the population of the Roman Empire became up to 10% Jewish, until some of these “new Jews” became conversos or crypto-Catholic, or Donatist, in the second and third centuries and others adapted to the invasion of Islam by becoming crypto Muslims, especially in Cyrenaica, and some migrated north and became the nucleus of the Ashkenazim, along with migrants from the east, perhaps even some Khazars after the fall of Khazaria. But I do not believe many Ashkenazim descend from Khazars.
> I highly doubt that Mary Magdalene mentioned in the New Testament was buried in France, or ever came to France, or Gaul.
It’s not impossible. By that time, the Roman round ships were traveling all over the Mediterranean and even up to the British Isles. In Ireland’s Arran Islands in the far west, there’s an ancient cemetery with graves of missionaries from Rome ca.200
I remember something that Matt Parrot said in an episode of “Radio Free Indiana” you did with him, that yeah, a lot of people are stupid but that he loved a lot of stupid people. That’s why I’ve always thought that trying to educate those I love—family, friends, fellow churchmen—was the right tack to take. And as they’ve seen the things I’ve said were gonna happen come true, they’ve looked to me more and more for my opinions.