Full Circle
It has always frustrated me to predict the obvious, be demonized and silenced for predicting the obvious by the mass media, and then several years […]
It has always frustrated me to predict the obvious, be demonized and silenced for predicting the obvious by the mass media, and then several years […]
A commenter in another post brought up some points about the healthcare bill and linked to Stormfront. Here’s a couple of points I found in […]
I have google alerts for “racist” and “white nationalist,” which yields excellent stories. Two stories caught my eye today. North Carolina school board ends bussing […]
I wrote the below letter to a black blogger in the Southeast, as he writes about “white bigots” and “fear of miscegenation.” I hope he’ll […]
Dear Mr. Knepper, Have you ever flicked light switches? I mean . . . professionally. I’ve heard such a job exists, but have never heard […]
A commenter said that Frum didn’t coin Axis of Hate, but rather Axis of Evil. Actually: Axis of Hate More interesting than whether Frum jumped […]
Alexander Knepper, ineffectual intellectual The problem with Knepper is his whole approach to politics is a series of “if, then” propositions. He’s what we call […]
White Americans I know will only discuss race if prompted, and will be reluctant to express an opinion one way or another. Being as they […]
This post is to offer something to the excellent discussion begun by Sam Davidson, How to Make a Race Traitor What I suggest is that […]
Michael Savage is the border collie for the “right wing extremism” faction of society. There will always be a far right and/or ethnic nationalist faction […]
Billy the Heretic Download Billy’s speech here
Serial Killer on the Dating Game I just realized what always bothered me about the old TV show, “the dating game.” It was designed to […]
Notice how the pretty girl asks a loaded question about Amren “threatening” people.
When I say that we need to play the Semites game, I don’t mean that we become exact mirrors of Jews with financial shenanigans. Heck, […]
I play my game, my way. I’m not like Bill White. I’m willing to make a strategic concession here and there. I’m the kind of […]
Professor Kevin Macdonald coined the term “legitimate conflict of interest,” and this really cuts to the core of the issue. The “conflict of interest” part […]
Ariele.com is gone. Well, they shut down our Amren conference, but now Miss Cleo is out of business. So sad. I took down my posts […]
I found this video infuriating because of the double standards of Jewish speech versus White speech: Leftists shout down Israeli ambassador When the bratz shut […]
Permaculture farming At around 13:00 he mentions they don’t use immigrant labor. Chaffin Family Orchards This is a farm where they use livestock such as […]
Jared Taylor on the radio The radio host asks Jared Taylor what a race realist is, here’s his response: Oh, it’s someone who’s not befuddled […]
February 19, 2010 This Week in Disorganized America Dietrich goes into a monologue in the last 20 minutes. Not everyone can pull off a monologue, […]
Andrew Breitbart denouncing Jared Taylor Why let Max Blumenthal put you on the defensive about a thoroughly fabricated “sin?” That hissy fit was not attractive […]
Would you admit any of these students? The only one that appears academically serious is Amelia Downs. Michael Klinker’s helicopter shows some originality. Austin Owens […]
The enemy feels it is losing control over the culture. Boo hoo Daniel Siederaski of the Jewish Telegraph Agency tried to get an interview with […]
I found the post about Jost Turner very interesting. Namely, that European pre-christian religion has been synthesized with the yogic practices. I took up yoga […]
I will be so glad to see the end of professional sports. Many White advocacy commenters and bloggers still have not fully understood the implications […]
What about a meeting at a State Park or on the capitol green? Not a rally, but have a dais and folding chairs, and control […]
Terminators in Pakistan The Terminator has come true, although “Skynet” has human operators: The kohl-eyed Hakimullah Mehsud probably is dead. He was the target for […]
Some of the Tea Partiers are picking up the scent in the air, the scent of decomposing gefilte fish politics stinking up the country. Quick, […]
http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/201003/jobless-america-future?source=patrick.net The Great Recession may be over, but this era of high joblessness is probably just beginning. Before it ends, it will likely change the […]
Call in and give your .02 cents! A message to all members of Patriotic Resistance Tonight, Resistnet Radio will be hosted by Bill Turner, Special […]
I have a rule in all my writings and correspondence that is set absolutely in stone, and this rule has served me brilliantly. I recommend […]
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