Marine Le Pen Arrives Unannounced In New York
Is she here to discuss the Northern Alliance?
Is she here to discuss the Northern Alliance?
“Because she represents France”
Muslims aren’t the biggest fans of Jews
Police barriers crumble under African onslaught
She was at a rap concert outside a Caribbean restaurant
ISIS filmed the beheading to use in their propaganda
Truck runs over crowd and kills dozens
Mainstream parties block National Front in regional elections
Development strategy in historical perspective
National Front becomes largest political party in France
Syrian refugees enrich Paris with sixth terrorist attack
Dozens are dead in a terrorist attack in France
Here’s a brief history lesson on divorce and revolution in the United States and France from Andrew Cherlin’s The Marriage-Go-Round: The State of Marriage and […]
H/T CofCC In France, Charlie Hebdo was notorious for trashing Christianity and Islam in its cartoons, but in 2008 one of its cartoonists, Maurice Sinet, […]
Do you remember the time that angry Muslim slashed the throat of Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh in the Netherlands in 2004? Here’s the latest […]
France I don’t understand why they are waving the tricolor to protest gay marriage. That’s even worse than the Star Spangled Banner.
France Nothing to see here. Just your everyday hooliganism. “A uniformed French soldier on anti-terrorist duties in Paris had his throat cut by a knife-wielding […]
New World In Inhuman Bondage: The Rise and Fall of New World Slavery, David Brion Davis sets the American South within the international context of […]
France If you ever wondered why the slaves in Saint-Domingue and the French Caribbean were emancipated and why free negroes were transformed into French citizens […]
Guadeloupe In A Colony of Citizens: Revolution & Slave Emancipation in the French Caribbean, 1787-1804, Laurent DuBois focuses on the French Revolution as it unfolded […]
France This is fascinating: Napoleon restored slavery in Guadeloupe and French Guiana, arrested and imprisoned Toussaint L’Ouverature, attempted to restore slavery in Saint-Domingue, banned negroes […]
French West Indies I’m still reading Laurent DuBois’s A Colony of Citizens: Revolution & Slave Emancipation in the French Caribbean, 1787-1804 about the French Revolution […]
France This space is reserved for the commentary on the imminent death of the dog whistling fraud, Nicholas Sarkozy, in the French presidential election on […]
France H/T CofCC This is precisely why the West must rid itself of liberal democracy: it turns political power into a numbers game, dissolves the […]
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