WSJ: South Carolina to Reboot Giant Nuclear Project to Meet AI Demand
AI has a voracious appetite for energy
AI has a voracious appetite for energy
Nikki Haley gets smoked in her home state
Joe Biden condemns white supremacy at Mother Emanuel AMC Church in Charleston
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What’s the matter with South Carolina?
Anarchists have reportedly vandalized Rep. Nancy Mace’s house
Gay escorts spill the beans on Lindsey Graham
South Carolina primary called as polls closed
Joe Biden forgets he is running for president
Pitchfork Ben Tillman describes the Redemption of South Carolina
The Founding Fathers of South Carolina were hardly civic nationalists
A look at the Carolina aristocracy on the eve of the American Revolution
A book review of Jack Bass and W. Scott Poole’s The Palmetto State: The Making of Modern South Carolina.
A book review of Jack P. Greene’s Pursuits of Happiness: The Social Development of Early Modern British Colonies and the Formation of American Culture
A book review of Robert M. Weir’s Colonial South Carolina: A History
Yang hits third place on PredictIt
Michael Cushman on the history and culture of the Lower South
Christopher Gadsden of South Carolina, the “Sam Adams of the South,” designed the Gadsden Flag
Who are the people of South Carolina? Where did they come from?
South Carolinians derived their ideas about liberty which fueled the American Revolution from the “country ideology” of the mid-18th century British opposition
What are the ethnic origins of White South Carolinians?
In South Carolina, the Stono Rebellion was the largest slave uprising in colonial America
In Colonial South Carolina, White racial attitudes were shaped by a brutal race war with the Indians
A book review of Andrew Jackson O’Shaughnessy’s An Empire Divided: The American Revolution and the British Caribbean
A book review of Matthew Mulcahy’s Hubs of Empire: The Southeastern Lowcountry and British Caribbean
Daniel Chamberlain, South Carolina’s Republican carpetbagger governor, repented of the folly of Reconstruction
South Carolina was redeemed in 1876 when its people united behind Wade Hampton III, the greatest of all planters, and his Red Shirt Army which brought down Reconstruction
Sen. John C. Calhoun opposed the Mexican War and the conquest and absorption of Mexicans into the United States
In 1849, Sen. John C. Calhoun and other prominent Southern leaders predicted that one day Whites and Africans would change positions in the political and social scale
An excessive amount of liberty leads to anarchy which is the greatest of all curses and ultimately destroys freedom
The Deep South was an atypical and late flowering extension of the Greater Caribbean plantation complex
A book review of William C. Davis’s book Rhett: The Turbulent Life and Times of a Fire-Eater
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