Republican Senate Votes Against “Precipitous Withdrawal” From Afghanistan and Syria
It would be rash to withdraw after 17 years in Afghanistan
It would be rash to withdraw after 17 years in Afghanistan
There isn’t a timetable for Syria withdrawal
Trump succumbs to establishment pressure on Syria withdrawal
Republican senators are already whining about it
100 injured in gas attack in Syria
Here we go again
We’re never leaving the Middle East
The US has shed Russian blood in Syria
Muh Greatest Ally nearly starts World War 3 in Syria
Assad accuses US of massacre in Syria
Religious war is dying down, but race war is heating up.
Trump administration continues to attack Syrians in their own country
Democracy works in mysterious ways
It was just a marketing slogan
Trump administration is determined to overthrow Assad
Bungles his revenge for the demise of the Caliphate
This is what Jeb! wanted to do in Syria
We voted against this crap
We have become al-Qaeda’s air force
Trump is abandoning his “America First” message
New York Post attacks Bashar al-Assad’s wife
It took less than 90 days
Globalists hijack the Trump administration
“Assad gassed his own people, we must fight evil wherever it rears its ugly head!” This is the typical narrative that the media, establishment politicians, ordinary […]
Top neocon still angling for a position in the Trump administration
We may have stopped a war
Who benefits from destabilizing the Middle East?
1 out of 46 major editorials in the fake news opposed Trump’s act of war against Syria
Neocon architect of Iraq War explains what should happen next
Why has this aroused such fervent opposition?
A woman’s feels determine war or peace
We’re not the ones pushing for this
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