Cyber Racism
At Mississippi Learning, MSU sociologist Matthew Hughey is impressed by an interview with Jesse Daniels about her new book, Cyber Racism. As a pioneer of web […]
At Mississippi Learning, MSU sociologist Matthew Hughey is impressed by an interview with Jesse Daniels about her new book, Cyber Racism. As a pioneer of web […]
In The Washington Post, Kevin Boyle has a review of Carlotta Walls LaNier’s memoir of the Little Rock 9, the small group of negro students […]
Yesterday, the National Socialist Movement held a protest in Belleville, Illinois to draw attention to the now infamous savage black-on-white beating on a school bus. The rally […]
Hurrah! The awful SOB is finally gone. Just heard the news. I’m going to take a pause from my Churchill project to celebrate and savor […]
If you are White and male, that’s what you are according to Ross Douthat, one of the house conservatives who writes for the New York Times. Your America is […]
OneSTDV, a HBD blogger, gives his analysis of Obama’s NAACP speech. I copied and pasted the text below and inserted my own commentary. ______________________________________________ THE […]
Via Amren, Kyle Bristow is giving us advance notice that Hollywood is poised to release another movie about evil white men who practice segregation. District 9 […]
President Barack Obama is speaking tonight at the NAACP’s annual convention. After moving White America “beyond race” in last year’s election, Obama will be addressing a race-based […]
A few years ago, some of you may recall how Auster wrote an article for FrontPageMag called The Truth of Interracial Rape in the United […]
At Free Media Productions, Iceman makes a few controversial points about American racialists. Here is my response: 1.) Jews did play a major role in […]
At Mangan’s Miscellany, “Bemused Observer” asks: I still haven’t been able to discern what “tradition” Mr. Auster is intent on preserving. Isn’t he a supporter […]
Massive updates have been posted to the Jim Crow section of the American Racial History Timeline.
A response to a commentator at Mangan’s Miscellany. “So the relevant question is how society got to that point.” The principle of non-discrimination, which shouldn’t […]
At View from the Right, Lawrence Auster disputes Steve Sailer’s theory that white racial suicide is driven primarily by status competition. Instead, Auster argues that […]
Following up on the previous post. The United States was founded as a “white man’s country.” Outside of New England, Americans didn’t believe in the […]
By 1855, only five states in the Union had not restricted the voting rights of free negroes: Maine, Massachusetts, Vermont, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire. […]
James Madison’s war message which was used to justify the War of 1812 included the following paragraph about the “Native Americans”: … except for one […]
At Firezone, a discussion of the origins of American anti-racism.
Lots of new entries from the Early National Period have been posted to the American Racial History Timeline. The older version is online at Firezone.
A strong background in American history is the most thorough antidote that I know of to much of the nonsense that prevails in the mainstream. […]
I have restarted the American Racial History Timeline. Feel free to add contributions.
At View From the Right, Larry Auster has a new tirade up against Tanstaafl: Or, when I speak of “Europeans” and “blacks,” am I being […]
Americans give lip service to diversity, but practice homogeneity. As it was eight years ago, few Americans have regular contact with people of other races, […]
A post of mine from the SPLC’s Hatewatch blog: Jonathan, the term “White Supremacy” or Supremacist was invented by the Jews as a form of […]
An excerpt from Michael Fitzgerald’s Splendid Failure: Postwar Reconstruction in the American South: By 1874 all of New England had outlawed de jure segregation in […]
An excerpt about the Bourbon Restoration in Alabama following Reconstruction: Following a campaign for ratification, the people voted. The Democrats gave formal recognition to the […]
A post of mine from the SPLC’s Hatewatch blog: Mark, In your view, is it “racist” to believe in the existence of racial differences (as […]
Amitai Etizioni has some thoughts about racially conscious whites in America (more like the backlash against conservatism). I’m confident that White Nationalism can be reformed along communitarian […]
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