Jazz and Black Politics In the 1920s
The Jazz Question and antiracism are related
The Jazz Question and antiracism are related
Blacks and Hispanics are choosing capitalism over socialism
“F**k yeah! right in the fucking dome!”
Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Harvey Firestone, John D. Rockefeller and the creation of Modern America
Robert Putnam explores how social capital was rebuilt in the United States in the early 20th century
Donald Trump goes on Tucker Carlson Tonight
Trump is getting smoked with seniors
In the 1920s, a cultural fault line opened up that never closed
In 1925, the Scopes Monkey Trial pitted Victorians against Modernists
Modern couples go on dates
In the 1900s and 1910s, young women dressed in the Victorian style
In the 1920s, young women adopted the Modern style
Mike Pence debates Kamala Harris
“The country’s lost its mind.”
In the 1920 election, Warren Harding promised to Make America Normal Again
Hollywood studios policed their own content for several decades
No second stimulus check until after the 2020 election
The Great Depression ended the revelry of the 1920s
Modern America is in its death throes
Jews, Hollywood and the creation of mass culture
Victorian racial attitudes prevailed well into the 20th century
The Rockefeller Foundation financed Boasian anthropology
Partisan support for political violence has soared since 2017
One generation passes away and another generation cometh
Antiracism triumphed in the social sciences in the 1920s
What was Victorian America?
100,000 Klansmen gathered in Kokomo, IN in 1923
The first October Surprise has arrived
The Proud Boys and Black Lives Matter condemn white supremacy
Should we vote for Donald Trump or Joe Biden?
Modernism deserves to be treated as a full-fledged historical culture
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