Jason Kessler is a friend of mine.
I will say at the outset that I don’t believe in forced conversion of non-Christians. I also don’t believe in exterminating non-Christians. I also know plenty of wonderful non-Christians in the pro-White space. The sole purpose of this article is to offer a defense of Christian Nationalism.
This is pretty much the last subject which I intended to focus on at the outset of the year. Jason wrote a thought provoking article at Counter-Currents and it has been on my mind all day. We experienced many of the same events in the Alt-Right only to come to different religious conclusions.
Humor me.
I have been trying to collect my thoughts on this.
“Since the original Alt Right was crushed by the government in 2017, the white identity space has been dominated by something calling itself Christian Nationalism. This is often a parlor trick to use the less controversial “Christian” identity as a euphemism for white. …”
This isn’t how I remember the demise of the Alt-Right.
Sure, the ultra-progressive leftwing government of Charlottesville sabotaged the Unite the Right rally by denying us police protection. Granted, Gov. Terry McAuliffe also conspired to sabotage the event. It is a stretch though to attribute the demise of the Alt-Right to government persecution. There were only a handful of arrests at the Unite the Right rally. Most of the people who were arrested were only sentenced to a few years in prison for fighting with Antifa. James Fields, Jr. killed someone after the event.
This isn’t to say that no one was screwed over by the government because of Charlottesville. Jack Corbin and Williams Fears come to mind. They were the exceptions to the rule. The top leadership of the Alt-Right emerged from the Unite the Right rally unscathed by criminal prosecution. Andrew Anglin never attended the event. A few people like Matt Parrott were arrested for refusing to disperse from Lee Park. Christopher Cantwell went to jail because of the Unite the Right rally. It didn’t break him.
No, the Alt-Right immediately began to self destruct after the rally. The vicious infighting that began online after Charlottesville went on for months. It escalated into the Optics War which lasted well into 2018 and created divisions which never healed. The government created some adversity for the Alt-Right with a handful of arrests. Antifa created some resistance in the streets and some adversity for the Alt-Right through doxxing and deplatforming. The movement imploded because the key figures involved all publicly turned on each other and used the debacle in Charlottesville to scapegoat their rivals.
It was quite a revealing experience for me. I will never forget all the toxic drama on the TRS Forum in early 2018. It was so dispiriting that I quit identifying with the Alt-Right and unplugged from the internet for several months. I was tired of the negativity, the total lack of solidarity, the inability to handle even minor setbacks, the tendency of the people involved to put the worst construction on everything, etc.
The Alt-Right, of course, doesn’t exist anymore. We have little to show for so much of the time, money and energy that was invested in that. The “Cuckbox” incident put the exclamation point on that for me. Sven wrote a parody song on TRS about it. Matt Parrott’s marriage falling apart was an occasion for mockery, a total lack of mercy and grace, a total lack of charity. Instead of Christian love toward a hurting brother, we saw how easy it was for people in the Alt-Right to kick each other when they are down.
No wonder it fizzled and never recovered.
In my recollection, government persecution of the Alt-Right was simply the trigger. Dissident movements should also expect government persecution. It was how the movement responded to the Unite the Right rally – which is to say, poorly – that was the beginning of the end.
“Shortly before Christmas 2023, one of its leaders, Nicholas Fuentes, called for the execution of non-Christians and declared that stemming the tide of illegal immigration at our Southern border is less important than ensuring that the United States is populated only by Christians. We are losing something vital by failing to call out this outrageous subversion of the white cause and the blaspheming of true faith. Fuentes went on a pseudo-scientific rant that sounded like quackery from the seventeenth-century Salem witch trials:
So many of the people perpetrating the lies, the destruction of the country, they are evildoers. They are people who worship the false gods. They are people who practice magic and rituals or whatever. More than anything, those people need to be, when we take power, they need to be given the death penalty.
He then said he was “more concerned about such people than he was about non-whites and mass migration,” which is convenient for someone with a Hispanic lineage. He continued:
These are people communicating with demons and engaging in this sort of witchcraft and stuff. These people that are suppressing the name of Christ and suppressing Christianity, they must be absolutely annihilated when we take power. This is God’s country. This is Jesus’ country. This is not the domain of atheists and devil worshippers, perfidious Jews. This is Christ’s country. …”
The Andrew Anglin – Ricky Vaughn – Nick Fuentes faction of the Alt-Right rebranded as American Nationalists after Charlottesville. They labeled the other faction “wignats.” Fuentes and Anglin didn’t start using the term Christian Nationalism until years later in an effort to glom on to the movement.
Fuentes is an attention seeking troll and a product of terminally online rightwing chan culture. He says extreme things that are clipped to provoke a reaction to get publicity. It has nothing to do with Christianity. His former associates claim that he doesn’t even regularly attend church.
With all that said, it is true that American elites are sick people. It is true that our cultural elites are hostile to Christianity. It is true that they attend weird festivals like Burning Man. I have also got to agree with Fuentes that we would be better off if they were annihilated.
“Christian Nationalism has been a lackluster substitute for explicit and unapologetic white identity politics. For one, it’s a poor framework for dealing with the immigration crisis at our Southern border, where we arguably already have a Christian Nationalist immigration policy. The Central Americans and Africans streaming through our porous border are more likely to be devout Christians than most European whites today. In Europe, the effects of first-world education have dramatically decreased faith and religiosity. Outside of America, which is a bit of an anomaly, white people are becoming more atheistic, which has led to Christianity’s great bastions shifting to the dark-skinned Third World. …”
Is this true?
In the United States, White evangelical Protestants are the constituency that is the most supportive of Christian Nationalism and everything from White identity to immigration restriction to opposing the Great Replacement while the people who are most supportive of open borders are atheists and agnostics. Over 80% of Trump voters are Christians and immigration is their top political issue.
What sense does it make to bash the people who are the most aligned with our desire to close our borders and expel illegal aliens for religious reasons?

“For centuries, the great defenders of Western civilization were Christians defending Europe against Muslim invaders. Legendary warriors such as Vlad the Impaler of Wallachia in modern-day Romania and the Frankish military leader Charles Martel fought off invasions that might very well have brought the West to an end long before its time. We owe these great men a remarkable debt. But today, the situation is quite different. Today’s invaders at the American Southern border are Christians. Hearkening back to the Christian Europe’s legendary great defenders in the present crisis is an anachronism. …”
Then as now, religiosity among White people is positively correlated with perceiving and opposing foreign threats. It is irreligious Whites who support open borders and mass immigration.

“Even if we were to make color-blind utilitarian decisions about immigration, allowing only the most intelligent and least crime-ridden individuals into our country, the Christian countries would fare poorly. The most atheistic populations — whites, Asians, and Jews — are, generally speaking, the populations with the highest IQs and the lowest crime rates, whereas the most Christian populations — Hispanics and blacks — have the lowest IQs and the highest rates of crime. …”
White countries didn’t have a problem with mass Third World immigration for over a thousand years of Christendom. It is only when Christianity began to ebb in the 20th century that the borders were flung open. This is no coincidence because irreligious Whites tend to be more individualistic, more self-absorbed, less fertile and less interested in traditional values such as kinship ties.
Western elites ceased to be Christian in the 20th century. Everything that followed stems from this change. We don’t have a WASP elite or culture anymore!
“After China and Japan, the highest rates of atheism and irreligiosity are in the Czech Republic, France, the Netherlands, Germany, and Australia — in other words, high-IQ, majority-white countries. On the other hand, the highest numbers of Christians are in non-white countries such as Brazil, Mexico, Zambia, Nigeria, Congo, and Ethiopia. …”
The median age in Japan is 49 and the birthrate is 1.41.
In the Czech Republic, it is 1.71. In France, it is 1.83. In the Netherlands, it is 1.55. In Germany, it is 1.53. In Australia, it is 1.58. White countries with high levels of atheism and irreligiosity tend to be graying and dying and struggling with identity issues and mass immigration.
“My purpose here is not to bash Christianity. There are many brilliant Christian artists, statesmen, blue-collar heroes, and stunningly accomplished scientists. Although Christianity’s origins are foreign and Semitic rather than European, there should be no serious doubt that white, European men of Christian faith have made an indelible impact on Western civilization. But based on current demographic trends, we must be honest about the fact that Christianity will have a diminishing influence on the future of the white race, and that its popularity in non-white Third World countries certainly makes it a poor euphemism for white interests. …”
The future belongs to people who have children.
Christians are less self-absorbed and have larger families than atheists. The people who have the most children tend to be more intensely religious. Why is atheism good for our ethnic group?

“Ironically, I found the old Alt Right a more welcoming environment to explore Christian faith. Although there were many devout Christians in that movement, and while the Crusader memes were common even then, there were also many atheist and agnostic thought leaders such as Greg Johnson, Richard Spencer, Mike Enoch, and Christopher Cantwell. Personally, I was raised in a devout conservative Christian family and attended Christian private schools until the fourth grade. I nevertheless always found church to be painfully boring and the sermons irrelevant to my life and interests. When I grew older, the concept of faith in things that cannot be seen and which make little moral or practical sense became impossible to countenance and I stopped believing. I tried mightily to turn that around during the early years of my involvement in dissident politics. I could see how the Christian faith correlated with many of my political values, such as strong communities, big families, morals, and the importance of taking responsibility. I tried to thread the needle between skepticism and faith by choosing to anthropomorphize the Higher Power — which could simply be Nature — as Jesus Christ, the God of my kin for as far back as I can trace. …”
In my case, the opposite happened.
I started out as a nominally religious Methodist. I became an atheist after I was exposed to White Nationalism. I became hostile to Christianity for a few years.
As I grew older, I became steadily more skeptical of atheism. I became more religious. I became a Christian. I also developed a deep appreciation for the practical benefits of Christianity.
In a multiracial society like the Deep South, evangelical Christianity defuses racial tension. I began to notice how much I liked my neighbors who are generally kind, polite, civil and friendly people. In contrast, some of the people who I was running across on online forums were rude and vicious. Yes, it is true that racial differences exist, but I have spent my whole life observing how practicing Christianity can elevate and improve blacks and Whites alike. It has a civilizing effect on the character of people.
AA meetings can help improve the lives of alcoholics. Diet and regular exercise can improve the health of pretty much anyone. Similarly, Christianity can help people of all races to focus their attention on their owns sins and orient them in a positive way toward their neighbors.
How many psychopaths have we seen murder people in the name of White Nationalism?
How many Alt-Right thought leaders have seen trying to run through the wives and girlfriends of their subordinates? What were the practical consequences of that?
How many White Nationalists have we seen succumb to despair and commit suicide because of their lack of hope or more typically who have just quit because of their lack of faith?
How many White Nationalists have we seen been brought down by their pride and lack of humility?
How many times have we seen White Nationalists putting the worst construction on everything and everyone or tearing each other down over small differences or showing no mercy or charity or love for other people in their movement or being unable to forgive small sleights? I still have people who hate me because of arguments on blogs and forums from 15 years ago!
How many times have White Nationalist leaders been brought down by the bottle or drugs?
I could go on and on.
The recent collapse of the National Justice Party is the latest example of this truth. The biggest enemy of the movement isn’t the Jews. It was always ourselves.
Faith and hope can go a long way in a lost cause like White Nationalism. The ability to forgive and get over small differences of opinion is also an asset. Imagine how different White Nationalism would be the people involved in the cause were required by their religion to practice toward love and service toward their neighbor rather than tearing each other down in routine explosions of drama.
“No one in the old Alt Right was pushy or demanding about my faith. There was certainly no one calling for my arrest and execution if I strayed from the dogmatic faith as practiced in organized Christianity. I thus felt good about easing my mother’s worries about her son’s lack of faith. An unexpected side-effect of the Charlottesville fallout was the diminishing influence of more secular figures, who ended up being eclipsed by a younger generation of religious fanatics. …”
What happened to the old Alt-Right?
There is MILO who married his black boyfriend before rebranding as a faux Church Militant grifter.
There is TRS / NJP which recently imploded after Sven shit on everyone.
There is Andrew Anglin and the Daily Stormer which became an incel website.
There is Richard Spencer and the National Policy Institute. Spencer blamed everyone else but himself for Charlottesville and became a Joe Biden supporter. Evan McLaren became an Antifa supporter. Spencer and McLaren are still owning the chuds.
There is Matt Heimbach who never recovered from screwing his mother-in-law in a trailer park.
In most of these cases, you cannot say it was the Jews that brought them down.
“Many of the canniest charlatans, such as Baked Alaska, opportunistically switched from “full 1488” to calling themselves born-again Christians. This was the new optical smokescreen for hating Jews, but without the same connotations. Christianity was blasphemously used as a shield for offensive ideas. Many of these same figures ended up embracing the “Christ is King” mantra while doing hard drugs, sleeping with underage fans, and generally living a life of degeneracy. …”
No one with an IQ above room temperature believes Baked Alaska is a devout Christian.
“As “Christian Nationalism” has become ascendant in recent years, “the movement’s” fanatical religiosity has careened into an extreme mutation of the 1990s Moral Majority, which was a Bible-thumping freak show of zealots who went around declaring what people could or couldn’t say while promoting strange, anti-scientific nonsense such as “gay conversion therapy.” If such a thing were real, I wouldn’t have a problem with it, but looking at homosexuality in the animal kingdom, I think a rational, scientific mind would have to come to the conclusion that, although sexual behaviors can be influenced by social pressure to a degree, there is a small but innate rate of natural homosexuality in human (and animal) nature. Whether I like homosexuality or not is beside the point. I don’t. But I can also evaluate root causes without resorting to superstitious nonsense. A gay man who goes through “conversion therapy” is just a gay man in denial (see Milo Yiannopoulos). … ”
Christian Nationalism is an improvement over this.
Even MILO was at least compelled to dial it down and go back into the closet.

“For a preview of how non-Christians would be treated in a hypothetical Christian Nationalist administration, we can ask the Gab AI bot that was created Gab’s founder and prominent Christian Nationalist, Andrew Torba. Torba programmed his bot to inform us that white non-Christians will no longer be able to vote or hold elected office in his hypothetical future state. Torba perversely distorts the American creed of “liberty and justice for all” by adding the proviso that it is only “for those who believe in Jesus Christ.”
If non-Christians were disenfranchised in a theocratic Christian Nationalist state, it would be a net win. It would essentially wipe out the Left which is overwhelmingly composed of White atheists, agnostics and nones. Eliminating those people from the electorate would solve most of our problems.
Some of our friends in the pro-White space might not be able to vote. Most of them do not believe in voting anyway and it would be worth the trade.
“Another superstition that has proliferated on the American Right since the rise of Christian Nationalism is the belief that “demons” are a part of everyday life and a sensible explanation for human behavior. We have even seen popular conspiracy theorists such as Alex Jones claiming that the political elite’s behavior can be explained by “extra-dimensional demon” possession.
Another example is the oft-repeated social media claim that people who take hallucinogenic drugs are opening up a gateway to another dimension where they commune with and become possessed by demons. An individual’s aberrant behavior is therefore supposedly explained by demonic possession. Back in the real world, even those who have never taken hallucinogens know that it induces the subconscious to run wild with imaginations of all manner of lurid fantasies, from gnomes to space aliens to being eaten by giant snakes. No sane person who comes down from a trip thinks that he was actually eaten by a snake if he dreamed of it during an ayahuasca trip. As for odd behavior by those using drugs, does it really require demonic possession in order to account for it? Psychological studies have been very clear about the increased risk of schizophrenic and schizotypal symptoms in heavy users of hallucinogenic drugs, and even marijuana.”
I have seen far too many people in the pro-White scene wrestle with and ultimately lose their fight with their demons. Megalomaniacal narcissism and despair, for example.
“Does Christianity deserve to be the center of a white-focused movement? It should be welcomed, respected, and protected, of course. But should it be the center? No. …”
The demise of the Alt-Right answered this question for me.
Can a viable political movement be based solely on the peg of White identity? The answer is no because even the slightest setback like a brush up with Antifa in a park in one of the most leftwing college towns in America set off so much infighting that it destroyed the movement. It turned out that a common commitment to White survival was insufficient to hold together such a loose coalition of anonymous people – an island of misfit toys defined by our rejection of Con, Inc. – who had such different values and visions of the future. It was bound to become unglued because there wasn’t much holding it together.
“For one thing, Christianity is not the indigenous religion of the European peoples. Christianity originated in the Middle East and is essentially a heretical sect of Judaism. Christians are Jews who believe that Judaism’s messianic prophecy has already been fulfilled. I know that there are pro-white Christians who would vehemently disagree. They hold convoluted theories about how Jews weren’t Jews back then, but were actually white, and so forth. It’s about as scientific as the claim by blacks that Beethoven was actually black and that blacks built the Egyptian pyramids. It’s the “We Wuz Kangs” argument adapted for religious necessity rather than historical truth. … ”
There was no such thing as White identity until Christians in the New World surrounded by blacks and Indians started thinking of themselves in racial terms, but that is an argument for another day.
“For a movement that sees Jews as its primary ethnic competitors, this is a conspicuously problematic fact. It accounts for Evangelical Christianity’s slavish philo-Semitism and devotion to Israel. Anti-Semitic Christians point to Europe’s history of persecution against its Jewish minority to “prove” that Christianity is an appropriate historical bulwark. But Jews of that time were not much different than other heretical persecuted sects of the Christian faith such as the Anabaptists, who were butchered and suppressed into oblivion. This is therefore an untenable and anachronistic belief in today’s America, where dozens of Christian sects proliferate, free of religious persecution. … ”
Yes, it is true that one generation of evangelical Christians in the United States have been slavishly philo-Semitic, largely due to the rise of radio and television in their time. Your annoying parents aren’t synonymous with Christianity as it has existed for thousands of years.
“The consequences of the pre-medieval Europeans abandoning their native religions, often at the point of a sword, could not be more profound. Although as a skeptic I don’t view Odin-worship or druidic practices as any more genuine than the popular modern religions, they were at least an organic and creative expression of a people. Odin was a god of the Nordic peoples. He was not a universalist god. It would not have made sense for an African to worship the Celtic god Dagda, any more than it would for a Gaulic chieftain to convert to a Zulu tribal religion. There is something deeply personal and subversive about the European peoples being forced to accept a foreign Semitic religion. …”
In my view, we seemed to be doing fine until something went terribly wrong about a century ago. I don’t trace our decline back to the Anglo-Saxon era.
“Some have argued that Europeans “peacefully” and “willingly” adopted Christianity. This is simply not true. Perhaps certain ancient and medieval kings did so. But even in the rare instances where they did not use violence to convert their imperial subjects, coercion in the form of taxes, the withholding of food, and other punishments would have been unbearable for destitute farmers already living at mere subsistence level. And in truth, the most brutal forms of violence were regularly practiced against Europeans — often poor country folk who continued to worship the old gods.
The Norwegian King Olaf Tryggvason (963-1000AD) was known as “Christ’s best hatchet man.” The tales of his savagery toward his own people are voluminous. According to legend, he once invited a number of pagan holdouts to a feast, got them drunk, locked them inside, and burned them alive. He would tie pagans down on island beaches and wait for the tide to come in and drown them. Others were torn apart by dogs or had their eyes ripped out of their sockets. Among the most infamous forms of murder he used was placing a bowl full of glowing coals on a man’s stomach and heating it until it exploded, or allegedly prying open a non-believer’s mouth, placed a funnel down his throat, and then putting a snake in it after setting its tail on fire. The panicked viper would then chew the man apart from the inside as it died.
Charlemagne, the King of the Franks, undertook military campaigns to expand his territory and spread Christianity. In 782 AD, he ordered the execution of around 4,500 Saxons who refused to convert to Christianity in the infamous Massacre of Verden. The Northern Crusades from Western Europe into the Baltics in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries likewise involved violence and the forced conversion of the indigenous Slavic and Baltic populations of the Old Prussians, Livonians, and Wends.
The majority of organized Christianity today could in no way be seen as a bastion of pro-white politics. Many churches proudly fly gay pride flags and support Black Lives Matter. They also support queer and black liberation, and the fight against “white supremacy.”
In other words, Christianity has changed over time.
Wokeness doesn’t go back to Constantine or Charlemagne.
“Even the conservative Evangelical churches have been subverted. Nowhere on Earth are you more likely to see white couples virtue-signaling how anti-racist they are by adopting black children than in an Evangelical household, especially those involved in politics, such as the Trump-appointed Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett.
Conservative Christian and presidential candidate Nikki Haley was overjoyed when her daughter married a black man.”
Around 15% of White evangelicals are Biden supporters.
Elite evangelicals like David French who adopt black children as a fashion statement and who read publications like Christianity Today aren’t really representatives of lay evangelicals who support Trump and who want to restrict immigration.
“Neither of these expressions of anti-white attitudes in either Left or Right-wing churches are an aberration. They are rather the logical endpoint of Christian doctrines of universalism and “equality.”
Why did it take nearly 2,000 years for Christianity to become anti-White?
“The emergence of Christianity unleashed the most powerful Left-wing revolution in history, as well as the most powerful force for globalization known to man. …”
The Left didn’t exist until the French Revolution when it first manifested as an atheistic, materialistic movement which it has remained to this day.
“Prior to Christianity, European peoples such as the Greeks and Romans had democratic and republican political systems, but their conception of these systems had nothing to do with “equality” or universalism. …”
Universalism comes from the Greeks, not the Jews. Republicanism comes from the Romans.
“The modern Western version of these systems, which have long since been deeply inculcated with Christian notions, which have long since been deeply inculcated with Christian notions, are defenseless against foreign aliens who exploit our countries and ravage them with crime. Yet, our Christian heritage implores believers to view them all as equals: fellow brothers in Christ, or else those who are only a conversion away from being morally equivalent to the whites who built our nations. The pervasiveness of this false “equality” has nested itself so deeply in the Western psyche that even as our religiosity fades, the legacy of our religious past lives on.”
Amazingly enough, these people weren’t treated as equals in the West until about a century or two ago and then it was because of the Enlightenment revival of republican concept of equal citizenship.
“Don’t forget that even as the great European conquistadors, explorers, and colonists set out in search of resources and riches, their moral rationale was to spread the Christian faith. This mission sent white men to the furthest corners of the globe: China, the Americas, and darkest Africa. Perhaps this was inevitable, you might say. Our need for trade always made exploration a necessity. This is true, but it was the desire to spread the faith that united Europeans with non-Europeans in a global community, and thus led to the belief that anyone from anywhere could be integrated into our societies. Christianity became an identity that superseded the ethnos and the concept of the nation. It made all men “equal” in a way that Karl Marx never could.”
Don’t forget the European conquistadors, explorers and colonists who set out and colonized the New World, Africa, Asia and Australia … where they converted the natives to Christianity while pioneering the creation of racial caste systems which endured until well into the 20th century. These people created the only European cultures in history where racial identity was highly salient in law and custom.
“If we embrace “Christian Nationalism,” the religious element will trump the racial one, subverting it into mere Republicanism. Perhaps for some, that was always the point.”
A major reason why White Nationalism appears to be constantly imploding and rebranding is because it is based solely on a racial element. This opens the door to all kinds of bad actors who can show up and become involved solely on the basis of their whiteness. Then there are so many people with so many different ideas of what is right and wrong and clashing visions such as Nietzcheanism that it becomes impossible for them to work toward a common goal for any significant length of time.
Christian Nationalism offers a common set of values. It is not defined by pure tribalism or by its rejection of something else like the Alt-Right or Dissident Right. It answers the question of how we ought to live together. Simply being White doesn’t answer that question or provide much guidance.
“In the Czech Republic, it is 1.71. In France, it is 1.83. In the Netherlands, it is 1.55. In Germany, it is 1.53. In Australia, it is 1.58. White countries with high levels of atheism and irreligiosity tend to be graying and dying and struggling with identity issues and mass immigration.”
The TFR of White Americans is 1.59. Poland and Greece are 2 of the most religious countries in Europe and yet only have TFRs of 1.47 and 1.38 respectively. I don’t believe you can denigrate the fertility rates of less Christian states when more Christian states are at similar levels if not worse. The Czech Republic is 95% Czech and only 10% Christian yet has one of the highest fertility rates in Europe and it hasn’t allowed itself to become an invaded state like comparatively religious states in Western Europe or the US.
It isn’t a lack of Christianity causing the demo decline, it’s a lack of racial cohesion, a sense of destiny, bonding, a cohesion driven by a sense of history and idealism.
Racial identity!
Christian Nationalism seems to me to be a dead-end. Participation in religion is at all-time lows and any younger people(under-40) who do still attend “church” are abandoning traditional religions like Catholicism and Protestantism and flocking to New Age churches that offer a “Feel Good” massage. We are entering a post-Organized Religion World and technology is becoming the new god.
The first thing Christianity will do is to assert the brotherhood of all mankind, “we’re all God’s children”. From there it’s a steady decline into the racial sewer.
Well, well, well, not bad Brad. A good succinct response to gnosto-atheistic “racists.”
History shows, traditional Christianity improved and spread European civilization, especially Protestant and Papist varieties. Only recently, has an abandonment of the old time religion led to a faux Christian religion that is as plastic and shallow as the people who follow it. To those people are the blame for the fall of European civilization, not the old time religion of Christianity.
It’s almost weird how all Lefists ultimately can be identified by their irreligion including when they pretend to be White “racists.”Glad to see you defend the old time religion against them. Too bad Richard Spencer, Evan McLaren, and Matt Heimbach didn’t have their “river baptism” moment at Charlottesville before the final battle. Things afterward would’ve been truly different. https://youtu.be/u9cCcGIstCw?si=TqD80hH8g2ob63VI
“traditional Christianity improved and spread European civilization”
You have the causation backwards.
The theological tyranny did more to impede civilization than anything.
What is theological tyranny? As in the theological tyranny of forcing people to worship a statue of an emperor or get thrown to the lions. That happened at the ascent and height of Roman imperial rule. Or the theological tyranny of the Protestant faith which birthed Newtonian laws? Sir Isaac Newton was a reverend of the Anglican Church.
Until 1848 almost all European scientists had to have a Christian seminary education and this remained true well into the later half of the 19th century as well. As a result, most of the great foundations of Western science were laid by Christian theologians. The sizable remainder were made by pagan theologians as most so called ancient scientists were likewise required to have religious studies. Socrates was a member of the mystery schools and a priest of the Olympian gods.
Its hard to claim theological tyranny impeded European civilization when discoveries like platonic solids, the solar system, capernicean model, newtonion physics, and age of discovery where done under what many would claim was theological tyranny. Today we have atheist scientists who are mental midgets sitting on the shoulders of giants but think they are tall.
“What is theological tyranny? ”
Any system that dogmatically insists it has the absolute truth without solid objective testable proof.
Brad, as usual nice reflection, calm and rational. There would be so many things to say, I will try to be succinct so as not to bore.
Point 1: When you say that many times the first enemies of the movement and the white west are people within those same movements, I agree with that. I have said many times on this forum that among the first enemies are the so-called “former white supremacists,” who do not hesitate to betray their friends and speak ill of them once they change their lives. I have already said that movies like American History X were made on purpose to create the myth of the right-wing activist who repents and changes his life, like Jeff Schoep or Ken Parker………. although as far as I know these two did not switch to the left. The movement exploded in different directions and its old men more or less betrayed in different ways: Parker and Schoep have simply said no more politics and hate but have not switched to the left; Spencer as usual interprets reality in his own way and plays the elitist intellectual by saying that the left will save white people (in fact Spencer still believes what he preached at the time of the alt-right but needs to be the center of attention)…….now hangs out with people like Nema Parvini, Mark Brahmin, Uberboyo, Gariepy and others; Heimbach I don’t consider him a traitor because he has always been a communist Nazi of the third position (nazbol), a few time ago he appeared on Mysterium Fasces podcast bundle and spoke out against Jewish Zionism…..I think he pretended to switch to the left so he wouldn’t have any problems after Charlottesville; Mclaren is the only one, along with others, whom I consider to be a real traitor because he badmouthed his old friends, switched to the left woke and antifa, and posted pictures of his old friends on social media for the police to identify them……….in summary a worm.
Point 2: Also agree that white Westerners are divided and this makes it difficult to build a united and solid movement. Suffice it to say that we are also divided among white Christians (on this forum there are those who are against Catholics). Race is a fundamental issue but as I have said other times it is not enough…….. First of all, it is not always precisely definable. For example, I live in northern Italy, a geographical area where there have been Latins, Romans, Celts, Longobards, Huns, Francs etc. So what are my ancestors?? Celts?? Romans?? Longobards?? Latin?? Huns?? Francs?? Or a mix of these? also for the south of the country it is the same thing: in Sicily there were Arabs, Romans, Greeks and Normans or Vikings……. So what is a Sicilian??
Point 3: I have already said other times on this forum that in some cases it is better to be in the company of a foreigner with healthy values ??than a left-wing and degenerate white…….. Among my students there are foreign kids with good families of healthy values ??(often Indians, almost never Africans) and there are other whites (always leftsits) with degenerate families. One of my students is the “son” of two lesbians and these two women wanted to cancel Christmas at school (when Indian families have never complained about this feast) and force us to use neutral pronouns (while indian families never complain about pronouns and know who is a man and woman)……..luckily they lost the battle and failed to impose their woke bullshit. Our race is important but we have to remember that if USA and Europe are in this situation is not only the guilt of foreigners but also of white woke that opened borders, destroy our culture, destroy the concept of family and of male and female, encourage drug use, etc.
As always I want to say that this is my opinion and I am ready to have a civil discussion with all my friends of OD.
Thanks for your very interesting post. Whites seem to be infected with something akin to the notorious flatworm virus which turns ants into literal zombies. Most other races appear to be resistant to it, but they haven’t been indoctrinated in “education” which promotes and marinated in media which does the same for nearly as long either. I wonder how the kids of the Indian families you mention will end up if this evil campaign continues?
Thanks man……… i don’t know how it will end for the immigrants families that are here in Europe or in USA……….. for what i saw a lot of muslims are now crashing against LGBTQ educations in schools. Leftists have not calculated that their policies are so counterintuitive that sooner or later they will short-circuit: they have let so many Muslims into Europe and I believe into the USA but now they have to deal with the fact that the majority of Muslims don’t want to hear about gender bullshit, LGBTQ and faggots in schools and movies. There have already been protests along these lines even from immigrants who do not want their children to be taught bullshit in schools. I’m against immigration, especially with these numbers but in this case immigrants can help us to deal with this plague afflicting our West in these years.
In Australia, I’m not sure that Christian nationalism exists. Maybe it’s a thing in America’s south, I really don’t know. Indeed, it would be on the fringes and not a true representation of how most Christians think nowadays.
Most people who are racially aware have no church affiliation whatsoever.
Contemporary churches have many non white members, many racially mixed couples, and a leftist element pushing non white causes like refugee rights or building useless schools in Africa. I think it’s fair to assume they’re not in lockstep with our ideology.
I attend church myself so that my wife and I have a social network to fall back on, that offers something positive to our lives. They live clean, productive and honest lives, but are generally not political, and have no opinions on race, other than to say everyone must live accordingly to biblical principles.
” I think it’s fair to assume they’re not in lockstep with our ideology.”
If anything they vigorously work contrary to our goals.
I’m astounded at how dumb some of them sound when discussing race or politics.
They either support dieversity or don’t care one way or the other. Anything outside of religion is hardly their field of expertise.
They are among the first to promote and support alien immigration.
Judaism embraced Christianity under the Romans, who were certainly Europeans. The Romans embraced Christianity gradually, and under Constantine Christianity took form, under the councils called by various Roman emperors. Christianity took form mostly in France and Italy, also Alexandria, which was then a Roman city.
Kessler is a dimwit.
“Kessler is a dimwit.”
Listen to Cantwell read and critque Kessler’s court testimony.
He’s more than a dimwit, he backstabs, troublemaker.
Discussing Christian Nationalism or Christianity in general in a den of sodomite vipers like Counter Currents is an exercise in pure folly.
Nothing of any lasting good will ever come of the pro-white movement as long as it allows homosexuals, race-mixers, non-whites, and haters of Christ in its ranks.
Psalm 127:1
Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain.
I’ve come to the conclusion that Christianity is a long-game jewish trick. I believe they studied our characteristics as a race and fused it with Judaism. This made it easier to peddle, easier to sell. These things like compassion and cooperation etc which built civilization are genetic, they do not come from a book written by Jews, which conveniently just so happens to say that they are God’s special people which must be given special consideration.
I don’t need something to replace it with. No one does. I pay no mind to anything originating from Jews now.
The book you reference also explicitly states that they are the Synagogue of Satan. The belief of the ones referred to as God’s chosen bear zero resemblance to the doctrines found in the Talmud, which wasn’t complete until some five centuries after Christ – though many of the Satanic doctrines were already being practiced by the Pharisees, who are repeatedly condemned in the Gospels. Until the Judeo-Masonic subversion of the last 300 years or so, Christianity as practiced opposed Talmudics and their constant subversion – even if nominally Christian elites allied with them against their own people.
Judeo-Masonic subversion? That’s a Papist term much bandied about by the Grand Gay Inqudimwitted.
During the height of Freemasonry in London, all of the Lords Mayors were required to be Protestant Christians and most were Freemasons. It was a Catholic Irishman who lobbied to have the first Jew as a Lord Mayor and it was Protestant Freemasons who argued strongest against his privilege to be elected.
Hardly any Jew actually practices Talmudism, as it is essentially a code of laws and interpretations of laws roughly equivalent to Blackstone’s commentaries on the Common Law but if it was his commentaries on ancient Anglo-Saxon tribal laws. This Talmudism fear mongering is a distraction put forth by Catholic Jesuits and Opus Dei weirdos and dimwits.
While there are some Jews who are violently anti-Christian and in general all Jews deny Christ, the reality is Christian backsliding and European decline has more to do with European liberal degeneracy.
You shifted the goalposts I see. Few Jews today read their Talmud, though the overwhelming majority (90% plus) share it’s hatred of Christ, Christianity and Christians – who are defined as human-shaped animals (goyim). Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner is definitely a Talmudist (Chabad Satanism). Until Calvin came along with his autistic theology, both western branches of Christianity had an accurate view of Jews a the biblical “Synagogue of Satan”. Though he qualified it, Calvin stated they were still the chosen (thus opening the door) which Jews and their CZ worshippers have ever since used as a weapon to attack “replacement” (e.g. traditional) theology to buttress their dispensationalist abomination. Until the 19th century, all Jews were instructed in Talmudic doctrines.
Most Jews today (95% +) today are part of various woke ideologies dedicated to exterminating whites (the Great Replacement) plus ginning up wars to make Jews money while slaughtering human-shaped cattle. The whole load of crap in Gaza has been very apocalyptic insofar as Schlomo’s mask has been pulled off to unveil his truly Satanic nature while most Muslim leaders revealed as corrupt stooges who can’t even be bothered to defend their brethren or even accept them in as refugees. Whatever happened to Sultan Erdogan’s humanitarian rescue flotilla? Guess he preferred Schlomo’s golden shower.
So because John Calvin was less explicit in denouncing Jews than Luther he was a Talmudic golem? In turn, apparentely Boremann was a Talmudic Golem because he hated Jews less than Hitler? That isn’t logical. It also isn’t factual both in regards to Boremann and Calvin.
Calvin believed in supersessionism, namely that Christians had been gifted the Promise of the Old Covenant with the New Covenant and received the blessings of the Old Covenant. His opening of the door to being a Talmudic Golem is claimed by people because he said, “all the children of the promise, reborn of God, who have obeyed the commands by faith working through love, have belonged to the New Covenant since the world began.” Calvin was merely applying reason to the Bible in order to solve conundrums like what happened to people before Christ. A careful reading of his words reveals he wasnt excusing Jewish denial of Christ.
Until the 18th century most Jews were only semi-literate in Hebrew and were incapable of studying the Talmud. Most didn’t go to school for any real length of time except to learn the basic Jewish morality of the time. They lived in mostly awful walled ghettos, called Shtetles, ruled by authoritarian rebbes and overseen by Court Jews. The later taxed them and then used the money to provide usury to Papist Monarchs to fuel their wars, inquisitions, and counter-reformations. This life was mostly led in Papist despotic states like the Hapsburg Empire, Bourbon France, or in Tsarist Russia. Thats were you will find real conspiracies, those made by Papists.
The idea that Calvin opened the door to Jewish world domination is clear anti-Reformation Papist Propoganda. The reality is there is more anti-semetic fruit to pick regarding Papists and Jewish collaboration than in trying to spin the narrative that Calvin and Masons were Talmudic golem.
@Exalted Cyclops
“Judeo-Masonic subversion?”
Thats a Papist disinformation operative word. It isn’t based on reality. Jews and Masons aren’t allied together against Christianity except in the Grand Gay Inquisitor’s wet dreams. This operative word was first developed by French Catholic Jesuit reactionaries a century and a half ago, who wanted to blame French Masonry and Jews for overthrowing French monarchies instead of blaming the revolutions on asshole French monarchs.
All of the lurid exposes by these Jesuits and other Catholic reactionaries against “Judeo-Masons” were proven fake. Despite this, Papists over the generations, like Nick Fuentes, have repeated the lies and built more lies onto it. For instance, the lie that the entire Enlightenment, including its political products like the English and American Constitutions, and even the late Renaissance humanists, were giant conspiracies started by Jewish Magicians and Masonic Wizards. In turn, the lie that all must be destroyed by a Catholic crusade led by the likes of Pope Francis or his Grand Gay Inquisitor Nick Fuentes.
“Christianity as practiced opposed Talmudics and their constant subversion?”
The idea that Masons are responsible for subverting Christianity and promoting Talmudism for over 300 years is patently not true. For example, until fairly recently being a Christian and defender of the Holy Church (non-Papist) was a requirement for entry into all Masonry, and still is for many rites, especially in the English speaking Protestant world. Its also not true that Masons are Talmudic Golems given the many Christian apologists who debated Jews and Papists alike were Masons. Its doubly not true when one considers the various Papist monarchs, including the Papacy itself had legions of “Court Jews” working in their systems or that entire Catholic Kingdoms like Poland or the Hapsburg Empire were heavily Jewish. Finally, put to rest this word, Talmudism. You all don’t even know what the Talmud is, let alone why it’s studied by some Jews, or the fact that it isn’t part of Jewish life or thought. It just sounds cool to throw about like a toy gun. Stop it.
It gets pretty old reading proven disinformation from over a century ago being repackaged to attack Jews and Masons on behalf of autocratic reactionary Papists interested in subverting Protestant nation-states and cosplaying the Inquisition. If any real conspiracy exists it should be called the Judeo-Catholic conspiracy. For, in fact, the largest and most effective criminal combination subverting the Christian West which isn’t communist, is the globe spanning Kosher Nostra (Jew)-La Cosa Nostra (Papist) organized crime syndicate. If you want to point fingers at something that is ruining this country and many others its that alliance of Jews and Papists.
“I’ve come to the conclusion that Christianity is a long-game jewish trick.”
Shades of Adam Green 🙂
“conveniently just so happens to say that they are God’s special people”
Only in a jwzish book, nowhere else.
“things like compassion and cooperation etc which built civilization are genetic,”
Russian Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Cytology and Genetics in Novosibirsk geneticist Dmitry Belyaev .
“I believe they studied our characteristics as a race and…..”
Found we are a bunch of gullible saps for any sob story, especially when it’s crafted by ((( ‘the great masters of lying’))) (Schopenhauer).
“How many White Nationalists have we seen been brought down by their pride and lack of humility?”
The German downfall in the first half of the 20th century was largely due to their loss of Christian humility (that Otto von Bismarck still possessed; he did not go against impossible odds). In their militaristic hubris, the German elites thought they could take on too many enemies, like a drunken guy thinks he can beat three or four dudes in a fight.
Any man with some sense of sober Christian humility would not have thought he could afford to fight the Soviet Union AND the Western allies at the same time!
It was THIS kind of attitude that ultimately doomed Germany:
“The historian Margaret L. Anderson notes that after the war, Ludendorff wanted Germany to go to war against all of Europe, and that he became a pagan worshipper of the Nordic god Wotan (Odin); he detested not only Judaism, but also Christianity, which he regarded as a weakening force.[70]”
And regarding birthrates:
“At a 1942 speech delivered to the SS and German police leadership, Himmler spoke of the struggle of the races and the need to fight off the Asiatic horde. Even while he attacked the “perversity” of Christian morality, he took a favorable view of the Catholic teaching that a childless marriage was the “greatest sin of all.” Himmler stated his belief that “the decline in our birthrate around 1900 coincided with the time when the German people began to inwardly free themselves from their very keen commitment to the churches.” This aspect of Christian orthodox teaching, Himmler declared to the assembled party members, “we can only welcome from a biological and racial point of view.”78”
Superb point about Bismarck. When Wilhelm II fired the man who basically made unified Germany a reality, Bismarck predicted the country would be embroiled in disastrous war in twenty years. Your point about the hubris of the German elite is spot on. The hubris was accompanied by the stupidity borrowing tons of money from the bankstains to finance their against multiple foes. (Two of their foes, Britain and France, were already run by the bankstains). They ended up facilitating not only their own demise, but that of the two remaining powers not controlled by jews (Austria and Russia).
“Your point about the hubris of the German elite is spot on”
Hitler also discovered, too late in the game, that his Junker officer corps was not effective.
“My generals do not obey me ” AH
“My generals do not understand the economic basis of warfare” AH. (Yeh, you need fuel to run all those trucks and tanks.)
You ignoramus; put down your Scofield Bible, and read how Hitler offered multiple peace deals from 1933-1939, and that doesn’t include the peace deals he offered to the Judeo-Anglo GB, after conquering France (BTW, both England and France declared war on Germany on September 3, 1939).https://ihr.org/other/what-the-world-rejected.html
British King Edward VIII was pro-NS, as were Henry Ford and Charles Lindbergh.
FFS, the German Army literally had on their belt buckles, “Gott mit Uns” (God is with us).
Religion and Christianity in Hitler’s Germany
Mark Weber
Much of what’s written about the role of Christianity in Third Reich Germany, and about Hitler’s views on religion, is grossly distorted or just plain wrong. The official program of Hitler’s National Socialist Party expressed support for “positive Christianity, and nearly all NS Party members were either Evangelical Lutherans or Roman Catholics. Although Christianity had a favored status in the Third Reich, Germans were free to profess any religious outlook, or none. In many public statements Hitler affirmed a religious and spiritual outlook, and expressed admiration for Christian ethics and traditions. But privately he grew steadily more critical of the Christian worldview. Runtime: 50:44 mins.
As Dr. William Luther Pierce said, “Western civilization died at Stalingrad.”
I’ll pass on your demon haunted world of Christ Insanity.
“I’ll pass on your demon haunted world of Christ Insanity.”
November- You cannot. You will bow the knee. It’s inevitable.
It’s called the Doctrine of Predestination. a) You are culpable for your sins. b) You are also required to obey, serve, and love God. c) If you do not, YOU GAIN HELL.
YOUR CHOICE, BUT GOD has already chosen. Yet you are liable for your sins.
Romans, Chapter 3, vv. 99ff.
““For one thing, Christianity is not the indigenous religion of the European peoples. Christianity originated in the Middle East and is essentially a heretical sect of Judaism.”
A) This is the constant refrain/lie that ALL unregenerate bastards (yes, Heb. 12:8) use to AVOID the claims of True Christianity. Brad, there are so many dead ends and non sequiters in this post, I don’t know where to begin.
But let’s try. As Jared Taylor also tried to do, this lie of Kessler’s is the great Satan in the room.
“Christianity started out as a tiny Jewish splinter group. Jesus probably looked more like Osama bin Laden than the almost Nordic Jesus that became common later.” – https://www.unz.com/jtaylor/how-every-christmas-became-white/#comment-5083614
“Christianity started out as a tiny Jewish splinter group. Jesus probably looked more like Osama bin Laden than the almost Nordic Jesus that became common later.”
Umm, NO.
Mr. Taylor/Kessler- You may be well-read, but in this instance, you are woefully ignorant, or merely being judaized… which is much the same thing. [Ps. 119:100] OR you are purposefully dissembling, because you, yourself HATE Jesus Christ. And you want to keep His Racial Identity as far from YOUR perversion of same, as possible. Strangely enough, there are [white] people out there, who do this very thing. One thinks of Stormfront, and other idiotic sites.
1) Adam, as the summum bonum of Creation, was created specially. We all know that part- Genesis 1, etc. What we don’t know (or have not been told/i.e., were lied to) is that He was the LAST in a long line of hominids on this plane, at least from the evolutionary/anthropological record. Caucasoid CIVILIZATION only appears roughly @6,000 years ago. We cannot date honestly before that, as carbon-dating presumes much that it cannot prove. But the fallacy that Adam was the ‘father of all hominids’ flies in the face of sanity, genetics, and DNA recombination, no matter how much the ‘Out of Africa’ theory has been debunked. Adam is the FATHER….. of ADAMITY, and none other.
2) Records of people from this period (art/statuary), show clearly WHITE/Caucasoid features- Blue eyes, Blond/Red hair of those who WERE THE ARISTOS of the age. (red top knots in Easter Island, Blue-eyed Buddhas, Homer’s descriptions of his ‘tribe,’ etc.) Not a coincidence. Why?
3) Because the word ‘Adam’ in the Hebrew (per the Strong’s Concordance) means ‘fair, ruddy, able to [visibly] blush.’ Even Talmudic apocryphal legend corroborates this idea, when talking about NOAH: “Jewish Apocryphal legend represents Noah at his birth as having a body white like snow, hair white as wool, and eyes like sunbeams….” -http://jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/11571-noah
[BLOND hair in full sun appears as white, and sunbeams come from a sky of BLUE.]
The Apocryphal Book of Enoch confirms this:?“Lamech, frightened at this sight, went to consult Methuselah, telling him that his grandchild resembled an angel more than a child. Lamech further informed his father that he foresaw some accident would befall the earth during the lifetime of his son; he therefore asked Methuselah to consult Enoch, who was then among the angels, and who consequently would know what was to happen. Methuselah, accordingly, went to the ends of the earth to confer with Enoch, who announced to him that a flood would destroy the world, that only the new-born son and his future sons, three in number, would survive. Enoch also told him to name the child “Noah,” inasmuch as he would console the earth for its destruction (Enoch, cvi.-cvii.).”
4) Christ both identified with Adam, and is the immaculate fruit of Parthenogensis (another stumbling block to the unbelieving) which means his GENETICS are divinely chosen. And, as St. Paul says Christ is the ‘Last’ Adam [I Cor. 15:45] – that word ‘last’ in the Greek is ‘eschatos’ – or the “Eschatological Adam” – the Recapitulation of all Adamic Humanity past, present, OR Future! Christ (as Megyn Kelly was brave enough to articulate) is WHITE, because He is Adamic!?Moreover, the description of the RISEN CHRIST in Revelation is corroboration. White Hair, Skin like Bronze, and Eyes of Fire [cf. Dan. 10:6, Rev. 2:18] a) As I’ve noted: Blond/Light hair in full Mediterranean Sun, appears almost White (like wool) Ever hear of “Towhead” Blonds?!? b) only CAUCASOID skin can TAN like Bronze/brass! And, c) most importantly, the chemical composition of fire and the ‘eyes like fire’ must be noted. In most fires, where the fire IS HOTTEST, the flame burns BLUE! Not demonstrably dark brown, or eyes like some demon- but BLUE like the Son of God’s eyes SHOULD be!
So, there is that.
B) “Since the original Alt Right was crushed by the government in 2017, the white identity space has been dominated by something calling itself Christian Nationalism. This is often a parlor trick to use the less controversial “Christian” identity as a euphemism for white. …”
Kessler’s next ‘trick’ is to deny legitimacy of the Christian Identity position, even though there have been highly intelligent Victorians and modern Authors who have engaged with the anthropological record and the Scriptural. It’s not that the critics of CI have answered all objections- it’s that they CANNOT EVEN MOUNT A VALID ATTACK AGAINST IT! Sorry, but when you cannot intellectually rebut someone, THEY ARE THE WINNER in the argument, whether you like it or not! For just ONE site: https://christiansfortruth.com
C) Next: “Fuentes and Anglin didn’t start using the term Christian Nationalism until years later in an effort to glom on to the movement.”
I kept this comment of Anglin from his website, as it told me everything I needed to know about Unite The Right, and that fiasco against the Antichrist State: ““ I dumped the Alt-Right as a whole, as it turned out that basically everyone involved in the leadership was some kind of [federal] informant. Overall, I’ve chalked this up to the wages of a political movement that is not explicitly Christian.” – A. Anglin, https://dailystormer.su/israel-now-triple-vaxxing-everyone-over-50/
Now, I don’t know if this was ‘years’ after, but a man’s religious conversion takes time, as YOU WELL KNOW. I think your own personal animus against AA is clouding your judgment, here, for the record.
D) Next, the appeal to intellect. Your ‘friend,’ Kessler, writes: “In Europe, the effects of first-world education have dramatically decreased faith and religiosity. Outside of America, which is a bit of an anomaly, white people are becoming more atheistic, which has led to Christianity’s great bastions shifting to the dark-skinned Third World. …”.
I.Two things here. One, the lack of intellect in Christians. Well, but it depends on what you CALL a Christian, now doesn’t it? I mean, Anglicans (the traditional Episcopals) seem to be more INTELLIGENT than even the Liberal Episcopalians, and even the LDS appear to be more ‘intelligent’ than the LCMS- just saying…
II. The second subject is the PAPAL heresy of ‘invade the world, invite the world’ – the Sailer Strategy applied to the schism of Catholicism, which is considered heretical by the other 4/5ths of Orthodox Catholicism – i.e., Eastern Orthodoxy.
This drive to capture/convert the heathen savages, comes NOT from the Racially Exclusionary nature of True Christianity, but from the heresy of a)Filioquism and b) Universal Jurisdiction of the Papacy, two errors, she engaged in, shortly after the Schism of 1054 A.D.
The problem is this: Nowhere in the Bible are we commanded to, nor during the first 1000 years of Christendom’s existence (i.e., the Millennium), were NON-EUROPIDS made an organic part of the orthodox Church- only the White Caucasoids of Magna Europa/Christendom. In the mouth of two or three witnesses, remember?
The word ‘world’ (ecumene) meant the INHABITED WORLD of FIRST CENTURY BIBLICAL JUDAISM, which was the ‘world’ of the Roman Empire. Nothing more. Read ACTS, and the Day of Pentecost- only FAITHFUL ‘Jews’ (i.e., genetic residents of Judea- that is, Israelites) were gathered there, not Blacks, Indians, Asians, etc. And the lands where they travelled from? ALL WITHIN THE ROMAN EMPIRE.
Romans 1:16-17 give you the ONLY TWO GROUPS that the GOSPEL was sent to- the JUDEAN and the HELLENE. Geographic, not ‘racial’ groups.
And, sure enough…. that’s the only groups that remained orthodox in their Christianity for the millennium of building the kingdom!!!
[Just watched a documentary on Japan, in which the commentator (2018) said only 1% of Japan is Christian; even after centuries of evangelization, a solid, honorable culture, literacy, etc. THERE IS A REASON for this!]
Both Rome and the Protestants are mired in the same heresy. The eastern Orthodox have a saying that illustrates that: “Rome was the first Protestant.” The heresy is ‘filioquism’- a false view of the Holy Spirit.
Rome has EVER been only interested in ROME, not Christianity, since at least 1100. She is (as the Reformers noted of her) ‘… no TRUE church.”
Her adoption of a FALSE model of ‘caesaro-papalism’ after she schismated herself in AD1054 (via the addition of the ‘filioque’ in the Creed) led to two ‘innovations’ that directly affect your concerns, as expressed in your comment. Rome adopted two CONTRARY ideas to Christianity’s mission, and focus, over a thousand years ago. And most Westerners don’t realize that fact. The Eastern Orthodox do, and have manifestly been very vocal, ever since! What are these heresies?
First, by making one member of the Holy Trinity (the H.S.) a ‘created thing’ rather than God (for that’s what the filioque does, ‘philosophically speaking,’
[ godhistorydialectic.wordpress.com ] it left a ‘hole’ in the Trinity, that the Papal Office was more than glad to fill. Thus, a mere man came to be thought of as GOD on Earth. Sorry, big heresy there.
Then, the Pope promulgated two subsequent heresies. One (since he was ‘as the voice of God’) was “Universal jurisdiction.” Instead of Christendom being concentrated/located in the bosom of the Roman Empire (i.e., Europe) the pope, full of himself, claimed that the WHOLE WORLD was ‘his own.’
Following on that (and, with the discovery of the “New World”) His Popiness also proclaimed something that NEVER was in the minds of the first 10 centuries of Christendom- that ALL RACES, ALL PEOPLES, ALL HOMINIDS, were to be ‘converted’ – the next big heresy.
For the “Faith” that Christ said He was come to proclaim, HE also said He was only to deliver to ONE people- the “Lost Sheep of the HOUSE [Gr. “oikos” race, ethnic family, in-group] of ISRAEL.” i.e., WHITE MEN.
Learn the Truth. Your IMpastor is preaching ADULTERY and Miscegenation- both forbidden in Scripture. [Ex. 20, Ez 9:2ff. – also Tob. 4:12]
IN FINE- So, before Kessler dismisses TRUE Religion, and you seek to remain friends with a man clearly at odds with your Lord and Savior, I’d strongly suggest a re-reading of I John 1:10 is in order.
Christian autism. Forgive me I can’t resist but that said, this is the first time a Christian hasn’t made me not want to nod off.
*I’m stupid, no intent of mockery, just added not like a moron, bad grammar. I really liked your comment.
Over all this is an excellent defense. I do have a couple of questions wrt Christianity’s application only to whites:
1. The early church in Jerusalem and it’s neighborhood. Today Jews explicitly define themselves as non-white, except when deceiving white Christians. Yes I understand that this self-definition is of more recent vintage than biblical times. As I understand it, the population of that region looks less white now than it did back then, thanks to the massive importation of black slaves by the Muslims (who controlled the place from the last half of the 7th century to now). Given the Khazarian issue and the above, this is admittedly a very complicated matter.
2. The Ethiopian Eunuch and the rise of the Church there. It’s only Kingdom in Africa that didn’t fall to Western colonialism – despite Mussolini’s inept attempt to make it a colony. It also managed to resist Muslim conquest, had emissaries from several churches in the west and east (who are portrayed as ranging from clearly European to what most would describe as middle-eastern in their illuminated manuscripts). They have a written language (Amharic) and a dating system based on Christ’s birth which is eight years off the one used in the west. The Amharic – a Semitic people who don’t have African (Bantu) features – were for many centuries the ruling group there and were the royal dynasties, aristocracy and priesthood.
3. The Church founded by St. Thomas (Doubting Thomas) on the west coast of India. The city there (Goa) became a Portuguese colony in the 16th century so many converted to Catholicism but the Orthodox church founded by Thomas continues to this day. I’ve even met an Orthodox gentleman from there who works in Dubai but goes back several times a year.
It would appear that Orthodoxy believes in something resembling a traditional interpretation of Christ’s great commission. Now this is not to say that that the Great Commission calls for a worldwide Kalergi plan for genocide miscegenation. Note also that prior to the latter part of the 19th century, the largest Orthodox population in the United States were the Alaskan natives who were converted by Russian Orthodox missionaries in the 18th and 19th centuries. Thanks much for your explanation of the filioque matter, which had far more serious consequences for the west – and the ready acceptance of Jewish subversion – than I previously realized.
You’re correct about the small population of Christians in Japan, but I think it has more to do with the ruthless persecution of it’s followers by the Shoguns than your racial theory. Most of Christian converts in Japan were Catholics concentrated in the far south around Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Besides the Shoguns, the use of nukes by the Empire of Lies, preceded by LeMay’s fire-boming campaigns, got rid of most who survived the Shogunate. Protestants didn’t get started until the Meiji era (from 1867) and I think the Russian Orthodox started a mission in Hokkaido in the far north about the same time.
One cannot make a very convincing argument that the Chinese, Japanese and Koreans – who are part of a civilization as old as that of the west (maybe older) are uncivilized savages. Of course by now all three have been heavily subverted by various poisonous notions imported from the malignant zombie of the west controlled by Jewish and other Satanists.
Why do almost all Christian Nationalists refuse to give a straight answer about miscegenation? Within or outside of legal matrimony.
Miscegenation was illegal in the Jim Crow South which was significantly more religious. Evangelical Protestants created the segregation and anti-miscegenation laws, not atheists and agnostics.
Too many people have this fantasy that Germanic tribes or the Vikings were “pro-White” until Christianity came along and ruined it or that such a thing as an atheist or agnostic regime once existed that had such laws until Christianity also came along and ruined it.
Historically, it was Christians who valued their race, separated the races, banned miscegenation and so in places the American South, South Africa or Australia under the White Australia policy. Atheists conveniently choose to ignore this.
“Christians who valued their race, separated the races”
That was then…..not now.
“valued their race, separated the races”
That comes from observation and simple common sense, not from revelation or some theological basis.
As Tom Metzger said in one of his critiques about modern Christianity, “If your God created blacks and browns then why shouldn’t your White daughters and sons make more of them?”
Positive Christianity only.
I think Fr. John above basically answered your question, which is that many claiming to be Christian Nationalists aren’t even Christians. Even with Christians there are frequently ‘doctrines of demons’ picked up from our perverted society which are given a pseudo-Christian gloss. His explanation of the filioque issue (which was added per request of Frankish royals who were even then – ca.800 A.D. – in hock to Jewish usurers) is one of the best I’ve seen. This was the de-facto split between Orthodoxy and Rome which was made final with the excommunication bull of 1054.
Fuentes has been now proved as yet another gay-psyop (probably funded by Feds and/or Jews). Ditto for Spencer and countless other ‘alt-right’ leaders and influencers.
“Why do almost all Christian Nationalists refuse to give a straight answer about miscegenation? Within or outside of legal matrimony.”
Because they are either heretics or cowards or both.
Ezra and Nehemiah both condemned this practice. cf. Ez. 9:2ff.
The Apocryphal Book of Tobit is clear: “Beware of all whoredom, my son, and chiefly take a wife of the seed of thy fathers, and take not a strange woman to wife, which is not of thy father’s tribe: for we are the children of the prophets, Noe, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: remember, my son, that our fathers from the beginning, even that they all married wives of their own kindred, and were blessed in their children, and their seed shall inherit the land.” – Tobit 4:12
And the commandment against ADULTERATION is also rather exact- but the non-elect don’t want to hear this, and would rather lust after black C–k, instead.
LOVING V. VIRGINIA is an abomination, and everything that came after it, must be repealed. EVERYTHING.
“A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, ‘You are mad; you are not like us.”?? St. Antony the Great
“A miscegenated people is ungovernable. The anarchy of the Latin American republic is the proof.”?—Gustave le Bon (1841-1931), French author polymath, anthropologist
“Theological universalism is also related to political universalism, since the religious tenets of a people affect their political and social tenets. With theological universalism the bottom line is that ultimately all are equal in the eyes of God. With political universalism all are equal in the eyes of the state or the government. The modern concepts of theological universalism have helped to support many social and political concepts which are harmful and destructive to our lives. These concepts include multiculturalism, pluralism, humanism, egalitarianism, socialism, integration, interracial marriage, universal suffrage, universal citizenship, welfare, so-called “hate crimes,” and a one-world order. Theological universalism also affects the way we perceive history. This is why many will believe America was founded as a pluralistic nation….”.p. 9, – Charles A. Weisman, “Is Universalism of God?”
Adultery, on the other hand, derives from a French word, avoutre, which in turn evolved from a distinct Latin verb, adulterare, “to corrupt.” The verb adulterate, “to debase or make impure by adding inferior materials or elements,” stems from the same source.
“Why do almost all Christian Nationalists refuse to give a straight answer about miscegenation? Within or outside of legal matrimony.”
Social conformity.
White nationalism is a misnomer. To me, it compares to the hippies who went to woodstock. Their political causes were just cover to smoke weed and get promiscuous. It was their age group clique. You guys took up a political cause and used it to fly your own freak flag. You split up everything to indulge yourselves. As a gen x guy, I will never support you millennials for ignoring what I offered in experience about Wall St. and Donald Trump. Fuentes has his own age group thing now. The alt right set the tone quite well…every clique for itself.
“White nationalism is a misnomer”…..not really.
Ok, something more direct, ‘racial solidarity ‘.
Kessler is mis-identifying the problem. Even so he is correct that Christianity as it presently exists is insufficient to serve as a basis for restoring the white nations. His error is in believing that Christianity has always been the root of the problem. HW correctly points out that the problem was largely resisted in earlier incarnations of Christianity. So where did the rot enter?
Christianity, as it presently exists in the west, is in no shape to serve as a center for anything whatsoever. It’s a total wreck, a formerly whitewashed tomb whose surface is even now peeling away. It’s condition appears to be terminal, regardless of whether you look into the Protestant or Catholic branches. A tremendous mission field for a healthy and robust kind of Orthodoxy perhaps – but then how do we explain Romania, Bulgaria, Montenegro and Greece’s embrace of the Globo-Pedo Shopping Mall in a few short decades – not to mention the reprogramming of formerly orthodox Russians in Jewkraine into Globo-Pedo zionazis in three decades?
How can a near-dead body racked by internal disease and infested with all manner of parasites – from wokeism all the way to Christian Zionism – be expected to hold up as some kind of foundation? The obvious cure for the patient is to turn back to Christ. In order for this to be possible it is necessary to determine where the wrong road was taken. Was it the mis-named ‘enlightenment’ or was there already something wrong which made so susceptible to the enlightenment virus in the first place? Simply put, there are numerous lies widely believed by Christians which need to be repented of. If Christianity is to be the foundation of a restored or rebuilt civilization, then the first order of business is to restore the church itself.
So where did the rot enter?
Seminaries !
A bunch of boneheads pontificating about things that have zero basis in reality.
You’re case is weak for that assertion. The ones who were the first to consistently betray their own were the elites: monarchs and aristos who refused to live within their means and ended up in debt to Schlomo Shelkelstein, the local moneylender. Yes the seminaries of today are just Church of Woke indoctrination camps in drag, but it was not that way centuries ago.
Well, I was addressing the theological decline/corruption.
Agreed. Dark Ages mindset of superstition, ignorance, and fear.
Christianity set us back at least 500-1000 years of accumulated wisdom and knowledge from the Pagan Era. The scrolls lost during the burning/arson of the Library of Alexandria was a crime against the White race.
Instead of burning Bruno and his kind, their ideas should have been explored , expanded and encouraged.
Bacon gave us a pathway to better civilization, but it has been largely ignored.
When you wrote Christianity, its clear you mean the man led ecclesiastical organizations. Perhaps the Grand Gay Inquisitor wants the Roman Catholic Church to serve as the center of Christian Narionalism, but the rest of us Christians do not see a particular Church leading such a movement. Rather, Christianity, the reformed theology, should serve as a foundation of a political philosophy at the center of the movement.
The reason for this is simple. Churches like other institutions go thru periods of birth, death, and revival. True Christianity in contrast is an everlasting faith, not made by hands, but whose buildings are eternal in the heavans. As such, Christianity is not a particular ecclesiastical institutions but rather a spiritual movement which cannot be destroyed. Its beliefs are written down in inspired scripture and its light permeats the myths, legends, histories, and governments of European man. As such, Christianity is a spiritual movement not an ecclesiastical organization.
At some point the current Churches will either be regenerated from within, by Christians, or they will wither and die to be replaced by Churches filled and led by Christians. In this sense, Christianity is the center for reorganizing the West. Read your history of the Reformation and learn how a generation reformed the Christian church, made it the center of new Nation-States, and in turn helped correct Rome’s abuses and lead European civilization to greater heights.
” the rest of us Christians do not see a particular Church leading such a movement”…
As the great saint said: “No one can have God for his Father, who does not have the Church for his mother.” – St. Cyprian, ‘On the Unity of the Church’
Which is why the “the man led ecclesiastical organizations” such as every single one of the 250,000 Protestant CULTS have no ecclesial authority. But then again, neither does Rome. As “Rome was the first Protestant” – as I alluded to in my long initial post.
Your definition of what St Cyprian meant as the Church is different than what I mean as the Church. The Church is holy, invisible, and universal. It is the spiritual church. The ecclesiastical Church, the earthly Church, is just a shadow of that glorious spiritual Church. Ecclesiastical Churches, as mentioned earlier, are earthly institutions which come and go thru cycles. The Orthodox Church is one such earthly creation. As a reflection of Eastern European man it is not the best fit for Western European Man.
One of your best post, HW.
But if Christian Nationalism is good for Whites, then they MUST keep their children out of the public schools! Leftists are not born, they are made!
Apologies for a personal question, but are you planning to homeschool your children?
> But if Christian Nationalism is good for Whites, then they MUST keep their children out of the public schools! Leftists are not born, they are made!
So true.
“MUST keep their children out of the public schools!”
Nice, if you’re well situated, moneyed.
Not practical for most people.
True to a point, but most homeschool parents I’ve met are willing to make material sacrifices. There were few public schuls in Murika before 1900. Most were educated at home or in parochial schools. One of the more destructive programs advocated by the Gay Old Politboro is to allow public funds to be used for parochial schools – which are by now largely enemy-occupied propaganda mills little different from their NEA-run counterparts, filled with die-ver-city to keep the commissars happy. That’s how we end up with dindu-bedecked “Christians” like Mikey Johnson fellating Schlomo and his darkey golem.
The best thing that could happen to what remains of Christianity in the west would be to remove all the state funding – including tax exemptions. State support both direct and indirect is also unfair to fellow whites who don’t want to be supporting shitlib indoctrination in private schools along with the public-schul racket.
Thanks for the thoughtful post.
The religious genealogical explanations for current affairs are limited in their explanatory power but easy to adopt because they don’t require substantial empirical effort and satisfy both our human need for certainty and Abrahamic need for explanations rooted solely in scripture and heresy.
Kessler seems to presuppose that antisemitism is fundamental and axiomatic to a pro white worldview, which is the only compelling argument he made against Christianity generally in that article. You all know my position on this. I don’t plan to expand on it again.
I don’t care why, but any political movement that seeks White interests as its goal needs necessarily to be comprised of Whites (no, jews aren’t White), who aren’t queers (I don’t care if .01% of wild horses are queer or whatever he has been reading), are employeed/land holding preferably with kids because these are the folks with skin in the game and to whom the 14 words are meaningful.
If those people are unapologeticically chauvinistic in direct proportion to relational proximity, Whitey will survive, precisely because we are well adapted for the rigor of modernity, and meritocracy is the means by which Darwinian forces act to weed out the unfit (coloreds generally). These forces exist, whether god does or not, and are the flames under the crucible in which we compete for resources and space. Religion is ultimately irrelevant in my view as such.
Virtues are irreligious. You have them or you don’t. Generally Whites do, Christian or not.
Those evangelicals you love so much and claim are implicitly pro-White, are the same people who want you to die for Israel and that “antisemitism” and criticism of Israel should be against the law. Meanwhile atheists are largely pro-Palestine, or are much more likely to be Christians of any kind.
You can say this is just a “boomer problem”, but the vast majority of evangelicals ARE boomers. Christianity is hilariously unpopular among young White people. Even if young Christians are not as Zionist, it doesn’t make a difference when there aren’t many young Christians.
No one is perfect
“Jason Kessler is a friend of mine.”
Did you listen to Chris Cantwell read the court transcript of Kessler’s testimony ?
Not a friend I’d want.
Wouldn’t talk to such a person.
There are over 30,000 sects of Christianity.
It’s a chaos of ambiguity.
>I will say at the outset that I don’t believe in forced conversion of non-Christians. I also don’t believe in exterminating non-Christians. I also know plenty of wonderful non-Christians in the pro-White space. The sole purpose of this article is to offer a defense of Christian Nationalism.
No forced conversions or extermination – great.
But then:
>If non-Christians were disenfranchised in a theocratic Christian Nationalist state, it would be a net win. It would essentially wipe out the Left which is overwhelmingly composed of White atheists, agnostics and nones. Eliminating those people from the electorate would solve most of our problems.
>Some of our friends in the pro-White space might not be able to vote. Most of them do not believe in voting anyway and it would be worth the trade.
Add to this the comments from Fuentes.
Your graphs show that Christians are somewhat better on a subset of issues typically important to White-positives. Can you provide a graph that shows how many Whites (or Christians for that matter) would support living in a theocracy? Or how many Whites would actively resist attempts to impose one?
Christian Nationalists should consider expressing their objectives in terms of material outcomes that are acceptable to other Whites (most of them would be), and drop any hint of restricting representation. Whites can’t afford divisions this deep.
Christian Nationalists should consider expressing their objectives in terms of material outcomes that are acceptable to other Whites (most of them would be), and drop any hint of restricting representation. Whites can’t afford divisions this deep.
> I think most CN’s do. The Gay Inquisitor Grande – now proved to be yet another fraud/grift/fed gay-op – is hardly one who represents the ideology, regardless of what posture he assumes.
“Can you provide a graph that shows how many Whites (or Christians for that matter) would support living in a theocracy? Or how many Whites would actively resist attempts to impose one?”
Larch- It’s a moot point. GOD does not require a democracy, or even 98% agreement- OR disagreement. It’s HIS UNIVERSE. IT’S HIS LAW.
“There is no neutral ground in the universe. Every square inch, every split second is claimed by God, and counterclaimed by Satan.” – CS Lewis
There is not arguing back. It’s a fait accompli. HE IS THE DIVINE DESPOT.
You don’t get a vote. And it WILL happen, whether you like it or not.
SO, adapt and live. Don’t and die. Survival of the Fittest, as it were.
“The biggest enemy of the movement isn’t the Jews. It was always ourselves.” Fuckin A.
And if you aren’t a jew, you are a perfect example of why the worst enemy is the internal one. Literally every take you have ever had has been as gut-wrenchingly awful as is humanly possible.
What BS.
Do you feel better after that bout of self flagellating guilt ?
“The biggest enemy of the movement isn’t the Jews”
Just so wrong !
Our causes have been murdered in the cradle so many times.
Neo-paganism, in the form of DEI, and the climate change crap is the future religion of the yet to arrive Jew messiah, the Moshiach. A world without Christ is what the Jews want. So why would some white nationalists saddle up to the future Jew messiah?
Mighty white of Brad not wanting to exterminate us non-believers.
I think Kessler was angered by Fuentes and was provoked to write the article because of that remark.
Fuentes isn’t a serious person and was trolling for attention. Obviously, I don’t believe in executing people for their religion. I dispensed with that at the outset.
HW- “Obviously, I don’t believe in executing people for their religion. I dispensed with that at the outset.”
Yes, but has GOD? I’m instead, a fan of Dr. North’s Christian Reconstructionism, in which he states quite clearly:
“God has established three monopolistic institutions: Church, State, and family. The head of each can serve God or satan, and those under him are sanctified (set apart) institutionally… Thus, to deny that God’s law applies to your covenantal superior is another way of saying that it really does not apply to YOU…in short, covenantal authorities are important.’
‘There are theologians today who say that god’s law applies only to individuals, that nations are not under God’s Law. [they insist] there is no national covenant; this is a basic philosophy of all modern secular political theory, and few ‘Christian’ scholars disagree.
“God’s Principles’ is the code phrase for fundamentalists who are nervous about appearing totally antinomian, but who are equally nervous about breaking openly with the teachings and language of dispensationalism, ie., ‘we’re under grace. not law.’ Finally, “God’s moral law” is the code phrase for the evangelical and Reformed man who does not want be branded an antinomian, but who also does not want to be bound by the case laws of the Old Testament. In all these, cases, the speaker rejects the idea of the continuing authority of the case laws.”
“…there is no religious neutrality, no neutral law, no neutral education, and no neutral civil government. Then they (i.e., we) will get busy in constructing a Bible-based social, political and religious order which finally denies the religious liberties of the enemies of God.” – Dr. Gary North
“Those who refuse to submit publicly to the eternal sanctions of God by submitting to His Church’s public marks of the covenant–baptism and holy communion–must be denied citizenship, just as they were in ancient Israel.”
“I am arguing that the evangelical testimony of historical sanctions that was available to the nations round about ancient Israel is still in operation. [Deut. 28)….. Christian Reconstructionists assert that this covenantal tool of evangelism is still operating, and that it still impresses lost sinners” [and that] …they will inevitably be confronted with the reality of God’s sanctions in history. They cannot escape it.” – Political Polytheism, 146-7.
You’re not going to MAGA< until and unless you MAWACA- Make America White and Christian Again. And the penalty for overt blasphemy used in teh Middle Ages, would DEFINITELY BE A FUNCTION OF SUCH A REPUBLIC.
So, yeah. The non-elect do not deserve a place at the table, or in the land, thereof.
“How many White Nationalists have we seen……(insert negative attributes and failed results).
You’re making a very unfair comparison.
You are comparing a tiny number of atomized individuals without any social support system to Christianity, which has centuries of development and government support, outright enforcement.
Christianity has developed after the torture and slaughter of millions, wars of horrific massacres, with church and government suppression of any competing doctrines.
Any instance of WHITE nationalism has met with active and vigorous suppression, both overt and covert, as with the Bund.
Give WHITE nationalism a chance to grow unimpeded and the results would be far superior to any church. That’s the reason they had to crush NS Germany. Germany was advancing by leaps and bounds.
The individuals and situations you mention are lone swimmers flailing the waters in a turbulent sea, not a well structured institution.
Presidential Years… now more like Presidential 2 years always bring out the worst in American White Conservative, Christian politics, culture.
Since the 1980s and Pat Robertson’s run for GOP President of the United States, his and Jerry Falwell’s “Christian Co-Alittion” , “700 Club”, “Moral Majority ” Christian Religious White/Right have always, ALWAYS made the Presidential cycle their main vehicle for promoting their causes and their power, wealth within the GOP and within our country.
Rev Pat Robertson won second place in some GOP Presidential Primaries (If I recall that was Michigan , South Carolina, maybe the Iowa Caucuses) the American Christian Religious RIght/Religious White (they’re all White) designates some official “He’s the Christian Presidential candidate” which have included:
Rev Pat Robertson
Ralph Reed
former Baptist Minister Ak Governor Mike “The Huckster Huckabee”
Indiana Governor Mike Pence, Trump’s VP
Remember when the American Christian Religious Right/Religious Right got Rev. Mike Huckabee (told LaRaza crowds he was looking forward to when White Southerners like him were a minority in the South) to run in the GOP Primaries to stop Mitt Romney who was an LDS Mormon Christian which these idiots didn’t think were real Christians (Was Jeremiah Wright’s Black Liberation Theology real American patriot Christianity?)
The Christian Religious Right/Reliigous Right has “Their Issues” – Pro Life and USA not being subservient enough to Israel. There was some left over anti Russian sentiment back from the Reagan 1980s Cold War Years, “The Evil Empire”, “Mr. Gorbechev Tear Town that Wall” and the dumb as* low education Religious Right/Religious White Christian patriots who fell hook line and sinker for Je* Hollywood Patriotard movies making “The Russians” the New Racist Evil Nazis” like Red Dawn and Rambo III.
Again, these horrible 2 year Presidential election seasons always include the Christian Religious Right/Religious White insisting they must be “included” in the conversation, get some stiff like Mike Pence as the VP to mobilize, excite their Christian base.
We should all thank Tucker Carlson for maybe his last mainstream media appearance when he exposed, destroyed the “He’s the Christian GOP Presidential Candidate” Presidential Campaign of Mike Pence. Tucker Carlson put Mike Pence on the Spot and asked This “Christian Candidate/Savior”
“Mr. Pence, with American cities collapsing under criminal murder and mayhem, with our Southern border wing overrun by hordes of hostile, diseased illegal alien migrants, why do you insist on sending additional $ trillions in military weapons to Ukraine and Israel, the Middle East. Most regular Americans can’t even find Iraq on the map?”
Mike Pence responded:
“That’s not my concern”
Yep this latest “He’s the Christian American patriot Presidential Candidate” had no concern with civilization collapsing in our cities or with our nation’s border’s collapsing.
Maybe the Christian Religious Right thought that this would help bring Jesus Christ back sooner, same as letting all the remaining Christians in the Hollyland get ethnically cleansed, killed or enslaved by Muslims and Talmudic Je*s.
IMO we’re mostly stuck that most remaining White European Americans in the USA/North America come from some type of Christian heritage, don’t needlessly insult them. But don’t pander to them and if they go traitor, woke like that worst ever pro Muslim, Liberation Theology pro fag Catholic Pope Francis or Russell Moore or just the Israel Uber Alles tax exempt Amurikun Christians – please expose them, throw rotted fish at them, turn their children against them.
Our side in the 1980s Civil Wars in Central Americans didn’t let Communists hide under a Liberation theology Catholic Christian Collar. Look what happened to Salvadoran Bishop Romono. The current fag Communist Pope Francis made that guy an official Catholic Saint.
Jaye – I’m sure you are intelligent enough to realize that Protestant non-creedal Christianity is not Christianity at all, but a CULT- just like the Mor(m)ons, whose cultic penchants include the fallacy that every man will be a (big G) GOD on a planet of his own, IF his works are sufficiently meritorious enough! (Something that I thought the Protestant reformation was supposed to solve…)
Catholic Christians (which now no longer include the “Novus Ordo VII/EWW Church”) see both the Church and Christian Civilization as much broader, deeper, more intelligent and worthwhile, than your local SBC Scofield snake-handler ‘evannnnJELLY-cull’.
So, the question is not, ‘why are there ‘Christian Political candidates’ as instead, WHY GIVE MENTAL DEFECTIVES THE RIGHT TO VOTE!? Whether they are Evangelicals, Mor(m)ons, or Negroids. Yes, I’m calling for a complete overhaul of the system.
Jefferson’s ‘All hominids are created (intellectually) equal is Toast. In more ways than one.
You should really describe yourself as a White Christian Nationalist then, rather than simply as a Christian Nationalist. There is very incomplete overlap between those two positions. A WCN would not accept Christians who are not white. A CN (who may be white or not), would have serious problems with a WCN. Obviously there are plenty of opportunities for WCNs to slip in under the radar, but if WCN is ever to achieve its objectives, at some point there will have to be a reckoning with other CNs.
I do.
I’ve written a lot about it over the past two years.
Clearly true.
Christianity adapts to the prevailing social and political values. When Europeans were ‘racist’, Christianity adapted itself to those values. When Europeans became ‘anti-racist’, Christianity again adapted. Christianity may have had an easier time adapting to the latter values, but if the former values reasserted themselves strongly enough, I have every confidence that Christianity would once again conform.
The smoothest path to that destination seems to me to propound a ‘Christian racialism for everyone’ doctrine – Christians are all spiritual brothers, but we’re all better off around our own kind. I can’t see the feverish, tiresome ‘supremacism’ that WN is notorious for playing any useful role here.
“A major reason why White Nationalism appears to be constantly imploding and rebranding is because it is based solely on a racial element. This opens the door to all kinds of bad actors who can show up and become involved solely on the basis of their whiteness.”
HW, do you think that only White Nationalism is alone in being undermined by supposed adherents?
Christian Nationalism has many bogus zealots such as MTG, Nick Fuentes, Lauren Witzke, Kanye West, Andrew Anglin, ad Infinium.
This remains the perfect representation of what would be a congregation of “Christian Nationalists.
A tent full of CNs.
The atheist Voltaire once mused that religion, if only nominal belief, might be necessary to keep the rabble somewhat on the straight and narrow.
TW- To Voltaire, YOU are the rabble.
Don’t presume you are intelligent, because you are godless.
Which Christianity? The real Gospel of the New Testament is communitarian- egalitarian, socialistic, and pacifistic, and puritanically moral: no lying (falsehood of any kind), no pride, no lust, no fornication, no divorce is allowed. Regardless of what use has been made of it by “Christian church” denominations in service of wealthy elites in every age, you can still find the truth by the reading the “red letters”: Soldiers do no harm to anyone, tax collectors take no pay (do it for free), rich men give away everything they have to the poor – because it is harder for someone rich to be saved (from death and damnation) than it is for a camel to go through the eye of a needle. Even the Old Testament has similar content in some of the prophets (Amos, Micah, Hosea for example) that I have not found at all or to such an extent in the writings of any non-Biblical religion or ancient philosophers and sages
I should have added this for clarity: “The red letters” are all the words of Jesus, which are sometimes printed in red typeface in some copies of the New Testament while the rest of the text of the New Testament is printed with black typeface.
“In a multiracial society like the Deep South, evangelical Christianity defuses racial tension. I began to notice how much I liked my neighbors who are generally kind, polite, civil and friendly people. In contrast, some of the people who I was running across on online forums were rude and vicious. Yes, it is true that racial differences exist, but I have spent my whole life observing how practicing Christianity can elevate and improve blacks and Whites alike. It has a civilizing effect on the character of people. AA meetings can help improve the lives of alcoholics. Diet and regular exercise can improve the health of pretty much anyone. Similarly, Christianity can help people of all races to focus their attention on their owns sins and orient them in a positive way toward their neighbors”:
Very good observation. We learn that the gospel is true, powerful, effective and good when we see it put in practice. Even the filters of “Christian” denominations from Rome down to the littlest “church” cult, cannot completely block the view of the gospel they claim to be based on.
“It is only when Christianity began to ebb in the 20th century that the borders were flung open. This is no coincidence because irreligious Whites tend to be more individualistic, more self-absorbed, less fertile and less interested in traditional values such as kinship ties”:
It was only when Capitalism began to grow exponentially in the 2oth century, to global extent and full maturity in the West, that it was able to invade and “invite,” and racially and ethnically mix the entire world. The Roman Empire’s (Roman elite’s) colonial system of wealth extraction, and cosmopolitan immigration to Rome was much smaller and never reached as far as sub-Saharan Africa and east Asia.
“The Left didn’t exist until the French Revolution when it first manifested….”
The TERM “left” originated with the seating arrangement of French legislators at that time, but the Left in the sense of the people, the people’s side, the people’s interest and the people’s leadership, is ancient, even pre-historic. It is as old as the very first appearance of a Class System in which the first gang of “nobles” began to subdue and exploit a mass of “commons” and some of the exploited became conscious and tried to break free. Spartacus the Roman slave rebellion leader was just as left as the leading French revolutionaries. None of the French revolutionists including Robespierre was as materialistic, licentious and atheistic (practically atheistic) and blood-soaked (even indirectly) murderous as the “Divinely-appointed” royalty and other “nobles” and Papist church hierarchy who were liquidated or temporarily exiled or unseated, for about ten years, or twenty years, until Waterloo.
I’m not for Christian Nationalism. I’m 100% for separation of church and State. The guys who wrote our constitution knew exactly what they were doing. Notwithstanding all the positive aspects of Christainiaty that you note, and I agree with.
1. If Christen nationalism becomes the way to government power, it will corrupt Christianity and oppress the people in the name of Christianity. The same psychopaths and worthless never do wells will still climb to power. It will ruin the State, Christainiaty and the people.
2. “…If non-Christians were disenfranchised in a theocratic Christian Nationalist state, it would be a net win. It would essentially wipe out the Left …”
You’re throwing out the baby to get rid of the bath water. You don’t need to have a Christian run government to do this.
The Constitution provides that…
“…Article I, Section 5, which provides “Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its own Members …”
Pass a law that anyone who depends on the majority of his income from government funds, State or Federal, can not vote. I would add no immigrants could vote ever. No one who did not pay taxes could vote. There are lots of these provisions that would be like a guillotine to leftist thought and action.
3. As you noted, many Judeo-Christians worship the Jews and no matter how awful and evil the Jews get they will always cover for them. The Jews have vast power now, but I don’t expect it to continue forever, if they don’t kill us all. No one can stand their psychopathic evil behavior forever. They have been thrown out of every single place they’ve ever gone too because they have some sort of serious mental illness that absolutely will not allow them to get along with anyone else. They are driven to dominate others no matter what the cost. I say mental illness but in fact it’s in their genes. They just are the way they are and there’s nothing anyone can do about it but submit to them, separate them from you or kill them off. That’s the only choices you get if you want to deal with them.
Make a Christian Nationalism State, and soon you would have a bunch of “converted” Jews calling themselves Christians running things, but doing the same thing they are now.
What we need is to take control of the Stae and it;s not nearly as difficlut as one would think. There areprovisions written rightinto the consitution to do just this. I;ve wrotten on on them many tiomes. We don;t need a civil war or a theocvratic Stae to make this work. All we need is a just over 50% majority in the House and the Seante and people who will vote for our interst that;s all. With this we could destroy, comoletey destrot the left and the Jews controlling interest in our country. It would take onyl a few years to do so. How, here,
There’s another that I have mentioned elsewhere, but not sure if I have here.
The best plans are ones that do not do too much meddling or require incessant control.
I have a few that would stop a great deal of the predatory corporate behavior.
1. All corporations that sell import goods or imported manufactured goods or outsource production, the management can not earn over 20 times what the lowest paid workers earns. So effectively this means minimum wage. The goal is that the interest at the top is congruent with the interest of the middle class. So large corporations would have to make things here in the US. You could start with some lesser percentage of made in USA or it may be that cold turkey would be better. They want to outsource, fine, give the extra profits to the shareholders not to line managements pockets.
2. The supreme court ruled that corporations are people, so they can give a such money as they want to political campaigns. Fine. Make them choose. If they are people then they can give money but they pay “people” taxes, not corporate taxes. No tax breaks that a person couldn’t get. For example, they get subsidies or tax breaks from cities or States, then that’s income. They pay tax on it. If they choose “people” they also lose limited liability. After all people can not just say that they are not responsible. Corporations do this all the time. Killing people then, they pay a fine. No more of that.
It’s all there. A play by play to take over the country and run directly 100% for our benefit. Not the Jews, the commies, the corporations or the damn immigrants. Just for us. And to do this, all we need is a majority in the House and the Senate of members that will vote for our interest. All these other things, get a King, become a Christen Nationalist nation, try to defeat the left in a civil war…blah, blah, blah, no all we need to do is take power and refuse the other assholes the ability to decide anything. Just like they constantly are imposing on us, we should do the same to them.
Search youtube for ‘Matthew Heimbach shows up at “Rage Against the War Machine” rally in DC with Soviet Flag’
Gangster Bolshevism?
Thanks, MG/I/DB. I did. “Gangster”? What do you mean? He does have the correct view now, and has come a long way on his journey to the correct view:
Very well written piece, Brad.