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Evolution Happens

July 2, 2010 Kievsky 10

What do antibiotics, Roundup, and the Mandatory Diversity regime have in common? They are blunt force instruments, and they work really well, for a while. […]

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They Hope that you Choke

June 30, 2010 Matt Parrott 25

At the recent conference in Nasvhille, Sam Dickson described our opponents’ rhetoric as “manic”. As somebody with a personal and family history of bipolar disorder, […]

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Texas on Alert!

June 29, 2010 Daniel Williams 41

I found a new video about the conflict along the Texas-Mexico National Border! From Steve in the Swamps: I noticed the Texas legislator was censored multiple […]

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China Forges Ahead

June 28, 2010 Hunter Wallace 46

In The Washington Post, an important article worthy of being featured on the OD front page: In 2007, Chinese geneticists discovered vast differences in the […]

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Oriental Descent

June 28, 2010 Matt Parrott 33

The recent flood of attention from Reddit has definitely brought out the moonbats. Having admin access, I got to see the comments that were even […]

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June 27, 2010 Hunter Wallace 26

Moonbats from Reddit have finally discovered an old post of mine: Reddit and Racism. There is a link to it in the Reddit Politics section […]

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Free Sholom Rubashkin!

June 26, 2010 Matt Parrott 49

Every serious movement needs a political prisoner whose persecution serves as a rallying point for them to gather around. Anti-White Leftists have Mumia Abu-Jamal, a […]