Libertarianism Is For Fools!
I’ve noticed several people lately, people who allege to care about the fate of White people, espousing Libertarian ideals. Uh, here’s the thing, Libertarianism is […]
I’ve noticed several people lately, people who allege to care about the fate of White people, espousing Libertarian ideals. Uh, here’s the thing, Libertarianism is […]
Imagine if the Tea Parties explicitly said, “look how we here are all White. Only White people care about the Constitution.” They don’t do that, […]
Why is there so much nostalgia for the 1950s in White America? Why does this folk memory of pre-Obama America haunt the Progressive movement? The […]
I recognize that I am opening up a can of worms with this post. The sex/gender related posts tend to generate more controversy and responses […]
So I met the Tea Party, at long last! At least a branch of it. A branch, however, that made the recent SPLC’s oxymoronic“intelligence report”
After my brief appearance on Radio Free Mississippi, I swore that I would never have anything to do with Jim Giles ever again. In the […]
Update: Matt Parrott no longer endorses this message Hunter’s recent post, “Proud to be an American?“, offers a damning list of disgraceful developments in this […]
Not really. In the year that has passed, I haven’t seen cause to change my mind about anything I said last year. I’m still not […]
I’ve created a beachhead for White Nationalists on Reddit. It can be used to round up the best links from around the web. The articles […]
Here at OD headquarters, the debate about the location of the White ethnostate has been raging in recent weeks. I have argued in favor of […]
The New Anti-Semitism is on the march in America… I love the media’s utmost concern for protecting this adult woman’s identity and treating it like […]
What do antibiotics, Roundup, and the Mandatory Diversity regime have in common? They are blunt force instruments, and they work really well, for a while. […]
It’s easy to forget at this late date how verboten the subject of illegal immigration was among average Americans even as recently as the late […]
This week’s discussion will be on Chapter 2: Ethnic Differences from the America Besieged e-book. This chapter is split into three sections, summarizing the latest research and […]
Internet rumor whispers about Obama getting a “kill switch” for the Internet itself. The Florida based preacher, Chuck Baldwin, pens an article “the Internet must […]
At the recent conference in Nasvhille, Sam Dickson described our opponents’ rhetoric as “manic”. As somebody with a personal and family history of bipolar disorder, […]
Before we can win back our sovereign White nation, we have to spend some time as outsiders. The reason it is so important to become […]
I know a lot of people who are White Nationalists. Most of them are damn good people who walk the walk and talk the talk. […]
I found a new video about the conflict along the Texas-Mexico National Border! From Steve in the Swamps: I noticed the Texas legislator was censored multiple […]
Ferdinand Bardamu of In Mala Fide has finally got around to publishing his long awaited essay on White Nationalism. In the essay, FB explains how […]
In The New York Times, Noah Feldman has a disgusting op-ed column called “The Triumphant Decline of the WASP.” It is a “cause for celebration” that […]
In The Washington Post, an important article worthy of being featured on the OD front page: In 2007, Chinese geneticists discovered vast differences in the […]
The recent flood of attention from Reddit has definitely brought out the moonbats. Having admin access, I got to see the comments that were even […]
Yesterday, OD attended a Confederate Flag Rally in Columbia, SC. It was a six hour drive, but we found the time and the resources to […]
Every serious movement needs a political prisoner whose persecution serves as a rallying point for them to gather around. Anti-White Leftists have Mumia Abu-Jamal, a […]
The tone on OD as of late has been far too serious for my tastes. It’s a bore. I just can’t get into this recent […]
Gregory Hood recently asked the hypothetical question, “What Would You Do With $55,000?” Despite what Jim Giles would have you believe about people being in […]
David Duke has a new YouTube video. It is deserving of a wider audience.
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