Dow 6763

Race and Intelligence, Continued
Mark H. has the usual litany of complaints about studying links between race and intelligence: such studies will confirm prejudice, it’s all really biased, it […]

Should Scientists Study Race and IQ?
Daniel MacArthur points to two recent essays in the latest issue of Nature about whether or not scientists should study correlations between race and intelligence. […]

Interracial Rape in the United States
A few years ago, some of you may recall how Auster wrote an article for FrontPageMag called The Truth of Interracial Rape in the United […]

Auster on Liberalism
Briefly Noted Why has Lawrence Auster been such a vehement critic of liberalism over the past twenty years? At VFR, I am delighted to see […]

Remembering Darwin
Briefly Noted Here’s the Charles Darwin that Greg Laden and PC Myers would much love for us to forget. Hat tip to Steve Sailer: There […]

Liberal Values
Briefly Noted Ian Jobling has advised the pro-white movement to reconcile racialism with liberal values. Absent from his discussion is any mention of the corrosive […]

The Jews First Conference
Briefly Noted Apparently, the purpose of organizing the “Preserving Western Civilization” conference was specifically to create a forum for the discussion of racial differences which […]

Race Doesn’t Exist, Continued
Briefly Noted Greg Laden doesn’t believe in the concept of race. Fun ensues.

Hard Times
Briefly Noted Buchanan hints around that the New York Times is anti-white and anti-Western, but doesn’t explicitly make the charge. More paleo innuendo.

Cochran and Harpending Interview
Briefly Noted I mentioned this in the comments of the previous thread. The Cochran and Harpending interview about their new book The 10,000 Year Explosion: How […]

Race Doesn’t Exist
Briefly Noted The genome of Neanderthals, which are classified as a separate species, is over 99% indentical to that of modern humans. More proof that […]

Paleo Cowardice
Briefly Noted The flurry of paleo reactions at VDARE and Takimag to the recent New York Times editorial has been instructive. They cowered in fear […]

Michael Steele
The GOP responds to the election of the first negro president by electing a negro as their national chairman. Predictable.

Hearts and Minds
Re: silver mk. 4 I don’t care about the “hearts and minds” of the masses. I’m not going to change what I am saying to […]

White America
Ian Jobling seems to have finally gotten around to launching his new site. Unsurprisingly, he finds himself surrounded mostly by Jews. Aside from the addition […]

Race Neutrality
At VFR, Auster writes: I myself believe in race-neutrality as a rule for society, but only in the area of government’s relations with citizens, and […]

Auster on Lincoln
Lawrence Auster, who calls himself a “traditional conservative,” praises Lincoln’s “revolutionary” war against the South. A few days ago, he was describing the North’s effort […]

Response to Iceman
At Free Media Productions, Iceman makes a few controversial points about American racialists. Here is my response: 1.) Jews did play a major role in […]

Running commentary. 11:25 AM CST I’m trying to watch Obama’s inauguration, but my attention continues to wander. It is nothing but soaring rhetoric (let us […]

Auster Revisted
At Age of Treason, Tanstaafl has a new comprehensive response up to Auster’s latest tirade against “anti-Semites.”

Auster has a new thread up at VFR attacking Lindsay Wheeler and the other “anti-Semites” at Majority Rights. It’s an instructive example of a trait we […]

At Mangan’s Miscellany, “Bemused Observer” asks: I still haven’t been able to discern what “tradition” Mr. Auster is intent on preserving. Isn’t he a supporter […]

View from the Left
At VFR, Auster and Mencius Moldbug are sparring over the so-called “Civil War.” Moldbug correctly points out that Auster typically takes the leftist side in […]

Blame the WASPs
At VFR, Lawrence Auster opines that WASP timidity, an unwillingness to “make a fuss” about things, was responsible for the Immigration Act of 1965. He […]

America Without Jews
At VFR, commentator “Hannon” writes: They have no regard for what makes civilization civilized. Had their views prevailed during the previous centuries Europe would look […]

Larry Auster: A Sincere Western Patriot?
Mark Richardson has chimed in on the Auster/MR debate: So I doubt there is much that you could say, do or write in defence of […]

True Colors
At VDARE, Ilana Mercer, a Jew, appeals to paleocon readers to support Israel. At Takimag, Paul Gottfried, also a Jew, stands with Israel. Larry Auster, a […]