CPAC Pandering Leads to the Usual Disaster
Conservatives keep falling in traps no one actually set for them.
Conservatives keep falling in traps no one actually set for them.
Prepare yourselves for persecution by law enforcement
Alabama Who is going to create the White ethnostate? This is one of the most important differences of opinion between mainstreamers and vanguardists in the […]
I just want to quietly suggest that perhaps, just perhaps, we have been over-sold on the idea of “Europe as lost” by American mainstream conservatives […]
Washington, DC In a successful defensive stand, Red America defeated the DREAM Act in the Senate this afternoon. If the DREAM Act had passed Congress, […]
The Heartland In July and August, Angelo Codevilla’s article about the Ruling Class vs. the Country Class in The American Spectator sparked two articles from […]
Meg Whitman demonstrates bold conservative leadership in California: Meg’s “crystal clear” position on illegal immigration while she was running in the Republican primary. According to […]
It’s been an exciting week for White Nationalism. Arizona throws down the gauntlet and passes the toughest anti-illegal immigration law in the country. It is […]
Bob McDonnell, Governor of Virginia, has stirred up a national controversy by having the audacity to declare the month of April “Confederate History Month” in […]
Hunter Wallace and Pip Pockets discuss the Tea Party Movement, the growing White backlash against Obamacare, and spurious accusations of “racism” from mainstream liberal columnists. […]
Leonard Zeskind asks: What’s Next for the Tea Partiers? He predicts the Tea Party Movement will radicalize in its frustration with the Republican establishment and […]
Mary Mitchell, a black columnist from the Chicago Sun Times, has the upteenth article about the really scary racism of the Tea Party protestors opposed to Obamacare. […]
Alternative Right has continued to make waves around the blogosphere. The site has generated more attention than I expected. I thought Spencer would launch the site […]
Alex Knepper of Frum Forum attacks Richard Spencer.
I found this over at Immigration Clearinghouse. It is a new William Gheen rant against White Nationalists. The highlights: – He threatens lawsuits against David […]
Yesterday, I did something completely out of character. Out of curiosity, I watched the Glenn Beck show on the Fox News Channel. I had to […]
OneSTDV, one of the more reasonable HBD bloggers, has a post up asking whether or not a White Nationalist ethnostate can be justified. Personally, he […]
Until a few minutes ago, I had no idea that “Guy White: Closet Conservative” was a cartoon from the defunct Fox News show The 1/2 […]
If you are White and male, that’s what you are according to Ross Douthat, one of the house conservatives who writes for the New York Times. Your America is […]
In the New York Times, Frank Rich (Jew) is foaming at the mouth with venom, and unleashes a two-minute-hate against the White race over the Sotomayor […]
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