Southern History Series: The Birth of Whiteness
White identity was forged in the crucible of sugar and slavery in the British Caribbean
White identity was forged in the crucible of sugar and slavery in the British Caribbean
A book review of Matthew Mulcahy’s Hubs of Empire: The Southeastern Lowcountry and British Caribbean
The culture of the Deep South got its start as an extension of the older culture of the British West Indies
A walk through history of all the times John Bolton called for regime change in foreign countries
Ben Shapiro supports replacing Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill
Trump only wants to change the composition of immigration for the wealthy and powerful business lobbyists
We’ve been told a great lie by liberals that we are all “individuals,” but in reality the cultural geography of the South matches the genetics of historical migration patterns
Daniel Chamberlain, South Carolina’s Republican carpetbagger governor, repented of the folly of Reconstruction
South Carolina was redeemed in 1876 when its people united behind Wade Hampton III, the greatest of all planters, and his Red Shirt Army which brought down Reconstruction
Andrew Yang brings the message of $1,000 a month or mainstream conservatism to FOX Boomers
Beto O’Rourke is resetting his vacuous, flailing campaign by livestreaming a trip to the barber shop
The Roberts Court is more likely to chip away at it
Sen. Josh Hawley delivered a surprisingly interesting speech on the floor of the U.S. Senate
Isn’t it about time to admit the race realists were right?
Don’t Tread On My Vagina!
From this day forward, it is only going to be Israel First!
The Kushner plan changes the composition of legal immigration for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce without reducing the annual inflow of legal immigrants
Trump is reportedly upset that John Bolton and Mike Pompeo are desperately trying to drag him into a war with Iran
Sen. John C. Calhoun opposed the Mexican War and the conquest and absorption of Mexicans into the United States
Sen. John C. Calhoun of South Carolina was the South’s most eloquent slaveowner. He was also Scots-Irish
In 1849, Sen. John C. Calhoun and other prominent Southern leaders predicted that one day Whites and Africans would change positions in the political and social scale
In the greatest economy in American history, children are increasingly unaffordable
OUR GREATEST ALLY wants to stay out of any U.S.-Iran War
You don’t want to be against God, right? Heh Heh
We need more high-skilled legal immigrants now to compete with the dwindling middle class for their jobs
Will Mitch McConnell save us from “socialism” as the Grim Reaper of the Senate?
Is Blompf the chosen instrument of God to protect Israel from the Iranian menace?
In Clown World, there is nothing left to conserve anymore, so we have to tear it down and build anew
OMG … Alabama is like literally The Handmaid’s Tale now!
Tucker Carlson pushes back against neocon warmongers
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