The Uber and Lyft Strike
We need 21st century tactics to respond to a world in which capital and technology is abolishing labor
We need 21st century tactics to respond to a world in which capital and technology is abolishing labor
Steve Bannon wants to incite a conflict with China to distract you from the fact that Israel controls our foreign policy
The U.S. is “taking on China” by revealing free-market capitalism is based on an antiquated lie about technology
A less hysterical age looks back more objectively at the plantation system of the Old South
If we ignore it, maybe it will go away
AJ+ explores the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Bernie Sanders wants to break up Big Ag. Is that wise?
Fulwar Skipworth’s take on the rise of finance capitalism
Why economics is crucial for the Dissident Right
Blompf wasn’t even the author of The Art of the Deal
A book review of Wayne Flynt’s Alabama In The Twentieth Century
From sharecropping to space in a generation
From Confederate Alabama to Colonial Alabama
Jeffersonianism retarded Alabama’s economic development
Andrew Yang takes on mainstream conservatism on FOX News
A book review of The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture: Agriculture & Industry
A book review of Michael Lind’s Land of Promise: An Economic History of the United States
Automation has been a constant in American history
A book review of C. Vann Woodward’s Origins of the New South, 1877-1913
The people he surrounds himself with are the definitive proof that Blompf has utterly no clue what he is doing
The gig economy is skewing employment statistics because all jobs are not created equal
Tucker Carlson is open to endorsing any candidate thst deeply thinks about automation
The anarchists are finally beginning to catch up with reality
A recent study predicts automation will eliminate 73 million jobs by 2030
You’re thriving under Trump. Life has never been better
How Central Appalachia was ravaged, exploited and underdeveloped by free-market capitalism
The economic impact of free-trade on Southern manufacturing since the passage of NAFTA and the WTO
What is GDP even measuring? It sure isn’t well-being
How the Southern forests were stripped bare and looted by Northern and European capitalists in the late 19th and early 20th centuries
Son, back in my day I worked my way through college
Blompf’s supply-side economists make the case for more high skilled immigration
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