Mississippi: Interracial Marriage Still Unpopular
Mississippi A new PPP poll out of Mississippi is riling up liberals across the internet. The poll found that 46 percent of registered Republicans in […]
Mississippi A new PPP poll out of Mississippi is riling up liberals across the internet. The poll found that 46 percent of registered Republicans in […]
District of Corruption You got to love Chris Matthews. This guy is one of those self righteous hypocrites who would have a heart attack if […]
Hollywood A coalition of White Advocates led by the CofCC is boycotting the new “Thor” movie. For those who are unfamiliar with this story, the […]
District of Corruption Statement by the President and First Lady on Kwanzaa “Michelle and I extend our warmest thoughts and wishes to all those who […]
New York Over the course of the past year, I have developed an intense dislike of “progressives.” Barack Obama and the Democrats are so awful […]
New York I’m watching the rerun of the Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC. She is doing a segment on Gov. Haley Barbour’s comments called “Missinformation” […]
Alabama Alabama just went through the craziest, most memorable election cycle of my lifetime. Unfortunately, I missed the best part of the fireworks during primary […]
Vermont Vermont has long been a plague on the Republic. I have never traveled to this Northern state. I see no reason to go there. […]
Tennessee A Republican lawmaker in Tennessee has been receiving a lot of criticism for politically incorrect comments he recently made about illegal aliens. Rep. Curry […]
Nevada White America is furious. For the past three months, I have written about little else. I have explored the connections between implicit Whiteness, the […]
(Editor’s Note: A return to Secession Week has been delayed yet again. Leonard Zeskind and the NAACP released a report today on the Tea Party, […]
In the Wall Street Journal, William McGurn draws attention to the escalation of the Kulturkampf between the Reds and Blues in the United States. Thirty […]
The Ground Zero Mosque is without a doubt the most outrageous surrender to political correctness and multiculturalism that I have ever seen in my lifetime. […]
In California, an openly homosexual federal judge has struck down Proposition 8, the California Marriage Protection Act which reaffirmed the traditional definition of marriage. This […]
Laying around my hotel room, I finally got around to reading Mark Steyn’s America Alone, a book which my friend Gregory Hood has been urging […]
The University of Texas has surrendered and agreed to rename a dormitory which was named after a law school professor and former Klansman in 1954. […]
I’ve been waiting for an opportune time to plug James Edwards new book. Instead of writing a review after I received my copy, I figured […]
In The Washington Post, an important article worthy of being featured on the OD front page: In 2007, Chinese geneticists discovered vast differences in the […]
Original link: http://www.city-journal.org/2010/eon0514hm.html by HEATHER MACDONALD The New York Times is at it again. The New York Times’s front page story this week on the […]
In a nutshell, this is why I support secession from the United States and the creation of a White ethnostate in the Southeast: every ethnic […]
As everyone knows, Barack Obama has nominated Elena Kagan, a Jewish lesbian, to the Supreme Court. / scratches chin 1.) We are constantly told that […]
Join the first ever OD moonbat shoot! Invite your friends! Angela Motorman has another thread about White Nationalism on Reddit Politics. This time around she […]
As some of you may have noticed, OD is getting a lot of hits off “reddit” this evening, one of the most popular social news […]
Jared Taylor has a response to Pat Buchanan’s recent article about how the Tea Party movement is an example of an emerging form of White […]
Bob McDonnell, Governor of Virginia, has stirred up a national controversy by having the audacity to declare the month of April “Confederate History Month” in […]
This is the segment CNN aired regarding Jesse James’ affair with Michelle “Bombshell” McGee. Notice that virtually nothing is said about Michelle McGee being a […]
Dear Jeffrey, I see now that you successfully held your “public awareness event” at the Lincoln Memorial on March 28. For over a month, I […]
The Washington Times has a new editorial this morning called “Obama’s White Flight Problem.” The article notes that White voters are abandoning Zod-Obama in droves. […]
Related story: multicult throws fit when Walmart puts unwanted black dolls on clearance for half the price of white dolls:
Alternative Right has continued to make waves around the blogosphere. The site has generated more attention than I expected. I thought Spencer would launch the site […]
Alex Knepper of Frum Forum attacks Richard Spencer.
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