Wall Street Journal: SAT To Give Students “Adversity Score” To Capture Social and Economic Background
Isn’t it about time to admit the race realists were right?
Isn’t it about time to admit the race realists were right?
In South Carolina, Solomon Blatt led the fight to preserve white supremacy and segregation. He was also Jewish
The plantation complex spread throughout the Caribbean, South America and the American South
An excessive amount of liberty leads to anarchy which is the greatest of all curses and ultimately destroys freedom
A book review of Philip D. Curtin’s book The Rise and Fall of the Plantation Complex
Mississippi seceded from the Union because it disagreed with the position of the equality of the races
Confederate Vice President Alexander Stephens addresses the Virginia convention to argue for secession
We need a better vision and paradigm of how to fix the South
China is poised to implement and reap the benefits of the AI revolution
China is poised to implement and reap the benefits of the AI revolution
HONK! HONK! Political correctness is literally driving the world stark raving mad!
Reparations for slavery is a dumb idea based on racial resentment
Occidental Dissent visits Jamestowne and Colonial Williamsburg
How does our economy really work?
The real conflict was over chattel slavery vs. wage slavery
This is something of a sales pitch
How should we move forward?
Isn’t it funny that race realists are capable of putting Humanity First?
Detoxifying a very important issue
What would Voltaire do?
How do we cure hate groups? Listen
The Enlightenment was surprisingly racist
He refuses to endorse the myth of racial equality
“We will kill their children and their women.”
Fellas, Detroit is coming back now
So many tears. So much salt.
This is preview of Georgia’s future
Indiana woman snaps over black neighbor
Peak Blackness has officially arrived
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