Review: The Next American Civil War
The Next American Civil War? Sounds interesting. When I bought this book a few weeks ago, I was immediately attracted by the title. I was […]
The Next American Civil War? Sounds interesting. When I bought this book a few weeks ago, I was immediately attracted by the title. I was […]
Laying around my hotel room, I finally got around to reading Mark Steyn’s America Alone, a book which my friend Gregory Hood has been urging […]
A recent article in the American Spectator by Angelo Codevilla outlined the division in America between the ‘Ruling Class’ and the ‘Country Class’, which has […]
Are you suffering from White Anxiety? At the New York Times, Ross Douthat has a new article about the “White Anxiety Crisis,” which has emerged […]
I’ve been waiting for an opportune time to plug James Edwards new book. Instead of writing a review after I received my copy, I figured […]
Imagine if the Tea Parties explicitly said, “look how we here are all White. Only White people care about the Constitution.” They don’t do that, […]
So I met the Tea Party, at long last! At least a branch of it. A branch, however, that made the recent SPLC’s oxymoronic“intelligence report”
Dissatisfied. In a word, that is my reaction to Andrew Fraser’s contribution to the Jared Taylor vs. Pat Buchanan debate over the implicit whiteness of […]
It’s wonderful to see the enemy make a big mistake. We don’t have to inform the Tea Partiers of their implicit Whiteness; the ARA is […]
There’s been a lot of talk on the WN jungle drums recently on the subject of whether or not the Tea Parties represent any shift […]
Jared Taylor has a response to Pat Buchanan’s recent article about how the Tea Party movement is an example of an emerging form of White […]
James Howard Kunstler has an excellent Clusterfuck Nation post today, with one bit of delusion. And that delusion is that “ethnic cleansing” is the only […]
The Tea Party Express rolled into the District of Corruption earlier this morning. A rally that drew a couple thousand angry conservatives (mostly from the […]
As several of you know, I spent the weekend on the road in Kentucky at the Knob Creek Machine Gun Shoot, which bills itself as […]
Sally Kohn has a scurrilous article up at The Huffington Post which claims the Tea Parties are “consciously tapping into this recurrent strand of violent […]
The Washington Times has a new editorial this morning called “Obama’s White Flight Problem.” The article notes that White voters are abandoning Zod-Obama in droves. […]
Hunter Wallace and Pip Pockets discuss the Tea Party Movement, the growing White backlash against Obamacare, and spurious accusations of “racism” from mainstream liberal columnists. […]
I continue to be amazed by the sheer magnitude of the rage and acrimony unleashed by the healthcare debate. Here’s a priceless gem from The […]
Leonard Zeskind asks: What’s Next for the Tea Partiers? He predicts the Tea Party Movement will radicalize in its frustration with the Republican establishment and […]
Mary Mitchell, a black columnist from the Chicago Sun Times, has the upteenth article about the really scary racism of the Tea Party protestors opposed to Obamacare. […]
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