Standing Firm
San Francisco, CA Greg Johnson has written a new article at “Counter Currents” about “Explicit White Nationalism.” He divides “Explicit White Nationalists” into two groups: […]
San Francisco, CA Greg Johnson has written a new article at “Counter Currents” about “Explicit White Nationalism.” He divides “Explicit White Nationalists” into two groups: […]
Stone Mountain, 2003 Even if I disagree with his conclusions, it is always a pleasure to read a Lee Harris book. I never fail to […]
None Dare Call It White Genocide © 2010 by Christian Miller, all rights reserved The overarching goal of the “open borders” movement is to flood […]
Red America I’ve followed with interest Albert Jackson’s creation of The Jacksonian Club. In recent weeks, I have taken a more practical turn myself. I […]
Jim Giles remains our favorite personality on what we have started to call the White Entertainment Channel. Ever since the Edgar Steele meltdown with Pastor […]
Yesterday, the NSM and their local supporters held their “Stand in the South” protest in Knoxville, Tennessee. This protest was widely advertised on OD and […]
Last night, I found myself searching for something to write about. The previous week had seen a lot of animosity and fingerpointing in the comments […]
It is time to give credit where credit is due: leftists, negroes, and illegal aliens have admirable qualities that are in short supply in White […]
While the NAACP and the liberal blogosphere have a conniption fit over the so-called “racism” of the Tea Party, a lovely group called the “Brown […]
Are you suffering from White Anxiety? At the New York Times, Ross Douthat has a new article about the “White Anxiety Crisis,” which has emerged […]
Greg Johnson has penned an essay about Oswald Spengler and racial decadence that arrives at some pretty sweeping conclusions. A few days ago, Robert Campbell […]
Robert Lindsay, the most interesting liberal in cyberspace, has done two interviews with Voice of Reason. He used to be a regular commentator on OD […]
I recognize that I am opening up a can of worms with this post. The sex/gender related posts tend to generate more controversy and responses […]
Not really. In the year that has passed, I haven’t seen cause to change my mind about anything I said last year. I’m still not […]
I’ve created a beachhead for White Nationalists on Reddit. It can be used to round up the best links from around the web. The articles […]
Here at OD headquarters, the debate about the location of the White ethnostate has been raging in recent weeks. I have argued in favor of […]
I know a lot of people who are White Nationalists. Most of them are damn good people who walk the walk and talk the talk. […]
Ferdinand Bardamu of In Mala Fide has finally got around to publishing his long awaited essay on White Nationalism. In the essay, FB explains how […]
Yesterday, OD attended a Confederate Flag Rally in Columbia, SC. It was a six hour drive, but we found the time and the resources to […]
David Duke has a new YouTube video. It is deserving of a wider audience.
Hunter Wallace and Mike Capatano discuss OD’s effort to build a White Nationalist network in Virginia. We’ve gotten to know Amren, CofCC, Volksfront, and the […]
It is time for White Nationalism to move to Stage Three: building institutions and networks in the real world. I submit that Stage One was […]
Via CofCC: The South Carolina CofCC encourages you to attend a Confederate Flag Rally & Let Us Vote Demonstration at the statehouse in Columbia, SC […]
Whether through oversight or neglect on my part, I have never initiated an extended discussion of the Ku Klux Klan on this website. We have […]
Why are White Nationalists losing? Why do our enemies seem omnipotent and unstoppable? Why have we failed to break into the political mainstream? There is […]
The Bolshevik Left used astonishingly simple techniques to overthrow White civilization. Peer pressure, irrefutable argumentation, and of course adulteration of the language, a la Newspeak, […]
A National Perspective, or How Many Whites Are There? Note: This is a long post so hunker down. It seems that no less than once […]
Hunter Wallace and Mike Capatano discuss R.E.A.L. and why White Nationalism makes sense in this rotten society. Direct Download Edit: I forgot to point out […]
Hunter Wallace, Mike Capatano, and H. Rock White visit Appomattox where Robert E. Lee surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia and the Confederacy lost its […]
OD showed up in Freedom Plaza for Jeffrey Imm’s Never Again to Hate event in Washington, D.C. We had planned to attend the last one […]
In recent weeks, I have been trying to determine the extent of White Nationalist activity in Virginia. It already says a lot that we don’t […]
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