Jewish Power: Campaign Contributions
Guy White is screaming across the blogosphere this morning that the poor, pitiful, misunderstood Jews are the victims of a vicious anti-Semitic blood libel: that Jews “donate 60% […]
Guy White is screaming across the blogosphere this morning that the poor, pitiful, misunderstood Jews are the victims of a vicious anti-Semitic blood libel: that Jews “donate 60% […]
At Imagine 2050, an anti-racist activist notes the difference between old fashioned white supremacy and White Nationalism. I respond: I would only dispute the third […]
Guy White has resorted to whining about how the evil anti-Semites are demanding he meet an “impossible” standard in his Jewish power series. In fact, […]
Guy White is doing a series on Jewish power. In light of his well known tendency to censor his critics, I will be running a series of […]
As many of you have probably heard, the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act passed Congress and awaits the signature of President Obama. We had to […]
At Occidental Quarterly Online there is an interview posted with French New Rightist Guillaume Faye. Faye, a graduate of the elite French school known as […]
Earlier this month, I engaged in a very frank and open discussion with Laura, who runs the website The Thinking Housewife, on the subject of […]
Guy White is a liar. Once again, he is making up stories on his blog: This is not atypical. My friend Prozium described himself as being […]
It should be more accurately called the “hook up” scene. I spent the better part of yesterday evening/last night witnessing the demoralizing superficiality and gullibility of […]
A few years back I attended a talk given by Chris Simcox of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps. His group coordinated civilian efforts to stop […]
In The Tennessean, Carol Swain fires back and defends herself against the SPLC’s smear machine. She pleas with liberals to “listen to a voice of […]
Outside of the BBC Television Centre last evening, tensions mounted between police and the unruly horde of communists who had come to disrupt the recording […]
I’ve reopened the forum. It can serve as an outlet for the various recent pissing contests. Commentators will have the power to start their own […]
Morality isn’t a subject I am very comfortable discussing. It strikes at the heart of our deepest, most passionately held values. Whenever possible, I try […]
Who should rule? Logging on this morning, I see that this has once again become a burning issue among the commentators. So far, I haven’t […]
Hat tip: Richard Spencer. Let me tell you about this new type of conservatism: it’s about embracing feminism, crushing racism, supporting amnesty for illegal aliens, […]
In two weeks, the H.L. Mencken Club will be holding its second annual conference in Baltimore. The most influential paleos will be there: Pat Buchanan, […]
Our very own Wikitopian happens to be one of the most enterprising commentators to join our little circle of heretics in quite a long time. He has […]
This is the tenth installment in this series. “Cryptos” are people who are essentially White Nationalists, but for some reason are unwilling to openly align […]
The SPLC is attacking Carol Swain, labeling her “an apologist for white supremacists,” for endorsing Craig Bodeker’s A Conversation About Race. Swain has fired back at […]
This is the ninth installment in this series. I’m going to borrow a term from Jessie Daniels and endorse the idea of using “cloaked websites” […]
During a recent journey to a major city in the Southeastern United States, I had occasion to view a very interesting sociological phenomenon at shopping […]
White Authenticity = White Voice + White-Centricity This message is our final one in this series of seven. Resisting Defamation believes that, without mastering our […]
This is the eighth installment in this series. Lately, I have spoken to a number of budding racialists about their background, and I was surprised […]
During the Cold War era, the leadership of the Soviet Union was charged with the crime of labeling those who disagreed with official state ideology […]
This is the seventh installment in this series. If there is one issue that divides White Nationalists, it is the difference of opinion over whether […]
This is the sixth installment in this series. 1.) We need to create a base for ourselves. An elite needs a constituency. In 2007, a Gallup […]
I have switched from “Prozium” to “Hunter Wallace.” I also changed the site avatar from Father Knows Best from Equilibrium to Domenico Piola’s Daedalus and […]
This is the fifth installment in this series. I’m pumped from our meeting of old forum comrades. After all these years, it is refreshing to […]
This is the fourth installment in this series. It is a “practical proposal.” I have said this several times before, and Trainspotter anticipated this post, […]
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