Juneteenth: Celebrate diversity!
Happy Juneteenth, everyone! On June 19, 1865 General Gordon Granger of the United States Army stood upon a balcony in Galveston, Texas and reaffirmed the […]
Happy Juneteenth, everyone! On June 19, 1865 General Gordon Granger of the United States Army stood upon a balcony in Galveston, Texas and reaffirmed the […]
Posting this one for Robert Lindsay and Jeffrey Imm. Lady Liberty’s Lamp might also enjoy this video. Always a pleasure to listen to the great […]
Guy White and Lawrence Auster will love this one. (Who says we can’t do film? – ed. note)
Why are White Nationalists losing? Why do our enemies seem omnipotent and unstoppable? Why have we failed to break into the political mainstream? There is […]
I’m going to jump onto the dogpile and offer my own thoughts on the likely fate of our cause. Some way we will win. Some […]
We’ve shaven our intimidating fu manchu mustaches and grown hair on our formerly shaven heads. We’ve forked out thousands of dollars for tattoo removal. We’ve put our […]
The Bolshevik Left used astonishingly simple techniques to overthrow White civilization. Peer pressure, irrefutable argumentation, and of course adulteration of the language, a la Newspeak, […]
A National Perspective, or How Many Whites Are There? Note: This is a long post so hunker down. It seems that no less than once […]
Domain names don’t get much more fancy than inmalafide.com and aliases don’t get much more fancy than Ferdinand Bardamu. So a man could be forgiven […]
Hunter Wallace and Mike Capatano discuss R.E.A.L. and why White Nationalism makes sense in this rotten society. Direct Download Edit: I forgot to point out […]
Original link: http://www.city-journal.org/2010/eon0514hm.html by HEATHER MACDONALD The New York Times is at it again. The New York Times’s front page story this week on the […]
Edit: For the Roissy-haters who don’t comprehend the subtext of the Roissy phenomenon. Sexual libertinism is how he illustrates the power-relation between the sexes, and […]
Keith Preston over at Alt.Right has written an article critical of White Nationalism. The title is “White Nationalism is Not Enough”. That’s sensible enough. Few […]
Forget arguing with liberals. Point out that liberalism is about the subordination of men, and it is happening in real life, everyday, all around you. […]
Hunter Wallace, Mike Capatano, and H. Rock White visit Appomattox where Robert E. Lee surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia and the Confederacy lost its […]
‘But where can we draw water,’ Said Pearse to Connolly, ‘When all the wells are parched away? O plain as plain can be There’s nothing […]
OD showed up in Freedom Plaza for Jeffrey Imm’s Never Again to Hate event in Washington, D.C. We had planned to attend the last one […]
I tore something in my back yesterday while horsing around with the kids, and am on some medication for that. This post will likely feature […]
Black Panthers mock the Holocaust and reduce a Jewish man to tears. The Jew explains, “I am on your side.” Priceless. Another hilarious one:
Reading Solzhenitsyn’s “Two Hundred Years Together,” I found it interesting how the Provisional Government of the February Revolution (Kerensky) managed to raise millions of roubles […]
I often get asked the question by people who are starting to get to know me as a person: ‘why are you an anti-Semite?’ Of […]
Kevin Costner is proving to be the man of the hour, with his oil-water separator, a video of which is at this link. He didn’t […]
In recent weeks, I have been trying to determine the extent of White Nationalist activity in Virginia. It already says a lot that we don’t […]
Here’s our video of Jared Taylor speaking on the subject of diversity at the 2010 CofCC National Conference. If you turn your volume all the […]
William Rome records Heritage Connection at the 2010 CofCC National Conference in Nashville: Hunter Wallace, Matt Parrott, Mike Capatano and two other friends enjoy some […]
It’s hard for men of my generation to fathom life without the Internet. Sure, I can survive for extended periods of time without checking my […]
From wire reports: An unemployed military veteran has stunned South Carolina Democratic Party leaders by winning the nomination to challenge Republican U.S. Sen. Jim DeMint. […]
If anybody can find on youtube the scene where Thulsa Doom, played by James Earl Jones, snaps his finger, and a young white girl jumps […]
OD now reaches around 30,000 unique visitors a month. Last month, Occidental Observer had 90,000 unique visitors and TOQ Online reached 18,000. At a minimum, […]
Hunter Wallace, Mike Capatano, and Pip Pockets discuss the CofCC 2010 National Conference which was recently held in Nashville, Tennessee. Hunter explains why he joined […]
Since my post earlier this evening offended most, I deleted it. Apparently, I have issues. Duly noted. Since my own words have failed me today, […]
I have recently finished reading the new book by David Kilcullen entitled Counterinsurgency. This groundbreaking work sets a very different focus than his other excellent book The Accidental […]
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