Mormon Church Leadership Embraces “Gay Rights”

As with the Catholics and Southern Baptists, maintaining your “respectability” in the United States always means abandoning your traditions and caving to fashionable trends in America’s secular liberal culture:

Note: Jews are the trendsetters in America’s popular culture. They decided a long time ago that homosexuality and gay marriage was going to be normalized.

Americanism is the dominant culture. Christianity is an embattled subculture. These developments aren’t evolving naturally out of Christian theology – Catholic, Mormon, Southern Baptist, etc. – it is just a case of the trendsetters setting the ground rules of “respectability” in the mainstream and forcing all the other players to grudgingly adapt to the situation. The War on Christmas is another example of this.

About Hunter Wallace 12380 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The thing is, Mormonism is a 19th century progressive religion. It comes from the same basic cultural place as all progressivism, which is improvement of the community and the individual through right living and thinking.

    Social harmony is an important part of this, so they can’t resist elite trends. This is most definitely not Gospel, but what is these days?

  2. There is a common propensity in our movement to blame religion, esp. Christianity, for the corruption and weakening of white people.

    I think the right answer is that republicanism is corrupting religion.

  3. The Mormons are even worse status whores than the Southern Babelists. A Mormon once told me that having been put down so much, they crave “respectability” more than anything else.

  4. The Mormons and Southern Baptists are one in the same. Their God has never been the God of the Holy Bible and his Laws but the love of money. They’ll do anything along with all other church denominations or (abominations I like to call them) to keep the money rolling in and selling their soul is “normal” in modern times. That’s why I believe it’s very important for Christians to form their own House Churches and reject the abomination churches and restore the original purpose and meaning of the Church….Jesus Christ.

  5. The LDS Mormons claim to be led by a latter-day prophet of God, so they are saying, in effect, that society and the state have a mandate from God to publicly support those who openly practice sexual abominations. What kind of a church would endorse such a thing?

  6. I would take it one step further and say the not only are Christians not setting these trends or pushing this new “Americanism” it is self-same jews with help of atheist white dupes”and traitors.

  7. I used to have respect for Mormons back when they respected their ethnic basis. And this is very recently. There are still tons of classic American WASP looking Mormons, because that’s what they are. They still use the traditional bible as scripture and to me that validated them until they joined forces with the NWO.

  8. And for the four idiots in the story above, gay “rights,” as defined by LGBT advocates includes the “right” to be accepted. This is what the issue of gay marriage is all about. It’s about gay normalization. For the four clowns in the photo above, these concessions are only the start. Next, the GLAAD types will demand that anti-gay theology be abandoned by LDS churches, that gay priest be ordained, that gay “marriages” be performed in their churches, and that books like Daddy’s Roommate be taught in their schools.

    And it should be added, the four imbeciles above appear to be Baby Boomers, which is the worst generation of ‘Muricans. They know nothing of self sacrifice. They believe that only that their needs count. When it comes to issues like immigration, social issues, long term government debt, they have absolutely no concern about what kind of world they leave their children and grandchildren 30-50 years from now. Why should they? They will be dead. So, for issues like gay “rights” and immigration, they are willing to sell out their posterity in order to gain “respectability” today.

  9. Mormonism and Roman Catholicism are cults, and both meet the definition of cults.

    The Baptist’s problems are, that no one with a different view, wants to step up to the plate.

  10. Here is a post by Rod Dreher that’s relevant to this post


    I am no fan of Rod but in this post he makes an interesting point:

    Put bluntly, given the dynamics of our rapidly changing culture, I believe it will be increasingly difficult to be a good Christian and a good American. It is far more important to me to preserve the faith than to preserve liberal democracy and the American order. Ideally, there should not be a contradiction, but again, the realities of post-Christian America challenge our outdated ideals.

    I have wondered how US conservatives will react to post-Christian America. Since their religion is Americanity (Federal flag = cross, patriotic songs = religious hymns), I have believed that they would compromise their Christian faith so that they can remain a good ‘muricans. The latest accommodations by the LDS so that they will remain relevant in American society affirms this.

  11. I can’t believe how quickly this idea has become acceptable.

    What has it been, eight years or so that it has gone from WTF to “it’s a done deal let’s get on board.”

    On the other hand it took 1500 years for divorce to become acceptable, 1900 years for abortion and birth control to become acceptable and nearly 2000 years for the thought of race differentiation to become thought crime.

    Every time something new comes along the will to fight becomes less and less.

    “Change.” Satan’s handmaiden.

  12. Yes and another thing they do is force all the true leaders out and replace them with the shabbos goy “trendsetters.”

    There are many Christians who are dissenting from this crap but you never hear from them because they are shut out and shut down by the money/power vermin.

  13. I have wondered how US conservatives will react to post-Christian America.

    Unfortunately, we already know how they will react by watching their politics over the last 50 years. They will grudgingly submit and before long will be the loudest voices in favor of gay marriage and shut down anyone as an “extremist” who doesn’t submit.

    Nationalism (not conservatism) is the cure for Americanism. The only cure.

  14. If Roman Catholicism is a cult, then Jesus Christ was the cult leader because it is the original church handed down to St. Peter.

  15. So.. I wondered when this would happen, once the ‘anti-Negro’ doctrine came out of the closet in 1979.

    They are truly nothing but a cult. Always have been, always will be.

    At least now there is no doubt about the other two cults- SBC and RC’s.
    The Mormon Trinity of Big Church/Synagogue of Satan groups merely confirms it.

    Anathema Sit.

    Oh, I’m gonna love talking to my LDS believers on THIS one- I can only imagine what ‘plural marriage’ with a fag would envision….. lol (and ewwwww.)

  16. Rod Dreher, an Orthodox convert from R.C. has an interesting piece of note on this subject in this months edition of “First Things.”

  17. “Liberty, equality, and diversity could be the new Trinity.”

    It is already, de facto. Why would otherwise the massacres (and following wars) of the French revolution be hailed as something great and admirable by the western establishment cabal ? Liberté, egalité et Fraternité, see where that has brought France today.

  18. I see that Earl and Fr. John are using this post as an opportunity to sling mud at the RCC. I believe this post is about the pushing of the sodomite agenda in our churches. This is what we should be talking about, and not engaging in a stupid catfight about “cults”. The lavender mafia is trying to infiltrate all religious groups in this country, and it does no good to engage in infighting like this when such depravity poses a bigger threat. Because, while we’re fighting each other, the queers will continue to borrow into us, and if we don’t stop it, we will wake up and find out our congregations and, God forbid, our churches have been taken over by the bottom feeders. So, lets fight this menace and beat it, and then we will have the luxury of these silly catfights.

  19. It makes you wonder if there might be something to the concept of Mystery Babylon, that World Church, that will bring the Anti-Christ to power. I cannot accept the premise of Mormonism (Ad yes I have read all the books, The Pearl of Great Price, Doctrine and Covenants, and the book of Mormon) anymore that I can accept Southern Baptist theology. God was never a man nor can man become God. (Mormonism) Nor are today’s Jews a holy and special chosen race (Southern Baptist)

    I am always amazed at those who profess to be Christians, who once fiercely opposed Gay marriage, but now support it when one of their relatives comes out of the closet. Christianity is not a buffet whereby one can pick and chose what you want. But just like MLK is remade into a modern day conservative by Niger Innis and Tea Party conservatives so will married gays be praised in the future for upholding morality and getting married.

    To a certain extent all morality is hypocritical. But man cannot exist in a condition of absolute immorality.Liberals remind us that we cannot legislate morality to which I respond that still does not release us of the duty of prosecuting immorality.

  20. Hunter Wallace,

    The Political Cesspool has a preacher. He could be a “Kinist” though. In South Africa, the US South, and England there have been anti-mixing Christian Protestant traditions.

    Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and GK Chesterton both wrote at times in favour of preserving small nationalities. The thinking Christians are sometimes racially conservative. Richard Weaver of course opposed miscegenation. There are plenty of other Christians who took our side.

    Odinists too often embrace destroying/”evolving” race while saying they wish to preserve it. I’m sure there are exceptions, but I like to read what the “right-wing” actually proposes rather than pretending symbols make a group right-wing. It’s the content that matters.

  21. I’ve at least found the strongest Cassandra-warning-calls about the moral danger of genetic engineering among the Christians. That said, many Christians shrug off genetic engineering as if it’s nothing.

    The evolution debate is similar: the primary resistance there is among Christians who realise the theory is a threat to morality and order. I’m not saying most Christians oppose it though. The Catholics are notably too frightened of taking a moral position. Individual Catholics are great, but the institution itself cares only for membership numbers.

    Anyway if “progress” continues to the point of racial traditions dying and only humanity vs. GMO, more Christians will at least side with the humans there.

  22. Stephen Dalton, get it through your thick, and impenitrable skull, that it is not the RC faithful I am ‘slinging mud at’ but the reality that you CANNOT be in dissent from the Pope and Curia, and yet be a faithful RC!

    What part of that don’t you get?

    If you follow the Pope, you now appreciate sodomites as presbyters on the altar, non-inclusive language being harped on by lesbian/activist nuns, don’t mind that contraception and masturbation are no longer sinful, and find that your sermons sound more and more like the most ‘progressive’ UMC or TEC pulpiteers!

    How, (Pray tell) is that CATHOLIC?

    That’s ALL I have ever said. I don’t care for the institution because (as Trad RC Ann Barnhardt notes) it ISN’T The FAITH SEMPER EDEAM.

    That is all. If you believe it to be such, then I am sorry for you. If you believe (as I think you do) that it is not, I am sorry for you. But you cannot stay, and remain in a synagogue of Satan, if you believe your eternal soul is in jeapordy. At least I care that much for you, even if you don’t see it as such….

  23. “Orthodox Christianity is next.”
    – Lew (JEW?)

    Is that a prayer, a threat, or an omniscient forecast?

    If the first, shame on you.
    If the second, I don’t think so… for, until Rome, as long as ONE faithful Orthodox Christian Hierarch is alive, the church (in her fullness) is alive. If Rome has no more valid Bishops, or a faithful pope, she CEASES TO BE A TRUE CHURCH, due to her own reading (false, I might add) of the Canons, and her own post-conciliar decisions.
    IF the third…. well, I don’t believe you are omniscient. Cuz then you’d be God, and you’d actually care for ALL those who are part of the theanthropic Body of Christ.

  24. “If Roman Catholicism is a cult, then Jesus Christ was the cult leader because it is the original church handed down to St. Peter.”


    TJ, St. Peter was an Orthodox Bishop. He would have puked at the site of the post-Schism ROME, that actively sought the Negro, Mestizo, and used the machinery of Pagan Rome to erect a world Empire. His Epistles are ONLY to the ‘Exiles of the Diaspora.’ – In short, the racially pure, covenantally faithful Members of the Tribes of Israel, that St. Paul noted, would ALL be saved.” [ I Pet. 1:1, Rom. 11:26. That ‘all’ included the tribes of Judah/Benjamin, and the ‘Gentiles.’ But if, “All Israel” is what Peter means (and what Paul means) then the ‘Gentes’ scattered abroad (cf. Jas. 1:1) are the ‘Lost Ten tribes’ and we are back again at a Tribal God, incarnate in the Flesh of ‘his People’ [Matt. 1:21] who was sent ‘only to the lost sheep OF that same ETHNOS,’ [ Matt. 15:24] and your St. Peter, is NOT the St. Peter of the Bible, the early Church, NOR the Cult of Rome. Sorry, dude. Non sequiter on your part…

  25. I see Fr. John is using his time on this thread to vent his spleen about us Catholics and Protestants, instead of sticking to the topic at hand. He used to have his own blog, he should revive it so he can hoot and holler on his own dime about his hobby horses, instead of wasting our time here.

  26. “Orthodox Christianity is next [to endorse gay rights, gay marriage, gays in the military, transgenderism, etc.]”
    – Lew (JEW?)

    Is that a prayer, a threat, or an omniscient forecast?

    A forecast that does not require omniscience by a long shot.

  27. Seriously. I can point to sources much more credible than our self-appointed Friar.

    Note the part where it says he was an apostle/disciple and held the Papacy. So we know that St. Peter based his activity in Rome, where he did in about AD 65 and all of his successors were also there. Orthodox Christianity didn’t even exist until it split off from what was the mainstream church in Rome at the time. Roman Catholics produced racially productive philosophy and activism (see Pope Pius XII) until the second Vatican council in the 1960’s which was well known to be orchestrated by Masons and other communist leaning subversives.

    In other words, Friar: Spare us your fantastic historical fabrications and your sophomoric posturing. The Catholic church wasn’t a racial institution then, it isn’t now, and it never will be. It’s a spiritual institution. We do not worship our race, skin color, or our ancestors. We worship God, to whom we attribute our creation and all natural processes. Even so, traditionalist Catholics do not believe in Communism, Socialism, multiculturalism or any related social sickness.

    Race is a worldly, physical thing, that is cultivated by the culture of the people that constitute it. If the people have a culture that fails to sustain their ethnic or racial community, those distinctions will be lost. People need to stop looking to religion as the source of our problems and start looking at the racial beliefs and behaviors of our peers, and others (like most Jews) who promote racelessness or “anti-racism”.

  28. “Orthodox Christianity didn’t even exist until it split off from what was the mainstream church in Rome at the time”

    Sigh. TJ, I’m going to be as blunt as St. John Chrysostom: you are as stupid as Mr. Dalton, who at least had the decency to convert to a form of Christianity.

    Here’s the fact: ALL of Christendom was Orthodox, prior to the Schism. Rome departed from the Faith, not Orthodoxy. The last popes prior to the Schism (for the record) had the Nicene Creed inscribed on gold, MINUS the filioque, as a gesture of solidarity with the Orthodox, in essence AGREEING with the East, and this plaque still is on the walls in St. Peter’s (as of last knowledge), silently accusing the godless Papacy for their crimes- from raising Caeasaropapalism to a new form of world empire, bringing all of Western Europe under their vassalage, turning the West away from truth to Scholasticism, engineering the Reformation and the sundering of the West, the mass rapes, murders, and complicity in the Crusades, the lies, obfuscations, pretensions to grandeur, along with the modern crop of faggot pederasts, lesbian whores, and laity that can no more describe the hypostatic union, as tell you the difference between Obama and Lindsey Graham (hint- there isn’t one)!

    Quoting Wikipedia as a primary source reference!? I tell my freshman students to NEVER use Wikipedia for that, as the ‘facts’ change sometimes hourly, and the whole endeavor is corrupt to the core. You and your minion Dalton can go on ad nauseum, pretending Rome is still a beacon of hope in a world gone mad. But I call you LIARS.

  29. The Old Original Mormons were racist like David Lane says. They got infiltrated by Judeo Masons and made into a crap NWO we are all one religion like Southern Babptist. Most of the Preachers in the Southern Babtist are Judeo Masons and wear the rings and they enforce and ram rod NWO Agenda…We can learn alot from the old Mormons and not make the mistakes they made. They even had their own White State Deseret but the DC Judeo Masons made damn sure it would not last.. Also they had alot of wives and made alot of whites kids… The New Mormons in Salt Lake are like all the other religions. now….controlled by Judeo Masonry. Even Mitt Romney adopted a picaninie baby. to be PC..More than likely he is a Judeo Mason first… Their current Prophet even did a inter-racial marriage in the Salt Lake Temple…What a shame the New Mormons are now….

  30. JT, I hate to burst your bubble, but Freemasonry has been a part of the Mormon religion since the early days. Both Smith brothers were Masons, and the endowment ceremonies are ripped off Masonic ceremonies. Go here to read some articles about the origin of Mormonism

  31. SD: Joseph Smith was a Mason. But he started his own White Adamic Masonry. He was killed for doing that. He claimed his White Adamic Masonry was the true Masonry. Until recently Mormons could not be Masons. I dont like the new Mormons . They are a NWO crap religion like all the others now. In fact Salt Lake use to be the Whitest City—but now it full of dark faces… Smith having his own lodges really got the Judeo Masons angry. The Whitest Family Oriented group I ever seen in my life was the pre 1978 Mormons before the Cain Revalation…David Lane was correct..the original Mormons were exclusively for WHITES ONLY….

  32. JT, there was Jewish influence on the early Mormons. When Joseph Smith was in Nauvoo, Il., he came under the influence of a Kabballist Jew. Go to this article and learn that Mormonism is just another Judaizing sect. And your claim that Ol’ Joe purified Masonry is simply not true. His Masonry was identical to the Masonry practiced by Non-Mormon Masons. BTW, the Jews have always like the Mormons because they know it’s Judaistic to the core of it’s being.

  33. TJ, this is your “minon” Steve speaking. Try to avoid any conversation with the so-called Fr. (?) John. He’s not a real representative of any Eastern Orthodox Church. I looked up all the Orthodox priests in the MPLS-St. Paul area were he’s from, and I never found anyone like him listed in their directories. He’s probably a member of some obscure schismatic splinter group that allows for weird variations in doctrine, or a lone wolf with an independent congregation. His Christian Identity ideas would never be accepted by any of the real Orthodox Churches. He’s just an angry, bitter, Ex-Catholic with an axe to grind, and his axe is his Pseudo- Orthodoxy and his grindstone is the Catholic Church.
    Rey, let’s hope John-Boy’s students are in a public school. I’d hate to think he would be teaching his Pseudo-Orthodoxy, CI crap in a private church school!

  34. Post 1970s LDS Mormonism is all about being nice, clean, wholesome and welcomed back by mainstream America – it used to be the problem that mainstream (White) Christians didn’t consider the LDS Mormons to be “real Christians” and there was the past history of Mormons trying to break away and form a new Mormon nation in the West (sounds good to me now) and of course the issue of plural marriage, which Muslims and Black African refugees do now.

    Anyway, back to LDS Mormons now – they just like to be well liked, accepted by the media, IVy League Colleges, just going with the flow. Mormons , LDS tend not to be very intellectual and have no history of bad experiences with Jews or Blacks as they lived in places where there were none. LDS Mormons were once persecuted by mainstream (White ) Christians, forced to flee the Midwest . They don’t harbor much any resentment towards the mainstream White American Christians that persecuted them in the past, they just want to be accepted.

    Only now, the horrible situation is that mainstream White Christians aren’t in power here, instead it’s the occupation government of BRA, ZOG, homosexuals, anything but straight Whites. So the LDS Mormon church has to try to be nice, accepted to gays and… Muslim immigrants, do the whole politically correct MLk Jr. Was a saint nonsense, but just try to keep the Donny and Marie Osmond well scrubbed, clean look, lifestyle – invite Blacks and Muslims to come to Provo Utah, attend safe, wholesome BYU. Only now Salt Lake City and surrounding areas are no longer all White safe, there are Samoan and Pacifi Island gangs, queers and liberals running politics in ski towns.

    So, my take is that these theological hairsplitting, Masonic conspiracy rumors are basically irrelevant to what’s going on now.

    Mitt Romney is a pretty good example of what LDS. Good looking, big White family, once to go along, get along. Not really intellectual about anything – wants to agree with everyone who happens to be with him in the room at the time.

    These LDS Mormons are basically racial “pussyfooters” as are most. white Americans. It’s not some huge conspiracy , most White folks just want a safe, comfortable life, like to go along, get along…. Be welcomed and accepted by:

    Muslims and Jews

    This translates into attacking all things Racist and only Whites can be racists, thus Blacks, Gays, Muslims and Jews are all on the same anti racist team. LDS Mormons want to be on the liberal, nice guy anti racist team….

    We on the other hand are not so nice and we don’t want to pussyfoot around and try to be accepted by Muslim throat cutters or homosexual extremists, cultural Marxists liars, BRA, ZOG.

    I hope that clarifies things.

  35. SD: What about Brigham Young and his statements on the Jews? Smiths White Adamic Masonry was a higher true form of Masonry. I have read all the material about the Kabbalistic Jew. Jews can write history anyway they want it…like saying Indians were first in Americas. There was White Civilization in the Ameriocas before any Indian ever set foot in the Americas. As far as Old Mormonism being I said..the pre 1978 Mormons were the Whitest Group I ever seen in my life. Todays New Judeo Masonic controlled Mormons in Utah are garbage. The Old Mormons the Jews hate because its so WHITE thats why they put the CAIN REVALATION on them and all the crap they are doing now… SD–we do agree that the New Mormons are nothing but trash like the Southern Baptist are now. Having alot of Wives/making kids and many things the Old Original Mormons did–might be an answer for saving White Race from devolving and total extinction. We can learn from their mistakes where we want make the same mistakes and how Judeo Masonry defeated/infiltrated and took over the Old Original Mormons. One Doctrine that drove the Jews crazy was the Doctrine of Whiteness and Darkness which has been totally erased by the new NWO Mormons. Many of the good books that the old Mormons had have been removed and are no longer in print because they are not Jew PC.. The Book of Mormon has had so many changes–like getting rid of the words FAIR and Delightsome. Keep in mind how the Lamanite Indians wipèd out the White Nephites in North and South America. The White Race is facing the same thing in todays world…extinction by the dark races. When you go arouind in USA now–you see more and more Dark Faces. Anyway thanks SD for links….

  36. Stephen, thanks for the info. The Pope and Roman Catholic organization has gotten off track. The problems occurred after Vatican II, which was clearly the work of Marxist infiltrators. I really don’t have a problem with the Orthodox church either. I regard them as a kind of protestantism. What I find troublesome is people attacking the legitimacy of these institutions and blaming them for the demographic collapse of Western Civilization. Attend a service sometime. Most people don’t even go to church anymore, and if anyone is paying attention probably 90% of the people that are there are over the age of 50. The problem is the multicultural brainwashing, the abandonment of standards, and the moral bankruptcy of the people in this country. This the same level of decadence that destroyed Rome.

  37. @TJ
    “Attend a service sometime. Most people don’t even go to church anymore, and if anyone is paying attention probably 90% of the people that are there are over the age of 50. ”

    This is precisely why the Church has gone full blown anti-white.

    They are an institution that requires money and they have no followers to give them that money. So like any institution, they seek new sources of income to keep their doors open. The only new followers they can find are brown, so they are importing brown people. All institutions behave like this.

    If you want to worship, then create a private group f whites and do it in your house. You do not need an institution that is dependent on cash flow and will turn into a psychopath when the money supply runs out.

  38. So the children of the Mormon pioneers are tired and ashamed of their history and increasingly want worldly acceptance. The LDS Church is only restrained by a strict male “gerontocracy,” of the old men at the top who are kept there by a strict seniority system. (Once an Apostle is ordained he can only progress to the top by outliving his predecessors.) Further, in matters of major policy there is a requirement of consensus: they must all (the Twelve) be agreed (supposedly through having a “warm feeling” about it). Still, any Apostle who does reach the top can overturn any current policy, including the prohibition of gay marriage or polygamy, if he insists it is a revelation and gets the others to not oppose him. This is how the 150 year ban on ordaining “the sons of Cain” was overturned in 1978. It turns out that Brigham Young himself had foretold that if the Brethren ever did try this their authority would be rejected by God.
    Other Mormons exist today in small, weak, apostate splinter groups that lack a legitimate succession narrative. There have been hundreds of men claiming to be “the one (sic) mighty and strong” foretold by Joseph Smith to arise and set things in order, but all these “mighty and strong” men have so-far proved to be marginal.

  39. I have always wondered why the LDS church got its start and why it has so many members.. it’s so obvious that it was the invention of the ne’er do well Joseph Smith in New York State…the Jim Jones of his day without the mass suicides. They do tend to downplay their early violent history, like the horrific Mountain Meadows Massacre of 150 innocent men.women and children of the Fancher party in 1858.

  40. The Old Original WHITE RACISTS MORMONS suffered greatly by Judeo Masonic led assualts against them. Judeo Masons were angry as hell at Smith starting his own TRUE WHITE ADAMIC MASONRY. He started his own lodges/Temples of his higher true Masonry and this is the reason he was killed. WHITE MORMONS had to flee out west by handcart. There they started their own WHITE STATE DESERET which was also stopped by DC Judeo Masons. Todays Salt Lake new NWO Masonic Mormons are pure sell outs and trash. The Old Original WHITE MORMONS had alot of good things that we can learn from . Any WHITE GROUP who becomes highly successful will be attacked the same way the Original White Mormons were. LONG LIVE THE CAUSE 14-88-5

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