Review: Marriage, a History: How Love Conquered Marriage
A book review of Stephanie Coontz’s Marriage, a History: How Love Conquered Marriage
A book review of Stephanie Coontz’s Marriage, a History: How Love Conquered Marriage
A book review of Marilyn Yalom’s A History of the Wife
Expressive individualism is a solvent that has dissolved the American family
Does this chart match the political ideology of your county?
What the hell happened?
Jews were heavily involved in American Modernism
In 1912, the Liberal Club was founded in the heart of Greenwich Village and became a gathering place for young Moderns
A book review of Stanley Coben’s Revolt Against Victorianism: The Impetus for Cultural Change in 1920s America
A French history teacher has been decapitated for displaying caricatures of Mohammad
P. Diddy endorses Joe Biden and launches “Our Black Party”
Vitalism brought alienated WASP radicals into contact with the Jewish radicals of the Lower East Side
Jared Kushner is behind the Platinum Plan
The Second Klan gets bad press. What did it really believe?
Victorians and Moderns clashed in the 1920s for control over American culture
Ben Sasse plants his flag in the GOP establishment lane
“I denounce white supremacy, okay?”
The ultimate women’s fashion collection
Sheldon Adelson spends $75 million to Keep Israel Great
A book review of Nathan Miller’s New World Coming: The 1920s and the Making of Modern America
The Platinum Plan was borrowed from Ice Cube
Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg censor the New York Post
During the Great Depression, the expatriate writers of the Lost Generation fell to earth
Sigmund Freud convinced young Moderns that they were sexually repressed
October 2020 has been True Cons month
In the 1920s, left-progressives began to call themselves “liberals”
A new book explores Boasian anthropology
In the 1930s, America was transformed from an Anglo-Protestant nation to a modernist liberal melting pot
Antifa hold “Day of Rage” to celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day
MAGA YMCA – the Trump 2020 Theme Song
The Übermensch of Baltimore tore down America’s Victorian culture
Finally, Donald Trump avows someone
Antifa claim 9News NBC supports them
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