Three days ago: U.S. To Provide Ukraine With Advanced Air Defense Systems
Nine days ago: Joe Biden: Thanks To Me, The World Is Facing Nuclear Armageddon
Ten days ago: House Passes Ukraine Appropriations Act (Congress authorizes $12.3 billion in Ukraine spending)
“President Biden authorized on Friday $725 million in aid to Ukraine as part of the U.S.’s latest defense package for Ukrainian forces fighting Russia’s unprovoked invasion. …”
How much has it been now? I’ve lost track.
$`1.1 billion for Ukraine on September 30.
$2.2 billion for Ukraine on September 8.
$3 billion for Ukraine on August 28.
$800 million for Ukraine on August 19.
$550 million for Ukraine on August 1.
Zelensky asks for $750 billion to reconstruct Ukraine.
$400 million for Ukraine on July 12.
$1 billion for Ukraine on June 15.
$40 billion for Ukraine on May 19.
I haven’t even bothered to post all the headlines here.

@Brad Your pal Tommy Turboville can get you an accounting of the spending from the Congressional Research Service or similar “agency”.
We don’t have money to build a border fence with Mexico, just no money!
“Defense Aid ”
See how they use false words to deceive us.
There’s nothing ‘defense’ about this.
Burning it all down better for the CBDC global soviet bugs and pods control grid matrix.
Mud races will blame the old white guy Brandon for the $100 for one small bag of groceries with a few items.
Times will be sporky spice and food was always a weapon.
Meanwhile, gas and groceries keep going up.
Where is the money going? Is it going to our best ally in the mid east?
No one seems to care.
In fact, no matter WHAT happens, no one cares.