David French: Against Conservative Cultural Defeatism
David French believes classical liberalism and social conservatism are reconcilable in spite of history and a mountain of empirical evidence that clearly shows otherwise
David French believes classical liberalism and social conservatism are reconcilable in spite of history and a mountain of empirical evidence that clearly shows otherwise
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Ross Douthat offers another take on the Sohrab Ahmari vs. David French debate
A quarter of the American workforce is now employed in the gig economy
Free-market capitalism and social conservatism are political enemies
What is wrong with the American Right?
The David French vs. Sohrab Ahmari debate continues to ricochet around the American Right
There are four camps in the new nationalism and we are somewhere between the paleos and post-liberals
Florida governor Ron Desantis signs new anti-Semitism law
My administration has launched a global crusade to force Iran to decriminalize homosexuality!
My administration allowed more than 75,000 illegal alien families to cross the Mexican border this month!
We’re building the wall and Mexico is gonna pay for it, believe me!
Paul Gottfried on The Stupid Party
Leftwing journo stomps his feet and demands that Twitter ban all of his critics for mocking him relentlessly
French Fry BTFO’d by First Things for being an effete cuckservative
If the violent white supremacists all end up siloed on anonymous forums like 8chan, what are the consequences of that?
Andrew Yang talks to VICE News about Universal Basic Income and Time while on the campaign trail
She is cute in a holy shit that is one ugly bitch kind of way
Mainstream conservatism has assumed, with great dignity, its final position
From the “law and order” president of 2016 to the criminal justice reform president of 2019
The neocons have got Blompf by the balls
Conservative intellectuals are reconsidering their historical alliance with lolbertarianism
Israel is heading to a surprising second election
Florida governor Ron DeSantis receives the good goy award from Sheldon Adelson in Israel
Blompf and Bibi still have a lot of work to do
Joe Biden is tough on crime!
FBI memos claim “civil rights icon” watched and laughed as a woman was raped and had over 40 affairs
Laura Ingraham takes on the Great Yellow Hope
Still not tired of winning!
Is the GOP just conning us on the social issues?
Experience has shown the only principle that Conservatism, Inc. holds dear is “securing the bag” for itself
Politico Magazine explores Andrew Yang’s unlikely campaign and fanbase
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