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Anger Building

March 27, 2010 Hunter Wallace 136

I continue to be amazed by the sheer magnitude of the rage and acrimony unleashed by the healthcare debate. Here’s a priceless gem from The […]

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Don’t Tread On Me

March 26, 2010 Hunter Wallace 38

Leonard Zeskind asks: What’s Next for the Tea Partiers? He predicts the Tea Party Movement will radicalize in its frustration with the Republican establishment and […]

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Racism and Obamacare

March 25, 2010 Hunter Wallace 111

Mary Mitchell, a black columnist from the Chicago Sun Times, has the upteenth article about the really scary racism of the Tea Party protestors opposed to Obamacare. […]

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The Epiphany

March 16, 2010 Matt Parrott 5

Suddenly, to his absolute horror, ltoro1 awakens to the realization that he’s completely surrounded by angry White people. David Frum, one of the most powerful […]

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Faux Right

March 14, 2010 Hunter Wallace 83

Alternative Right has continued to make waves around the blogosphere. The site has generated more attention than I expected. I thought Spencer would launch the site […]

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Alternative Right

March 1, 2010 Hunter Wallace 100

Richard Spencer’s new website Alternative Right launched this afternoon. As many of you know, Spencer left Takimag back in January to strike out on his […]

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Money Bomb For the Nation

February 10, 2010 Matt Parrott 3

I remember high school teachers complaining about our congressman, John Hostettler. They mumbled about him being a “radical conservative” and a real “hick”. While I […]

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Tea Party Speech

February 6, 2010 Matt Parrott 112

I was originally scheduled to speak at the National Tea Party Convention, but have been snowed in. A political activist from Alaska was found at […]

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Far Wrong

January 12, 2010 Hunter Wallace 75

A few days ago, a disgusted conservative friend sent me a link to the awful BNP hit piece by Peter Hitchens in The American Conservative. […]