Unwelcome: The Muslims Next Door
Tennessee H/T “Loon Watch” Here’s the CNN documentary on Murfreesboro: Note: The CNN documentary “Unwelcome: The Muslims Next Door” can be summed up as follows: […]
Tennessee H/T “Loon Watch” Here’s the CNN documentary on Murfreesboro: Note: The CNN documentary “Unwelcome: The Muslims Next Door” can be summed up as follows: […]
Tennessee Join our official event page for the League of the South’s Murfreesboro and Shelbyville protest on Facebook. Invite your friends.
Tennessee Here’s a four part video shot from the perspective of the liberal counter-protesters at the big anti-mosque demonstration in Murfreesboro in 2010: Note: The […]
Tennessee After Uvalda, where should the League of the South go next to protest “Southern Demographic Displacement”? There’s been a debate over whether we should […]
France Nothing to see here. Just your everyday hooliganism. “A uniformed French soldier on anti-terrorist duties in Paris had his throat cut by a knife-wielding […]
Great Britain Steyn on Woolwich: “On Wednesday, Drummer Lee Rigby of the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, a man who had served Queen and country honorably […]
Great Britain Over in Airstrip One, David Cameron wants to know “what went wrong.” MI5 followed the Woolwich terrorists for eight years (even after one […]
Great Britain Does anyone have a link to the whole video? Without the narration? “We swear by almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you. […]
United Kingdom The victim was wearing a “Help for Heroes” t-shirt: Note: Meanwhile, the “youths” of Sweden are rioting in Stockholm, and French intellectual Dominique […]
Massachusetts The Boston Marathon bombing was a straight up act of jihad: Note: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev became a U.S. citizen on September 11, 2012 which was […]
Massachusetts What do you call aggrieved Muslim asylum seekers who receive over $100,000 in welfare benefits, who marry into “New England blue blood,” and who go […]
Massachusetts Wow, I missed a lot … students from Chechnya? Note: Doesn’t Massachusetts have a state version of the DREAM Act?
New World In Inhuman Bondage: The Rise and Fall of New World Slavery, David Brion Davis sets the American South within the international context of […]
Libya and Egypt Well, it looks like “Arab Spring” has been great success, and Amurrica is more popular than ever in the Islamic World.
Tennessee This is a follow up to Jack Ryan’s reporting on this subject. Note: Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan want more legal Muslims in Tennessee […]
Egypt “Democracy is…. two wolves and a sheep voting on what they are going to have for lunch.” Last week, “democracy” proved to be Egypt’s newly […]
Tennessee With so many White American conservatives and libertarians insisting on playing nice and fair with all non-White groups including Muslim invaders, it is nice […]
GBTV Glenn Beck considers Geert Wilders a hero:
France This space is reserved for the commentary on the imminent death of the dog whistling fraud, Nicholas Sarkozy, in the French presidential election on […]
France H/T CofCC This is precisely why the West must rid itself of liberal democracy: it turns political power into a numbers game, dissolves the […]
Norway H/T Drudge Anders Breivik planned to behead former Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harlem Bruntland, film the decapitation, and post the video to the internet […]
Norway Here is a transcript of Breivik’s 73 minute self defense statement: “Responsible Norwegians and Europeans who feel morally obliged to not see that Norwegians […]
Norway As predicted, it has become a John Brown-style political stage for attacking multiculturalism: We have ten more weeks of this. Note: My sympathies are […]
Britain Liberalism is a mental illness that produces the same disastrous result wherever it is tried:
Britain The UK has a terrible problem with its “urban youth” because of the legacy of racism there … I dare say, it is unique […]
Norway Jens Stoltenberg is a traitor. We can separate Anders Breivik’s claims from his actions in Norway. Let’s consult the dictionary to analyze these claims on […]
Norway I will just reproduce this from the New York Times. As I said yesterday, John Brown has been reincarnated as a Norwegian. This is […]
Norway What could have inspired the Oslo attacks? The current zeitgeist of impending doom meets fantasy ideology, of course. Just as with John Brown: “In […]
The reputed death of Osama bin Laden has gripped America and the world. An interesting cast of characters, imbeciles, and governments have united in praising […]
Before the election, Freedom Party and anti-Islamist campaigner Geert Wilders was brought up on charges of inciting racial hatred. It was not enough for the […]
Stone Mountain, 2003 Even if I disagree with his conclusions, it is always a pleasure to read a Lee Harris book. I never fail to […]
The Ground Zero Mosque is without a doubt the most outrageous surrender to political correctness and multiculturalism that I have ever seen in my lifetime. […]
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