Federal Judge Strikes Down Alabama Gay Marriage Ban
It seems like we just spent most of last week here discussing the nature of liberal republican governments and whether or not they are plagued […]
It seems like we just spent most of last week here discussing the nature of liberal republican governments and whether or not they are plagued […]
Here’s an important excerpt from Robert Middlekauff’s The Glorious Cause: The American Revolution, 1763-1789: “In this environment conventional wisdom came to hold that plots and […]
Oregon H/T CofCC The Anarcho-Marxists finally shut something down! Their own conference!
Salon Is there any truth to the argument that Jews are hostile to White people?
New York Is this video anti-White? Note: In the United States, we learned this week that you can express your individuality by aborting your own […]
Germany While this Femen protest happened in Germany, I think it captures the essence of America’s ‘natural rights’ ideology when taken to its logical conclusion. This is the […]
The Liberal Left is always bashing White Southerners and all White people for supposed terrible sins of slavery, slavery in the US South having ended […]
United Kingdom He could easily be talking about the United States:
Tennessee Here’s a four part video shot from the perspective of the liberal counter-protesters at the big anti-mosque demonstration in Murfreesboro in 2010: Note: The […]
United Kingdom In “The Childfree Life,” we saw that Time magazine had dedicated its entire August issue to glorifying voluntary childlessness. In the UK, BBC […]
New York “For it is written: “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate. Where is the wise […]
Time Time magazine has dedicated its latest issue to reassuring infertile White liberals that living “the childfree life” in a dense urban area is superior […]
Alabama Editor’s Note: OD has been on the road for a week in Missouri on an important personal mission at the Council of Conservative Citizens […]
California H/T Trad Youth As Mark Thomey said this weekend, “they just ain’t like us”: Note: I’m still not sure what to make of religion, […]
Alabama Here is Dr. Michael Hill’s speech at the 2013 League of the South conference:
Occidental Dissent Classic 15th Century Spain – Muslims, Jews and Our Guys I was bicycling in a former Chicago neighborhood I grew up in – […]
Oklahoma Here’s the latest from Dr. Yankeestein:
Salon Check out the headline at Salon: Let’s hope the Boston Marathon bomber is a white American. Note: Did you know that anti-racist means anti-White? […]
United States, 1834-1876 David Goldfield’s America Aflame: How The Civil War Created a Nation is a sweeping antiwar take on the Civil War era and a […]
Dixie If you are a Southern conservative who wants to learn more about the origins of the Sunbelt South, don’t waste your time on James […]
MSNBC Just sent this to Touré on Twitter: @Touré You’re right about lots of Southern White people wanting nothing to do with Obama’s America. #DixieRepublic […]
District of Corruption Do you remember our old friend Thom Hartmann? Note: Progressives are salivating over the possibility of repealing the Bill of Rights. They […]
Buzzfeed Are you ready for the next stage of Black Run America? President Deval Patrick? President Corey Booker? “The next president will, in all likelihood, […]
BRA According to Newsweek, “you’re old, you’re white, you’re history!” Note: That’s true … assuming the rules of the game don’t change.
Illinois A pretty good Walter Russell Mead essay … “Three states form the base of Democratic political power in the United States: California, New York […]
Great Britain Now playing … the story of William Wilberforce and British abolitionism. This is the whole two hour movie. I will write a review […]
Great Britain Seymour Drescher’s The Mighty Experiment: Free Labor versus Slavery in British Emancipation is an attempt to understand the abolition of slavery in the […]
Great Britain This is very significant: “Far from strengthening the authority of natural science on this question, the British debate over slavery tended to marginalize […]
American North This is the key to understanding why the United States has been transformed into BRA and is now on its deathbed: “Like the […]
American North Here is another amusing excerpt from Inhuman Bondage: “Much of this hostility to emancipation in any form arose from the widespread white fear […]
CNN CNN is running this article: “(CNN) – Attention white Anglo-Saxon Protestants: Your days of running things are over. You have jumped the shark. But […]
Arizona Why did we ever join the Union to live among these people?
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