
Resisting Defamation Suggestions #7
White Authenticity = White Voice + White-Centricity This message is our final one in this series of seven. Resisting Defamation believes that, without mastering our […]

Against Libertarianism
This is the eighth installment in this series. Lately, I have spoken to a number of budding racialists about their background, and I was surprised […]

Quality or Quantity
This is the seventh installment in this series. If there is one issue that divides White Nationalists, it is the difference of opinion over whether […]

Two Proposals
This is the sixth installment in this series. 1.) We need to create a base for ourselves. An elite needs a constituency. In 2007, a Gallup […]

Some Changes
I have switched from “Prozium” to “Hunter Wallace.” I also changed the site avatar from Father Knows Best from Equilibrium to Domenico Piola’s Daedalus and […]

Ritual and Identity
This is the fifth installment in this series. I’m pumped from our meeting of old forum comrades. After all these years, it is refreshing to […]

Moving Forward
This is the fourth installment in this series. It is a “practical proposal.” I have said this several times before, and Trainspotter anticipated this post, […]

The Vanguard
The third installment in this series. It is time to discuss the good. In embryonic form, it exists. I’m not talking about National Vanguard, Vanguard […]

Diversity, Car Culture, Urban Areas
The second installment in this series. I want to deal with the bad first, the good second. The second topic on my list: America’s car […]

Fog of War
This will be the first installment in a series of posts over the next week. If I learned nothing else from my sojourn away from home, […]

Into the Light
I’m going out of town tomorrow and won’t be back until Sunday. Don’t expect any new posts through the weekend. I can’t discuss the details, but I […]

Cyber Anti-Racism
In Arizona, a drive by shooting of an interracial couple already has the liberal blogosphere beating the “hate crime” drum. For the record, the police have […]

Cyber Racism
At Mississippi Learning, MSU sociologist Matthew Hughey is impressed by an interview with Jesse Daniels about her new book, Cyber Racism. As a pioneer of web […]

NSM, Fascism, White Nationalism
Searching the news, I discovered that the National Socialist Movement is on the move again. This time four NSM members protested an “anti-white supremacy workshop” […]

Tribal Chieftains
Hat tip: Karen de Coster. In the Wall Street Journal, Peggy Noonan laments the recent passing of a number of elderly Beltway scribes, whom she describes […]

White Nationalism in South Africa
In the Guardian, David Smith is full of foreboding about Eugene Terre’Blanche, a “notorious white supremacist” who wants to – hold your breath, the horror […]

Cross of Gold
At Takimag, Dylan Hales describes himself as an anti-egalitarian populist and along with Richard Spencer calls for a return to the gold standard. Normally, I […]

Remembering Little Rock
In The Washington Post, Kevin Boyle has a review of Carlotta Walls LaNier’s memoir of the Little Rock 9, the small group of negro students […]

Elite Punditry
Hat tip: Tanstaafl. An excellent post by Steve Sailer has revealed that 50% of America’s most influential pundits are Jews. As Tanstaafl notes, the list understates […]

Jewish Warmongers
Here’s another reason to love our Jewish friends: A majority of American Jews support military action against Iran to prevent the Teheran regime from obtaining […]

Zennie Abraham on White Nationalism
Zennie Abraham, a negro blogger who writes for the San Francisco Chronicle, is confusing White Nationalists with the ‘Banals’, ‘Implicit Whites’, or ‘MARs’ who are supporting the […]

The Jews and White Nationalism
Surfing the blogosphere, I stumbled upon The West’s Darkest Hour, a blog written by a TOQ Online reader and Lawrence Auster fan who has some […]

Libertarianism and National Parks
As I suspected, Gary North of LRC wants to auction off the national parks and use the money to cut taxes. He confesses that he […]

The Fire Eaters
I have long wondered why the Fire Eaters have attracted such little attention from American White Nationalists. For those unfamilar with the term, the Fire Eaters […]

John Derbyshire on White Nationalism
Hat tip: silver. Richard Hoste of HBD Books has a new interview with John Derbyshire that briefly touches upon White Nationalism. According to Derbyshire, he […]

The Belleville Protest
Yesterday, the National Socialist Movement held a protest in Belleville, Illinois to draw attention to the now infamous savage black-on-white beating on a school bus. The rally […]

The Cyber Police
Michael Gerson is worried about White Nationalism invading “respected institutional spaces on the Internet” and calls for censorship to squelch all of this “hate” before […]

Leonard Zeskind, Paul Gottfried, White Nationalism
Evan McLaren has drawn my attention to a new article by Leonard Zeskind, chronicler of White Nationalism, in The Huffington Post. In his latest commentary, Zeskind […]

Libertarianism and Conservation
My latest contribution in the ongoing debate at VNN Forum over libertarianism. The White man is complemented by tradition and experience. We’ve had a hundred […]

Libertarian Rap
Via LRC.