Intellectuals, Populists, and the Trap of Objectivity
An interesting phenomenon has occurred regarding Sarah Palin. The intellectuals of the ‘dust-covered right’, affectionately known as the ‘paleo-conservatives’, have joined the neoconservatives and leftists […]

Keltoi, Amren, White Nationalism
At White News Now, Keltoi reacts to the Amren conference and the various discussions across the White Nationalist blogosphere that have followed. He believes White […]

Michael Savage – Border Collie
Michael Savage is the border collie for the “right wing extremism” faction of society. There will always be a far right and/or ethnic nationalist faction […]

Billy the Heretic — Great Cartoons
Billy the Heretic Download Billy’s speech here

Alternative Right
Richard Spencer’s new website Alternative Right launched this afternoon. As many of you know, Spencer left Takimag back in January to strike out on his […]

More Conservative Rappers
This is our competition. I found this at WorldNetDaily.

She picked the mestizo serial killer!
Serial Killer on the Dating Game I just realized what always bothered me about the old TV show, “the dating game.” It was designed to […]

Jared Taylor Interview on Russian TV
Notice how the pretty girl asks a loaded question about Amren “threatening” people.

Jews and Money
When I say that we need to play the Semites game, I don’t mean that we become exact mirrors of Jews with financial shenanigans. Heck, […]

Implicitly White
Tea Parties seem like a good time. Whether or not you know anything about the Constitution, the Federal Reserve, or the Flat Tax, you may […]

Strategic concessions and the cultivation of the reptilian brain
I play my game, my way. I’m not like Bill White. I’m willing to make a strategic concession here and there. I’m the kind of […]

Jeffrey Imm’s Islamo-Schizoism
More humor from Jeffrey Imm: His site contains a section hyperventilating over supposed “RADICAL ISLAMIC SUPREMACISM”, and then right below it a section attacking ‘Islamophobia’. […]

Legitimate conflict of interest
Professor Kevin Macdonald coined the term “legitimate conflict of interest,” and this really cuts to the core of the issue. The “conflict of interest” part […]

The guilty flee where none pursueth
Ariele.com is gone. Well, they shut down our Amren conference, but now Miss Cleo is out of business. So sad. I took down my posts […]

Jeffrey Imm: (Former) FBI Employee?
Jeff Hook of Western Voices World News has identified Jeffrey Imm of R.E.A.L. as a former FBI employee in an expose of his wife’s “psychic […]

SPLC Slammed
In The Montgomery Advertiser, Rick Spyker slams the SPLC in its own city. He points out the hypocrisy of the SPLC in picking and choosing […]

Jeffrey Imm Video
Question: Do you want to see the whole video or the choicest parts? We have about thirty minutes of tape from Imm’s Feb. 19th event in […]

The Virginia Network
When I showed up in Kenyon Park, Jeffrey Imm was handing out a flier that said OD was based in Virginia and was seeking to […]

When leftist students attack Jewish speakers, liberalism and tolerance goes out the door
I found this video infuriating because of the double standards of Jewish speech versus White speech: Leftists shout down Israeli ambassador When the bratz shut […]

Permaculture heritage farmer doesn’t use immigrant labor
Permaculture farming At around 13:00 he mentions they don’t use immigrant labor. Chaffin Family Orchards This is a farm where they use livestock such as […]

District of Corruption
I spent a long day touring DC with Pip Pockets and Jamie Kelso. We hit the Washington Monument, Smithsonian Air and Space Museum, and Congress. […]

Controlling the framing of a debate
Jared Taylor on the radio The radio host asks Jared Taylor what a race realist is, here’s his response: Oh, it’s someone who’s not befuddled […]

Very good Dietrich monologue at Reason Radio this week
February 19, 2010 This Week in Disorganized America Dietrich goes into a monologue in the last 20 minutes. Not everyone can pull off a monologue, […]

Meet, Eat, and DEFEAT!
I pulled up to the restaurant, my face flushed with anxiety and my mind racing with worries. My eyes scanned around for antifas, but nothing […]

Jost on the Caste System
The Caste System: An important Awareness of Reality By Jost Turner Our Forefathers understood that the abilities and capacity of an individual varied directly with […]

Conservative losers
Andrew Breitbart denouncing Jared Taylor Why let Max Blumenthal put you on the defensive about a thoroughly fabricated “sin?” That hissy fit was not attractive […]

If you were an admissions committee at Tufts
Would you admit any of these students? The only one that appears academically serious is Amelia Downs. Michael Klinker’s helicopter shows some originality. Austin Owens […]

Conservatives freaking out about Ron Paul straw poll victory at CPAC
The enemy feels it is losing control over the culture. Boo hoo Daniel Siederaski of the Jewish Telegraph Agency tried to get an interview with […]