View from the Left
At VFR, Auster and Mencius Moldbug are sparring over the so-called “Civil War.” Moldbug correctly points out that Auster typically takes the leftist side in […]
At VFR, Auster and Mencius Moldbug are sparring over the so-called “Civil War.” Moldbug correctly points out that Auster typically takes the leftist side in […]
At VFR, Lawrence Auster opines that WASP timidity, an unwillingness to “make a fuss” about things, was responsible for the Immigration Act of 1965. He […]
At VFR, commentator “Hannon” writes: They have no regard for what makes civilization civilized. Had their views prevailed during the previous centuries Europe would look […]
Mark Richardson has chimed in on the Auster/MR debate: So I doubt there is much that you could say, do or write in defence of […]
At VDARE, Ilana Mercer, a Jew, appeals to paleocon readers to support Israel. At Takimag, Paul Gottfried, also a Jew, stands with Israel. Larry Auster, a […]
Ian Jobling continues to believe that a “mature pro-white movement” should be slavishly devoted to promoting Jewish interests. Meanwhile, radical Jews continue to scream about “white […]
Massive updates have been posted to the Jim Crow section of the American Racial History Timeline.
The 1850s, Civil War, and Reconstruction sections of the American Racial History Timeline have been completely overhauled in a new page. Check it out.
The 1960s and 1970s sections of the American Racial History Timeline has been updated with dozens of new entries.
At Takimag, a debate about race and culturalism, including a fabulous claim that Thomas Jefferson was an anti-racist environmentalist.
A response to a commentator at Mangan’s Miscellany. “So the relevant question is how society got to that point.” The principle of non-discrimination, which shouldn’t […]
At View from the Right, Lawrence Auster disputes Steve Sailer’s theory that white racial suicide is driven primarily by status competition. Instead, Auster argues that […]
Why are whites so degenerate? Why have they imposed race suicide upon themselves? Here. – Having followed the WN scene for about eight years now, […]
Robert Lindsay sets up a straw man of omnipotent Jewish power at his blog in order to poke some fun at the anti-Semites. A better […]
Nebraska banned affirmative action. The vote in Colorado on AA is too close to call. Arizona, California and Florida voted to ban gay marriage. Missouri overwhelmingly passed […]
Yet we are going to hear ALL DAY LONG, on every channel, in every newspaper, in every magazine, on the radio, and so on, how Obama […]
I can’t stomach voting for Obama out of disgust with McCain, so I will vote for either Chuck Baldwin or Ralph Nader, whoever is on […]
Following up on the previous post. The United States was founded as a “white man’s country.” Outside of New England, Americans didn’t believe in the […]
By 1855, only five states in the Union had not restricted the voting rights of free negroes: Maine, Massachusetts, Vermont, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire. […]
James Madison’s war message which was used to justify the War of 1812 included the following paragraph about the “Native Americans”: … except for one […]
At Firezone, a discussion of the origins of American anti-racism.
Lots of new entries from the Early National Period have been posted to the American Racial History Timeline. The older version is online at Firezone.
The new/old forum is located here. Check it out.
I was going to write about this yesterday. Auster beat me to it. I have nothing to say aside from not being surprised in the […]
The Occidental Dissent forum has been restored. All the old posts and accounts are still there. I’m especially pleased to see that the original American […]
Kunstler on his social vision: The sclerosis of American life is shocking. If you go further north up the Hudson River, to Fort Edward and […]
Free black males lost the right to vote in Connecticut and Rhode Island in 1818 and 1822 respectively. They got it back around the time […]
A strong background in American history is the most thorough antidote that I know of to much of the nonsense that prevails in the mainstream. […]
I have restarted the American Racial History Timeline. Feel free to add contributions.
As part of the Monroe Doctrine, the United States pledged not to intervene in European wars or “internal concerns.” I had forgotten that.
Another excerpt from Howe’s What Hath God Wrought: But in his enthusiasm for American institutions, the incoming president got carried away. “And if we look to […]
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