Southern History Series: The Ancient Idiot
The modern cuckservative is the “idiot” of Antiquity
The modern cuckservative is the “idiot” of Antiquity
Iran has to be stopped
Charlie Kirk is doing an amazing, incredible job! There has never been a movement like this, folks!
Millions will be deported, folks. Believe me!
The Comanches were once the terror of the American West
Yes, you can still eat spaghetti on a low-carb or Keto diet
The conservative case for Third World immigraiton
Folks, they have to come in LEGALLY
We’re building the wall, folks. Believe me!
An interview with George Rable author of “Damn Yankees!: Demonization and Defiance in the Confederate South”
A look at how slavery ended here at home
A look at the Carolina aristocracy on the eve of the American Revolution
A juicy steak, succulent shrimp and a side of asparagus is one of the best low-carb or Keto combinations
J.D. Vance boasts about putting the cuck in cuckservative
The GOP is stoking and exploiting White grievances to cynically advance their own agenda
The Squad owes Israel an apology
What did the Southern Founders think about race?
Sauerkraut and Kielbasa is a simple and easy to prepare low-carb or Keto option
Josh Hawley is a deer in the headlights
Meanwhile, Julian Assange, Tommy Robinson and RAM rot in prison while Blompf does nothing
What was slavery like in West Alabama?
Italian Sausages, Peppers & Onions are a quick and easy to prepare low-carb or Keto option
Conservatives are trying to hijack the nationalist brand now in order to keep it “pro-Israel”
Folks, A$AP Rocky is a good boy. He dindu nuffin!
The sentences range from 2 years to 3 years in prison
North Carolina was the middle class Southern colony
A look at the Tidewater aristocracy on the eve of the American Revolution
You can still eat pretty much anything on a low-carb or Keto diet including a cheesy pizza
Folks, I wasn’t being serious, ok? I was just jerking you around like with Hillary. I’m an entertainer!
Trump DOJ prosecutors want to add a “hate crime motivation enhancement” in the RAM case
History shows that True Conservatism is a total and complete failure that swims only to the Left
The South as it was in 1763 as it entered the American Revolution
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