NOW – Speaker of the U.S. House Kevin McCarthy announces a formal impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden. pic.twitter.com/SfuKltLnpM
— Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) September 12, 2023
Republicans must unite around the Impeachment Inquiry into Joe Biden.
— Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene?? (@RepMTG) September 12, 2023
The American people deserve to know the truth about his decades of corruption.
No matter how long it takes, accountability will be delivered to Joe Biden and the people in our government who covered up his… pic.twitter.com/xnkWD2QiTH
Nancy Pelosi set a new precedent when she targeted President Trump.
— Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene?? (@RepMTG) September 12, 2023
Today, @SpeakerMcCarthy opened an Impeachment Inquiry into Joe Biden.
Now, our House committees will go to work using new tools to expose the crimes of the Biden family and investigate every person who helped… pic.twitter.com/UP5nEI6MXO
To recap:
1. We have Donald Trump running for president while facing nearly 1,000 years in prison on 91 felony charges and counting. Trump’s lawyers have been indicted with him. Trump was recently arrested for the fourth time this year.
2. The governor of New Mexico recently announced that she had the authority to suspend the Second Amendment.
3. There is currently an effort underway in Colorado and other states to use the Fourteenth Amendment to disqualify Trump from running for president and to remove his name from the ballot.
4. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene called for secession of Red states from the Union on 9/11.
5. The Fulton County grand jury in the Trump case in Georgia recommended charging Sen. Lindsey Graham.
6. Mike Huckabee announced the formation of Huckwaffen.
7. The Los Angeles City Council recently announced a criminal probe into the actions of Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas.
8. In the New York Times, you can read about the case for not having elections. In The Atlantic, you can read about how prosecuting Trump is chemotherapy for democracy and something we should all be celebrating.
9. The FBI is gunning down old men in their homes in predawn raids.
Hold on,
I got another one.
Let’s impeach the president again.
Why not? These people impeached Donald Trump twice.
This will be third impeachment of the second consecutive president in five years.
Where is this going? Obviously, it is escalating toward a very dark place. I will leave it at that.
Interesting time for your country Brad!
Ukraine needs long range missiles armed with clusters bombs.
Haven’t you noticed every time Ukraine needs some advanced weapon system, the screws get put to Joe and he complies as if by magic.
Expect Ukraine to get long range missiles to bomb Crimea with and expect Joe’s impeachment investigation to go nowhere.
Joe, Ukraine needs tactical nukes is just around the corner.
Yep, sounds kinda like blackmail.
What tribe is notorious for blackmail…..?
MTG has more balls than the rest of the Republicans combined. The rest of the Republicans, with a few exceptions like Matt Gaetz (R. Florida) look and act like they have already had that hormone treatment and surgery the Satanists are trying to administer to boys in public schools.
MTG’s description of NYC when she visited was hilarious and spot on, too:
The Left went berserk over MTG’s description of NYC, they hate the truth.
“MTG has more balls than the rest of the Republicans combined. The rest of the Republicans, with a few exceptions like Matt Gaetz (R. Florida) look and act like they have already had that hormone treatment and surgery the Satanists are trying to administer to boys in public schools. ”
And you, Sir, have spoken the unvarnished truth.
Miss Marjorie is the Nathan Bedford Forrest of our day, or, at leas,t on the political scene.
What you may not see, way up yonder, is how loved she is by us Common Southron Folk.
Gaetz is great, too.
Snore, the fed’s a cancer and I hope they look more illegitimate. Have no money for non citizens (citizenship has been rendered meaningless) but have endless funds for the war in eurasia.
I was never an enthusiastic supporter of President Nixon.
One thing I will say : he was, in the Summer of ’74, on the verge of being impeached for violations miniscule compared to what the last 3 men have committed, who have succeeded to the chair he once occupied in The Oval Office.
President Nixon was a mere choir boy, when compared to President Biden, the latter, I must scratch my head, the only one to compete with LBJ, when it comes to extra-legal dealings, in the stories history of The White House.
That it has taken 2 1/2 years to begin this process, when Miss Marjorie Taylor Greene correctly filed impeachment charges in January 2021, is only verifaction of the ridiculousness of this current ‘2 party system’.
Former Green Party presidential candidate, Ralph Nader, was 100% correct, when he called the two parties, that comprise this system, ‘Two heads of the same Uniparty’.
Alabama Governor George Wallace said, “There ain’t a dime’s worth of difference between the Democrats and the Republican parties.”
Yes, I surely do remember that.
Do you recall erstwhile Louisiana Governor Huey Long’s ‘Hi-papalorum?’
Apparently a century has gone by and nothing has changed.
That’; right – I never knew the legislative gavel was out of Persimmon Wood – the very material they used to make good golf drivers out of, back when even tennis rackets were still of Ash, Maple, and Hickory.
Wood – what a fantastic material.
I just cannot imagine the story of Mankind without it..
And the band played on……
Red team engages in theatrics, but the mood of the country is shifting in our favor.
“In the New York Times, you can read about the case for not having elections.”
Where can I read about the Conservative case for not having elections?
Which one will McFag impeach? The one with the big lobes, or one of the other two? Hope he is not aiming at the original. He hasn’t been around in a while.
Or they could just impeach Jill, there is only one of that. Or even better, impeach Hunter. Not Brad, the Biden son. Send it on over to the other side and let McStroke decide which one to remove.