Cuckservatives: Who Are Trump’s Supporters?
A bunch of racists and xenophobes
A bunch of racists and xenophobes
Hitler week continues
Trump is Hitler season begins
Freedom isn’t free
Donald Trump’s free trade heresy
A mighty pine is falling in the mainstream forest
The Donald bodyslams Vince McMahon …. and the GOP establishment
Glenn Beck planning to bring his koolaid to Birmingham
Glenn Beck’s puppet poses as a bold truth teller
¡Jeb! hailed as “the most conservative governor”
Talks about breasts, penises with Howard Stern
Cuckservatism, Inc. declares war on The Donald
The cuckservative id reacts to Donald Trump
Progressives call the debate for Kasich
The Donald steals the show
Arch-cuckservative comes unhinged over Donald Trump
“We speak Spanish at home. We eat Mexican food at home. Our children are Hispanic.”
¡Jeb! 2016 is ready to make some “tough calls”
From outsider to cuckservative, Rand Paul is fading fast …
¡Jeb! 2016 goes on Telemundo to advocate amnesty in Spanish
Cuckservative goes viral on Twitter
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