David Duke: Will the White Race Survive?
David Duke has a new YouTube video. It is deserving of a wider audience.
David Duke has a new YouTube video. It is deserving of a wider audience.
Via CofCC: The South Carolina CofCC encourages you to attend a Confederate Flag Rally & Let Us Vote Demonstration at the statehouse in Columbia, SC […]
Dr. Tomislav Sunic discusses cultural hegemony. Be sure to read his excellent book, Homo Americanus: Child of the Postmodern Age.
Last week, I outlined a vision for developing an activist community online which borrows heavily from the successful processes found in the open source software development […]
Why are White Nationalists losing? Why do our enemies seem omnipotent and unstoppable? Why have we failed to break into the political mainstream? There is […]
I’m going to jump onto the dogpile and offer my own thoughts on the likely fate of our cause. Some way we will win. Some […]
Hunter Wallace, Mike Capatano, and H. Rock White visit Appomattox where Robert E. Lee surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia and the Confederacy lost its […]
OD showed up in Freedom Plaza for Jeffrey Imm’s Never Again to Hate event in Washington, D.C. We had planned to attend the last one […]
I tore something in my back yesterday while horsing around with the kids, and am on some medication for that. This post will likely feature […]
Here’s our video of Jared Taylor speaking on the subject of diversity at the 2010 CofCC National Conference. If you turn your volume all the […]
It’s hard for men of my generation to fathom life without the Internet. Sure, I can survive for extended periods of time without checking my […]
OD now reaches around 30,000 unique visitors a month. Last month, Occidental Observer had 90,000 unique visitors and TOQ Online reached 18,000. At a minimum, […]
Hunter Wallace, Mike Capatano, and Pip Pockets discuss the CofCC 2010 National Conference which was recently held in Nashville, Tennessee. Hunter explains why he joined […]
My town might close its public library. A lot of stuff is shutting down around here. The derelict mills stand as memorials to a murdered […]
The strongest argument for Nordic racial and cultural preservation: It is the Second Go Blonde Parade in Riga, Latvia:
A heads up from James Edwards: Our 2010 CofCC National Conference is Friday and Saturday June 4th and 5th. The conference is sponsored by our […]
In a nutshell, this is why I support secession from the United States and the creation of a White ethnostate in the Southeast: every ethnic […]
Ian Jobling shut down his website White America yesterday. This brings to a close a three year attempt by Jobling to create a more full […]
Hunter Wallace investigates what A Day Without Mexicans is really like: any other ordinary day in Virginia. Hunter Wallace dines at a Mexican restaurant on […]
About a month ago, it has been reported that a Sheriff Deputy, Daniel McCool decided to start a Caucasian Law Enforcement Association in Harris County, […]
The progressive Obama uber-alles brigades on Digg and at sites like FreakOut Nation are starting to get nervous. They are surveiling Occidental Dissent and Majority […]
Our fellow citizens? As the young gentleman in the video says, “it is all about Mexico.” Some good White men in California disagree. We say […]
Myths play a critical role in establishing patterns of thought which, if ingrained during the impressionable childhood years, play a decisive role in determining adult […]
Nowhere is the reality of our dispossession and decline more stark than in America’s hospitals. As I walked toward the ER tonight, a numerous and […]
Dissatisfied. In a word, that is my reaction to Andrew Fraser’s contribution to the Jared Taylor vs. Pat Buchanan debate over the implicit whiteness of […]
Join the first ever OD moonbat shoot! Invite your friends! Angela Motorman has another thread about White Nationalism on Reddit Politics. This time around she […]
Jared Taylor has a response to Pat Buchanan’s recent article about how the Tea Party movement is an example of an emerging form of White […]
It’s conventional wisdom among the wonks that the 2010 election will be a tough one for the Democrats. The historical pattern holds that the midterm […]
Almost every corner of the political spectrum has attempted to justify its views by invoking the theory of natural rights at some point. By “natural”, […]
OD returns with boots on the ground … I spent the afternoon with H. Rock White and Pip Pockets on a scouting mission deep into […]
Huzzah! The Governor of Arizona has finally signed the toughest anti-illegal immigration law in the United States. Barack Hussein Obama, the President of Blue America, […]
A sign of things to come? Yesterday, on the anniversary of the Battles of Lexington and Concord which ignited the American Revolution, two pro-gun groups […]
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