Jews and The American Conservative
I got an email this morning from a conservative reader. The headline was “Amconmag Goes Neocon.” It appears that someone has signed me up on a […]
I got an email this morning from a conservative reader. The headline was “Amconmag Goes Neocon.” It appears that someone has signed me up on a […]
An acquaintance recently introduced me to the work of the late artist Dragos Kalajic (tribute video above), and I find it quite intriguing. Here is […]
I’m proud to have helped rally support for the American Third Position Party, striking a symbolic blow against the despicable enforcers of diversity on that […]
What does Roissy’s “game” have in common with the Af-Pak war? Both are manifestations of Mind-Weaponization. Sure the unmanned drone robot planes are using their […]
After carefully reading Michael Bell’s new article at TOQ Online, I fail to see why it has provoked so much controversy. It appears that some […]
Herpes blisters and malodorous discharges are sweeping like a pandemic through the IT departments of America. Spineless cretins who once did without or ordered themselves […]
National Geographic has written a relatively balanced and comprehensive article on the FLDS (Fundamentalist Mormon) communities throughout the American Southwest. They’re explicitly racial, have one of […]
At Takimag, Pat Buchanan points out that White voters are flocking back to the GOP, and says this explains the recent string of Republican victories in Virginia, New […]
I just caught the pilot episode of Caprica on DVD. It has been out for about a year now. The premiere is tonight at 9 […]
Before any commenters whine, “Why bother to learn technical/scientific fields?” read this: The Coming Urban Terror John Robb Found this on VDARE Phoenix seems to […]
WHAT HATH GOD WROUGHT The Transformation of America, 1815-1848 By Daniel Walker Howe Illustrated. 904 pp. Oxford University Press. $35. In the Oxford History of […]
Martha Coakley sounds like a very pampered rich limousine liberal warmly nestled in a bed of taxpayer money. I have met Boston politicians and Democrat […]
Scott Brown (R) has defeated Martha Coakley (D) to win Ted Kennedy’s old seat. This means the Democrats have lost their filibuster proof majority in the […]
I was looking at Hunter’s post about David Frum, and noticed this very interesting Frum quote: So if Jews do “hate” Palin, this may be […]
In the Daily Mail, a lynch mob beats a looter to death (see here and here) and drags his body through the streets of Port-au-Prince. More […]
I had assumed Wikitopian was going to post about this. It was his idea. Anyway, I celebrated Martin Luther King day by writing a check […]
Crypto-Aryan raised an interesting question about what our goal should be in terms of birth rates: How many children is optimal for whites, if you […]
Kunstler January 15, 2010 This guy doesn’t get me at all. I’m not against white people… I’m just against white people who are against other […]
In any competition, it is crucial to accurately analyze both yourself and your competition. If they have strengths, we must identify and study them. If […]
In The New York Times, David Brooks points out some obvious truths about the Haitian earthquake. A 7.0 earthquake struck the Bay Area in California […]
I don’t know if Traficant knows the term and definition of Taqiyah, but this is a beautiful example of it, fast forward to 8 minutes […]
EMPIRE OF LIBERTY A History of the Early Republic, 1789-1815 By Gordon S. Wood Illustrated. 778 pp. Oxford University Press. $35. I have always enjoyed […]
The U.S. didn’t extend diplomatic recognition to Haiti until 1862. The memory of the extermination of the White population by the negro rebels lingered on […]
In which a friend forwards me the further correspondence continuing the discussion posted by me earlier…. It’s funny you should mention Ctl-Alt-Del in that message, […]
The most famous Jew in Texas is possibly gubernatorial candidate Richard “Kinky” Friedman. He was born in Chicago but eventually moved south and became a […]
I like to say that people don’t care who the Bosses are, so long as the Bosses are managing the store correctly. But Gross Mismanagement […]
We all know it’s unhealthy for children to be watching television. It’s already a cliche. Why am I writing such a Captain Obvious post? Because […]
I just finished watching the remake of Battlestar Galactica which aired on the Sci-Fi Channel from 2004 to 2009. In hindsight, it is easily the most impressive series […]
In the same vein as the Holocaust religion, and in fairness, we should also object to the Republican Party’s sneaky conversion to Satanism. Satanism? Not […]
Some commenters have said that going after the federally mandated Holocaust curriculum “is not worth fighting.” No? The Jews themselves have been very active in […]
In this YouTube video, Pat Robertson claims that Haitians made a pact with the devil to win their independence and that the island has been cursed ever […]
The Haiti earthquake is the racial story of the moment. Let me go ahead and put this out there. I know we are all thinking […]
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