Squanto and the Pilgrims
Ever hear the old multicult chestnut about Squanto teaching the hapless Pilgrims how to grow corn by using fish as fertilizer? He picked up the […]
Ever hear the old multicult chestnut about Squanto teaching the hapless Pilgrims how to grow corn by using fish as fertilizer? He picked up the […]
At Racism Review, MSU sociologist Matthew Hughey has demolished the multiculturalist myth of Thanksgiving. He urges us to replace the American holiday with “fasting and/or […]
Leonard Zeskind, our professional monitor, was recently in the DC area and gave a talk about White Nationalism to a local anti-racist group. A few […]
I have long wondered why the Fire Eaters have attracted such little attention from American White Nationalists. For those unfamilar with the term, the Fire Eaters […]
From 1933 to 1939, Winston Churchill spent the better part of his ‘Wilderness Years’ (when he was out of power) creating an intense polarization between the […]
At Takimag, Canadian paleocon Grant Havers chides Adolf Hitler for misunderstanding Britain and condemns the Third Reich as “an untrustworthy and murderous regime.” In a […]
In preparation for the debate over British liberalism, I have been reading a number of sources about pre-war Britain and the road to war. I’m working […]
At VDARE, Pat Buchanan asks the shrieking anti-Natzees a few tough questions, which they will undoubtedly ignore. It was Great Britain that transformed a local […]
Michael O’Meara has a new entry in his debate with GuessedWorker over myth and empiricism. He continues to stress that we are in a new […]
Since 2006, when I launched the first version of Occidental Dissent, I have said repeatedly that this website would be focused on North America. With […]
At Majority Rights, I am arguing with Dan Dare over whether or not Winston Churchill was an asset or liability to the West. My position […]
At Majority Rights, Desmond Jones has argued that “There was no broad transformation of racial attitudes post WWII.” My response: Reviewing trend data on whites’ […]
GuessedWorker has responded to Myth and Self-Interest. In his latest entry, he reiterates his argument that mythization was not employed in the conquest, acquisition and […]
The latest exchange can be found at VDARE. As I stated in the previous thread, I incline towards the view that the Northern Anglo-Protestant elite committed […]
A Google search for “White Nationalism” this morning drew my attention to this post by Conservative Swede. It leads to a nexus of discussion at […]
Homicide or Suicide? In the Occidental Observer, Kevin MacDonald engages Eric P. Kaufmann’s The Rise and Fall of Anglo-America, which is easily the second most […]
At VDARE, Pat Buchanan is pointing out an inconvenient truth, one which flew completely over the head of Rachel Maddow: in 45 years, the Democratic Party hasn’t […]
In the New York Times, Maureen Dowd ridicules GOP resistance to Sonia Sotomayor’s nomination as “a gaggle of white Republican men afraid of extinction.” She […]
In the Sans Jews and Capitalism and White Racial Decline threads, I stirred the pot here by arguing that other powerful factors (aside from Jewish […]
Here’s a little news item I seem to have missed. Back in May, James Loewen and Edward Sebesta launched a campaign to convince President Barack […]
At VFR, Auster writes: I myself believe in race-neutrality as a rule for society, but only in the area of government’s relations with citizens, and […]
Lawrence Auster, who calls himself a “traditional conservative,” praises Lincoln’s “revolutionary” war against the South. A few days ago, he was describing the North’s effort […]
At Free Media Productions, Iceman makes a few controversial points about American racialists. Here is my response: 1.) Jews did play a major role in […]
At Mangan’s Miscellany, “Bemused Observer” asks: I still haven’t been able to discern what “tradition” Mr. Auster is intent on preserving. Isn’t he a supporter […]
At VFR, Auster and Mencius Moldbug are sparring over the so-called “Civil War.” Moldbug correctly points out that Auster typically takes the leftist side in […]
At VFR, Lawrence Auster opines that WASP timidity, an unwillingness to “make a fuss” about things, was responsible for the Immigration Act of 1965. He […]
Massive updates have been posted to the Jim Crow section of the American Racial History Timeline.
Following up on the previous post. The United States was founded as a “white man’s country.” Outside of New England, Americans didn’t believe in the […]
By 1855, only five states in the Union had not restricted the voting rights of free negroes: Maine, Massachusetts, Vermont, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire. […]
James Madison’s war message which was used to justify the War of 1812 included the following paragraph about the “Native Americans”: … except for one […]
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