Kentucky First
Kentucky The news broke this evening that the Kentucky Senate has approved an Arizona-style immigration law. The bill was rammed through the Republican controlled State […]
Kentucky The news broke this evening that the Kentucky Senate has approved an Arizona-style immigration law. The bill was rammed through the Republican controlled State […]
Battleground America I can’t take a day off from the immigration wars without something important happening. The state legislatures are gradually coming back into session […]
Battleground America The long anticipated immigration wars of 2011 have officially begun with multiple fronts opening up across America. The old saying that “elections have […]
District of Corruption Last August, I wrote a post called Birthright Citizenship: Moving the Goalposts. I drew attention to the fact that Senator Lindsey Graham, […]
California California presents some of the most challenging political terrain facing White Advocates anywhere in America. The Golden State has been overrun by SWPLs and […]
Alabama 2010 was the year that I came full circle in my political views. I completed my orbit through White Nationalism and ended up back […]
Kansas Deep in the heart of the “Real America,” the peasants are sharpening their pitchforks and preparing to storm the pearly white gates of the […]
Pennsylvania I want to share some good news with my friends in Pennsylvania. It comes from our enemies at the National Immigration Forum:
Mississippi Mississippi was the first state that I looked at in my state by state analysis of the immigration wars. That was before the midterm […]
District of Corruption Merry Christmas, everyone. Now back to your seats. It might be Christmas but that is no excuse for slacking and giving our enemies […]
New York Over the course of the past year, I have developed an intense dislike of “progressives.” Barack Obama and the Democrats are so awful […]
District of Corruption President Hussein huddled with Luis Gutierrez and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus yesterday afternoon to map out their response to the defeat of the […]
District of Corruption Snarlin’ Arlen makes his “closing argument” against “the jury of my colleagues.” Savor this beautiful moment. It is the last time Arlen […]
Arizona We have killed the DREAM Act for at least two years. The enemy pushed the DREAM Act amnesty through the House and secured 55 […]
Indiana Roy Beck recently noted that we have spent a solid decade playing perfect defense on immigration. Now it is time to go on offense. […]
Illinois I’ve been eagerly awaiting the reaction of Imagine2050 to the “ass whoopin” inflicted by NumbersUSA on the DREAM Act in the Senate for the […]
District of Corruption The final victory over the DREAM Act on the Senate floor in Washington yesterday was an important milestone in carving out a […]
District of Corruption The vote on the DREAM Act is coming up at 9:30 AM CST. It should take place in less than 30 minutes. […]
District of Corruption The final vote on the DREAM Act amnesty … is Saturday morning. Harry Reid filed the motion for cloture this evening. The […]
California Over at National Review, the neocon Victor Davis Hanson has been spending some time surveying the damage that illegal immigration has done to California, […]
South Carolina South Carolina happens to be one of my favorite states. I’ve traveled there several times this year. It is hard not to like […]
Georgia Last month, I wrote a post analyzing the outcome of the 2010 midterm elections in Georgia, and the implications it would have for the […]
District of Corruption The Michael Steele era as RNC Chairman will soon come to an end. Steele is expected to announce today he is dropping […]
District of Corruption The fight against the DREAM Act amnesty not only proved that the American political process is not as broken as White Nationalists once […]
The Vanguard It is time to call out the vanguard. In 1971, William Pierce wrote an infamous article in Attack! called Why Conservatives Can’t Win. […]
District of Corruption It seems Luis Gutiérrez is flirting with the idea of making life easier for White Nationalists. He is so emotionally invested in […]
Colorado The defeat of Tom Tancredo in the Colorado Governor race was the bitterest pill to swallow of the midterm elections. The loss of Tea […]
The Vanguard The term “lemmings” has long been a popular term of abuse for ordinary people among alienated vanguardists. It has been frequently used to […]
District of Corruption The Democrats are taking another shot at the “DREAM Act” amnesty in the House and Senate. The bill is unlikely to pass […]
Idaho I feel like staying out West this morning. Lest I be accused of hostility toward the Northwest Migration, I want to take a look […]
Vermont Vermont has long been a plague on the Republic. I have never traveled to this Northern state. I see no reason to go there. […]
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