Kill-adelphia: Pennsylvania’s “Holy Experiment”
Pennsylvania The Black Undertow in Philadelphia has pushed aside its closest competitors in Chicago and Dallas to lay claim to the annual prize of being […]
Pennsylvania The Black Undertow in Philadelphia has pushed aside its closest competitors in Chicago and Dallas to lay claim to the annual prize of being […]
Congo Feast your eyes on this: a photo gallery of an entire civilization destroyed by the Black Undertow and transformed by freedom, equality, and democracy […]
Arizona Brooks D. Simpson, a professional Ulysses S. Grant apologist and Kevin Levin doppelganger, is predictably horrified that White Southerners don’t want to be Yankees. […]
Dixie BRA’s dwarf Robert Reich has a new article in the Chicago Tribune (a Radical newspaper in the 1860s) which takes a swipe at White […]
New York The recent attacks on Ron Paul for being a “racist” and an anti-Semite have been so vicious that I have begun to reconsider […]
Minnesota African-Americans in Minnesota react to a rumor that Lil’ Wayne and Drake are somewhere in the Mall of America. This could be a teaser […]
Dixie Elizabeth R. Varon’s Disunion! The Coming of the American Civil War, 1789-1859 is a history of the concept of disunion in the Early Republic […]
California In the new movie “Bad Ass,” Epic Beard Man is a Hispanic who beats up a pair of White skinheads on a public bus […]
South Carolina “Let it be that I am a Traitor. The word has no terrors for me…I have been born of traitors, but, thank God, […]
Louisiana H/T CofCC In the 146th year of free society, a Louisiana state representative is calling for the National Guard to be deployed in New […]
South Carolina U.S. District Court Judge Richard Gergel has blocked South Carolina’s immigration law. This was entirely expected. Gergel was appointed by Barack Hussein Obama. […]
Virginia Kevin Levin has written an article at The Atlantic about whether or not the Confederate statues on Monument Avenue in Richmond deserve to be […]
California Victor Davis Hanson reports from the frontlines of barbarism in Mexifornia. This is the dystopian world where the American ideals of freedom, equality, and […]
Virginia James Harrigan, an economics professor at the University of Virginia, had the following to say on Kevin Levin’s website Civil War Memory this morning. […]
New York It doesn’t get worse than this: “By the time Deloris Gillespie saw him, waiting on the other side of an elevator door, it […]
Illinois “This Government was made by our fathers on the white basis . . . made by white men for the benefit of white men […]
Missouri In St. Louis, African-Americans are 49.2 percent of the population, but are responsible for 92 percent of homicide, 78 percent of rape, 93 percent […]
Ohio I’ve been following this story for several days now. Jamie Hein, a White landlord from Cincinnati, Ohio, had the audacity to hang a Jim […]
Michigan The New York Times has an 11 page article on the “emergency manager” of Benton Harbor, Michigan, previously home of FDR’s “arsenal of democracy,” […]
Virginia “Occupy Charlottesville,” or some lowlife criminal who sympathizes with their agenda, has vandalized the Robert E. Lee statute in Lee Park with the graffiti […]
BRA Barack Hussein Obama is tanking with White voters. The latest Heartland Monitor poll illustrates in vivid detail the ongoing racialization of American politics. Every […]
Yankeeland In his book Reconstruction, Eric Foner observes that the Radical Republicans were ethnic Yankees, descendants of New England settlers in the Deep North: “With […]
Michigan In Michigan, African-Americans are 14.2 percent of the population, but are responsible for 63 percent of homicide, 30 percent of rape, 70 percent of […]
Michigan In “Thunder Rolls Into ABRA Detroit” and “E Tu Detroit,” we saw that the financial collapse of Detroit is imminent and the takeover of […]
District of Corruption In his Third Annual Message to Congress on December 3, 1867, President Andrew Johnson denounced the creation of BRA by the Radical […]
Barbados While reading Eric Foner’s book Reconstruction, I came across something that will interest old veterans of forum debates about the theory of racial equality. […]
Congo Here’s a brief response to Ta-Nehisi Coates’s accusation that White Southerners are rapists. This is what the Democratic Republic of Congo is like in […]
South Carolina Here is Gov. Daniel Chamberlain, the carpetbagger from Massachusetts, describing the overthrow of BRA in South Carolina by General Wade Hampton III in […]
Arizona The news broke this evening: the U.S. Supreme Court is taking Arizona’s appeal over SB 1070. Elena Kagan will recuse herself from the case. […]
Dixie It seems that Southern Baptists are rejecting the watered down, degenerate, and liberal milquetoast version of Christianity that they have been force fed in […]
South Carolina In his exchange of comments with Palmetto Patriot, Kevin Levin claims that a commentator from The Atlantic has “just as much a claim […]
Yankeedom Kevin Levin has asked a rhetorical question: How Does Confederate History Mesh With Black History? That question is easy enough to answer. There were […]
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