UNCC Mass Shooting
There has been another mass shooting at UNC Charlotte
There has been another mass shooting at UNC Charlotte
Business Insider hosts a town hall with Andrew Yang
Andrew Yang takes on mainstream conservatism on FOX News
Why did John Wilkes Booth assassinate President Abraham Lincoln in 1865?
In the aftermath of the War Between the States, ex-Confederate soldiers were forced to “swallow the dog”
Mainstream conservatism is a scam that is owned lock, stock and barrel by Jewish donors who finance the Republican Party
A book review of The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture: Agriculture & Industry
Over half of Americans believe the politicians are corrupt, don’t care what the people think and nothing changes after elections. The “mainstream” is fake
It is called “the final phase of Operation Freedom.” I kid you not
A Virginia judge has ruled the Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson monuments in Charlottesville are protected as war memorials by state law
A book review of Michael Lind’s Land of Promise: An Economic History of the United States
Rod Rosenstein is being shuffled out of DOJ to be replaced by Jeffrey Rosen
As we expected, it has backfired with younger voters, populist voters and moderate voters
National Review simply ignores the cause of these mass shootings because it can’t handle the truth
#YangGang rallies in Des Moines
Automation has been a constant in American history
A book review of C. Vann Woodward’s Origins of the New South, 1877-1913
Want to save the White race? Don’t throw away your life. Start a family
The people he surrounds himself with are the definitive proof that Blompf has utterly no clue what he is doing
The Democrats haven’t condemned anti-Semitism this week because they hate the Jews and want to destroy Israel
Who dies tonight in the Battle of Winterfell?
Violence is a stupid tactic
In the Backcountry, the meaning of liberty was symbolized by the rattlesnake. It meant leave me alone
A book review of Richard B. Drake’s A History of Appalachia
In the antebellum era, Appalachia had an economy on par with the rest of the South, but after the War Between the States it was ruthlessly exploited by Northern capitalists
The gig economy is skewing employment statistics because all jobs are not created equal
There has been another synagogue shooting in California complete with the usual manifesto
Tucker Carlson is open to endorsing any candidate thst deeply thinks about automation
The anarchists are finally beginning to catch up with reality
A recent study predicts automation will eliminate 73 million jobs by 2030
It is springtime in Dixie which means it is time to wake up and smell the azaleas
You’re thriving under Trump. Life has never been better
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