American History Series: Charles G. Finney, William Lloyd Garrison and Northern Perfectionism
Why is the Northeast so weird? An introduction to The Yankee Question in American culture and politics
Why is the Northeast so weird? An introduction to The Yankee Question in American culture and politics
A book review of Gordon S. Wood’s Empire of Liberty: A History of the Early Republic, 1789-1815
Abraham Lincoln is the true oracle of the meaning of the principles of the Declaration of Independence, not the words and actions of the Founders
Blompf celebrated Independence Day with a big military parade and a speech at the Lincoln Memorial
Matt Walsh is fire eating on Independence Day
As bad as things are today, the Lincoln administration still holds the record
Is the American Founding salvageable? Partially.
In order to defend Americanism, you have to be rooted in an American tradition
American Nationalists attempt to infiltrate conservatism
Paul Ryan wants to get back to classical liberalism
The slippery slope of the American Revolution
White America is dying out
Benjamin Garland misrepresents the history of the Northern states
Civic Nationalism inevitably results in cultural degeneration
American Nationalism is civic nationalism
The definitive take on American Nationalism
In the beginning, there were cucks
3 percent of American teenagers suffer from gender dysphoria
‘I Didn’t Agree to Your Cis F—ing World’
We have nothing in common with these people
We’re da futah
Jews officially acknowledge they stole America
Rebels without a cause are marching again
Liberalism failed because it succeeded
This is what democracy looks like
Patrick Deneen’s interesting new book
No, we’re not coming back to the GOP
Why it is easier to reclaim the Confederate Battle Flag
Should we embrace Americanism?
E pluribus unum? No thanks
American identity has decomposed
“I meant exactly what I said”
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