Cuckservatives: Civil Rights Republicanism
Charlie Brown cuckservatives chase the black vote
Charlie Brown cuckservatives chase the black vote
J.J. Abrams ruins Star Wars with anti-White agenda
Say only “Black Lives Matter”
Rabbi: Jews are not White, only Jewish
The Atlantic debates pros and cons of colorblindness
Yet another anti-Confederate hate crime in Washington State
Anti-white mob gets violent in DC
Whites aren’t safe anywhere in America
Virginia shooter acts out Charleston revenge fantasy
Disgruntled negro shoots and kills two co-workers on live television over racial slights
The second coming of Rachel Dolezal
The Southern belle is racist and has to go
If the races were reversed, there would be a national uproar
Apparently, he doesn’t like the US flag either
The folly of refugee resettlement meets anti-Southern hate
Vandalized monument sums up the zeitgeist
Black writer John McWhorter dissects America’s national faith
It’s a statement of love
Arkansas man shot in Indiana in dispute over Confederate Battle Flag
Nothing shows your opposition to “bigotry” like desecrating graves
As tensions escalate, Malik Shabazz announces plan to “finish off” the slave masters
If the races were reversed, the media would be calling it a “hate crime”
If the races were reversed, it would be labeled a “hate crime”
Are we witnessing the American Kristallnacht?
America’s national parks are hideously White
Is it offensive?
Every suburb should have its own taste of the black ghetto
Homosexual illegal alien from Philippines who won Pulitzer Prize investigates “white privilege” in America
Here’s the most recent act of vandalism on one of our monuments in Augusta, GA: Is this a hate crime? Imagine for a moment that […]
In Birmingham, AL, the assault on this 110 year old historic monument has begun by the black majority government: Also in Linn Park, there is another […]
Here in the South, there are so many Confederate monuments being vandalized with “Black Lives Matter” slogans that I can’t even keep track of them […]
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